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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » 내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang by Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu (classic novels for teens TXT) 📖

Book online «내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang by Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu (classic novels for teens TXT) 📖». Author Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu

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out all her home frustrations on them. Is everything ok? Are you beating her?” Josh provoked Alan. “Hell no! Is that what she told you? I’d never do such a thing!” he defended himself. “Then what could be frustrating her?” Josh asked sternly. “I don’t know, beats the life out of me,” he took a long sip of scotch and laid the glass down on the table. Josh just looked at him, disbelief registered on his face as he waited for a more appropriate answer. “Are we just going to look at each other all day?” Alan enquired. “As long as it takes,” Josh answered quietly.

“Ok, Shuvai came onto me heavy last afternoon,” Alan began. “And what did you do?” Josh asked expectedly. “I dialed the emergency landline number on my cell phone and escaped. By the time she probably came downstairs to ask who it was I was gone and when I got back I told her there was an urgent item I had to attend to. All the same, she was really pissed off and slept in the guest quarters,” he explained. “That was a real mean one if you want to hear my honest opinion. I don’t understand though, isn’t she your wife? You know you won’t be getting any from me; I’m still waiting for Alice remember? Besides; she’s still the pretty boy you couldn’t take your eyes off or things have rather changed over the course of time,” Josh didn’t hide his disappointment.

“Yeah, try being with a woman who has been obsessed about having another baby for the past two years. Yesterday she was all excited about having the body of a twenty year old and couldn’t wait to get me in bed. She’s even gotten herself this German doctor whom I doubt I will be able to pay off to cover up the fact that I secretly had her operated!” Alan went ballistic. “What operation?” this sounded new. “I made Dr. Mangwiro tie up her fallopian tubes so that she couldn’t get pregnant again and asked him to play along telling her all those devastating things like ‘you won’t be able to carry the baby to term’ or ‘you will most likely die during labor’ that kind of stuff,” his eyes went back and forth in their sockets, the guilt killing him. “Shuvai is going to kill me if she ever found out. She’s been afraid of being intimate with me for all these years and now she’s advancing on me like a hurricane. If she doesn’t pass her pregnancy test she’ll probably go on a full medical test and…”

“Two years has been too long for her not to find out what you did to her. She’s far too intelligent to stick to one doctor so she’s been scouting around and trust me, this German doctor could be the third she’s visited,” Josh put him at ease. “What could be the explanation for her rowdiness then?” Alan sounded desperate for a good answer. “Simple, this whole issue is about sex. She’s clearly not interested in being pregnant at the moment; the baby’s just an excuse. The reason why she’s so infuriated is because you’re starving her of her share of your body and tonight you better fix that,” Josh smiled at his own brilliance. “I hope you’re right,” Alan felt doubtful. “Trust me; if you do things right, tonight is going to be one of those events you’ll never forget,” he winked.


Monica rang the doorbell for the fifteenth time and waited in great frustration. What was keeping Jessie or at least Dakota that long to open the door for her? It had been five minutes now and the action of tapping her foot impatiently on the door mat was quickly becoming involuntary. Taking a deep breath, she signed in relief as she finally heard someone galloping downstairs, it had to be Jessie.

As the door slowly opened, Monica was getting ready to shout at him when the sight of him made her mouth dry. She was lost for words; she felt tongue tied as this was the least thing she expected. “Are you okay?” she finally croaked as she pushed her way in. He was drenched in sweat and shaking like a leaf yet outside it was nearly thirty degrees Celsius. “I guess I am. What are you doing here?” he asked slowly closing the door. “You’re burning hot! You must have a fever,” she felt the temperature on his forehead with the back of her hand. “Come on, I’ll drive you to a family doctor’s house,” she grabbed his arm. “No, Dakota is not here so I can’t leave the house,” he shrugged her hand off in protest. “Anyway, I’m fine you don’t have to worry so much,” he added walking into the living room and throwing himself on the sofa. Staring into space, he grabbed a cushion and hugged it as he closed his eyes. The house was in a disgusting mess, there where clothes and food everywhere.

“What’s the matter with you Jessie? You’re acting weird as if you don’t want to talk to me. Well I wouldn’t have come here if you had kept your promise about coming to my house later yesterday. I waited for you; you know and my father was getting really irritated by the sight of me pacing up and down in my room and coming down every second to ask if nobody called me,” Monica folded her arms and stood in front of him. “I’m really sorry about that. It’s just that grandma phoned yesterday and she seemed really agitated about this whole Chinese deal. I don’t know why she called me and not her lawyers but something was troubling her and the date totally slipped out of my mind,” his face softened with emotion as he explained himself to Monica who sat beside him sympathetic. “When I went to bed last night I kept on having terrible dreams, I couldn’t sleep. When I woke up I was feeling weak and I tried to bath and get ready for church because I knew I had a sermon but I failed. Dakota gave me some aspirin and I fell asleep until you came just now,” he took a long breath and exhaled slowly.

“But I think I feel better now, may be you could wait for me here whilst I have a quick shower,” he disappeared up the staircase. Monica looked at the sty she was in and decided that she would not pretend that it was not there. Standing up she started folding clothes, Jessie and his half sister really had some weird habits. Bending down to pick up a tie she saw some specks of white powder coming from underneath the sofa cushion. Curiously she lifted the cushion and unearthed a small packet of white powder, the same thing she had refused to try one night when Jessie; who was very drunk had visited her at ten o’clock and left her father really angry with her. The same drug she had given Jessie money for in the hope that he would go and get some help at a rehabilitation center. He had swindled her out of two thousand dollars and she needed an explanation now! Jumping to her feet she hurried upstairs only to freeze at the bathroom door as she restrained herself from knocking violently. “Jessie we need to…”

Listening carefully she heard some heavy breathing coming from the other side of the door. “Probably, Jessie gasping for air beneath the shower,” she thought walking away. But all of a sudden there was a loud scream and this time Monica couldn’t ignore it. “Jessie! Are you ok?” she stormed into the room only to be shuddered by the unexpected.

















Chapter nine

“Oh my; I thought that all great people were male but I’m quite mistaken in this situation Dr Reynolds. Please forgive me for my incorrect anticipations, I don’t mean to be a sexist. But if I may ask you this tiny question, what’s a famous plastic surgeon doing in a small country like ours anyway?” he began rudely when Nyarai spoke to him. When she did not answer immediately he chuckled briefly and then continued. “You made a wrong choice coming here doctor because as far as I can remember; nobody here needs any plastic surgery least to mention the fact that nobody can afford it anyway. You should have gone to India or Dubai where the glitters and glamour of the Islam society exist,” he added without a tinge of care in his voice. “That must be my fiancé you are talking about; he loves beautiful things. I’m a pediatrician with the doctors without…”

“How convenient, isn’t it? Do I look as if I’m in a cradle Mrs. Reynolds to be?” Abdul asked coldly. “It’s obvious you are not and neither am I an optician but I’d like t o help you. I know where you are coming from Abdul and it’s like going to hell and back. I’m not a bit moved by your tactless behavior; it’s just a mechanism of pushing people away, isn’t it? But shutting the world away won’t help you in anyway; it can only make you bitter and undesirable to look at,” she returned his tone. “So what do you want me to do dear agony aunt? Go around the streets and make a fool of myself!” he scoffed. “If that will make you better then it would be a brilliant option,” she answered unwavering.

“Have you ever had sulfuric acid sprayed into your eyes doctor?” he asked shaking in anger. “No, but I know how it feels like to be in pain and I couldn’t have overcome it without talking about the things which hurt me,” Nyarai looked at him and felt some emotions rushing back to her. All of a sudden she could see her August in him, the only difference was that he had an unshaven face and a bald head with a tiny hat on, but it was all the same. “Have you ever been to Zimbabwe?” she heard herself ask. “Where on Mars is that?” he asked her in the same indifferent tone.

“I’m sorry; I’m not thinking straight I guess. Can we do this some other time? I better leave,” she sounded upset all of a sudden. “Wait!” Abdul stopped her. “Aren’t you the one who said we should be open? Spit it out,” he challenged her. “No, this will sound very silly to you and I don’t want to develop some awkwardness between us,” she explained. “Sit down, I’m all ears and ready to hear you out,” he said softly.

“Eleven years ago, I had my first love but he died. He was very special to me because with him I would enter this world only known to the two of us. I was eighteen years old then and was considered very naïve because he was blind and seven years older than me. My brother was against our entire relationship mainly because he became a laughing stock in the newsroom and his mother was angry at him because he wouldn’t consider dating some of the girls she had picked out for him,” she began in a low voice. Abdul felt a sudden chill pass through his body. Clearing his voice he tried to hold back his own tears as he asked, “What happened to him?” he could feel her shaking beside him, probably trying to hold back tears too. “His mother probably killed him because he wouldn’t listen to him. She must have…”

“He was kidnapped and then murdered but no Abdul; it wasn’t his mother’s idea to kill him because she loved him so much. Even if had been the case, the kidnappers caught the wrong person because I believe that they were after me. They manhandled him because he was in a school uniform, even one of the men who was

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