lost by cristal santos aka dancingmilklover246 (ink book reader txt) đź“–

Book online «lost by cristal santos aka dancingmilklover246 (ink book reader txt) 📖». Author cristal santos aka dancingmilklover246
Renesme pov.
I knew it was coming for me. I had the nausea and the dizziness this morning. I was going to be changed. I have to choose today either vampire or werewolf. I cannot be both. The power is weakening. The werewolf blood is overwhelming and it’s mixing. If I don’t choose I’m going to die because ei ll turn and my blood will mix. As I walk into the school I look around and I decide to become a vampire, my parents are vampires, and C.J a vampire. I don’t like being a dog. I sigh and open my door. The thought running through my head. Before thinking I mumble. “I chose to be a vampire.” I feel a cold rush hit me and knock the breath out of me. My veins started to hurt and I fell to the ground unconciess. As I hear the world around me I see blackness, I fell my body slowly lifting me from the ground and floating. I then close my eyes and levee the world.
C.j pov
We run her to the nurse and I set her on the cot. Scarlett and I stay for a few minutes. We then have to go to first period. As I walk out I look back and see her, she looks peaceful.
One hour later.
I walk toward the nurse to check on renesme. I see her sit up as I walk inot the room shaking her head. “Renesme!” I call out striding to her side. She looks at me and squints trough her glasses. She takes them off and stuffs them in her pocket. She smiles and that’s when I see them. The fangs extracting from her red kissable mouth. Fangs glistening. New fangs. I look at her and I cock my head to the side. “What?” she smiles and small dimples come up next to her beautiful mouth. Her hair long o her waist just like Scarlett’s hangs in loose black ringlets. Her silver eyes glistening with new hope. “I chose to be a vampire” her voice soft and beautiful. Smooth and addictive. I look at her glowing beauty. As I walk up to her I smile at her as she tries to find her book bag which is in my hand. “Oh “she says when she looks at my hand. She walks over none clumsily and takes the bag; I shake the erge to kiss her pink lips. She smiles and I nod. “So what about your glasses?” she laughs. “I guess I don’t need them anymore. “She looks through her bag and pulls out a small bag. She then extracts the dark red heart amulet that she has since she was 5. She ties it around her neck, the black rope holding the heart in place choking her neck. He amulet glows momentarily and she smiles lightly with her eyes close. She then opens her eyes and slips her bag on her shoulder. Holding out her hand I take it as normally and we walk out of the nurse office. As we walk down the hallway she marveling at how perfect things feel, she can see perfectly and she loves the feeling of being so powerful, when Scarlett comes running down the hallway and stops in front of renesme shocked at her new appearance. Renesme was pretty, cute, hot when she was “human” she is now what I called beautiful, breathtaking, and marvelous. I feel renames hand being ripped from mine as Scarlett runs her towards their cheerleading buddies. I stare after them. “Dude you are in love” I feel Sam clasp my shoulder. I laugh. “What no… I don’t think love exist. I’ve repeated this.” I hear him laugh and I can almost hear him rolling his eyes. We start walking to 8th period I noticing that he kept staring at Scarlett. I laugh and hit his sholer. “Looks who talking. Someone’s in love with my sister.” she laughs and blushes a deep red. Who knew Scarlett was able to tame the biggest player in our school. I frown. “no.” he frowns at that. “Dude why not, I could ask her to the dance in December. Ill respect. I’m seriously not looking for another toy. Don’t know she brings the good in me. I don’t know, please dude if hurt her I give u permission to hurt and beat me up.” He looks at me pleading. I look at him then back at my sister laughing in the sunlight. I grin slightly. “Fine, but I will beat your ass if she comes home one day crying because of you.” He smiles and pats my back” no problem. Now to the library” I laugh as we walk along the hallway.
In the first week of November, renesme came through the door yelling hello to everybody and running upstairs towards Scarlett room. I’m in my bedroom practicing guitar when she passes by. I hear her open the door and thrown her stuff in the closet she then slams the door and comes inot my room by the adjoining bathroom. She jumps on my bed as she waits for Scarlett to come home from softball team. She lies on her back and plays with the hair at the nape of my neck as I strum my guitar. We sit in silence for a few minutes when I lay down my left arm crossed being my head my right holding her by the waist. She starts playing with my hand when she asks “Sam asked Scarlett out today. I’m worried, should I be worried” I smile at her worried expression her face turned up to my face, her silver eyes big and worried. “Nah, he asked me first and he actually relay likes her, I’m shocked, she tamed the biggest player. He did though give me permission to beat him up if she comes home crying so were good there.” She smiles. She cuddles next to my side. Her head still on my chest my arm still around her. As she has her eyes closed I inhale her scent her strawbeeys scent. I hear the door slam downstairs and I see Scarlett whiz past us a few minutes alter I hear the shower press on and the curtain close. I get up softly and walk to the center of my room. I have a huge wall made of mirrors and I turned my lights off, Scarlett watching cursorily. I sit and I stare at the moon, my eyes big and in awe. I hear her gentle steps towards me and she sits on my lap, and I automatically lock my arms around her and place my chin on her shoulder. Her face turns towards me and as the moon lights us sitting there on my floor I lean down and kissed my bestfreind. We didn’t get very far considering Scarlett came inot my room wearing her sweats and pick tank top like renesme, her hairs wet and she has a shocked face. “Holy crap!” she starts squealing ad renesme and I separate, I end up sitting across the room a renesme pulling the squealing Scarlett out of the room/ “shut up!” I hear her say. I sit there dumbfounded. I look towards Scarlett room her door closed. I run to my closet and tug my vans on and jacket running out the door to my car I sped towards Sam’s house. I greet his parents and run upstairs were I find shim drawing at his desk “I just kissed renesme” I blurt out as I entered the room. Her gets up and looks at me. “Well congrats dude.” I huff out I frustration. “That’s all. I admit I love her then kiss her and all you can do is congrats. Well congragts on my sister. “ He laughs. “Calm down your just nervous because let me guess Scarlett walked in she started screaming squealing whatever the hell it is they do and then u ran here?” I shake my head, “how the hell in mercy did you know that?” He laughs and I shake my head once again. I wait until I know Scarlett and renesme have left to go to dance class to head back home. As I walk into the house I find mia and faie watching the little mermaid. As I bend down to say hello faie looks at me with questionly eyes. “Why can’t we have mermaid power?”” I laugh,” you guys are way prettier than any, mermaid. She smiles pleased with my answer. I start up the steps until I hear my mother call my name.
I’ll be adding more! Sorry it took forever to add
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