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Book online «Grailem by Gary L Beer (top 100 novels txt) 📖». Author Gary L Beer

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Tying his arms and legs and putting a gag in his mouth satisfies Grailem that his victim will not be able to struggle or cry out. Retrieving his bag which contained the overalls he reaches in and takes out a wallet containing a selection of small blades. Most of the blades are converted shaving razor blades fitted into metal handles and he lays them onto the table. Checking Martin's pulse Grailem estimates he will remain unconscious for a few more hours; giving him ample time to wash and shower.
A half hour later cleaned and disinfected he prepares to remove the microchip from Martin's head. His examination of the microchip in Alexander Finda's head had shown Grailem that the chip transmitted its location and life signs of the host. A small battery within the chip obtained its energy from the electrical impulses of the brain. Grailem estimates that the battery will continue transmitting for eleven minutes unattached from the skull before its power is exhausted.
The problem facing Grailem is that his skull consists of a different substance to normal bone and the one anxiety is that the electrical impulses of his brain will be shielded by the metal in the skull. This shielding may prevent the battery from obtaining its charge and transmission would end.
There was no way that he can test this prior to fitting; and one that he will have to carry out in reverse by use of a mirror when it came to fitting into his head. Setting this up first he takes the mirror from the bathroom and positions it above the table in the living room.
Shaving a small area of hair from above the microchip on Martin's head and wasting no time, he cuts into Martin's skull and skilfully removes the microchip. The pain has made Martin conscious and he struggles against his bonds as blood pours down his face.
Ignoring him Grailem sits himself at the table and separates the chip from its casing. Adding a modified section of the microchip taken from Alexander Finda's skull he puts the chip back into its casing and seals it. Positioning the blade in the same place as to where Martin had his chip fitted he cuts into the artificial skin. Using the mirror to enable him to see Grailem inserts the microchip deep below the skin until it is in contact with his metalloid head.
Holding the cut artificial skin over the chip he sews it back together and then returns his attention back to Martin Maseeve. Martin looks terrified as he stares wide eyed at Grailem; the blood from the cut on his head is soaking into his shirt and starting to drip onto the carpet. Regretfully Grailem steps forward and reaches for Martin's neck; with a twist of his fingers he snaps it easily and Martin slumps back into the chair.
Returning to the bathroom Grailem washes again and dresses in Martin's clothes. He had not only chosen him because he worked in a computer factory and lived alone, he was also a very similar size and height to Grailem - and his clothes fit perfectly.

The months he had been studying Martin Maseeve he had learnt his habits and social life. His social life was non-existent as he appeared to have few friends. During the time Grailem observed him, he noticed he had no visitors and only went out to obtain food. His life was spent sitting in front of the large viewing screen that covered one wall.
Activating the screen in front of him an image shows of a golden sandy beach lined with palm trees. The smell and sound of the sea permeates into the room and Grailem can see why Martin had no reason to go out; as the world was brought to him.
Feeling the microchip in his head raise its temperature by a quarter of a degree tells Grailem that it is transmitting. Anxiously he waits as the tiny microchip transmits his location and its hosts state of mind and physical health. He had been prepared for this and feeding false information easily into the chip from Alexander Finda's microchip circuitry Grailem portrays his new self as happy and in good health. The microchip cools when transmission is complete and Grailem relaxes a little.
Not sure that he has fooled the watchers of this planet he busies himself by cleaning the blood off Martin and dressing him in fresh clothes. Cutting off most of his hair he places it carefully onto the table and lays the scissors on top of it so that it will remain where he left it.

It was time to get Martin Maseeve out of the apartment, Grailem did not mind having him around, but he knew that in a few days the odour of death would permeate out of him, filling the apartment. The trip from Martin's apartment to the sewage cover in the basement could involve meeting other people or service robots. Straightening Martin's clothes and wiping the last of the blood from his face Grailem makes him presentable for the short journey.
Easily able to support Martin's weight Grailem holds him at his side as if Martin is standing next to him and exits the apartment. Using the service stairs he hurries down to the basement. Seeing no one he carries him to the room that contains the sewage cover and steps inside. Laying Martin down onto the hard floor Grailem lifts the cover and picks Martin up. Supporting him under the shoulders he lowers him into the sewage pipe and follows him down.
Tying Martins arms and legs to the metal steps with a tough nylon type material rope Grailem stares at Martin's face. By reforming and adjusting the structure of the artificial muscles in his face he easily makes a complete replica of Martin's within a few minutes. Giving it a final look over in case of any identifying marks or scars he may have missed he steps back with a mechanical smile on his new face. Satisfied he has duplicated Martin's face exactly he climbs the steps and pull himself out. Replacing the cover he makes his way quickly back to Martin Maseeve's apartment.
On entering, Grailem looks up at the mirror which he had suspended above the chair so that he could insert the microchip. The stitching he had done looked neat and tidy and he glues some of Martin's hair on top of it to cover the scar. Pleased with the appearance he sits in front of Martin's communication platform and connects to the computer system.

Chapter Nine

Grailem has until the morning before he has to report for work at the computer factory. Confident he will pass any physical examination a thought keeps nagging at the back of his mind. He has to admit that his knowledge of this planet and the beings that run it, is sadly lacking.
The thought that had remained in the back of his mind he finally addresses; if every citizen was fitted with a microchip that regularly reported position and state of health; why all the security? Crime on this planet was non-existent as everyone's movements were watched and recorded. Grailem was beginning to realise that though the population appeared happy, they were under complete control.
Examining the chip taken from Alexander Finda he holds it closely to his right eye. Adjusting the eye to magnify the chip five hundred times he can clearly see the remaining circuitry. Grailem had removed the life reading circuit and adjusted it to read Martin Maseeve's body chemistry. What remains is the transmitter, battery, location circuitry and what looks like a mind controlling device.
Grailem's face forms into a frown of annoyance; when removing the life reading circuitry he had only used a magnification of two hundred times. The controlling device appears part of the transmitting circuitry; which must mean it is a receiver as well.
Increasing the magnification to eight hundred times normal size he can see the intricate connections from the device to the transmitter/receiver. This would mean that the microchip fitted on top of his head also has some sort of controlling device. The device incorporated into Alexander Finda's chip appeared to be also a receiver and Grailem assumes that it is able to control the brain electronically, if needed.
This discovery deepens the mystery even further as to the security that covered the planet. If a citizen got out of control the device in their head could alter wave patterns and thoughts; and even cause unconsciousness, yet the planet was crawling with security.
The device from Martin Maseeve‘s head transmitted every fifteen minutes to a receiver that could be thirty metres away, or thirty thousand kilometres to a satellite orbiting above.

Now aware that the microchip is not only a harmless transmitter and receiver but is also an active device Grailem examines the one he had removed from Alexander Finda more closely. Next to the tiny receiver a collection of minute fibres extend from a central point out to every surface of the device. He curses his first hurried poor examination; he had not even noticed the intricate web of almost transparent fibres. Made of Graphine and being only one atom in diameter the fibres are super conductors of electricity. Able to transmit at various wavelengths these would be the main mind controlling substance; with so many all transmitting at the same time, thoughts would become disconnected and control of normal bodily functions, like breathing and blood circulation could easily be disrupted.
Grailem's first reaction is to rip the device out of his head but instead he sits down and waits for its next transmission. The last transmission on his condition was twelve minutes ago, calming the rush of thoughts through his head Grailem turns on the large viewing screen. Soft music drifts on a cool breeze towards him as the image of a tropical island set amongst a deep blue sea fills the screen.
The image helps to calm him as he watches the waves break gently on the shore. The cool breeze emitting from the sides of the screen have the scent of tropical fruit mixed in with the smell of the sea. The technology of the home viewing screen is impressive; the screen is two metres square and appears as thin as paper yet the image appears in three dimensions.
Feeling the device in his head warm by a fraction of a degree as it transmits, Grailem fills his head with happy thoughts. As the device cools, indicating transmission is complete he switches off the viewing screen. If, whoever controlled this planet could design such an influential device to control the population; it would not be at all difficult to make the viewing screen a dual device?

Annoyed with his continuous mistakes Grailem clears the apartment; putting the mirror back into the bathroom he moves his examination of the device from Alexander Finda into the kitchen area. As he places it onto the kitchen table he looks around the room. Mainly decorated with the same kind of metal as the building is made of, it looks cold and clinical.
The lights that are set deep into the ceiling shine softly and changing his right eye to detect only infra red Grailem looks more closely. The glow of the light source shows it as the main heat source, the coil inside glowing
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