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that if he didn't get his sugar levels under control through diet and the oral medication, taking insulin shots would be next step. My husband is deathly afraid of needles! He was quite motivated. What will motivate you?

Janet can't bring herself to eat breakfast. We know they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But she can't face food in the morning. It literally makes her nautious. Breakfast for her comes at around 11:00am – 12:00 noon. This “brunch” is usually something small and light. It may simply be a couple of pieces of toast or a piece of fruit. Nothing very heavy at this time. Then for her, lunch will be around 2pm or so and probably will consist of a sandwich or perhaps a saucer of warmed left overs from the previous night's dinner. Notice I said a “saucer”. Again, it's a small meal. Dinner time is usually a full course meal. Here is where the smart cooking and eating habits come in. Meats, are either baked, broiled and sometimes fried but if they are fried then they are either not coated in flour mixtures or lightly coated, very little oil is used and is always well drained. Vegetables are canned or fresh (if they come from her own garden) and are steamed, boiled, baked or raw. Beans are always a staple in their dinner time meals. Her husband loves beans of all kinds; black beans, brown,pinto, black-eyed peas, red beans, you name them, he loves them. No matter what the main course is for dinner at her house, you can be assured that there will also be beans on the menu. This is a good thing because beans are loaded with protein and other vitamins and minerals and little or no fat content of any kind (just don't add bacon or ham for flavoring).

As you can see, she doesn't buy specialty foods, she doesn't sweat over what's full of bad cholesterol, sodium content, etc. She just simply uses her head. After dinner it's time to take a walk. Her and her 5 dogs, husband and grand baby can be seen almost any evening walking down their county road. It's a time for exercise, enjoying each other's company with out the television blaring, enjoy God's wonderful creations and breathing in the fresh air. It's good for the heart, lungs and inner peace.

I however, still have 3 children at home, currently 15, 13 and 8 years of age. Yes I'm crazy but thats just part of who I am! Eating regularly scheduled meals at my house can sometimes be a challenge, to say the least. The secret is being in control of you and yours. Breakfast at my house usually consists of cereal except on the weekends and I usually do a full cooked breakfast on Saturday's and oatmeal with toast and juice on Sunday's. Why that way? Well, during the school year, kids don't have a lot of time to eat a big breakfast before dashing for the school bus. If they don't have time to eat at home our schools have a breakfast program that is well balanced and the kids can't go back for seconds. That helps in controlling their habits for me as well. They eat lunch at school and even though I can' t make sure they eat the good vegetables and not just the pudding and fruit, when they get home, they are allowed to have a piece of fruit, or a couple of small cookies with a cup of milk to tide them over until dinner.

Busy women can become good friends with their ovens and crock pots while providing wonderful tasting and nutritious meals for their families. Dads need to get to know these appliances too. Last night for dinner we had baked chicken, it had been rolled in cornflakes (finely ground), mashed potatoes, gravy made from bullion, and green beans. I only baked enough chicken for everyone to have a serving. If I bake more, I remove the extra and put it in an air tight container and place in the refrigerator for use as lunch the next day or dinner again in a couple of days. I don't ever leave more than what is enough for one setting on the platter. It's too much temptation and if you or
anyone in your family has any weight issues, this helps in preventing going back for seconds. A couple of hours after dinner the kids may have some fruit, popcorn or crackers for a snack. Then the eating is done for the night.

After dinner, my daughter and I take a walk. She has some weight issues (inherited) so together we walk several times around the block for our exercise. This also affords us the time together to talk, and to experience our world together.

The only real secret to weight loss is simple and boring...Moderation! Eat anything you want just do it in reasonable moderation. Don't make a pig of yourself unless you want to look like one. If thats who you are I reckon that it's fine to eat like one. But if that isn't the “real” you...just remember to eat in moderation. Every week, give yourself a break and a reward, if you will, and do what Janet does, have a “Free Friday”. Every Friday for dinner, she and her family can eat whatever they want. If its pizza, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or Tacos, it doesn't matter. It's their day to splurge and oddly enough, because they've become so accustom to moderation, they usually don't overeat, just simply enjoy the flavors they don't normally intake. It's fun, tasty and rewarding.

I am going to let Janet give you some ideas on exercises that you can do that don't require going to the gym, set ups or leg lifts that we all hate to do. You can do these anywhere, anytime no matter what you are doing.


here, with some easy to do exercises. I'm like most women; I hate to exercise! I hate it so much that going to the gym would truly be a waist of my time and money. However, I have found several exercises that I can do any time and any where. Here are some of the ones that have helped me tone my arms, legs, hips and tummy...

I'm not one of those women who have a dishwasher in my kitchen, my two hands are my dishwasher. So while I'm standing at the sink, I raise my self up onto the balls of my feet. Holding that state for a count of ten or so, then I slowly let my self back down. I do this the entire time I'm standing at the sink. This exercise helps to build and tone my calves and thighs.

When bending over to put away items such as pots and pans or items that belong under the sink, I keep my legs straight and bend at the waist. Take note: do not do this while lifting something heavy.

I get exercise for my arms when I'm carrying the 40 lb. Bag of corn out to the goat house but I also have 2 marble rolling pins that use for dumbbells as well. If something I need is to my left, instead of stepping to the left to retrieve it, I reach for it with my right hand causing my top portion of my body to turn while keeping my lower half, below the waist, stationary. Like wise if some thing is on my right, I go for it with my left hand.

One of my favorite things is toning my bottom. Whenever I am sitting at the table working, riding in the car or driving, I flex and release my hiney muscles. No one ever knows what I'm doing because no one can see what I'm doing but it sure keeps the buttocks firm. Have you ever wondered what people do while their sitting at the stop lights singing? Well now you know what I'm doing at the stop light.

You can also do a similar exercise for the stomach muscles. While sitting and watching television, at the stop light, sitting in church, in a meeting, anywhere you are flex your tummy muscles and hold for 10 – 20 counts and then slowly release them.

If you have a little excess baggage in the neck area, in the morning and evening, look in the mirror, jut your jaw out with your mouth open then relax it. Do this as many times as you can. This helps to firm up that bit of a chicken neck we all seem to get around 50 or so.

Another exercise you can do, (will certainly make the husband wonder if you got worms or something) is to sit on your bottom, legs out in front of you, and walk on your bottom forward and backward. I do this down the hallway. This works several muscles; legs,buttocks, waist, arms, stomach and back muscles as well. And its always good for a laugh, which of course is good for any muscle.

Holly wanted me to add some receipts. I do not cook fancy. Just plain old fashion meals. I guess the only way I cook any differently then anyone else is that we do have some kind of bean everyday.

One of my favorite memories from childhood is a meal my father fixed us a few times. This is a nice memory but not a meal I hope to ever have to eat again.

Daddy's Rock Stew

One nice smooth, rock. The size of a mans fist.
Enough water to feed four kids and a grown man.
Any and all spices on hand.
One heart full of love.
Two heaping hands of faith.
One grateful prayer of thanks.

Wash and rinse the rock well. Place into stock pot add water and any spices available. Maybe a little bacon grease or lard for flavor, if any on hand. Add love, faith, and gratefulness stir well. Bring to boil and allow to simmer for about ten minutes.
Remove rock and set aside for another meal. (Does not have to be put in the icebox). Serve hot with a lot of family chatter and laughs.
This is a very filling meal; one bowl of stew will hold you over to breakfast.

Now I know a lot of you reading this think this was meant to be funny. Well it is rather comical but also very true. We were extremely poor when I was a child growing up. My father raised us and there were at least 3 occasions I can recall when we actually had Rock Stew. Believe it or not, my sisters, brother and I got full on this stew after only one bowl. Yes, it was probably all in our heads as daddy always described it as a delicacy and how filling it was. Children are so innocent, they will believe almost anything...especially when Daddy says its so. Fortunately, I've never had to prepare this soup for my family, something tells me they wouldn't have been quite so gullable.

Chicken Bake

1 whole chicken (cut up)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of celery soup
1 can milk (I use 2%)
Salt and pepper
Roll chicken in a flour, salt

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