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Book online «Fragment by Paul G Swanson (people reading books .txt) 📖». Author Paul G Swanson

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guardian of the famous Tio Rhimes."
"Is he.Is he here now? Is my son here?" He pleaded. Moumoru answered.
"He's outside. Unconscious." A grave look crossed Jason's face.
"Oh, God. The marionette system activated. It's to late. The up link has already been completed hasn't it?"
"Yes, it has. I want to know what it is." Moumoru demanded with a snarl. "I found him screaming in a chair with a needle in his head!" Stammering the man stumbled backward and fell.
"He'll be ok, I think." The man mumbled under his breath.
"You think? Why wouldn't he?" Psylix asked looking at both of them. Moumoru stared at the floor.
"Just tell him I'm dead when he wakes up." Jason told them as he stood up and started to pace, oblivious to the fact that he was naked.
"Thats not up for discussion. Our job was to find you and reunite the two of you if possible!" Psylix told him.
"I refuse to see him. I'm guilty of manipulating them."
"Them? Who is them?" Psylix asked with his arms crossed.
"All four of them. The," Jason hesitated, "clones."
"You cloned him?" Psylix asked, his anger was building. "Why would you need clones? Is that a crime against humanity?"
"There was a breakthrough in bioengineering and string theory." The man was starting to look visually upset. "They were all different ages so that if they ever met the same people there wouldn't be any suspicions. They are different though. More special than just that. We utilized space and time dynamics and combined it with the brains memory functions and frontal cortex. They, if it worked properly, can share any information from any distance instantly basically we designed telepathy and psychokinesis."
"You did this to a son you raised!" Moumoru burst into the discussion his own anger at the limit. "What the hell's the matter with you?"
"What would you know? It had to be someone! I raised them as my children! I loved them cherished them! I never wanted them to be activated! I only wanted them to live happily!"
"It didn't HAVE to be anybody!" Moumoru retorted "You could have just let well enough be!"
"If it wasn't us it would have been someone else! At least with me they were able to be free! Not locked up in a cage!"
"Enough!" Psylix yelled. "Jason, continue. Tell us more about it."
"If the link between any of the brothers is broken by, say, death, than the information from ones brain is telepathically divided among the remaining brains."
"So what one knows, the others will find out," Psylix assumed, "Like passwords and secrets"
"Roughly yes." Jason confirmed it, impressed at the insight.
"So, Tio, is an enhanced human?" Moumoru asked
"That's one way to say it, sort of.he probably doesn't have any clue." The Doctor stopped pacing and held his arms out as if he was embracing some all encompassing truth. "You see, that's the only catch to the whole thing. It's a conscious effort! He has to be consciously aware he knows it to be able to use it. It was, in a word, imperfect." He was getting more and more excited talking about his research.
Moumoru stepped back crossing his arms trying to make sense of it all while Psylix was doing his best not to punch the man. "Everything would have been ok, but you brought Tio here!" Jason walked over to a terminal on the wall and rapidly put commands in on the keyboard. He balled his fist when he saw the output. "An now he's been activated! Oh, god! It's been notified." Jason swiped his hand across the desk nearby scattering paperwork.
"What's been notified?" Psylix asked.
"That which caused the calamity, that which is directly responsible with the planetary evacuation!" The doctor explained loudly. "It's going to come and claim him!" Anger flared into his eyes. "It's your fault! It's completely your fault! It's all your fault!"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Psylix pushed the man down on his back. "Stop yelling at me like I'm at fault here for something. Just tell us what the hell your talking about!" Slowly the man began to talk.
"Tio was stronger than the rest. His mind embraced the implants and technology far better than the other three. When he was just an infant, we noticed strange things happening around him, like objects appearing, doors appearing, teleportation, walking through walls, his dreams became reality." Jason's breathing became more labored.
"Are you telling us that his imagination literally ran wild and pulled his thoughts into the material world?" Stepping back Pyslix considered the consequences of this information.
"Yes. Somewhere in his genes is the code to everything! We all have everything, in our genes but his are different! Despite being a clone his DNA is a strong direct link to evolution! Somewhere was a spark that wasn't there came out of nowhere. The spark to all knowledge, to all creation and he can wield it as he sees fit!" The Doctor grinned a little bit and said, "He could even unmake himself, I think."
"You're kidding about all this stuff right?" Moumoru asked hoping it was a joke. "Do you seriously expect me to believe we've been shuttling around the most dangerous weapon in the universe without a clue?" Laughing he turned to Psylix, "Right, Psylix?"
"I don't know."
"Look, we had his ability suppressed before they left with an implant. But when he was activated, the implant was disabled, irrevocably damaged."
"Jason, are you ok?" Psylix could see that just breathing was becoming extremely difficult for the man.
"I don't have much time left." The Doctor smiled helplessly. "I'll consider my coming death atonement for the things I've done. I've tampered with my own children's bodies, endangered the universe, allowed myself to be manipulated by the company. Death is the least I can do to make up for it."
"You're dying?" Moumoru stepped forward in disbelief.
"Cancer. I froze myself hoping to be rescued with a cure. This way is," The man coughed, "better I think."
"There's nothing anyone can do?"
"It not important. My own nanomachines could only stop it from spreading, but they couldn't remove it. The freezing process destroyed the last functioning nanobots in my blood. What is important though, is you need to make a decision regarding Tio."
"What do you mean."
"Either you kill him, or you need to protect him long enough for him to become aware enough of his own abilities. There are those that would use him. After all he change anything in this universe that he wants. He can change the fabric of the universe at will."
"Must it be such a black and white choice?"
"Yes, kill or save. I cannot in my right mind ask you to save him." His eyes fogged over. "However, do what you will." Those were the last words of Doctor Jason Rhimes. Psylix took his pulse and looked over to Moumoru.
"He's dead." He told Moumoru grimly.
Psylix stepped back up onto the table below the hole in the floor and held his hand out to Moumoru. "Lets just get out of here. This place gives me the creeps." They left the way they came, through the hole. When they reached the surface they saw Somie alert with his ears pointed in their direction.
"I take it you heard all that?" Moumoru asked him. Somie nodded as if still processing the information. His gaze was concentrated on Tio.
"Lets get back to the ship, shall we?" Psylix put Tio on his back and started to walk still unsure of what to do. The doctors words echoed in his head. You've go to kill him or save him. There was true desperation in his voice.

Sarah could see that the three of the aliens were clearly shaken by something. She just kept her silence. The whole way back the mood was intense. She made a few attempts at conversation but was eventually fell quiet after all she got were one word answers. She knew what was happening. They were heading back to the ship to leave.
To leave and never come back.
Those three had experienced something strange down in that hospital and they had no intention of talking about it. At least not for a while. They just wanted to get back up into orbit and off this planet as far from what ever it was that happened down there as possible.
She wondered if they had in fact found something to display to Tio, some irrefutable piece of evidence that showed him that Dr. Jason Rhimes was dead as a doornail and that no amount of wishing was going to bring him back. After all that had been the entire point of this journey, this was why they had crossed the small threshold of the void that they dared to travel.
A soft wind blew in-between each of them carrying a soft sound. It was as if the planet was lonely and trying to speak to them. She knew that personifying the planet was just the ache the desire to stay. She knew it, but the thought came to her anyway. She also knew that the wind meant the rain was coming. The rain would most likely increase their stay on the planet. Sarah didn't mind, this was her home. And she didn't want leave.
A soft ominous thunder rumbled in the distance. She felt it resonate in her bones as if she was one with the sky.

* * *

Seth was sitting on the steps leading to the ship when they approached. It seemed he could enjoy the atmosphere but he couldn't bring himself to step just four more inches down and touch the soil that was beneath the him. It terrified him. He didn't want those lost emotions to return to him, he worked very hard the last few years of his life to banish them. He had turned his heart had turned to ice, and he didn't want it to thaw.
A soft rain had begun to spatter the ground with droplets that discolored the ground where it fell. This what the colonies were missing. The rain, he had always enjoyed it. It was just one of the many things he missed deeply. Thunder rang in the sky above him. Seth shuddered coldly. He didn't like the thunder. It reminded him too much of that night when he escaped Signus in that jungle it had been thundering and lightning. Signus moved when thunder rocked

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