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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (dar e dil novel online reading txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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took the bomb, and examined it carefully.

"Can you set this bomb to detonate the very moment Deviot opens his mouth to speak?"

"That would be easiest. I can connect the detonator to the jaw hinge…but what if Deviot awakens after Darkonda leaves the Machine Sky Base?"

Zedd answered with his chilling chuckle. "Darkonda will not leave before Deviot awakens. Mondo ordered Deviot to be arrested alive, so he could torture the traitor into revealing all he knows of Aradon's forces. Mondo will not pay the reward until Darkonda proves Deviot is alive and unharmed. And I supremely doubt Darkonda is even capable of leaving such an exorbitant amount of money behind, despite the fortune I promised him upon completion of this mission."

A wide, cold grin lit the former Minister's face. "His own greed will insure his downfall. Brilliant, my Lord."

Lord Zedd watched the man depart. Once upon a time, he had been a good, noble leader of a powerful, advanced society. However, the tragic disappearance of his youngest child broke his heart. Then, the savage destruction of his entire society shattered his mind.

Now, his thirst for revenge has blackened his soul. All Zedd had to do was offer the head of Darkonda, and the brilliant scientist was more than willing to partake in genocide. And as long as Zedd dangled the prospect of vengeance against all of Dark Specter's forces, the tormented genius would serve him faithfully.

The emperor returned to his seat, generating a smoky image of his favorite sight. The mists swirled into a screen, and Zedd watched as the object of his desire slept the sleep of the troubled.

Soon you will sleep in perfect contentment…as the galaxy is laid before your feet.

Chapter Twenty-Four

^As you can see, I have Deviot with me. I had to knock him out to keep him outta my hair, but I assure your he's in perfect health. Escort me to the Palace, and let Mondo see for himself.^

The faithful robot paused the recording, and eyed his ruler carefully.

The robust King Mondo tapped his fingers thoughtfully before turning to the throne beside him. "What say you, my Dear?"

Machina tightly clenched her hands together. "The image of Deviot was indeed him. I'm sure of it."

"We've gotta get him, Dad!" young Prince Sprocket shouted, pumping his fist. "Now's our chance to find Gasket!"

"I have no interest

in finding that traitor!" Mondo hollered, his voice trumpeting through the throne room. "But I am interested in Aradon." He turned to his servant. "Klank, see that this 'Darkonda'

is escorted to the Palace. And keep him under heavy guard, to make sure he doesn't try anything."

Chapter Twenty-Five

Darkonda stood proudly about ten yards from the thrones of the Supreme Monarchy of all the Machine Empire. Their territory were awe-inspiring…nearly a quarter of the inhabited planets of the entire Milky Way were either direct holdings, or paid tribute to the Empire through local technological advances or rare ores.

Darkonda was well aware he was the only Organic being alive in the burring floating palace the Monarchy ruled from. His cold, confident smirk revealed none of the glittering excitement that warmed his black heart.

Throughout the galaxy, he would win infamy and respect as the brave Organic that single-handedly destroyed the Machine Empire. Also, he'd get the millions Lord Zedd swore to deliver once he saw the Sky Base burn into ashes. And the icing on the cake -- he'd even get the ten million in gold ore that was the price on Deviot's head.

A good day's haul, if I say so myself…

"So, Darkonda…I see you've found that sneaky rodent," Mondo noted.

Darkonda's smirk widened as he pitched Deviot's motionless body towards the throne. The ring of Cogs surrounding the demon edged closer, but Mondo lifted his head to stop them.

"He poses no threat to me," the monarch snorted disdainfully. The Cogs bowed in unison, and mutely returned to their perfect ring.

"Klank," Machina uttered, "is Deviot dead?"

The robot approached Deviot, and the small, round robot on his shoulder beeped as it conducted a brief scan.

"Nay, my Queen," Klank reported. "He's still functional."

"In fact, I can wake him if you'd like," Orbus added.

Mondo's face stretched into a cruel smirk. "Do so. I want to see his face when he realizes his predicament."

Orbus began buzzing again, and a flash of electrical energy shot toward Deviot. Immediately, the traitorous robot jolted to life, jumping to his feet and turning full circle.

His eyes bulged when he laid eyes on the terrible Machine King.

"Welcome, Deviot," Mondo mocked. "Have you nothing to say to your King and Sovereign?"

Deviot's mouth opened…and all hell broke loose.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Serpentera lingered just outside the solar system of which Earth was the third planet from the sun. Scorpina stood behind her Lord and Master, keeping her head obediently tipped downward as she watched him.

Zedd gazed out the view screen, which was focused on the small mechanical disk floating above Earth's natural satellite.

In absolute silence, the Sky Base was coated in a ball of flame and electricity. As predicted, the Pulse Bomb distorted and destroyed every operating system on the orb… and as luck would have it, everything

in the Machine Empire was operated by complicated computer systems.

The entire Sky Base erupted like a prehistoric volcano.

"If I may be so bold as to ask, why didn't you keep him?" Scorpina wondered. "He may have been an oversexed pig, but his strength and ingenuity could have proven useful against the Power Rangers."

Zedd clasped his hands behind his back. "Darkonda, and even Deviot, could have been valuable to me in some way, shape, or form. Yet Deviot is loyal only to himself, and Darkonda is only loyal to money. The native warriors of the Phlegethon Empire are loyal only to me."

He then turned away, reveling in the sight of the flames reaching to the heavens, only to be quickly quenched in the oxygen-less void of space. "In my empire, I am more than just ruler. I am God."

A wide grin of anticipation stretched his hidden lip. "And it is time to collect my Goddess. Scorpina, set a course for Earth."

Part Six: Linger

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Thursday, June 5, 1997

"Um...excuse me, Miss?"

The woman in question lifted her golden brown gaze from the small window, through which she could see the undulating plains of middle America. "Yes?"

The middle-aged businessman seated next to her shifted, his smoky blue eyes almost glittering with excitement as he got a better look at her face. "You're Kim Hart, right?"

Her smile widened. "You got it!"

He clapped his hands in delight. "I thought so! I saw that CNN Sports special on the Pan Global medalists last week. You were absolutely spectacular on the balance beam!"

She giggled at his enthusiasm, a modest blush touching her cheeks. Through the corner of her eye, she saw the passengers in surrounding rows perk their ears to the conversation. Some gazed at her in awe, others in unabashed excitement.

"Can I please have an autograph?" he pleaded, digging through his briefcase. To Kim's surprise, he pulled out the latest issue of Sports Illustrated, were Kim and the rest of the women's team were featured on the cover. "My daughter adores you!"

Such is the life of a star.

Kim knew her fame was short-lived; for gymnastics had never been a national addiction like baseball or football. However, for the next few weeks, much of the country would be buzzing about the incredible victory of the United States women in the Pan Global gymnastics meet.

Ever since the 1996 Olympics, in which the U.S. women took the gold in the team competition for the first time in years, American gymnastics had become respected. The burden was upon Coach Schmidt's team to

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