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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Arrangement (unenhanced Edition) by AnnaRCase (books to read now .txt) 📖

Book online «The Arrangement (unenhanced Edition) by AnnaRCase (books to read now .txt) 📖». Author AnnaRCase

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Chapter 50- I want a Leo dammit!

As soon as Amberleigh made it back to her room, she wasted no time dialing Leo’s number. She felt a bit guilty calling him at three a.m., but knew she’d feel even more guilt if she didn’t. And besides, if anyone could get some answers, it was Leo. But the question remained, would he share those answers with her?

So maybe Amberleigh could just snoop and possibly overhear what the good old doctor had to say? She would have to be resourceful if the men in the Penthouse tried to keep her out of the loop. It wasn’t a surprise it was Dr. Gainey the butler named, the same doctor who had violated her for hours at Grayson’s request. She really wasn’t looking forward to seeing him again, as it was far too soon, and she didn’t trust herself around sharp objects around him.

These were the thoughts that kept her company while she waited for Leo to pick up. Well that and the worry gnawing at her gut over Grayson. Yeah, he was a dick who treated her like a paper clip, but she couldn’t help it. And besides, he had parents who no doubt loved him, and a sexy best friend who clearly did as well. Maybe one day, Grayson would look at her like Leo did. Maybe one day, the billionaire would see she could be so much more than just a whore. It was a fuckin stretch of the imagination though, that was for damn sure.

It took twenty-four rings to get the pretty chef to answer his smartwatch. But he answered surprising coherent, despite it. Had he not been asleep at all, but fucking someone? Why did that thought actually hurt? It shouldn’t have. She had no claim on Leo and he was free to fuck whomever he wanted. Well, unfortunately that didn’t include her.  

“Hello? Amberleigh is something wrong?” he asked.

“Hi and I don’t want to freak you out or anything Leo, but Grayson kind just fainted in the kitchen. Dr. Gainey is on his way.”

Leo had turned the watch on speaker from his nightstand or something. She could hear a variety of noises, holding testament that Leo had jumped up out of bed and was getting dressed.

“Fuck! I knew I shouldn’t have left! Knew his ass couldn’t be trusted to take properly care of himself,” he uttered.

She debated if she should tell him just how shitty of self-care Grayson had been imploring in his absence. But she didn’t want to make him feel worse or more guilt.

“Grayson is a grown ass man Leo. This isn’t on you,” she argued.

“I appreciate you trying to make me feel better Amber. But Grayson can’t be trusted to take care of his fuckin’ self. He’s been running himself ragged for years… How is he doing now? I can be there in an hour tops.”

You had to admire Leo’s devotion and concern to his friend. It was nearly enough to bring a tear to her eye, really. Amberleigh doubted even Ebony was as loyal of a friend as Leo. Everyone needed a friend like Leo Cleomonte, and she wanted one.

“He’s got a bump on his head. Mr. Duvall and I helped him back to bed. I’m sure he’ll be fine actually. Probably just needs rest.”

“I wish things were that simple,” he muttered.

She heard the sound of zipping as if Leo had just thrown some of his shit into a bag. There was a lag on his side as he was obviously packing his stuff. What the hell was Leo talking about? It was almost as if he had been saying that to himself.

“Leo? Is something wrong with Grayson? I mean really wrong?” she couldn’t help but ask.

A pause and a deep exhale of air. He was clearly gathering his words carefully.

“What makes you say that? Grayson is just under a lot of stress and pressure. More than any guy his age should have to deal with. He has far too much responsibilities on his shoulders, and truth be told, it’s far too fuckin much for one person to have to shoulder.”

She replied “Ok.” But she knew that wasn’t the whole truth. There was far more to this story. Lots of powerful men in this city were under a fuck ton of pressure from their corporate jobs, but they weren’t on anti-psychotics and passing out in their swanky kitchens.

“What happened exactly? Before he passed out?” Leo inquired.

Well, fuck. She was in a pickle indeed. Wondered how much to tell him. Leo had stood up for her before, but Grayson would probably have his sympathy vote right now. Would he blame her if she he knew they were arguing before Grayson bit the marble? Was honesty really the best policy?

“Grayson and I were having words about the lack of communication between us,” she answered.

Leo snorted, “Good. I’ll be there soon.”

True to his word, Leo arrived in exactly an hour from the time they ended their call. Amberleigh had been waiting in the den, when Dr. Gainey arrived about thirty minutes before. The good doctor had given her a pearly white smile, asked if she’d had a return of her “menses” yet, before promising to see her back in the office soon. Well fuck no to that, she silently thought. She no longer found him so attractive either. She was glad when he focused his attention on Grayson.

When Leo appeared, Amberleigh couldn’t contain herself as she gave him a real hug. He chuckled and squeezed her back, nice and tight. Fuck those phony side hugs. God he felt so warm, and smelled so good, and her tits tingled from the contact. Even in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, he rocked that shit and looked good.

“Oh God I missed you Leo. I thought I would die of boredom,” she whined.

He grinned and his chipped tooth caught the light. Such a sexy perfect, imperfection. She wanted to run her tongue over it.

“I missed you too, but surely Grayson was good company while I was gone. Well he better have behaved himself or I’ll beat his ass. As soon as he’s feeling better.”

She just snorted, “The doctor is with him now. But they don’t tell me anything.”

Leo set his duffel bag on the ground and grabbed her shoulders, “Well that simply won’t do. I’ll get to the bottom of this. I’ll let you know what I find out.”

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