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Book online «Grailem by Gary L Beer (top 100 novels txt) 📖». Author Gary L Beer

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population was recorded at a little over three billion; and had been ever since. A new radical government had come into power when the population reached this figure and now dictated the old Draconian laws. Quoting the famines and food shortages of the past they reinforced these laws by using security and military robots to enforce them. The result was more severe restrictions and a continuous flow of young babies being born and taken away by the un-emotional robots for 'disposal'.

Finding where the babies were taken proved another dead end on the system with the messages; 'Information unavailable' or 'File corrupt' whenever Grailem tries to follow them from their assumed place of birth.
The governments 'Population Control Department' appeared to be the only source of information, and they were not saying anything. Their address is only a few kilometres away from Sirap Communications and looking at the time he sees that he only has two hours until the meeting. The government department would need a night time visit, which Grailem hoped for later.
Quickly changing the casual clothes for a tight fitting black suit he packs his briefcase and calls for an auto cab. The cab arrives in a few minutes and Grailem instructs the robot driver to take him to a large shopping plaza that is close to Sirap.

The drive takes about forty minutes amongst a mass of orderly vehicles all driven by robots. The auto cab passes modern metal buildings as it enters the city that look newly made, many have tall shiny spires that reach up to the sky, each one competing to be higher than its neighbour.
After a slow drive through the maze of streets once in the city, the cab pulls to a stop directly outside a crowded shopping plaza. Opening the door Grailem gives no acknowledgement to the robot driver as he gets out of the vehicle. The door shuts automatically behind him as he walks casually across the sidewalk and enters the huge collection of buildings.
Walking past the brightly lit shops he immediately makes his way to a side exit that will take him back onto the street; and in the direction of the Population Control Department. Aware of the shortage of time he hurries along the street until he approaches the Department building.

Slowing down as he gets nearer, Grailem casually walks slowly past the futuristic looking building. Security is lax, which is expected and there are only a few robot guards standing inside the foyer. Making his way along the side of the building he looks for a side entrance. The huge wall of the building stretches before him; with no sign of a doorway and the windows are two metres above his head.
Walking to the back of the building Grailem sees that it is busy with robots as they unload supplies from several huge trucks. Curious as to what the supplies are he walks directly to the nearest truck and looks at the boxes; some are labelled as 'Stationary' whilst others are labelled; 'Medical Supplies', 'Medicine' and 'Baby Food'.
The robots totally ignore him as he is by all appearances humanoid, and they continue with their unloading. Following the consignment marked 'Baby Food' Grailem keeps close to the motorised craft. The robot driver drives slowly along a long corridor until he turns right through some double doors.
Holding back Grailem peers into the room the robot has entered; it is a children's ward holding about fifty babies and young children; from the age of three months to possibly one year of age.
Having no need to enter the ward as he had learnt some of what he came for, he casually walks out of the rear exit.
Walking back around the side of the building Grailem joins the throng of humanoids (one couple, one child in this sector) and robots as they walk along the path.
Looking at the time he sees that he still has a good thirty minutes before his appointment giving him time to look around the area. Approaching the Sirap Communications building he looks up at its enormous height. Reaching higher into the sky by at least twice as much as its neighbours the building dominates this part of the city.
Tall shiny metallic towers crowd around a large central tower that appears to touch the sky itself. The enormous structure is impressive and Grailem wonders if robots had been the main construction workers, as the workmanship is of the highest quality.
Grailem walks along the side and to the rear of the building staring upwards as he walks. As he turns the corner an armoured guard, carrying a phaser rifle steps out before him.
"Can I help you sir?" he asks in a polite voice.
Grailem looks at him and sees that he is wearing body armour and he also has a phaser pistol in a worn holster on his right side; and strangely he is humanoid.
"Hi" Grailem smiles; "I have an appointment with the Director's in a few minutes. I could see no security outside and wondered where you were. Are there more of you stationed around the building?" Grailem continues in as pleasant voice as he can muster. The sudden appearance of the armed guard had caught him unawares; and this is the first humanoid guard he had seen who was armed. Looking around he could see no other guards; "Looks like you are alone, why are you armed?"
"Orders sir, from the Director of the company."
"Are you Rames Sirap's personal bodyguard?" Grailem asks curiously, using his empathetic ability to calm the guard as he reaches into his mind.
"Yes sir, I am." the guard answers automatically. Realising he is neglecting his duties, even with Grailem's telepathic influence he finally asks; "Who are you sir; and what are you doing here?"
Grailem smiles reassuringly at the guard; "My name is Alexander Finda, and as I said I have an appointment soon with your Director's. I came around here to admire this wonderful building, seen from the rear they can look so different. The front of the building is usually expensively made whereas the rear can be totally different."
Looking upwards as if to prove this explanation he continues; "But how wrong I am about this building; the rear of the building appears to have much more character. Look at that group of seven spires that sit on top of the rear extension." he enthuses as he points up at a two hundred and fifty story extension that had been added to the building at a later date. The spires gleam in the weak sunlight as if they are made of blue crystallised platinum.
Caught up in the enthusiasm the guard is also impressed with the huge building and is eager to co-operate; "Yes that extension was built about twelve years ago as that is the Director's private area. They use this rear entrance to come and go; which is why it looks better than the front." he finishes with a broad smile.
Susceptible to his telepathic suggestions Grailem suggests to the guard to lead him to the building. Feeling at ease and unaware of Grailem's influence upon him the guard leads him to the rear entrance; "I will leave you here sir." he says as the door opens automatically at their approach.
Grailem holds out his right hand out for the guard to shake.
Looking surprised the guard transfers his phaser rifle to his left hand and shakes it firmly; "Has been a pleasure sir, if you need me I will be here for you."
"Thank you." Grailem replies with a smile; his empathetic ability had gained a certain amount of control over the guard which the guard had been unaware of and he was not surprised at his offer of loyalty; "We must get together and swap life stories." Grailem laughs as he lets go of the guards hand and enters the building.

The telepathic and empathetic control he had accomplished over the guard had been his first real test of this ability. Pleased with his success he walks across the thickly carpeted foyer and approaches the shiny metal counter.
A robotic receptionist set in the mould of a brunette, dressed in the dark blue and purple uniform as the guide at the spaceport, welcomes Grailem with a 'Good Morning' and now familiar mechanical smile and waits for him to state his business with that infuriating patience that robots possess.
Aware that the negative thoughts about the robot in front of him is a sign of stress Grailem calms his nervous mind before speaking. Introducing himself as Alexander Finda the female robot directs him towards a security scanner. Passing the scanner test easily Grailem is shown into a large plushly decorated elevator. This elevator is a lot different from the one he had used before when he entered the building from the front. This was obviously the Director's elevator as it has a wash basin with clean towels hanging by the side. A large viewing screen is fixed to one wall on top of soft velvet patterned wallpaper.
Pushing one of the three buttons on the panel the robot receptionist steps out of the elevator as the doors slide shut. The journey upwards, to the one hundred and forty fifth floor, Grailem assumes, only takes a few minutes.
As the elevator doors slide open Grailem can see that the corridor before him is lined with security and police robots. All armed with a phaser rifle and phaser pistol they make no acknowledgement of his presence as they stare directly in front of them.
Cautiously stepping out of the elevator Grailem has no choice other than to walk forward. The robots appear to ignore him until he has passed twenty robots, ten on each side; which places him directly in the middle of them. Realising he has been trapped, Grailem is not surprised when he feels his arms grabbed from behind by a robot on either side.
The grip on his arms is as tight as a mechanical vice and carrying on the pretence of being humanoid Grailem does not try to break free. The robots obviously think otherwise and several rush towards him to secure him further. Spitting a grenade from his right cheek at the robots advancing towards him he lifts his right arm and throws the robot holding it after the grenade. The one on the left quickly follows and he turns and runs back towards the elevator.
The remaining robots that lined the corridor now block the way and Grailem spits two grenades in their direction. The force of the exploding grenades, designed so that the blast would be directed forward, knocks them all to the floor. Five of them do not move but the remaining three try to stand upright. Not giving them the opportunity he swings his hardened hands in a karate style chop at their necks, snapping them instantly.
Reaching the elevator doors he pushes the 'Down' button and the doors obediently slide open. Stepping quickly inside Grailem pushes another button and manoeuvres‘ more grenades from his throat into his cheeks. Removing the caps from his fingers he puts them in his pocket and opens his attaché case.
Taking out an
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