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maintain the new prestige of the sport, by performing at a similar level as their Olympic counterparts. It was a great stress to the team, but they proved to the world yet again that U.S. women could balance, flip, roll, swing, and leap as well as any Eastern European team.

Kimberly took exceptional pride in her own performance. She'd nailed her balance beam routine flawlessly, scoring one of the three perfect 10s in the entire meet. All the more amazing was how she managed to collect her bearings enough to even get on the beam, after the earth-shattering discussion she'd had with Jason.

For the first time in months, the gold medal wasn't foremost in her thoughts. After Jason had bid her goodnight, Kim found herself too agitated to even sleep well. She kept swaying between hope, that perhaps the pain of the past few months had been due to a complicated series of misunderstandings, and outrage that she would even entertain the thought of seeing Tommy's face again.

That face... with the gentlest, most genuine grin she'd ever seen. That face...with the warmest, deepest eyes she'd ever gazed into.

What would she would she react when she saw that face again?

Was she strong enough to maintain some self-respect? Or, would she crumble into a trembling ball of tears, as she had when her heart was torn in half? Would she stand firm as she faced love lost, or would her knees buckle when she saw him with Katherine?

Oh, if only she could just turn off her feelings...freeze her heart like a stream in winter. Why, after so many weeks, did so many feelings linger?

A fitful night bled into daytime, and all too soon, the Pan Global Games were upon her.

A cold sweat had broken out on her skin the first morning of competition. However, she managed to put aside the burning insecurities and ghastly scenarios her imagination came up with whenever she wondered what she'd say to Tommy when she saw him face to face.

As the Pink Ranger, she learned how to fire her Power Bow with a steady hand, even as the Green Ranger struggled for his life against Lord Zedd's Secada monster. She'd been able to hit her target flawlessly, pushing aside her concerns, as well as the pressure of knowing all her friends were counting on her.

As a world-class gymnast, she was able to bury her heartache over Tommy's desertion in order to focus on the task at hand. She rebounded from despair, pouring every ounce of her soul into her practice. She wouldn't let the pain beat her.

And when her big moment came, as she emerged from the bench amidst the flaring stage lights, scattered camera flashes, and rounds of applause...she lived and breathed in that moment alone. Her mind was swept clean of everything save the artistry of her performance.

But now that the competition was over, and all the parties and photo shoots were behind her, there was nothing to distract her from the humiliating encounter that rested in her immediate future.

She smiled demurely, chatting about her hard work with her in-flight neighbor as she signed the magazine. It didn't take long for other surrounding passengers to speak up, some even pulling out their cameras to snap pictures with the champion. But behind the calm, collected façade she'd mastered, her heart raced in her chest, anxiety thundering her mind so loudly, the whole experience seemed surreal.

All too soon, the Boeing 757 began its descent.
Chapter Twenty-Eight

"Kim! Over here!"

Kimberly followed the call, heaving her duffel bag more securely over her shoulder as she cut through the crowd exiting the plane. Her gaze landed on Jason, who waved eagerly to get her attention.

"You know, you were a lot easier to see in a crowd with those bright red shirts," she teased, leaning in for a quick hug.

"You seem to be going for subtle too," he answered, taking in her black cotton tank dress, "I figured you'd be wearing the ole' Stars and Stripes."

She giggled. "Sure, and a gold medal hanging from my neck, just begging

for attention."

She then looked around the surrounding area. "Did you..."

"I came by myself," he answered, taking her bag as the pair began walking, "I didn't even tell the guys you were coming."

She smirked. "How shrewd of you...want me to catch 'em by surprise?"

"It wasn't a conscious decision; I haven't even seen any of them in weeks," Jason revealed with a shrug, "Keeping the world safe for humanity keeps 'em busy. And now, Tommy, Rocky, and Adam are volunteering for a charity tag-team match. They're representing Little Angel's Orphanage."

"How noble," she commented. She couldn't keep all the sarcasm out of her words.

"So," Jason continued, ignoring the bite of her tone, "I figured we'd hang out for a couple days. Just you and me. The tournament's on Saturday, so maybe we can swing by and see the gang after they win?"

He squeezed her shoulder when he noticed her unsure expression. "Until 'bout some fun in the sun? I was thinking, maybe we could rent a boat, go scuba diving-"

She tried to bite back a smile. "Not yet. First, it's time to celebrate the end of my diet! I'm having a sundae with all the fixin's! Fudge, marshmallow, sprinkles, M&Ms, whipped cream..."

Jason laughed aloud, wrestling with the image of little Kim downing a gallon of sugar in one sitting.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

^And now, representing the United States of America...Kimberly Ann Hart!^

The announcer's voice was drowned out by thousands of enthusiastic, patriotic members of the audience, who immediately fell into raucous applause for the formerly unknown athlete that sprang upon the public like a shining star.

The applause slowly died as the athlete strode confidently to the balance beam, her gleeful smile falling into a mask of concentration.

^And there she goes, bouncing onto the beam and starting her routine with a series of handsprings. I've gotta say, Dave, it's remarkable I've never even heard of this girl before the Pan Globals!^

^I've gotta agree, Marv. Coach Gunther Schmidt found this gem in a last-minute scouting trip before the heavy training for the Pan Globals began. He stumbled upon her in Angel Grove, California, a small city that's become world famous for Power Ranger sightings.^

^What's most impressive is her control. Through all the preliminary rounds, I have yet to see her make a mistake on the beam. And she's only been a professional athlete for less than a year!^

^Born and raised in Angel Grove, Miss Hart was a cheerleader, and even voted class pres --^

A tap of the "mute"

button brought an end to the pointless babbling, letting Tommy just sit back and absorb the performance. He contemplated every leap, bend, twist, twirl, and sway as he watched the routine he knew won a perfect score. He carefully studied every shot of her face, watching in fascination as her beautiful countenance remained frozen. Her lip never quirked. She didn't even seem to blink.

Yet, her eyes blazed with a fire he'd never known her to contain.

He continued watching as she flipped off the beam, sticking her landing perfectly. She threw her arms up, performing the appropriate bows, but the mask was broken. Her eyes shone with unshed tears, and her lip trembled as she absorbed the magnitude of her success.

He'd seen the entire program before, with the other Rangers in the den of his house. But while he cheered right along with them, he was almost upset that they had intruded on such a personal moment.

The first time he'd see Kimberly since the breakup.

Tommy understood, and even appreciated, that his friends had been worried about him. Katherine quite plainly suggested the gathering, stating that he 'shouldn't be alone'

for the program.

That was true. He shouldn't have been alone. He should have been there, screaming in the stands with everyone else. Showing his love and support.

Yet...he wasn't invited.

After the initial heartache, Tommy resigned himself to just being "friends"

with Kim. But rather than call her, and put her in any awkward position, he waited for her to contact him.

Nothing. No phone call, e-mail, or further letters. None of the other Zeo Rangers received correspondence from her; unless they didn't tell him about it.

If they'd been able to maintain a friendship, even a distant one, there'd be some sort of closure to their once blooming relationship. He desperately wanted to come to a better understanding of what went wrong, and what they could salvage from their long affection for one another.

But, he wouldn't be selfish. He wouldn't just appear at her doorstep during the Pan Globals...the most stressful time in her life. He wouldn't force her to deal with a subject that probably still hurt her on some level.

By not inviting him, Kimberly had in effect told Tommy she'd rather him not be present. Perhaps he was distracting, or unnerving to her. Or, perhaps she wanted to avoid an uncomfortable meeting with her new boyfriend. Sure, she may have stated they'd be good friends in her letter, but even brothers have been torn apart for love of the same woman.

And after all those months, he still loved her. Despite all she put him through, all that her lukewarm letter and subsequent silence had done to him...even despite his "more than friendship"

with Kat, he still carried that affection. In those rare moments when he was brave enough to look deep into his soul, he'd still feel the warmth that used to fill him at the very thought of her.

And as he watched her gasp and tremble as the judges revealed their scores, he smiled. For despite everything, he loved to see her happy.

The program continued, and an exuberant Kim dashed back to the bench, received by the open arms of her entire squad. As she hugged each male gymnast or assistant trainer fervently, his smile faltered. Now, his focus was back to the primary reason he studied the recording.

Which one is he?

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