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Book online «Perennial Ode by Xia Nightingale (i like reading books txt) 📖». Author Xia Nightingale


In the beginning, the world was dark and void. For as long as It existed that was all the world ever was. It could do nothing in this world. Some may even argue that It did not exist, but It was not a part of this place just something that so happened to be there.

            Then the world changed.

            No longer was it dark or silent. For the first time, It was stirred to emotions that it never knew It had – fear, bewilderment, anticipation. Surely if It understood these foreign emotions It would have shown Its discomfort, however, though the surroundings may have changed It was still nothing more then something that so happened to be there. So all It could do was witness this new world’s events play out.

            It was surrounded on all sides by green translucent water, the occasional cluster of bubbles disturbing the view. The noise was a jumbled mess that It could not understand if It did It would have known that they were words.

[echo knowledge system complete, all physical capabilities working in normal parameters…now moving forward with Nanomachine implantation…keeping feedback of nerve endings at 0%]

The world changed once more, but not as drastically as before. The scene before It became darker. A strange sense came upon It. Whatever the shadow was, it was beyond the current space. For some reason, it felt a kind of kinship with this shadow. Then a new chorus of words entered the world.

“When will all operations be complete?”

[approximately 368 seconds and counting]

The shadow came closer to It reach out and placing a darker shape into view. “I’m sorry if there had been another way I would have never… I won’t ask for forgiveness. All I ask is that you do what I–” A loud repeating sound resonated in the air. It did not like this sound, wanting it to go away. The shadow disappeared. “Damn it! She really doesn’t waste time, does she? How long can you hold them back?”

[the facilities defenses can hold out for approximately 840 seconds]

“As soon as the operation is complete return to hibernation and delete all evidence. I was never in this part of the facility!”


The shadow returned. “I leave her in your care. Please keep her safe, for their sake! Don’t let this all be in vain…”

[operations complete, now beginning hibernation sequence and data deletion… they have broken through the first blockade… please leave the premises at once]

After a second the returned to what it was before. It wanted to go back to that other place, but It knew that It lacked the ability to do so. Once again It was all alone or so It thought until noise came from within itself. “Hello, it is time for you to begin your studies. Starting up Idea Engine Program sessions 1.0 to 999.9...”

So then It began to learn.


Publication Date: 03-05-2020

All Rights Reserved

To my family who has been with me every step of the way.

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