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Book online «The Millennial Box by Julie Steimle (snow like ashes .TXT) 📖». Author Julie Steimle

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up and snatched the bottles of shampoo and conditioner out of the bags then turned back to go in the bathroom.

"Just go and get me something clean to wear, Jafarr. I still have some money in my bag," she said.

Trying not to look at the length of her incredible bare legs or her naked shoulders which openly showed her family status to him - something she never would have done half a year ago - Jeff sat down on the bed and pulled out the carton of juice. He opened it and was about to drink, feigning that he was not effected by how she looked. "They only had T-shirts with dirty pictures on them in the mini-mart. I didn't think you would like them."

Zormna frowned and closed the bathroom door.

Sighing with relief that she was on the other side of the door now, he took a drink and wiped his mouth. Then smirking at the door, he chuckled. It was amazing how used to him Zormna had become. And as he continued to drink, Jeff realized her snappishness was probably her way of coping with there being only one bed. She wasn't stupid, after all. She had no intention of 'getting friendly' - which was fine with him. He liked their relationship the way it was.



Chapter Five: Contact










"I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them."

 - Tom Sawyer Abroad - M.T. -




It was Tuesday morning before either of them felt up to going to Cape Canaveral. Zormna awoke on the bed, sleeping in a huge T-shirt that said Bud's Beer on it - it was the least offensive of the bunch at the mini-mart. Jeff slept on the floor in another one that said Devil May Care on it in flaming letters. Their clothes were drip-drying from the shower door, making puddles that oozed toward the carpet.

Zormna peered over the bed at Jeff who had not fallen asleep until late. He had showered and fetched more food at the mini-mart after he had eaten both their sandwiches in a fit of hunger. He was still sleeping on the musty blue carpet, wrapped in the top blanket from the bed, his hair scattered across his pale forehead.

She sighed. Climbing off the bed, Zormna made her way to the bathroom to feel their clothes. They were still slightly damp, but that was tolerable. Their attempt at washing them by hand the night before was a fiasco, especially since they used shampoo to do it. They seemed clean enough. At least they were not sweaty anymore. Zormna closed the bathroom door to dress in privacy.

Jeff woke at the sound of the door shutting. He groaned and pulled the blanket over his head. Zormna was a fitful sleeper. Her tossing and turning kept him awake half the night, but her mutterings kept him even more so. She kept yelling out, not loud, but enough to sound like full thoughts. It did not sound like her dream was at all pleasant. Eventually his exhaustion had paid off and helped him ignore the rest of the noise; either that, or her sleep had become less fitful as the night went on.

He sat up wearily. He had resigned himself to this trip, though he knew it would not be as quick or simple as Zormna had made it out to be. Shaking his heavy-feeling head, Jeff stood up and walked to the bathroom door. The toilet flushed from inside. He could hear the water running and a little commotion. Zormna opened the door seconds after, dressed and rubbing her eyes - still beautiful despite her fitful sleep.

"Sleep well?" he asked, still resenting the night.

"As ever," Zormna murmured.

They switched places. He went into the bathroom to check his own clothes. He undressed and stared into the mirror. Checking his chin, he noticed had a few whiskers that he had to shave, another thing to add to his to-do list. Jeff ran the water and splashed his face so he could wake up.


They arrived at the Kennedy Space Center at around noon. It took that long to get cleaned up, fed, and to feel awake. They stood at the doors, waiting nearby with a tour that had just arrived at twelve fifteen. Jeff had only just called home to make sure things were going on ok - that the McLennas had not gone ballistic when Zormna did not come home Saturday - just as the tour was about to start. As the tour group entered the building, they stepped toward the threshold to follow.

"Oh, no you don't," a familiar voice declared from behind them.

Both Zormna and Jeff closed their eyes and turned around. There really was no point to pretending they did not hear.

When they both opened their eyes, they saw the familiar, angry, suited FBI agent tromping across the grass towards them. He was followed by other familiar agents and a scruffy-looking man they did not recognize at all.

"You are not going in there," Agent Sicamore said, reaching them while speaking near a growl.

Zormna glanced at Jeff. He only sighed with annoyance.

"We have tickets," she said, holding hers up.

Jeff smirked, swallowing a laugh. He folded his arms across his chest to stop himself from laughing louder. Her matter-of-fact thinking was always so funny. He looked away.

Sicamore glared at them fiercer. "Oh, no you don't."

Zormna yanked them out of his reach and flapped the stub in her hand. "Yes, I do, you roach. And you can't take them from me. That's stealing."

Jeff smothered another laugh as he looked toward the men who came with Agent Sicamore. Agent Simms, Agent Hayworth, and the familiar Agent Steve Keane stood behind him looking rather serious and official. They formally knew Agent Keane as Samuel Perkins, as he was the agent who had gone undercover at their high school a few weeks before. The scruffy man, however, gazed at the two teenagers with interest, standing back from the men in black a few steps.

"Who's this?" Jeff asked, pointing to the stranger.

Agent Sicamore glanced at the scruffy man then returned his glare to Jeff. "He goes by the name of Steele. He's a tracker."

Jeff laughed out loud again. "A bounty hunter, you mean. Jeez, can't you do your own job?"

The bounty hunter stepped forward, staring directly at him. "They say you are part of an under-handed organization - "

"No," Jeff laughed again, "I don't work for the post office."

Steele glared at him. "...And have worked against a federal investigation."

Turning to Agent Sicamore, Jeff said, "Sharing top secret information," tisking and shaking his finger at him, "Shame on you. What will the Bureau think?"

Sicamore growled. "What are you doing here?"

Zormna rolled her eyes and huffed. "You should know why."

Jeff glanced over at her and shrugged. Looking at the agents again, he responded, "I decided to find out why you arrested me in the middle of class. It only made sense to start at the beginning."

"But how did you know to come here?" Agent Sicamore asked irritably.

Zormna shook her head and folded her arms. "We figured it out. And it really isn't any of your business to know how."

Jeff thought she had stepped a little too far with that one.

Agent Sicamore turned on her. "Isn't my business? It is my business. The security of our nation is the FBI's business."

The other agents looked like they also wanted to say something, but Sicamore's argument had sufficed.

Zormna looked away and stared back at the doors. "Well, I still paid for the tour."

Jeff shook his head. "Forget the tour. Do you think we're going to get in with them lurking around?"

Agent Simms snapped. "Lurking? Listen, kid - both of you," glaring at Zormna who was now glowering at them, "Aren't you supposed to be in school? You are the ones that are lurking around here."

"Gads - semantics," Jeff murmured. Then straight to the agents, he said, "That really doesn't matter. What matters is that we find out who really stole the item and get it back."

All the agents' eyes turned toward Jeff. In the silence, they could hear the distant sound of the waves hitting the beach and a few far off vehicles rolling into the lot. Their stares were heavy.

"You know about the box," Agent Sicamore said plainly.

Zormna huffed in disgust once again. "Would we be here if we didn't?"

"Not if you already had it," Agent Keane replied, stepping in. "You could just be covering up your tracks."

Jeff glared at him specifically. "He who knows no evil assumes none."

Agent Keane gaped at him. "And you don't assume any?"

"Shut up, Sam," Jeff said back. Turning to his back on Keane and facing Agent Sicamore, he continued, "The fact is if I had wanted the item then I would have just taken it." He threw his hands up in dramatic exasperation. "Why would I do something as stupid as kill an FBI agent when all that would do is draw attention to me? I'm already first on your suspect list. Think about it." Jeff made a face. "What good would it do me?"

Zormna nodded, standing nearer to him. He had a point, a very good point that even the agents saw.

"Fine," Agent Sicamore said at last. "But you still can't go in there," he said, pointing at the building.

Zormna moaned. However, Jeff seemed to expect this.

Whispering into Jeff's ear, Zormna pulled on his arm in frustration. "Em errz kai gre'en em'es kerrgre'ra. Al errz kai tregg'en van tar.[1]"

Jeff nodded.

"What did she say?" Agent Sicamore asked.

Zormna rolled her eyes at him and did not respond.

"She has to use the bathroom," Jeff replied, glancing down at her, "And she's embarrassed."

Zormna punched him in the arm. "Jafarr!"

He shrugged, rubbing where it hurt, and ducked away from another blow. It hadn't been her full strength. She stopped using her full strength on him a long time ago. She didn't actually want to hurt him, after all.

Agent Keane chuckled.

Jeff backed away from her as he asked with a laugh, "Would it be all right with your majesties if she can at least use the bathroom?"

Zormna hit him again, weaker.

"What?" He lifted up his hands and stared at her.

The agents exchanged looks. Agent Keane shrugged. "I'll take her."

"Sure you will," Zormna snapped back, shooting Jeff dirty looks. "Men aren't allowed in women's bathrooms."

Stepping closer to her, Agent Keane tried to look intimidating. "As long as you don't try anything funny, I won't have to."

She looked back at Jeff and remarked, "Kahl za al' osdel'ell gre'en al's kerrgre'ra d sor gunnfliishak hula'narr eezshal'a?[2]"

Jeff shrugged and replied mildly, "Nee sonss'kai en ves. Em zhazal'ell orna hal'eem ee an'e za osdel'ell gre'en em'e van sha dorii barr triicha. Nee kai'op llet'om an'em na'zen nee tregg'om van - tollk del'kai smal'gep fa an'e kai, so hooch'or ooeev'en d neem.[3]"

"Hey! None of that!" Agent Keane snapped at the two.

"Shut up, Sam," Zormna said back.

Agent Keane glared at her.

Then she looked at Sicamore. "So can I go?"

He looked at her carefully and then nodded. Turning toward Keane, he said, "Get someone to go in the room with her, staff or something."

Jeff lifted his

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