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remaining Zeo shards, and the boy will live. Try and trick me, and he dies an agonizing death at my hand. Oh and trust me, I won't hesitate to kill him. He's been a thorn in my side too long.^

Everyone turned to Jason questioningly, praying he would come up with an answer. Even Billy, who usually accepted the decision-making role, deferred to the acting leader.

"You have a deal," said Jason quietly, clutching Kim's crystal. "We'll be right up."


chuckled Solar, and his image disappeared from the screen.

"Let's go and get this over with," muttered Zack, preparing to teleport.

Billy remained silent as he watched his friends depart from the CAC. Everyone had dark, bitter expressions on their faces. Especially Jason.

"Jason isn't a quitter," Billy reasoned, walking towards the communications system. "He's not giving up the Zeo shards. The amount of damage Solar can cause with that kind of power is immeasurable. The rangers are going to fight."

Billy glanced up at the Viewing Globe, which now displayed Holocaust, standing triumphantly atop the ruins of the Command Center. The five remaining Power Rangers were standing there as well, in a row with Jason standing a bit closer to the villain. The look in Jason's eyes spoke volumes as he gazed upon the foreboding monster.

"I'd better get the medical unit ready," Billy decided, "and I'll contact Adam and Rocky. I may be able to use their help if things get rough. Its too bad Tanya is still in Africa with her parents. I could probably use the extra set of hands."

Billy activated the communications system, and Adam immediately responded.

^What's up, Billy?^

he whispered though his communicator.

"The rangers have gone into battle, and it looks like its gonna be a tough one. I need you to come here and stand-by. I'll probably need your help down here really soon."

In seconds two beams of white light landed in the CAC. Adam and Rocky ran to Billy, who was busy prepping the medical unit.

"We're ready to help," said Adam, folding his arms, "in any way we can."

Chapter Fourteen

Meanwhile, the Thunderbird parked in a crater on the Moon. Three lone heroes stepped onto the lunar surface -- one Power Ranger, and two people inside a telekinetic bubble, protecting them from the vacuum of space.

"We're about a mile away from the palace," said Annie, standing on a boulder. "You can see it from up here!"

The other two floated to the boulder to take a look.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Kimberly.

"We get inside," said Nate, flying towards the Moon Palace. "Now let's go. I can block us telepathically, but I don't know how long the shields will last. Besides, I think Tommy's time is almost up."

Nate carried all three of them inside a telekinetic bubble, and they quickly floated over the desolate surface of the moon. In minutes they reached the base of the palace.

"We could enter by way of the balcony," suggested Annie.

"True, but we'll lose the element of surprise!" objected Kim. "Besides, I want to check up on Tommy. He must be somewhere in that palace."

"Do you know where to look though, Kim?" asked Nate, looking up at the balcony.

"Not really," Kim replied, "but I have to try."

"Okay then, we'll split up. Kim, you find another way into the palace, and take Annie with you. I'll barge into the throne room. I think I can feel Solar's presence there. Kim, keep in touch with me telepathically. Once you're both inside, find Tommy, and then get to the throne room. I know I'm gonna need your help."

"Uh, how am I supposed to be able to breathe?" asked Kim.

"Create a TK bubble, just like this one."

"But, I've never done that before. At least, not without the Zeo shard."

"Just relax, and envision an aura of energy surrounding your body. Telekinesis is relatively easy to get used to. Its the telepathy that's hard."

Kimberly closed her eyes, and followed Nate's instruction. A golden translucent shield of energy formed around her body, and stretched out to form a bubble. She opened her eyes, and touched the bubble with her hand hesitantly.

"Cool," she whispered.

"Okay, let's move."

"Right," said the two women in unison, and they both ran along the palace's outer wall, hoping to find an entrance. Nate focused his telekinetic powers to propel himself to the balcony, a good twenty stories off the ground.

It's harder controlling my TK when there isn't any gravity,

he thought. If I'm not careful, I could accidentally throw myself into deep space!

Nate slowly rose to the balcony, and stood on the railing. Immediately, he felt the gravity around him, and lowered his shield to breathe in the oxygen.

Amazing, the castle has oxygen and gravity, but there's no field around it keeping the air in.

Nate walked around in the throne room, seeing nothing but thick smoke.

"Nice place," he said aloud. "Show yourself, Solar! I know you're here!"

"Greetings, Nate Grey," came a voice from within the smoke. The smoke dissipated to reveal a throne. Sitting on the throne was Solar, his hand clasped together and a wicked smile on his face, "I've been expecting you."

"How did you know I was here?" asked Nate, completely astonished.

"I knew you'd rush to help your young friends. You're too predictable, Boy. Especially considering that, for a brief time, you were a part of me."

Nate's eyes glowed with energy as he fired a TK blast at Solar. Solar blocked it with his own golden powers and stood up.

"I know you must hate me, Nathan. After all, I killed all your friends. The Avengers believed in you and befriended you, and now they're all gone. Each and every one of them. Too bad you couldn't save them. Just like you couldn't save your home world from Apocalypse. You couldn't save Forge, the only father you ever knew, and you couldn't even find your best friend Shadow. Perhaps he's been avoiding you, Nathan."

Nate's fury began to boil as he fired an even more powerful telekinetic blast at Solar. Once again, he deflected it.

"You always claimed to be the most powerful mutant alive. Well, I am not a mutant. I am the one and only Solar, and you are not match for me!"

Solar forced himself into Nate's mind. He immediately pulls Nate's consciousness out of his body and into the Astral Plane. Nate's physical body collapses to the ground while Nate's astral form takes shape. So begins the psionic battle between two of the most powerful telepaths in the Multiverse.

Chapter Fifteen

Jason Scott Lee remained frozen. His body was as still as death, as he stood and watched the creature known as Holocaust. Although he and his fellow Power Rangers had only been on the surface for a matter of seconds, Jason's perception of time was like the flow of molasses. Jason could feel the eyes of his teammates on his back. He knew they were expecting him to make the first move. He was the leader, given the situation, and therefore he determined the plan of action. He could count on his friends backing up his final decision. Although Jason had already made his final decision in the Central Access Complex, he is now once again questioning that reasoning.

If Tommy dies, I'll lose my best friend. Kim will lose her boyfriend, and the rest of the team loses a trusted friend and leader. The entire world will lose a vailliant hero. But what would Tommy think if I jeopardize the universe for his sake? If I give Holocaust the Zeo Crystal, the consequences will be serious for all that exists. Kim and Zack told us all how vital the Zeo Crystal's role is in the grand scheme of time, as a piece of the M'Kraan Crystal. I don't know what all that means, but I do know that evil can't have it. I have to stop thinking like a friend, and start thinking like a warrior...

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Holocaust roared, obviously upset. "Considering your precious leader only has about...twelve minutes left in his life, I would think you would act with a bit more...urgency


Jason's face remained stony, as he slipped the yellow Zeo shard, that he was still holding in his hand, into his jeans pocked. He then slowly turned around, and glanced towards his friends. One by one, his dark eyes locked with those of his friends. He silently transmitted his intentions to the fellow Power Rangers, and he received their feedback in a similar fashion. Zack's deep brown eyes displayed sad, yet adamant agreement.

Aisha's lighter brown eyes showed little surprise at Jason's change of heart.

Alexis' emerald green eyes were supportive.

Katherine's crystal blue eyes were at first upset, but then settled into an understanding gaze.

Jason was reassured that his friends were in agreement with him. It was unanimous.

"Holocaust," announced Jason, glaring back at the armored creature with cold anger, "we're not surrendering."


cried Holocaust, completely shocked. "You will actually let your friend and leader die an agonizing and untimely death, knowing you could have done something to stop it?!"

"If we surrender, we'll give you the upper hand," said Zack, stepping beside Jason. "The whole universe will fall."

"Tommy wouldn't want us to risk the whole universe to save his life," said Kat sternly, also stepping forward.

"There's no way we can trust a villain to keep his promise, and give back Tommy," said Alexis, joining her friends.

"So go back to your boss, and tell him that no one messes with the Terran Power Rangers!!" Aisha finished.

"Its Morphin Time!" Jason announced, "TERRA EARTH POWER!!"


cried Katherine.


screamed Aisha.

"X-Ranger One!!" shouted Zack.

"Purple Ranger Power!!" Alexis finished, clutching her morpher.

Holocaust's mouth twisted into a smile as he gazed at the group of brave young heroes. "Perhaps you aren't as weak as I thought

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