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Read books online » Romance » Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author KATHLEEN HAYAT

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Chapter 44




A soft calming breeze rustled the soft leaves. The early dawn was still in its nurture, dark grayish clouds remains the sight of shadow dancing across the rosy sky, like an innocent blush on the newly wedded bride's cheeks.

A calm wind was swirling around, spreading the words of a new beginning, a new dawn. Ire silence surrounds, not a single sound could be heard, as all lay between the oasis of their dreams and deserts of their nightmares, each one living their fate, swirling to the tunes of lines in their hands, for the waves had already sailed to the shore and the winds had already floated and all that remained was the result that future beholds.

As the rosy color of the dawning sky slowly moved away, the chirping and whistling of the birds can be heard, all lively and happy to the world it seemed, for all we know it isn't the tune of happiness, merely it's the tune of misery, heartache and pain lost in this universe of disbelief and fake, we settle upon the beauty of fake happiness, yet little do we know with each passing day we are dying bit by bit, our life is fading away by the tips of our fingertips against the breeze of fate.

There comes a time, a second where you see the world before you crash. It is as though your breath has been caged within the walls of your ribs and your body is numbed with fear. All you can do at that moment is withered in pain not knowing what direction life is taking you.

Yet here he stood staring at the wild large, lush green trees surrounding the vast area, writhing in pain within the depths of each passing moment.

When he thought everything seemed alright, when the sun was finally shining and the stars were almost twinkling. When the waves were reaching the shore and the lullabies of the winds were singing, just when he thought the life was taking its course, a fog of darkness consumed the sparkle of his life. Painting it with such darkest shades that the brightest of the light fades away in the darkest of the nights.

He stared ahead with dead eyes, no sparkle left in his stormy gray eyes as they filled with despair and pain, he never thought he'll be able to feel.

Three years!

Three years had passed and still there is no sign of his corazon. Life is being cruel towards him.

In all these years every second with every breath he regretted with such extent that his heart ache every time those teary eyes flashed in front of his eyes.

Every night he dreaded to sleep thinking she might come back anytime, but he and his heart knows all to well, she isn't coming back after everything he did.

The house that once looked home because of her presence looks nothing more than the dead walls, haunting him to the core.

The snow was falling as a traitorous tear escaped his eyes recalling the time when she had once told him that she always desired to see and feel the snow and yet here it is snowing, and she isn't here.

Slowly with slumped shoulders he passed the kitchen where her Alizey cooks delicious food for him.

Another tear escaped his eyes as all to familiar emotion of regret washed over him, sinking in hollows of darkness the pit so deep like never ending deep.

A ringing of phone had his ear perked up as he composed himself before answering. "Hello!"

"We found her Alex." An emotional voice of Jack spoke up making his heart stop on its spot.

"W-What?" He croaked not believing his ears. "Yes we found Alizey."

Not able to control himself he falls on his knees as a scream escaped his lips, it was so painful that whoever heard it, had there heart constricting painfully with the depth of pain it holds.


"Granny you cannot eat dessert, it's not good for your diabetes." The girl scolded the elderly lady in her stern facade.

Her large doe like eyes looks more vibrant in her pink dress making it reflect on her skin like a blush tinted on her flesh, her lips thinned in a straight line as her head was wrapped in a nude color hijab that is prompting her high cheekbones. Her arms crossed on her chest.

Granny pout looking at the dessert like a child looks at the chocolates.

"Just one bite. And when you'll leave to fulfill those wishes of yours. I'm gonna eat all the desserts but just let me have one bite now." The granny pleaded with puppy dog eyes making the girl to huff out annoyed. "No means no, wait till dinner, I'll make you a lot of dessert that'll be sugar free. And trust me I'll put Brad on your watch." The girl spoke making the granny all cheerful and happy but gloomy because of the last statement.

"Do keep your words." The granny warned eyeing the girl suspiciously making her laugh as the bell of the shop rings indicating a customer has entered. Swirling around the girl moved across the shelf to tend the customer but stopped dead in her tracks.

Everything at that moment held her a prisoner as she unconsciously staggered back feeling her heart falls to the pit of her stomach.

Three years! After three years he stood in front of her, in his leather black jacket. His hairs are longer then the last time as he had held it in bun and few traitorous strands fall on his forehead, revealing his thick eyebrows and his eyes those stormy gray eyes stared at her with such intense look as she felt her knees trembling, his lips in a thin line, jaw clenched as it is covered in thick beard now giving him a more rugged look. His cheeks were sunken in and dark circles marveled under his eyes but that didn't make him look any less bit of handsome. His large form made the shop look smaller.

He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, his eyes swarming with millions of emotions and the most prominent of them all was pain. "Alizey." He croaked as she took in a sharp breath.

She has prepared every day for this day trying to build enough courage and strength and yet when the time comes, she felt fear and pain with full force at his presence.

"You're here." He breathed, his posture tense the feeling of hallucination washing over him making it almost impossible to believe she's really here in front of him.

"F-forgive me." He stuttered as his eyes watered slightly with unshed tears.

As he eyed the love of his life draped in pink dress in a flower shop just looking like the most beautiful flower herself. She was same but look thinner with cheeks sunken in. Her magnificent doe like eyes stared at him but yet there was no sparkle in them anymore making his heart constrict painfully.

All he wanted to do at that moment was engulfed her in his arms and never let her go. He's willing to lay the universe on her feet just to have her back.

She still couldn't believe that after all these years, she's seeing him again. And the look of regret in his eyes can't help her anymore neither anything else can. It's already to late nothing can help her. She had accepted her fate wholeheartedly.

Seeing him after such time, washed her with those dreading memories she desperately wanted to forget, the dread, the fear, the heartbreak and pain all came crashing down which she tried to suppress every night while on her bed.

But she'll be damn to show him, his enormous effect on her.

If he's here for forgiveness then she'll give him what he wanted, after all there's no future.

"I forgive you." She spoke with such calm that Alex felt dread creeped up his veins. She wasn't at all baffled her face neutral like she has worked a lot in controlling her emotions.

Because she isn't the same girl whom he can read like an open book. This woman in front of him speaks confidence and calmness. She's masking her emotions like a pro.

"I've hurt you, tormented you and yet you're forgiving me. Why? I was a complete bastard." He rasped feeling his heart in his throat as he took a step closer to her, and she ended up taking two steps back.

"You are!" She corrected him with calmness as the bell ring indicating another customer.

"Yo! Alizey, need my roses girl." The guy spoke cheerfully, walking past Alex into the shop. Alizey smiled at the man. "They're ready as always Brad. Mind to share which one this time? Julia, Anna, Olivia-" Alizey said while wiggling her eyebrows teasingly at the blond man. Who, chuckled at the crazy woman. "Ella it is."

Alizey giggled at Brad fully aware of the intense gaze on her. "You do know Alizey, I don't have to go after these chicks if you just say yes to a handsome hunk like me." Brad wiggled his brows, grinning at the not so baffled woman.

Alizey only ignored his behavior, he's her good friend, and she is all to aware of his flirtatious tactics. A growl from behind them had both of them tensing.

Alizey slowly turned around glaring at Alex, who looked enraged. Brad saw the tension in the air as he moved forward Alizey in a protective stance as if he could hide her from stormy gray orbs. His large figure hiding her small one.

"Any problem sir?" The blond asked seriously all the jolly behavior gone.

Before Alex could utter a word Alizey came between the two men, completely aware of their eyes on her movements.

Her back faced Alex as she confronted Brad. "Brad-d he's, he's h-him."

As if like something flickered in man's dark blue eyes, as they turn enraged matching the fury same as Alex.

"She's my wife." Alex growled making the message clear as crystal.

"The wife who ran away from you." Brad hissed, his eyes throwing daggers at Alex.

Alex tensed at his words slightly but masked it immediately. As, the Brad guy continued to speak.

"She never told us anything but you're one cursed bastard for making her go through such pain." Brad hissed, as the dominant man before him slumped his shoulders in defeat, knowing Brad is speaking the truth.

"I'm here to take you back Alizey." Alex spoke in a pleading voice making her turn sharply towards him, her eyes glaring daggers at him.

"She isn't going anywhere with you!" Brad hissed at the man in front controlling his anger at the audacity of this man.

Alex knows Alizey would never come back not after what he did, and he deserved to suffer, but he has to take her back, no matter what. He has already destroyed four precious years of her life not anymore.

"Ali is in hospital." The man blurted his eyes cast down in defeat. Alizey's eyes widened as her heart exploded with fear.

"No." She croaked in disbelief. In all this time she didn't even call her family only for him not to barge in her house and to demand her family about her whereabouts. She stayed away from her family to keep them safe just to end in her brother being at hospital.

Large tears flowed out of her eyes as dread creeped up. "I will take you." Brad spoke up tensed. Alizey immediately shook her head. "No, you must take care of granny." She spoke controlling herself.

Brad tried to reason. "But what about your trea-"

"I'll be fine, I'll be in contact with you." She interrupted him immediately as she spoke.

Brad only nodded as the girl dashed to the granny taking her leave and promising to be back as soon as possible.

Brad on the other hand warned Alex who stood their stiff glaring back at the man. "Hurt her and you'll see what I'll do to you." Brad snickered.

Alex found it rather mused seeing the man's courage, if only he knew what Alex does, he'll probably run for the hills.

He was angry at first seeing this man flirting with his wife, but now he knows that this Brad guy cares for his wife like all her other friends she left behind. After all his wife is such a precious gem that wherever she goes, everyone adored her.

She said her goodbyes to Brad guy telling him from the granny's medicine schedule to the groceries list and what not, that man only stared at her baffled as if how he's going to handle all.

The plane ride was silent as they sat at their seats so close by the distance yet so far in reality.

Soon they were in his car moving on the road passing by the sea of trees, engrossed in her thought she felt scared to meet her family after all this time, but nonetheless everyday she wished to be by their sides.

It didn't take her long to realize where he's taking her. "That's not the way to my home." She spoke firmly eyeing the man questioning. Yet the man stayed unfazed, speeding more.

The familiar surroundings soon gripped in as the girl felt her heart beating erratically. He parked the car in front of the same posh house where her life was torn apart.

In seconds the man was on her side opening the door for her, Alizey glared at him with such anger that the man was shocked himself. "You lied, didn't you." She stated accusingly standing in front of him.

"I didn't, Ali do went to the hospital for a medical checkup like every month." He stated confidently. "I knew you wouldn't come. That's why I've t-"

She didn't stand there to hear his ridiculous reasoning as she walked at the other direction not knowing what she's doing exactly.

"Alizey please listen to me." Alex yelled following behind, griping her arm slightly he turned her around.

"Please I'm sorry, just come inside we'll talk it out." The man pleaded his hold soft.

Alizey moved back away from his touch. "There's nothing to talk about. I have to go back." She spoke almost determined.

"I won't let you go again." He growled making her stiffen all of a sudden at his changing behavior.

"You can't keep me prisoner." Alizey beseeches glaring the man in anger.

"Haven't you done enough." She whispered slightly.

His eyes softened at her words as his large hands cupped her face. "Please baby, one chance, just one month, one month is all I ask if you feel that I'm not worth it then you can leave. I'll let you g-go." He pleaded, his eyes swarming with millions of emotions.

Closing her eyes Alizey moved back tensing at his touch. "I can't." She spoke looking at the floor. "I cannot give you one month. I-it's not p-possible." Her broken voice reaches his ears.

"Please baby just one month, I swear, I'll make everything alright." He pleaded feeling pain when she moved away from his touch as if it burned her.

"Nothing can be alright damn it. I'm broken beyond repair." She yelled frustrated.

Alex felt sharp needles pricking his heart with such force that breathing became a difficult task. "I'll heal you." He spoke taking step forward.

"You cannot fix the broken mirror Alexander, you can only replace it." She whispered closing her eyes as she felt her breathing getting harder.

Something twisted with in him as his eyes became stormy, and he glared at the girl. "I will never fucking replace you Alizey. You've creeped up in my heart. You are in my soul damn it!" He growled.

Alizey flinched back as her vision became hazy, dark spots appeared in her vision, before she could touch the concrete floor, large arms wrapped around her dainty figure. "Alizey? Baby you'll be fine." He spoke worried as he picked her up and dashed to the house, he laid her on his bed as he immediately dialed furiously but single whisper from her stopped him. As, the next second he was kneeling on the floor beside her on the bed. "I-I'm f-fine. I-it's just I haven't e-eaten anything."

Alexander wasn't having it, but she convinced him somehow. "Stay in the bed. I'll bring you something to eat."


A week has passed in simple harmony, she has met Muskan and Yasir and that Asad is grown to four years, that boy speaks now but with difficulty. The first time she met him, she thought the kid won't recognize her but that bubbly kid clutched to her like she's his best friend from centuries.

They had dinner at Muskan's place, the girl was crying hugging Alizey. Not a single drop of tear fell from Alizey's eyes. It felt so good after meeting them.

But to her surprise the other day Jack, Lucas the wrestler, Mia and Issac came to meet her. She was overwhelmed for meeting them after such a long time. The wrestler even cried in happiness while hugging Alizey to death.

Mia was also crying but what shocked was Issac, who also hugged her saying 'he was glad she came back' but whispered slowly in her ear. 'Make the boss suffer Miss.snarky. He deserves it.' while winking.

Jack was so happy that his grin wasn't leaving his face.

It was extremely difficult for Alizey not to break down in front of them. She was glad while being away from them as now she sits between them she felt her heart surged with pain.

They stayed and had dinner altogether and Alizey could see that it was hard for Alex in controlling his possessive nature.

Alexander was on the other hand was the man she yearned to have in those dark days. His eyes held such tenderness and softness towards her, that her heart welled up with warmth. His behavior was so caring and loving that it was hard for her to control her shattered heart. This man was the total opposite of her tormentor, the Alex from past who hurt her so much a heart could bare.

Her thoughts got broken when she felt the clearing of throat behind her, she didn't need to turn around as she his musky scent filled her senses. She didn't move away from the window.

All of a sudden she felt large arms slowly wrapping around her waist pulling her back tensing she stiffened, she was in her room and wasn't wearing her hijab.

She gasped as she tried to remove his arms, but he only tightened his grip, his face nuzzled in her neck as he undid her hair, her silky hair falls freely on her side, they were longer then last time reaching her hips.

"W-What a-are you doing?" She stuttered trying to struggle. He only tightened his grip while pressing soft feathery kisses on her neck, "I've missed you." He murmured.

Alizey gasped at certain igniting sparks feeling breathless all of a sudden. His kissed trailed to her jaw as he swiftly turned her around in his arms. "I'm sorry for everything corazon. I'm sorry for h-hurting an angel like you." He whispered slowly cupping her face in his one large hand.

Shaking her head the petite girl struggled out the man's grip, who himself let her go. Alex's shoulders slumped in defeat as pain flashed in his eyes as she took two steps back.

"I will be staying at my parents for one week." She told him with such finality, that his heart broke into millions of pieces. And before he could utter a word she spoke again.

"If it was up to me, I would never forgive you. But I'm still telling you my decision is final, I'll be leaving after this one month deal." She spoke with confidence her posture strong, long gone was the woman who was scared of him.

Nothing was left now, nothing even if she forgave him, then that is simply for her own sanity. The depths of her darkness loop was so immense that nothing can help her now, nothing can save her.

Tho she had her trust in Allah. After all these hardships she was only able to survive because she knew Allah is with her, and now she didn't want to survive. She wanted her hardships to end soon.
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