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Read books online » Romance » Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author KATHLEEN HAYAT

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Chapter 43


Alex was gone to his office for some important meeting. There relationship was getting better along with her feelings. He would let her visit Muskan and won't insult her anymore. It was like he's giving their relationship a chance.

Once he saw her praying and instead of lashing out like he did last time, he just silently sat on her bed and observed her praying to her lord in peace.

Alizey was putting all her efforts in making their marriage work. She has pondered day and night on this matter and has come with simple answer, she has to try.

She knew in what situation they got married, how can she forget that day when her red dress matched with the scarlet of men's on the floor.

That inevitable day 19 December was still written clearly in her mind and not to forget the tattoo that her husband imprinted on her wrist, making it clear for her to never forget that day when her fate was sealed.

Before all of this, when she was a simple student who was living her life happily, she considered herself- no scratch that her friends and family used to call her crybaby because she was an extremely emotional person, who used to cry on iron man's death for days.

And yet here she's sitting, with an emotional whirlwind going inside her soul making her havoc but from outside she's at peace.

Now she knows how to control her tears, she's still working on it, but nonetheless she has gotten the troll of it.

With the situation going on, she's now well aware of her feelings.

Wallah! She's falling in love with her beast.

For a normal person it's absurd. How can she love the one who tormented her, abused her, inked her, flogged her.

She used to think the same, she used to despise him. But everything changed slowly and gradually when he lowered his tough exterior, she saw how different he is.

She thought maybe these feelings are due to bond they are tied in, but then again it's not enough.

But maybe, maybe it's due to the fact, he's changing. His accusing eyes which always made her inside churn in fear are not accusatory anymore, they are soft with several emotions swarming in them like they wanted to tell her the secret locked down in the deep waves of ocean.

Maybe because he's not isolating her anymore, he's giving her, her freedom, let it be little but yet he's trying.

Maybe, because his words aren't harsh towards her, the words he spoke with venom are now replaced with his soft words of love.

Maybe, because he himself is falling in love with her and yet to understand his own feelings.

Maybe, the way he used to send money to her parents for Ali's treatment behind her back was the reason.

Maybe all these reasons aren't enough but the most important for her was the way he didn't question her character anymore. Even after letting him believe that she loved Cane on the marriage day, now when he looked at her it was as if she's pure as an angel and that was the biggest thing for her.

She was always a woman of strong character for her, her dignity is the most precious and valuable thing. And now slowly she's seeing it in Alexander's eyes, her worth and her respect.

But if there are things that are making her feelings stronger than there are also things that she's pondering hard on. That are making her insides churn in fear.

He's a killer.

She's his lust.

How can she accept someone, who kills people like it's nothing unusual.

The world where he belongs is dark and dangerous. She didn't want to live her every breath in fear that something might happen to him, not after knowing that the most trusted ones are the most dangerous.

She couldn't dodge of the feeling that there are more betrayers in his world then the loyalties . What Cane is planing against Alexander is far beyond a true friend's imagination who once considered Cane his family.

What if keeping it all aside, she decided to stay with him. What then? She'll live happy but what will happen if they have children. How they'll be raised? In this mafia! His world will only mold her children to something evil. She didn't want this.

Maybe if she tried to talk him out of this. There are chances let it be small but there's still hoped that he might leave this behind.

But then again what about the second thing.

She still didn't know why he kidnapped her in the first place and kept her in the mansion, fine she'll accept it that it is for the debt but then why he tried to force her many times at the mansion.

But he stopped!

The voice spoke in her head. But what could she make of his anger when he caught her marrying Cane.

His anger was beyond the depths of fire. He was enraged that time, his eyes blazing with such menace that she felt chills remembering that sight of him.

Why was he angry that time. She still recalled when he told Cane that 'Alizey was his and Cane wasn't suppose to go after her.'

What should she make of it, he behaved as if she cheated on him, when at first place she wasn't his.

He didn't love her. It was always lust. She was his obsession which he wanted to conquer, but now when she recalled his soft eyes, she can find swarming emotions of tenderness.

She was afraid to think that he only married her in the heat of situation. Because once when he was forcing her in shower, she has cried at him to marry her and his response still make the chills go down her spine.

"As I can easily have you or I mean fuck you right now than why should I marry you?"

Was she simply his lust, a desire he wanted to achieve.

She was scared now, Allah knows she's extremely scared, she didn't want to tell him that she's in love with him. She still thinks that he'll use her love to his advantage, to fulfill his lust.

But yet again when every night he sleeps while holding her, never once he tried something.

Maybe her confession might help him realize his feelings, if there any.

It's a risk for her, which she's going to take for the sake of her own sanity.

What if she's nothing more than his lust, what if he only wanted her body. The mere thought of these pricks her heart like someone is slashing it into pieces.

She is going to tell him and everything else can be solved later. With that thought swirling in her mind, her lips spread into a breathtaking smile as her eyes sparkled with happiness., thinking of her plan.


Alex marched into the posh restaurant as he was escorted to the VIP suite by the manager.

This morning when he got the call, he was shocked for a second as millions of things swirled his mind.

It wasn't a call from anyone but from the only lord of Pakistan. Alex once worked with him against Russians and to say that man was remarkable was an understatement. He was finest of the all, with a brain like fox and a pace like leopard, he showed no mercy. He was ruthless and an extreme perfectionist in this world, he was not only dreaded in Pakistan but also across the seas, his name is enough to make the mobsters run for their lives.

He is Micheal Sheikh.

Alex was seated and it didn't take even a minute when the waiters all rushed to one side when he arrived in sleek black suit, his strides radiating power as his guards followed behind.

Alexander smirked as he stood and hugged the man who was smirking as well. "Alexander Blade." The man spoke in his deep manly voice With thick accent, his green eyes twinkling in the light. Alexander smiled back. "Michael Sheikh."

As they both parted while shaking hands. Soon they were seated. "So what's the case?" Alexander asked knowing very well that the man wasn't a talker but when he does, his words holds the weight of a mountain.

Michael smirked as he spoke. "I respect you Mr. Blade but the thing is you have something that didn't belong to you."

Alexander arched his perfect brow at him, daring him to elaborate. Michael's eyes twinkled with a wicked glint as he spoke. "Alizey Riaz."

Alexander growled inhuman like as he moved forward seething in pure rage. "How the fuck you're related to her?"

Alex couldn't understand how such a dangerous man knows about Alizey.

Michael smirked ever so slightly, his green eyes darkening. "Amir Sheikh is my younger brother." The man hissed.

Alex didn't look shocked at all as he masked his emotions skill fully. All the information slowly sinking in. "I don't want violence Blade." Michael spoke up.

Alex growled out enraged. "She's my fucking wife. Dare to take her away from me I'll rip this world apart." His eyes holding a raging storm.

The tan man stared at Alex for few seconds, observing his raging form as if collecting the actions he's giving away. "You love her." The green-eyed man stated plainly.

Alex's brows furrowed at his words that the least thing he was expecting to come out from the notorious assassin.

"You do know Blade. My brother care for your wife or I say forced to be your wife." Alex snickered at his remark. "She's like a sister to him, if you hurt her, you hurt my brother. The consequences you not need a sample of, as you're well aware of it." Micheal spoke with fierce seriousness.

As both the men stood, "Don't worry Sheikh, I don't need your threat as I'm pretty capable in taking care of my wife."

Both men shared the knowing look as they can speak through their eyes. Nodding they both left drowning in their own fate, dancing on the rhythm of destiny that is the creator and the destructor of their lives.

Alex knows how Michael works, if it wouldn't be Alizey being his wife that man would've done anything to take her away from him.

Closing his eyes he massaged his temples, right now he just wanted to see the beautiful face of his smiling at him as she opened the door.

But unfortunately that didn't happen as the main door was already ajar, making Alex frown at her carelessness.

Ready to gave her a lecture on her carelessness he slowly moved in, as he threw his tie on the sofa. He heard bit rustling from one of the guest room, it's door was also opened.

Frowning he yelled. "Alizey why all the doors are-" His words halted mid sentence.

Ire silence. Everything in that moment stilled. The sun drowned in the ocean. The stars took refuge in the night and breeze stood still not wanting to take away the memories of the moment held with in.

A mere whispered escaped his lips.


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