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told her mind-to-mind. “You must allow your captors to believe it can be done to you.” He sent her all the information she needed to make this happen. “You will never be under their control, so you must make them believe you are.” He looked regretful. “I would not leave you there, sister.” “It is necessary,” Zen replied. “We must know what this lord Reo is up to before we can prevent it.” She had an unwelcome thought. “How many of us were left in stasis, brother?” “I do not know,” Leonin told her honestly. “You know that it was not allowed for those of lesser rank than level five.” He could see her thoughts. “He is not coming back, sister.” “How do you know?” Zen asked him, her worry not abating. “We were found. We came back.” “As a reward for our sacrifices,” Leonin was convinced. “They would not allow Zoran to inflict his madness on our world again.” “Who?” Zen asked him, sensing he was not telling her everything. “Leo!” “No, Zen,” her brother told her firmly. “That is not something you need to know. Do as we planned. When we are together again,” he finished as the glass darkened between them, “I shall tell you more.” * Bemin was dozing off after a longand exhausting series of tests. He was astounded by how completely his son had been altered by mating with Zen. If Bemin did not know Marek was his son, this series of tests would have led him to believe that Marek was one of Zen’s people. He looked over to the cylinder where Marek was sleeping. He would have to let him go soon, Bemin knew. Marek was the only one who could help Zen now. He pressed a controland his son woke upand glared at him. “I understand why you are angry with me, son,” Bemin said as he approached the cylinder, “but we have no time for your emotional outbursts. If you want Zen back, you need to listen to me…” He frowned as the alarms went offand he released Marek from the cylinder. “We are under attack,” he said as he went to pull two weapons off the wall. He tossed a coverall to Marek. “Hurry.” Marek noddedand dressed. He grabbed the gun from the tableand hurried after his father. They needed to get to safety; they could not help Zen if they were taken. As Bemin led him through the tunnel, he told his father what Zen had shown him as she was chained to the mirror. Since that time, he had been unable to reach her,and he was frightened. Obviously, being inside the mirror kept her mind dampened. She could affect nothing while she was inside the thing. “I have read about that device,” Bemin told him as they continued on. “If you want to free your mate, you must get the ring off of the controller’s hand and put it on your own.” “Why not on her?” Marek asked as he followed Bemin out of the complex. “Father?” “If you put the ring on her finger,” Bemin told him as he paused a moment, “it will chain her. She will be trapped inside of the device forever. The ring…” “Father?” Marek cried as he saw the blood. He caught Bemin as he felland carried him out of the complex. Trel stepped forward, a dark smile on her face. “Why?” “We have no further need of your father, Marek,” Trel told him. “He has given us all the information we require. Your mate will be our source now; once you are dead.” She nodded to her men. “Take the boy aboard the transportand secure him.” She looked down at Bemin, who glared up at her coldly. “So,” Bemin hissed as he looked at his former associate, “you will kill me now?” “Oh no, dearest Bem,” Trel laughed as she ran her hand along his cheek. “You have skills that can be quite useful to the Directive.” She nodded towards the line of chained felinoids being herded up the stairs. “I am going to leave you here with your pretty cats, Bemin Tor. You are going to turn them into tools for the Directive.” “Never!” Bemin Tor roared. “They are free souls! They must have their own life; their own purpose…” “They will have a purpose,” Trel laughed as she had him pulled to his feet. They went back into the complex while two of her men brought in a mirror of greenstone. “A very useful little device. It will help us adjust your attitudeand behavior.” She had her men hold Beminand she sliced his palmand watched as the men dragged him to the mirrorand he was pulled in. She put on the greenstone ringand smiled. Any remorse at doing to the older man what had been done to her was not felt. She was serving the Directive by doing this, her mind told her. Her brother had told her so. “Bring the cats through now.” When all of the Chen had been put into the cages her men brought into the laboratory from the village, she nodded. “Bemin Tor,” she said as she drew him out. “You will remain here creating a race of slaves for the Directive; a race of hunters from these pretty Chen who will obey their orders without question. Once they bear, you will destroy the parents. Is this understood?” Bemin nodded. “You belong to the Science Directive again,” she told him. “You will destroy anyone who tries to remove you from this complex.” Trel turned on her heeland went to the village where the hunterand his team were being freed. The hunter bowed his head to her,and sent his men to help the others. Then he smiled, offering her his hand. They went into the nearest hutand had a reunion. Later, as they lay in each others arms, Trel told him what he was to do. He looked at her in disbeliefand she frowned. “This is as it must be, Quern,” Trel said briskly. “With you in charge here, I know that Bemin Tor is secured. If anyone else comes looking for him, you will be in a place to prevent it.” “You said we would be together, Trel…” “And we will, my hunter,” Trel broke in, running her finger down his chest. Her eyes were warm with returning interest. “Our time will come. For now,” she purred as she moved to straddle him, “let us enjoy what we have in this moment.” * Leonin went into the back chambers of the cavern systemand found what he was looking for. His cousin, Daren, was sleeping inside of a stasis chamber. Leonin frowned darkly as he saw what had been done. He slipped into his cousin’s mindand saw the memory of the torture that Daren had suffered. They had turned him into a winged creature, with thick golden wings tipped with black. But they had done it through surgeries that had left scars on his mindand body. “Cousin.” Daren’s eyes openedand he looked up to see his cousin. Memories flooded back slowly of their times of shared training. Of times spent planning to make Zoran pay for the pain he inflicted on them both. Daren remembered the eagerness in his cousin’s mind as he had shared his knowledge of Zen with her brother. Together they had formed the plan to assist her when they had found out what Zoran was planning for her. “Leo!” Daren cried out in joy. He tried to sit upand found himself weakened. “Stasis sickness.” “It will pass,” Leonin told his cousin, even as he healed. “Zen is going to be in need of your assistance again, cousin. I must ask something of you that you may not be willing to do.” “If it keeps our beloved safe,” Daren said fiercely, “I will do it.” “I had a feeling you would say something like that, Daren,” Leonin smiled. “I must continue on. There are dozens of our mindset waiting to be revived.” He laid his hand on Daren’s shoulder. “Zen’s safety is in your hands now. As it was always meant to be.” Daren smiledand nodded. He got up out of the stasis chamberand followed Leonin into the main chamber. He saw the mirrorand his joy ended as swiftly as it had begun. When his cousin told him what was required, he shook his head. Leonin showed him what would happen if he did not,and he relented. A moment later, he was chained inside of the mirror to wait. He sank down, believing that he would now endure hours, days, weeks, even months of boredomand loneliness. But a mirror appeared near himand he saw his twin standing on the other side. “My king!” the other cried out in joy,and went down on one knee. “We had been told this day would come! I am Steyd, lord of the Aerie. We stand ready to do you service.” “Tell me,” Daren smiled as he sank down to speak to his offspring. “How the ages have treated my children.” Leonin smiled, knowing his cousin would be content to remain in his cage. He went through to the mirror in the Shrineand saw Bemin Tor working feverishly at the task he’d been given. Bemin Tor looked upand reached for his weapon. It was already in Leonin’s hand. He raised itand sedated the man. Then he went through the tunnels until he found the one he was seeking. He would find them here, he knew; the race he had created as his own personal army before he had fallen to Koris’ blade. * Reo was waiting when Trel returned with Marek in hand. He had Marek sent to Zen’s celland listened as Trel told him what she had done. It was as he had wished. He looked down at his proud sister, on her knees before him,and he had an idea. He saw her interlude with the hunterand it did not suit his plans at all. That man was a threat. He would question. His sister needed to be in the hands of a man who would be loyal to Reo’s command. He instructed her to remain silentand pulled her to her feet to take her down the corridor to Horan’s chamber. He knocked on the doorand the man opened it. He bowed his head as he saw his visitorsand stepped aside. If he was surprised at being visited by such high-ranking officials, he showed none of it. “You have served the Directive longand faithfully, Horan,” Reo said as he sat down, leaving Trel standing. “It is time you received some recognitionand reward for your hard work.” He pulled the bluestone ring off of his hand. “I offer you the rank of Ambassadorand my sister, the lady Trel. She will be a lovingand obedient wife to you. If you accept, put on this ringand never take it off again.” Horan took the ringand slid it on happily. He smiled as Trel went to her knees before him. Reo nodded, knowing he had chosen the right man. His sister would be in the hands of a man who would keep her under control. She would no longer have any possibility of becoming a threat to his plans. Reo rose to his feetand shook Horan’s hand. “I will leave you to your wedding night, Ambassador Horan,” Reo nodded. “The princess begins examination tomorrow. Make certain the guard is on alert.” “You expect trouble,” Horan frowned, even as his hand moved to touch Trel’s hair. “I always expect trouble,” Reo replied, enjoying the sight of his sister helpless. “That is why I am still in control.” Reo leftand went to Zen’s chamber where Marek had been taken. Two guards held him as he tried to go to Zen. She was shaking in anger as the shackles refused to move. She remained shackled inside of the mirror until Reo allowed her to leave. Her heart was breaking from being unable
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