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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » 내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang by Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu (classic novels for teens TXT) 📖

Book online «내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang by Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu (classic novels for teens TXT) 📖». Author Varaidzo Melissa Chidzuu

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at this fool, he thinks that…”

“Where is your walking stick?” August’s mouth went dry when the big man shook him. “Jeffrey, what’s the meaning of this?” the other guy pulled him to the side. “Can’t you see Ibrahim you idiot? This bloke is flipping blind! We can’t kill him or else we’ll lose our supernatural control just as that witchdoctor said,” he raged. “What do we tell Alex then? He will need some evidence,” Ibrahim panicked. “That stupid Alice woman would if I may correct you. The bloody corpse is supposed to be her wedding present,” he looked at August in disgust, he had caused them all this trouble and all he wished was to take out all the air out of him but the fatal consequences which would await them forbid him. He watched the blind young man sob as he melted to the ground, perhaps weak in the knees. “Look how miserable you are now, that’s what you get if you play with the big fish boy! What did you ever do to that woman anyway?” Jeffrey demanded in great irritation but in his voice there was a tinge of concern. “I don’t know!” August shouted. “I’m so confused,” more tears bathed his face. “Then why would she want to have you killed?” Ibrahim knelt down so that his face was close up to August’s; it was now the Arab’s turn to mock him. “You must be some ungrateful snitch biting the hand that feeds you!” he added on the painful words. August swallowed hard as he grabbed his arm. “Tell me, would you know if it was your mother who wanted you dead?” he whispered.


Sandra stood by the door and waited hesitantly listening for potential snivels before she knocked softly again. Her mother-in-law whom she cherished like her own mother had been admitted to the hospital the previous night and Nyarai had been brave through all the hardships she had to face whilst watching the cancer devour her slowly. There was nothing she could do really but comfort and assure her of her love. She had smiled and told jokes but her eyes could not hide the sadness boiling within the core of her heart, a grief that had employed shameless tears that spoke another story from that of the illness of her mother. She knew that she would eventually die and this made Sandra believe that it was something totally different.

Sandra had left her matrimonial home against Panashe’s will so that she could be useful for a change rather than lie in bed all day whilst she could help Nyarai. It had been a bit rough considering the extra load and her pregnancy illnesses but she had soldiered on. Now it was the last day she was to stay in Panashe’s childhood home and she had not been able to sleep because she was feeling very sorry for Nyarai. She was crying in her room, trying to muffle her sobs with her pillow but they were audible enough for Sandra to hear and attempt reaching out to her. She had been knocking for five minutes now but still no response except a few snivels now and then. Sandra knew what she was trying to do but this could not go on any longer so after the last knock she decided to let herself in.

Moonlight showered Sandra as she walked into Nyarai’s room, she had opened the curtains wide open and she lay curled up to her side facing the big round object in the sky. In her arms she held on tightly like a teddy bear to picture in a frame. In her eyes, the sadness reigned side by side with loss and despair.

“Nyarai, what is it?” Sandra began gently as she slowly approached her. “Oh Sandra!” Nyarai hung onto her desperately in an embrace as her tears dampened her. Sandra glanced at the picture on the bed; it was August’s. “I tried Sandra! I tried but they were… they were too strong for me. They took him away from me but I couldn’t do anything,” she shivered like a cold child. “My life is over; it’s over for good. Poor August, he must have been scared but I was too weak to protect him and now …!” she cried harder. Sandra held her close as she let her own tears flow. “It’s okay,” she whispered but deep inside she knew she was wrong. August was never coming back.

















Part two

“Let the sun kiss my eyes, let its warmth embrace me forever. I am guilty for being in love, persecuted for what my heart yearns for and believes in. She glows with purity as she waltzes in the arms of a man she is assigned to journey with for the rest of her life yet her soul desires the only one that cradles her heart. A smile can hide excruciating feelings deep inside but the eyes are a window peering into our souls exposing the slightest weaknesses. So let the sun caress my skin and remind me of reality, let its beam be the only true thing I am certain of. Least I wake up in a wedding dress, knowingly walking into a formidable eternity; arm in arm with a man I cannot even look at yet my heart lies in the soul of the love of my life…” Varaidzo Chidzuu































Chapter seven


The Daily Mirror

The wedding present

Stella Madamombe – Senior Arts Reporter

Yesterday; a colorful event filled with a limited moment of happiness at its birth ended horrifically as the bride received a malevolent wedding present which left her in pieces as she shrilled in anguish and instantly lost her mind. The beautiful bride none other than the famous Supermodel Alice Young had organized a media field day so as to get full coverage of her wedding so that the whole world could remember it as the biggest and best event of the year. Before the horrific event, which was of course not planned; the forty year old beauty queen had the chance to show off her glamorous winter wedding dress, a Valentino Winter collection from Milan, Spain purchased in France and obviously her young thirty-five year old husband Joshua Winters whom she has a five year old daughter with.

The event was swarming with wealthy stoke brokers from FEB and other companies as high dignitaries such as the likes of Dr. Victoria Chakwana, the Mayor of Bulawayo, William Sunderland, Professor Richardson and Sir Henry the twelfth ( believed to be a distant relative of Alice’s) graced the event to mention just a handful. The catering was not to be underestimated as your usual African dish was made especially to commemorate the life of the Supermodel’s mother Buhlebelanga Khumalo who was an Nguni princess and the European dishes were of no exception. The wine poured from a mini fountain, too real to be a works studio’s hoax as it never seemed to run out.

In most weddings, regardless of culture; the presentation of gifts is the most exciting event second to the exchanging of rings and vows as well as the bride walking down the aisle of course but to Alice it was to be the most atrocious reminiscence of her life. Many gifts from the bigwigs were mainly thousands of dollars but the most outstanding were the Winters’ spar and gym a gift from the Chakwana family, a Porsche car and a holiday house at Mauritius from Sir Henry and a farm from her mother’s relatives.

All seemed well until a mysterious message was delivered to her stating that her special wedding surprise had arrived outside of the Elephant Hills hotel and she was to come alone and view it. Happily she accepted the clandestine invitation and walked outside but before long a loud screech was heard. Curious witnesses who had secretly followed her rushed to her rescue as she collapsed after. The malicious gift was said to be a sight for sore eyes only; as one had to be a hard core to withstand its wretchedness.

Allegedly, the gift was a headless corpse thought to belong to the model’s son who had gone missing on Wednesday morning. August, a twenty-five year old blind and talented pianist had been wearing a Falcon College uniform when he had gone out to meet a friend. He had been missing until the sadist’s grand finale disclosure. The devastated star was rushed to the hospital where she woke up two hours later; but she had appeared to have lost her mind as she was violent and had to be sedated.

The men who are associated with August’s homicide are believed to be the notorious be-headers who are making their rounds kidnapping school children and helpless old citizens during the current world cup festivities. They are said to be using the heads as shark bait to trap sharks which are believed to possess jewels from ancient ships in their digestive tracts. However; the police beg to differ as they believe that this was a formal arrangement by a vengeful enemy. But the question is who would do such an evil thing?

“Monica! You’re not ready yet?” Josh burst into his sixteen year old daughter’s bedroom. She was still wearing her nightgown and had a face mask on. “What’s that you have in your hand?” his attention moved to the old newspaper article in her hand. “Nothing important,” she blushed as she stashed the cut out under her pillow. Monica, dark haired and light brown eyes with rosy cheeks was a splitting image of her father short and slender like her old man. She did a thorough scan of her father who was dressed in a tuxedo and never hid the approval in her eyes. “Going on a date I see,” she teased him.

“The visiting hour is in an hour and you haven’t bathed. I thought I kept reminding you the whole of last week that today is one of the most vital days of our lives because…”

“I know, I know dear father, it’s my sixteenth birthday and your eleventh anniversary. I just have to wash off this thing on my face and have a five minutes shower. Now would you please be a good old chap and skedaddle before any further delays,” she put on that irritating smurk on her face which Josh had tried to tolerate by all means. “I’m giving you fifteen minutes!” he called out as he made his way downstairs.

Eleven years had passed and Monica had grown into a tomboy, the very thing her mother would have detested. She was a normal girl though with a boyfriend and a dwindling modeling career which she distressingly did not care about. She loved music and David; August’s former friend and instructor taught her how to play the violin. Time had moved on indifferently ever since that disturbing day and Josh could have easily lost himself in keeping things together if it were not for Alan’s support.

They would go to the gym and golf course together where he would pour out his heart to him and share a heart warming kiss for comfort. Surprisingly he never lost count of the number of times he had gone to see his beloved wife because he had recorded each visit jotting down notes on any slight improvements. Last Tuesday the doctor at the sanatorium had reduced the dose of sedatives issued to her and she could spend six hours a day out of ‘gaga’ land. By then; if it were visiting hours, she would ask about Monica and get upset when she realized that August was dead. Josh smiled at the thought of how childish she acted when she was out of touch. She was a toddler, trapped in her own world of happiness more like Alice in Wonderland. Weirdly sometimes; he found himself thinking it best for her to remain in that

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