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Book online ยซThe Terran Ranger Saga - The Preliminaries Volume One by Heather Ray (chromebook ebook reader TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Heather Ray

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To those that have stayed with me through both the Streaks of Purple Saga and the Spectrum Force series, thank you! See? I told you there were more books to come! I've decided to go back to editing the Power Ranger Fanfiction I wrote back in the day to book format and The Terran Rangers are kind of my own take on Power Rangers Zeo. I hope you all continue to stick with me through this series. Again, thank you to all the readers and the people that have supported me over this project through the years! Luvs to you all!

Author's Note

First, I'd like everyone to know that the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers aren't my original idea (of course, they aren't Saban's either, if you think about it, but let's not get into that)

. All characters in this story, with the exception of Alexis Darling, the Purple Ranger, the Mud Putties and Mudman, are owned by Saban. Oh, and no, I don't have Haim's permission, either.

I know that many people have already written original stories about the addition of a Purple Ranger. I wrote this story back in the second season, after Tommy became the White Ranger, but before Zack, Jason, and Trini left the show. Therefore, that is when this story takes place. I chose the color Purple simply because purple is my favorite color, and it is one of the few colors of the rainbow that have not been used thus far.

Chapter One

It was eight o'clock Friday morning in Angel Grove High School. All the students were getting ready for the school day, as well as making plans for the afternoon. It was a typical California school, but six students were rather atypical. These six were the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

"Okay, Jason," said Zack, closing his locker,"in order to win the championship tomorrow morning, we have to practice all day."

"I know, Zack. Stone Canyon has a tough basketball team. They're undefeated this whole season!"

"Our best bet is for the three of us to practice at the park right after school."

"Hi, guys," said Tommy, having just gotten to school, "I almost slept in. Again


"Tommy," said Zack, "You don't have any plans after school, do you?"

"Actually, Kimberly and I were going to take a walk in the park after school. Why do you ask?"

"Well, Tommy," said Jason, "we really have to put in some extra practice if we want to beat Stone Canyon at the basketball championship tomorrow...."

Meanwhile, two other Power Rangers, Billy and Trini, walked down the hall.

"Billy," said Trini,"when are you leaving for the convention of Ecological Progress?"

"Immediately after lunch today. The Science Club chartered a bus to take us to Los Angeles and back. We should get back to Angel Grove late tonight."

Just then, the final Power Ranger, Kimberly, passeed by. "Hi, Trini, Billy. Have either of you seen Tommy today?"

"No I haven't," said Billy, "Trini and I have just arrived. What's amiss?"

"I'm going to have to break our date for today. Something's come up..."

Then, Tommy spotted Kimberly, and ran over to her. "Hey, Kim," he said shyly, "I was wondering... if... uh...."

"Oh, Tommy, I'm glad I found you! I won't be able to go to the park with you today. A new student has just enrolled here, and Mr. Caplan asked me if I could show her around town after school."

"No problem, Kim. Now, I can shoot hoops with the guys!"

"Who is the new student, Kim?", asked Billy.

"Her name is Alexis Darling. She's really sweet, and-- hey, there she is! C'mon, guys, I'll introduce you."

Tommy, Trini, and Billy followed Kim down the hall, where a tall red-head attempted to open her locker.

"Hello, Alexis," said Kim, "and welcome to Angel Grove High. I'd like you to meet my friends Tommy, Trini, and Billy."

"Nice to meet you," said Alexis, shaking their hands. Billy noticed a unique necklace around Alexis' neck.

"That is an extremely interesting coin on your necklace," Billy observed, "What is the emblem on the coin?"

"It's an eagle. This coin has been in my family for generations. It's sort of an heirlomb."

Just then, the homeroom bell rang, interrupting their conversation.

"We have to go, Lex," said Kim, "I'll meet you at the Youth Center after school?"

"Sure thing, Kim!"

Chapter Two

Meanwhile, up inside a mysterious castle upon the surface of the dark side of the moon, Lord Zedd listened to their conversation. "Yes, Billy," mused Zedd. "That is a very interesting coin. That symbol of an eagle seems very familiar. I wonder...."

"Can it be a power coin, oh Mighty Master?" asked Goldar humbly.

"Don't disturb my train of thought, Goldar! Ah ha! Now I remember! It is the Purple Power Coin! The most powerful coin of them all!"

"Really, Master?" asked Baboo.

"Yes, dolt. The last Purple Ranger had the ability to fly, as I recall, and also had an ultraviolet energy blast. But that coin was destroyed in a battle between the Power Rangers and my army several millenia ago. It was the only time I managed to destroy a Power Ranger forever."

"Is it possible that the coin was strewn across the galaxy and landed on Earth?" asked Goldar.

"If so, then why didn't Zordon know about it... Of course! The coin is dormant! Useless. It emitts no energy at all. In order for the Purple Coin to be utilized, it must be recharged. And the only was to recharge a Power Coin permanently is with the Phoenix Fire of the Omega Dimension."

"Perhaps we can capture the girl and make her an evil Ranger!" said Goldar.

"Don't think too much, Goldar, you may hurt yourself," said Lord Zedd menacingly. "We will have to tread carefully. After all, Rita created an evil Green Ranger, and he betrayed her. We must be sure that the brain washing will be a complete success, and that means that the Power Rangers must be kept busy while we create an all new Purple Ranger. She has already become friends with the Pink Ranger. We must act quickly! Send a squadron of Putties to collect the red head with the coin. I will send her to the Omega Dimension, where the unlimited energy of the Phoenix Fire will rekindle the coin. Finster!!"

"Yes, my Liege?" said Finster, entering the throne room.

"Make me a batch of Mud Putties to hold off the Power Rangers. While they attempt to save Angel Grove, as I know they will, I shall create a new warrior with the power to defeat Zordon's little Brat Squad for good. Final Victory shall be mine!"

Chapter Three

The bell rang at 3:00 at Angle Grove High. Alexis walked to Mr. Caplan's office. He had wanted to make sure that everything was okay with Alexis' schedule. After fifteen minutes, Alexis walked down the deserted hallway towards her locker.

I'd better get moving,

thought Alexis. Kim's waiting for me at the Gym and Juice Bar.

Suddenly, a squadron of Putty Patrolers cut her off and encircle her.

"Oh, gosh! What the heck are these things!" Alexis pushed past them and ran into the school parking lot. Then more Putties materialized in front of her, while the other ones followed her.

"Okay, that's it!" said Alexis angrily, "I'm from South Central Philadelphia, and if you creeps want a fight, I'll give ya one!"

Alexis sprang into action, dodging the Putties attacks and swatting them with her bookbag. She soon hit one of the Putties on the "Z" emblem, and it disintegrated.

"Cool!" she exclaimed, now aiming for the chest symbols.

Just then, a putty reveals a long glowing rope, and throws it at her.

Alexis tried to avoid it, but the glowing rope had a mind of its own and followed her.

Once it entangled her, the remaining Putties grabbed her and walked through a magic portal.

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