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Read books online » Romance » Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Sparkle of life ( Mafia Love story #1 ) by KATHLEEN HAYAT (best free ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author KATHLEEN HAYAT

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Chapter 48


Speeding it didn't take him much time as he reached to his destination. Running like a mad man through the corridors, he opened the door panting.

There in front of him laid his life. His Corazon with machines attached to her body to keep her alive.

His vision blurred with tears as he slowly came inside the room. Sitting on the chair beside her bed. Carefully taking her delicate hand in his large one he spoke. "It's been seven months baby. P-please wake up."

The man hold her hand as he sobbed placing his forehead on her hand. His body racked with sobs as tears wet his beard. The door suddenly opened as the doctor came in.

"Sir congratulations. I was just about to call you that your wife just got out of the coma this morning-" The doctor's voice trailed of.

Alexander felt his heart stopped as he felt the slightest of the squeeze on his hand. His eyes shot up as it met with tired mesmerizing doe like orbs.

A time comes when everything stills around you make it impossible to differentiate between your desired hallucinations and the reality.

Yet here as he stared at his wife, staring back at him, he felt nothing but deluded. Maybe his fate is playing cruel tricks on him. Maybe his suffering isn't enough yet. Closing his eyes, the man chocked in a sob as his chest vibrated in sobs.

A soft hand wrapped around his one that was holding hers. The touch was delicate and soft just like his Corazon.

His eyes shot open as he abruptly stood up. "T-this i-is one of my i-imaginations. I know it! My mind is p-playing tricks on me!" He rasped.

Moving closer he tenderly caressed her cheek, the closing of the door indicated that the doctor has left the room.

Her mesmerizing doe like crystal orbs stared at him as he caressed her cheek with his large hand. His thumb grazing her lips as he stared at her intently, sitting beside her, he inched closer to her face.

His thumb caressed her eyebrow as the girl blinked her eyes making the man chuckle with tears pouring out of his eyes. "By Allah this hallucination l-looks too real to be my imagination." He breathed just inches away from her face.

"I don't want to wake up from this dream ever. If, it is like this than I would love to hallucinate forever." He whispered as his thumb grazed her lower lip.

A lone tear left from her eyes as it cascaded down her temple. Alexander immediately wiped away her tear as he gave her his teary wolfish grin.

Cupping her face he inched forward, his lips landing on her forehead giving her a passionate kiss there. "Damn! I want to live in this hallucination forever." He whispered kissing her eyes one by one, cupping her face in his large calloused hands making her lips to pout out slightly.

"Say something baby." He rasped with tears streaming down his face as he kissed her nose then her cheeks one by one. His eyes swarming with millions of emotions.

"S-som-e-thi-ng." The girl croaked out her throat parched and raspy. The man broke into a chortle as tears still pour out of his eyes.

"Y-you're something else Corazon. This is surreal." The man mused kissing her chin.

Slowly her soft hands clasped around his large ones as she stared at him with her wide fascinating eyes. Her cheeks slightly squeezed giving her an adorable look. "T-this is r-real Mr. A-lex-ander B-la-de." She croaked with difficulty.

He stared at her confused for a second but soon his eyes widened. Staring at her intently like she would disappear at any moment. "Pinch me!" He blurted out staring at her with wide eyes.

Both drowned in each other's eyes as a sharp hiss left his lips when someone from behind pinched his arm. "Fuck!" He blurted.

His eyes widened even more if possible as tears of joy fall freely from his eyes. Reality dawning at him with full force. This real! His Alizey woke up. Inching closer he kissed her forehead as his tears fall on her cheek.

Holding her hands he laid feathery kisses on her palms, as the girl lowered her eyes. His beard tickling her skin. "This is real! Baby you're awake!" He breathed feeling boulder of emotions.

Someone cleared their throat from behind as the doctor was standing there smiling. The same doctor whom he had threatened once.

Doctor Darren really had the guts to pinch Alex, but doc was aware that Mr. Blade will be happy after the news than going berserk on him for pinching him.

Doctor Darren smiled at Alizey as Alexander moved aside still holding her hand. "We did your lung transplant Miss Alizey, one out the two of your lungs was getting better but the other one was getting worse, so we did transplantation, the risks of things going wrong were extremely high in your case and it was successful but unfortunately your body went into shock leading to coma. The chances of your survival were fifty fifty but you survived, as a doctor I know it's not less than a miracle."

Darren smiled at her as Alex glared at the man for smiling at his wife. The girl nodded slightly taking everything in. "I'll l-live?" She asked hesitatingly.

Alex squeezed her hand lightly as Darren nodded, his smile widening. "Yes you'll live Miss. Alizey." A voice cut him short.

"Mrs. Blade!" Alex muttered lowly his eyes stern as the doctor stiffened.

Alizey slowly pulled her hand away from his as she glared at Alex. Alexander almost muttered sorry to her, his eyes softening but Darren broke the ice.

"How are you feeling?" He asked looking at the girl. The girl smiled as she breathed a deep sigh.

"I c-can b-breath properly." She croaked out feeling extremely light. Cherishing the feel of normal breathing.

Alizey stared at the window beside feeling like a millennium has passed. The warm breeze swept across the room making a warm feeling envelop her. She can live again. She can breathe again. Yet after all this she felt like a new life has been awarded to her. Like that to the branches of the spring trees, where the leaves born again after facing the harsh nature.

She felt presence beside her as she saw Alex sat beside her on the chair. Millions of emotions swarming his eyes yet the man remained mute not uttering a word as he gazed upon her silently like a storm was brewing in him yet again.

What feels like hours but were few minutes as the man spoke up. "They'll discharge you in a week." He spoke, his voice holding a faraway edge to it.

The girl nodded feeling millions of emotions swirling her mind. Yet she stayed quiet not voicing her thoughts. But the one thought that bugged her the most was what will happen to their relationship if there's any.

She felt his large calloused hand holding her small one with such a delicate touch like she's a glass doll, if he touches her she'll break.

"What a-are we?" She breathed feeling his thumb caressing her knuckles. His gray pools of emotions met hers as he smiled sadly.

"We are fire and ice. Ice yearns the warmth as fire yearns the cold. Yet the both can't collide its impossible, making the yearning run deeper and hurt harsher. We are impossible." The man stated as a tear rolled down his eyes.

He kissed her palm laying feathery kisses as if he's holding her for a last time, like she's a mirage which will vanish in front of his eyes.

The days passed as her parents visited her everyday staying for hours followed by her uni friends as well as mansion ones. Even Brad also visited her. Everybody was ecstatic as they cried with tears of happiness.

But something was off, she can feel it. They all were hiding something from her.

Alex was awfully quiet in all these days. Not for a single day he left her side, staying beside her day and night staring at her like he wanted to dissolve her in him like a forever portrait saving it in the walls of his heart like a sacred possession.

Soon the day arrived when she got discharged from the hospital. But she has to leave at 12 pm, but he took her with him at 8 pm. Alizey was confused as the man drove on the empty road.

Rolling down the window the girl breathed in the fresh air as a sigh of content escaped her lips.

A large building appeared in front of them indicating the signs of play zone as the girl looked confused but the idea of some fun felt freshening. But the idea of this beast playing in their felt awfully funny as well as heart-warming.

He parked the car as he came to her side opening the door for her like a gentleman. The girl stood beside him as he slowly clasped his large hand around her small one.

The girl looked at him confused as the man passed by the play zone and moving to the farthest end where a man stood as he nodded at Alex in respect before handing him the keys and a remote.

Nodding at the man in approval Alex took out his handkerchief as he cupped her confused face in his large hands. "Do you trust me?" He asked his voice sounding sincere.

Unknowingly the girl nodded as Alex wrapped the cloth around her eyes as he holds her hand in his once again before moving.

Blackness consumed her as she slowly walked beside him holding his arm with her free hand feeling fear of unknown creeping in.

The surroundings felt awfully quiet as his large form stopped moving, feeling coldness washing over her all of a sudden as the man released her hand moving away.

Panicked the girl tried to hold him as her arms flew in air but nothing was there as coldness prickled her body.

"A-lex-ander!" The girl stuttered as a soft song started playing in the background making her shriek in surprise, immediately she tried to remove her blindfold when she felt it.

The softness of the snow on her face.

A gasp escaped her lips when she removed the cloth. Her eyes adjusted to the light when they widened like saucers as she glanced around in complete bafflement.

All around her was snow, sprinkling on the floor like diamond crystals are being showered.

The beautiful snow fell on her face as the girl closed her eyes, swirling around she laughed feeling ecstatic. A content of freedom rushed through her body as she laughed her eyes sparkling with joyful tears.

Alex appeared from behind wearing a large coat and holding on in his hand as he wrapped it around her small body. His hairs, eyebrows and beard covered in snow making him look like a Santa as the girl laughed feeling warmth flowing through her.

The man cupped her face as he grinned, a wolfish grin showing his pearly teeth. The man placed a passionate kiss on her forehead. "Thank you." The girl whispered as her eyes shown with joyous tears.

The man shook his head as he smirked. "No can do babe. I don't take 'thank yous' in return but you can thank me in one way Corazon. Dance with me?" He mused wiggling his eyebrows as the girl smiled at him and placed her small hand in his.

The man pulled her flush against him making her gasp as he started swaying with the slow rhythm. Alizey kept staring at his chest feeling overwhelmed with sudden emotions.

Large fingers inched her chin up making her doe like eyes to met his gray ones as they hold millions of emotions.

"Wallah! You'll be the death of me!" He blurted placing his forehead against hers making the girl to gasp on his 'wallah'.

The ride back was silent as none spoke a word. The roads of their path felt awfully familiar as the girl realized he's driving to her home, her parents home. Yet she stayed quiet trying to understand the situation. As, he stopped the car at the front of the house.

His jaw tightened as his hold on the steering wheel looked hard, exhaling harshly the man look at the angel beside him looking confused and worried.

She was afraid of him crossing path with her family. She was afraid to face her family with him. It was written all over her face but little did she know a lot happened when she was in coma.

Exhaling harshly the man gave her a folder from the back seat. The girl looked at it confused as she hesitatingly takes it looking at him confused. Inhaling sharply the man spoke up. "These are divorce papers." He breathed his voice cold hiding away his emotions.

The girl's eyes shot up to his as she stared at him with wide eyes. "I love you Alizey by Allah I do. But I've hurt you. I've done horrible things to you that no man s-should've done to a woman. I broke you. I imprisoned you. My tortures lead you to that fucking deathbed. I almost killed you! I'm a monster. I don't deserve such a precious Angel like you. My soul if full of darkness, I can save you from this world Corazon but I can't save you from me." A single tear escaped his drowning in his beard.

Jaw clenched as he his hand combed his hair back, his eyes swarming with millions of emotions. "I've signed the papers. I'm letting you go wife. I'm giving you your freedom. I want you to go and live your life. Forget about me like a sacred nightmare. I don't deserve you. You're too good for the beast like me. This is best for you and me. This will be my greatest punishment." He spoke as another tear escaped his eyes.

The girl stayed rooted to her spot as tears flowed down her eyes. Both staring at each other never blinking. Her eyes holding millennium of emotions yet the girl stayed quiet taking everything in.

Alex cupped her cheeks as he wiped away her tears, staring at her like she'll evaporate in air any moment the man kissed her forehead passionately as he nuzzled near her neck above her hijab, inhaling her rosy scent in for the last time, engulfing it in his veins to stay forever like a sacred mark on his heart.

The man moved back as he looked ahead now, hold tightening on the steering wheel. "Leave woman before I change my mind." He spoke coldly making her flinch.

Tears swarming her eyes as the girl moved out of the car, closing the door behind. She stood there holding the file in her hand staring at him as he without a single glance sped away.

Because he knew if he glanced at her for one last time his beast side will not let her go.

The girl stood there, staring at the car drifting away as she glanced at the sky, feeling millennium of emotions hitting her like a boulder.

'He left me!'
'He left me!'             Do follow me guys....

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