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Book online «Is That Really Me? by H.V.Hendrick and J.K.Feltner (best android ereader .TXT) 📖». Author H.V.Hendrick and J.K.Feltner

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the dogs exercise and enjoy the outdoors too.

As much as diet and exercise are extremely important in changing the way you see your outer self and bringing out the “You” that has been pushed to it's furthest recesses of the mind and soul; care of your skin is vitally important as well. And that's when Janet began to blossom and come back to life. She found out who she was and began to share it with others. Well she found out who a part of her is. She is a very multifaceted woman. All Good! Janet is a well rounded, beautiful woman (inside and out) and I feel so blessed to be able to call her my best friend.

I know exactly how Janet felt, because I went through the same thing. I'm certain that almost every woman has gone through a similar experience. You may not have had the same earth shattering look into the mirror, but there comes a time in our lives when we are either made to take a look at our selves or we choose to look at ourselves. We have to decide whether we like what we see not only on the outside, but also who we are on the inside and do we like that person. Did we somewhere along the line take an extended vacation from who we are to become what or who others needed us to be? How do we come back from that trip and move forward?

Sometimes, if we begin by making physical changes, inner changes begin to occur without our even knowing it.

We think that movie stars and celebrities have such perfect lives. If they don't like something about their bodies, they call their plastic surgeon. If they don't like the way they feel, they pop a pill. But there's one big problem with all of that. It's a false sense of security and not who they really are. Some of them are simply small town. By that I mean, they came from small town,USA, from meager beginnings, the beginnings that taught them values; values some have forgotten. When they look into the mirror and ask “Is That Really Me?” the answer has to come back....NO!

Often times we think if only I could have her body or her hair. If only I could make the kind of money she makes, or live in a house like they do; my life would be grand. But how many times do we hear of this star or that star over dosing on drugs, killed while drinking and driving, divorce after divorce, loosing custody of their children or even killing their estranged spouse. What is lacking in all of these lives is knowing who they really are for themselves. Fame, stardom, popularity, notoriety and wealth are not bad things....when we know who we are and have a purpose that also helps others. But mainly, we must know “who we are!”

Personally, I have lost myself several times in my lifetime. Fortunately, I have found myself again and realized that when I found myself I had gained valuable knowledge about myself from when I was lost. Confusing?

Let me explain! When I was a young girl, I was the baby of my siblings and of course my dad spoiled me. No! I didn't get everything I wanted, but I never needed for anything and most of my life until my Dad passed away, I was Daddy's Girl! However, after my dad died, I felt lost. Not because he was gone but because I didn't know who else to be besides daddy's girl. My mom wasn't much help because she was a basket case herself when he died and for about a year after. She had her own things to deal with.

I knew my dad had been a basketball player way back when they first began to form the professional basketball teams. He had loved sports, animals and died doing what he had always wanted to do...raising cattle. Knowing these things, I decided I would do and be what I thought he wanted for me to be. I tried out for the first girls basketball team our school had ever had and made the team. I wasn't a “great” player but overall I was pretty good. I was a member of the high school choir, drama club (had slight aspirations of fame), and I had a lot of friends. All of this worked for me (or so I thought) until I graduated high school.

The summer of my Senior year was boring. I lived in a small mid-west town with absolutely nothing for young people to do but cruise town or go to the river to party. Not very exciting, to say the least. Long story short, I met a young man and got married, 3 months later left him to go to college.

I loved college life. Got involved in the drama department and the music department. Made a lot of friends and fell in love. Seriously fell in love. I convinced myself I was ready to be the wife of a professional dairy farmer. Thank goodness, he broke off the engagement and I came to my senses.

About a year later, I felt that my biological clock was ticking and getting louder. So I married a wonderful man who also had a 3 yr. Old son he was raising on his own. That marriage lasted a few days shy of our 13th anniversary. We had 3 children together that are absolutely wonderful! I wouldn't trade those years of my life for anything. However, it was 13 years of being Mom, wife, taxi, PTO president, Girl Scout den mother, cub scout leader, Dr. Mom, and advertising sales representative for the local newspaper. Holly was out of the building! She had gone on a 13 year hiatus.

Just as I was about to get back to being me, I had a major brain glitch and married again, for all the wrong reasons. Big mistake. Thank goodness I woke up and fixed my error. We all make mistakes, the secret, as we are all told, is to learn from our mistakes so we don't make them again. For some, it takes a little longer.

I lost everything I owned and had worked for. Furious, with him and myself for allowing this to happen, I began to find myself again. If I could find me, keep me, I knew I would be fine. But how does a person set out to find themselves you may ask.

Different things work for different people. Some begin to meditate. Not necessarily like a guru with your legs crossed, fingertips touching thumbs and humming, although for some that may work. But by getting your mind clear. Or like Janet likes to call it....going on a mini vacation in your mind. Others listen to soothing music and just let their minds drift away. There are also several meditation tapes, Cd's and books out there that can be quite helpful. Personally, I like the Holosync Cd's put out by Centerpointe. You can visit their website and receive a free demo cd. At or by going to .

It doesn't really matter how you clear yourself in order to find yourself so long as you begin the journey. Often times it doesn't take very long to remember who you really are the important thing is that you begin looking for you.


The Pudgies Have Got to Go!

Oh No! Not another boring lecture on dieting and working out. Two things that everyone hates to do, let alone talk about. We know that's what your thinking, but let us reassure you we are not going to bore you with the latest and greatest fad diet, statistics about fat intake, calories, good cholesterol or bad cholesterol, and all that stuff. We are also not going to tell you to go spend tons of money on a gym membership that you might use one, possibly two weeks and then never go back again. Everyone has heard all the latest hype on both subjects so we are just going to tell you what has worked for us. Take what you can and will use, do what you want with the rest!

Dieting and exercise only works when you want it too. Attention! News Flash! DIETS DON'T WORK! But changing your eating habits do. Developing a new relationship with food is key.

Now days, going to the supermarket and buying fresh fruits and vegetables is quite expensive so unless you live where you can grow your own, you could spend a fortune at the grocery store. That is not necessary. Canned veggies are still nutritious and convenient and cost effective. Meats that are very lean and even chicken and fish can be very expensive as well. You just have to shop smart. By that, we mean, buy what's on sale. Hamburger can be very nutritious if prepared correctly. You can bake hamburgers, grill them, even fry them as long as you drain all of that juice and fat off as they cook.

A growing body of research concludes that a diet high in omega 3's and fatty acids, such as Tuna and Salmon, may prevent the onset of Alzheimer's Disease. Although the evidence isn't conclusive, a study by the Alzheimer's Association suggests that these and other foods rich in anti-oxidants and fatty acids may slow the growth of brain lesions that are hallmarks of Alzheimer's. So if your tired of feeling like your brain dead, having too many “blonde moments”, have a tuna salad.

It isn't always how something is cooked that is harmful to your eating habits, but how much you eat. Learn to pace yourself. One helping, one sensible helping of everything is sufficient. You can have hamburgers, fries and a drink. Don't have the Big Mac, super sized fries and extra large soda, and don't make a daily habit of the drive through at Mickey D's. You've got a brain...use it! And be sure to keep that brain oiled well with plenty of tuna and salmon, too.

My husband was diagnosed as Diabetic at age 46. He had been (and still is) an over the road truck driver for more than 25 years. 25 years of eating truck stop food and sitting in a truck for hours on end was the recipe for disaster. When they admitted him to the hospital, his blood sugar level was way over 500 (thats as far as their meter went). It took over 48 hours to bring his sugar level down to even 300. Still very high but at least it was a place for him to start his recovery and with the aid of medication and diet he was able to bring it down even further and also lose over 100 pounds. It took almost 8 months to loose the weight and due to his change in eating habits, 2 years later he no longer takes the medication and his blood sugar level stays around 90.

Of course, when he first started his new eating habits, his stomach thought his throat had been cut. However, he was determined to get his sugar levels, weight and eating lifestyle under control. A big factor in his determination was his fear of needles. The doctor had told him

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