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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The Arrangement (unenhanced Edition) by AnnaRCase (books to read now .txt) 📖

Book online «The Arrangement (unenhanced Edition) by AnnaRCase (books to read now .txt) 📖». Author AnnaRCase

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Chapter 58- Tasty Snack

Amberleigh decided to break her own no shave rule, at least for this special occasion. Even though her dress skimmed the floor, her pits would be on view if she raised her arms. Not that she was expecting a whole lot of action tonight anyway, but judging by the way Grayson shaved his chest, he was probably into hairless girls as well. Not that hairy wasn’t entirely out these days as body positivity and a woman’s right to choose was all the rage. To shave or not to shave was the question.

Of course in places like the wastes, shaving wasn’t really a necessity, and razors were used as weapons to fight off bandits and the infected. So there was that. At least the girls out there had an excuse to look like Sasquatch. There was very well hair endowed Goddess back at the Cobra Club who had quite a few regulars, men really liked to pet her.

It turned out the chef’s surprise was a crew to do her hair and makeup for the event. The makeup artist Ivanna actually turned out to be a distant cousin of Leo’s, and much to her delight, had actually dated Grayson back in the day. Like way back in middle school, like went to school dances and kissed during their school trip to see some cartoon at the cinema. Ivanna broke up with little Grayson in seventh grade to date Jeremy who promised her a ride on his moped and bought her a mood ring from Tiffany’s. Rich kids. Amberleigh had got a ring and fake tattoos from the vending machine from her boyfriend in sixth grade.

Grayson had been outdone it seemed and didn’t have enough game back then. Seems nothing had changed in Amberleigh’s opinion. From the tabloid reports, he couldn’t keep a serious girlfriend or a fiancé, because he couldn’t keep it in his pants, but unfortunately that didn’t apply to her. He’d allegedly fucked his way through half of Midtown and all of Downtown.

Ivanna was gorgeous no surprise, though Amberleigh saw no resemblance between she and Leo really. Ivanna was lighter- skinned with dark blue eyes, little in the middle, full in the ass, and breasts.  She had high quality long, hair-extensions, though the same couldn’t be said for her fake lips, which gave her a I just had an allergic reaction vibe. But the rest of her was Grade A- plastic surgery at its finest for sure. Her assistant Peach looked-liked Barbie, if Barbie had acne sores under her gobs of makeup, and hair which had thinned and appeared to be on the verge of falling out from too many chemicals and hot appliances.

  On the bright side Ivanna and Peach knew their cosmetic shit, were just a wealth of information as they did her hair and makeup for the masquerade. Peach claimed to have had a New Year’s threesome with Kaleb Leda and heiress Heidi Van Tessin, Courtney’s older sister. Amberleigh had been there and done that with Kaleb, not that she was volunteering that tidbit of info though. And according to Peach, Heidi was into freaky shit. Though she wouldn’t elaborate. But again, Amberleigh had been there and done that also.

What Amberleigh really wanted to talk about was Leo, but she didn’t want to make it obvious. It seemed that Leo had told his cousin, he was dating Amberleigh. In fact, since Courtney already thought Leo and Amber were a couple, that was going to be their cover story tonight to explain her presence at the party. Not to add even more fuckin pressure about saying the wrong thing, but even Grayson’s parents were expected to attend tonight. Leo had explained Cole Godwin knew about the arrangement but Viola Godwin believed her son was trying to produce an heir through a legitimate surrogate.

Fan-fuckin-tastic. It was probably best if she kept speaking to the bare minimum tonight, or maybe not at all. But luckily, Ivanna brought up Leo and his past love life by an offhand comment which sent her and Peach into giggling fits. It kinda scared Amberleigh that Peach was laughing while she had a curling iron precariously near Amberleigh’s forehead, but she was a true professional.

“I’m so glad you’re pretty. The last girl Leo dated looked like the love child of a crack whore and a warthog. And she wasn’t even like smart either.”

“Oh? When was that? Leo never mentioned her.”

Peach gave Ivanna a wide eyed look before she answered for her, “They like literally broke up two weeks ago. But trust me girl, you’re definitely an upgrade.”

Leo had had a girlfriend like two weeks ago? Why did that news seem to bother her? Would she have preferred he was celibate and lonely and never dated? Yes. He was likely to be snatched up into some other set of rich claws like the tasty snack he was real soon. That thought bothered her most of fuckin all. Because then she would no doubt lose him. He would distance himself and she would like die here without Leo.

“Aunt Joanna cracked open a bottle of Sauvingnon Blanc when she heard the new,” continued Ivanna.

“Glad to see he moved on rather quickly. I mean it was her decision to like move to Africa without him and build like huts and stuff,” said Peach, “She’ll probably like get the infection or Malaria or AIDS.”

Wow Peach was such an amazing person. So kind and what an asset to the human race.  Ivanna was working on Amberleigh’s eyeshadow and instructed her to close her eyes. So Leo and his girlfriend had broken up because she had gone to do charity work in Africa, and he had stayed behind for Grayson no doubt. To try and take care of his buddy. That was like a both beautiful and sad story. And fuck, what if they got back together? What if Leo made some romantic gesture and up and left to Africa! Had Leo actually been fucking his ex for a final time before she headed to Africa a few days ago? Was that his family business?

Amberleigh told herself to shut the fuck up. And even if Leo had been fucking his ex the night she called him, what the fuck did it matter? She had no claim to Leo. Even if there clearly was some chemistry and an attraction between them, it would never go anywhere. Even if she and Grayson were no longer in a contract, she and Leo were not even in the small ball park, let alone league.  Guys like Leo only fucked the girls in the club, they never brought them home to meet their parents or put a ring on it.

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