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minority who occupies highest echelons in our society and odiously deposit it in Swiss banks and other tax havens is the biggest scam that now rocks this so called biggest democracy in the whole world! One specific case is that of Hasan Ali, India’s biggest tax swindler. He is currently in jail. In one account itself, he had 8 billion dollars and later when the government went to find out ... one day there was 60,000 dollars left and the other day, there was none! Now, we can’t imagine how many Hasan Alis more are involved in such plundering of public money and how many billions it would work out to. Simple calculations by any one with little bit of commonsense would arrive at stunning figures that would surpass Raja’s 2G Spectrum scam and Kalmadi's CWG scam. It is acknowledged by the Govt that the list of Indians with huge Swiss deposits is with them but cannot publicize for technical compulsions, but actions against them are in progress!


Need of the hour, therefore, is to gear up our efforts to find out the culprits of this Greatest Indian Robbery and get back the Indian wealth ransacked from this scared soil. If the Got and its constitutional institutions continue to slow pedal the whole process for technical or other reasons we would be subjected to the ignominy of hearing the names of the loots in our home from a foreigner, the 39 year old Australian born Julian Assange! Do we want to put ourselves into such discomfiture?


Silent Majority would earnestly request Anna Hazare to once again pick up his pied pipe and lead another movement to cleanse this mess that we are in!


Thanking you 






16. Would our politicians take the challenge!:  21 Sep 2011 





Knowledgeable people said that liquor and power are two addictions from which you cannot escape even if you want! You know pretty well that they ruin you and lead you to miserable end. Still, no one makes a determined effort to escape, but get immersed more and more as time passes by. If liquor is universal and doesn’t apply to a specific category, ‘Power’ is more selective and mostly finds its prey on politicians. I am yet to see a politician who denounced power what ever form it could be!


Somewhere in Africa, I am told, there used to be a country called Dudu. The selection process prevailed in this tiny State for selecting, mind you not electing, the King is a classic example of how dangerous and irresistible the addiction to power is. In Dudu the tenure of the King ruling the country is only five years just like in the case of our Parliament and Assemblies. The King is selected through a very strange process. On the last day of the King’s regime the whole population of Dudu would collect together in a large ground to select the next king. There would be a pre-selected person standing with a sharp sword ready waiting in the center stage. Beside him you would find the strongest man in Dude in ceremonial dress with head held high. The king is then ceremoniously ushered into the centre stage accompanied by the royal members and officials. After an hour-long ritual the King places his head on the chopping block already in place and the man with the sword chops off King’s head in one stroke. The chopped head bleeding all over would then be placed on a decorated platter and handed over to the strong man waiting. The people shouting and dancing in ecstasy would pay last homage to the king who ruled and served them for last five years. The strong man then would hurl the chopped head with all his might with the skills of a discuss thrower in to the waiting mob. The excited crowed would follow the flight of the head of the King in scramble, in a melee eager to catch it. Many would my even be stamped to death in the process. Finally one lucky man would hold the head to utmost disappointment to others. This lucky one would be destined to be the king for next five years. He would rule the country with all powers that goes with the royalty, to be slaughtered in the same manner after five years. The beauty is that he is not bothered about the dreadful end of his life after five years, but would be dreaming the abundance of ‘power’ that he would enjoy to exercise as the King. What a fantastic, but meaningful (?) process for the selection of the head of the State.


The process depicts the influence and lust for ‘Power’ in human mind, even ready to give his life in return to enjoy the sweetness and strengths of power and to serve the country. What can be a better illustration of the addictive power of ‘power’! Ponder over for moment to find meanings symbolism contained there in this practice. A lot can be unearthed! Imagine, by accident, that the same procedure is adopted in one of our constituencies to select its the MLA for the next Assembly. Will there be any takers? I bet there would be none! And every one wants power at no cost to them and nothing in return to the state or its people! And we call it democracy! 





!7.  An open letter to India Against Corruption : 01 Aug 2012 






Dear Anna Hazareji & the Team Anna


I am a retd Army officer who has great belief and support for the IAC on its movement against corruption. I have great respect for Anna and adore him as a true leader for the noble cause that we all are part of.


I have been following the whole struggle that Team Anna is in against corruption in India. It is a great disappointment that Lokpal Bill was not passed by the parliament despite our best efforts as we wished and longed for last 42 years


As a free citizen of India I take the honor to place on record my impressions on the whole movement and the present state of impasse that we are in at the moment. I would like to enumerate them one by one.


The movement, no doubt, caught the imagination of people of India because of its cause and the unimpeachable personality of Anna who leads the movement. The movement gained momentum as everybody expected as visible from the mob support that we got in April and August. Rightly or wrongly the Indian politicians irrespective of their political affinity perceived that the movement is against the very existence of the political class. The Govt and the opposition both, though they are against such a strong bill, were compelled to bring in the Bill and started working on it sans enthusiasm. Anna’s ultimatum that the bill has to be passed before the winter session actually pushed the govt to the wall. They had no escape route what so ever. Notwithstanding all the deliberations by the Govt and Team Anna and the standing committee they were forced to present the bill on an extended session of the parliament. At this moment, I feel that we committed a tactical blunder. We forgot the basic principle of ‘Attack’ the most important phase of operations of war. When you attack never attack from all four sides leaving no escape route for the enemy, he will be forced to fight to the last man, in turn causing heavy casualties on own side. Here what we did?  We announced Anna’s three day fast from 27th without waiting for the outcome of the introduced Bill and declared a Jailbharo Andolan. Thus put Govt in a cell of all four walls closed.   The fast fizzled out to the great disappointment to all well wishing Indians and turned out to be counter productive. The Govt now suddenly decided to hit back by not accepting any of the amendments and tried to push through the Bill, as they wanted. It was definitely a tactical mistake on the part of the team Anna not to have a Plan B in case if the fast failed. Now we are in a sad state of credibility loss syndrome. We left Govt out of leash. We went into disarray and had to call off Jailbharo too. The damage that has been inflicted on the movement by this single tactical mistake cannot be reversed easily and would take hell of a lot of time and effort on our part. I am deeply distressed that the core team Anna did take this unwise step. Now let me touch upon some other aspects that contributed to this fall of grace for Anna & our mission. Foremost we failed to preserve our apolitical and secular identity in our struggle. Questions arise, genuine they are, why should IAC allowed it to be painted with saffron color knowingly or unknowingly. ? The moment Baba Ramdev entered the fray, you may argue for days on his behalf, Left and other secular parties got alienated from IAC. Why in our speeches we are so critical about Congress, specifically against Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi and not about other constituent parties of UPA, why not against BJP for its inaction in NDA years, why not SP, BSP & RJD, who in my view would be the bitter critics of the Bill because of their fear of CBI?   I am of the view that Anna might be blamed to resorting the ultimate weapon of fasting so frequently that its punch has been reduced very much in the public eye. Apart from Arvind Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi and Prasanth Bhushan there are no eloquent spokespersons available to us on platforms & TV channels leaving the common man think that the whole movement is of a private Ltd Company, sorry for my words. Selection of Bombay for Anna’s fast on 27th Dec stands to no logic for the simple reason that Bombay is so dynamic a metro where crowd pulling is 10 times difficult than elsewhere in the country.   Added to this, the acceptance MMRDA ground as venue where accessibility was really a problem is another gross error of judgment. Another fatal decision I would say was to open another fast in Delhi at the same time, which really dissipated energy and also caused real problems in command and control. For common man no serious effort was in place or seen for driving in the apolitical and secular fabric of our movement. Couldn’t we have got some leading figures from Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Dalith communities to speak to them in their own language rather than continuously resorting to the verbosity of Kejriwals, Kiran Bedis and Prashant Bhushans? What it means is that we have an acute shortage of spokespersons who can come down to the level of common man and explain to him what exactly we mean by fight against corruption To sum it up I would say that we are in this mess due to our   own failure in knowing the pulse of the common man and not touching it the way which soothes it.


As a common citizen of India who wants to continue our fight against corruption I would like to put forth some suggestions for your consideration.


A deliberately planned awareness programme about a strong Lokpal bill should be initiated in all states of the country. Our efforts should not be limited to the four walls of five metros. The Rural India, which is actually the soul of this country, is to be awakened and made aware of what we fight for. The fight against corruption should start from the villages of Rural India and not from the glass houses of the Metros. I strongly feel Kerala needs this most. Induction of well-known personalities from all walks of life whose voices will be heard and listened to by the common man into a Propaganda Management Cell (PMC for short) is an immediate requirement. These people should be from all religions, all political parties (difficult I know!), social activists, celebrities etc to recreate our apolitical and secular stature, which I
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