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Book online «Asmyne by Amber Riel (100 books to read in a lifetime TXT) 📖». Author Amber Riel

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stung her heart.

Damen walked over to Asmyne and wrapped an arm around her. “I think that Asmyne’s amazing.”

“Oh and who are you, boy?” Gimat asked.

“Damen Simpson… Asmyne’s boyfriend,” he answered.

“Damen,” Asmyne interrupted, “this is Professor Gimat Ringola, and his lab rat as well as his wife, Semi Ringola.”

Damen looked over at Semi and had to keep from laughing. “So you dumped Asmyne for Minnie Mouse?”

Asmyne had to cover her mouth to hide the laughter.

Gimat didn’t laugh. He didn’t find Damen’s joke to be all that funny. “She gave me children whereas Asmyne couldn’t.”

“So you went for your lab rat?” Damen asked. “She has a tail. She’s not even cute.”

Semi dropped her mouth. “He’s mocking me, Gi.”

“Yes, I know, Semi.” Gimat looked over at April and Wiley. “Earthling girl, come here.”

“Why?” April asked.

“Just come here,” Gimat replied with a hint of agitation.

April walked over to them. She kept an eye on Gimat, wearily.

“If I told you that Asmyne destroyed our planet what would you say?” he asked.

“I already know that because she already told me that,” April answered.

“What if I told you that Asmyne was framed?” he asked.

Asmyne looked at Gimat. She remembered back to when she was talking to him over the screen. She put it all together in her head and everything became clear. “Framed?” she asked as if the word was unfamiliar to her.

“Yes framed,” Gimat replied.

“I don’t know… that would-” April began.

“You did it,” Asmyne interrupted, pointing to Gimat. “You did it. You framed me. You knew what would happen.” The anger grew.

“Gimat…” Wiley growled. “You… I should have known.”

“Whatever, stupid mutt,” Gimat replied, eyeing Wiley.

“You’re evil,” Asmyne told Gimat.

Gimat smiled. “And you’re just now noticing that? You may be a mad scientist… but you’re naïve when it comes to trusting people.”

Damen punched Gimat right in the jaw causing a popping noise but it had happened in a quick second.

Gimat eyed the earthling boy but the punch hadn’t affected him. “Done, boy?”

“It might be best if you leave, Gi,” Asmyne told him.

“Fine… ten days, Asmyne… ten days then this planet goes boom!” Gimat had jumped in Asmyne’s face for a moment, causing Asmyne to lean back slightly. “Come on, Semi.” Gimat left with Semi tagging along behind.   

Less Than A Week

Sasha walked into April’s apartment and closed the door. She noticed April was sitting in a chair and Wiley sat on the floor. “What’s going on?” she asked, noticing that Asmyne was the only one missing.

“Asmyne’s gone completely insane,” April answered. “She created a weapon that could destroy our planet.”

Sasha’s eyes grew wide. “Really?”

April nodded.

“It’s okay, girls,” Wiley interrupted. “She’s not going to destroy this planet so there’s no need to worry.”

“No need to worry?” April repeated. “What about your planet? It was destroyed by-”

“Not the professor’s fault… she knows what she’s doing. There’s no need to worry.” Wiley lifted up his head toward the ceiling. He began sniffing uncontrollably then he began growling. It was a low grow but it slowly grew louder.

“Wiley, what’s going on?” April asked, worried.



Asmyne was in her laboratory when the screen turned on. She turned her attention toward Gimat. “What do you want, Gi?” she asked, smiling a little bit.

“It’s been a few days since we last saw each other. I just thought that I’d remind you that you have less than a week now.” Gimat smiled.

Asmyne began laughing wildly which threw Gimat for a loop.

“What’s so funny, Asmyne?” he asked, confused. “I’m going to destroy the planet.”

“That’s what you think.” Asmyne’s laugh revealed insanity.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Because I’m… I’m…. I’m your husband.”

Asmyne stopped laughing for a moment and stared at Gimat. “Ex-husband… remember? You’re married to that dumb rat.” Her wild laugh returned. “I wouldn’t consider returning to you. You are my trash and now her treasure. That’s what happens when you cheat.”

Gimat eyed Asmyne. “I meant ex-husband.”

Asmyne raised an eyebrow. “Okay… look I don’t really care. Now go away. I have an idea on how to stop you and I’m going to let it be a surprise… got it?”

“You sound evil, Asmyne.”

“Me? I sound evil? Coming from the man who destroyed my life.” Asmyne began giggly, evilly. “Yes, I see. I have a plan to stop you and now I’m evil. Well, it comes with the territory. I mean aren’t we mad scientist suppose to sound evil at one point in our lives. I’d say that would make a good mad scientist. You need to hit the insanity button at least once in your life to pass… and well, I’m passed that point. I don’t know why I haven’t done it sooner… being evil… losing your sanity. Oh yes. I am there. Let me tell you, Gi, I’ve never felt better in my life… knowing I’m going to get revenge is sweet… and before I go. I do want to thank you for ruining my life because if you haven’t, I’d be an extremely unhappy, married, mad scientist right now. So thank you for everything… bye.” She smiled at Gimat and hit the button to shut off the screen.



Wiley slowly stopped growling and shook his head.

“Wiley,” April asked, “what was that about?”

“Nothing.” The wolf turned his head away so the two earthlings couldn’t ask any more questions.

“Are you alright?” Sasha asked.

“Yeah… look… can one of you open the professor’s door for me? I need to talk to her,” Wiley replied.

“Okay,” April answered, confused.



Bryson, Jorden, and Damen hung out at a fast food place. They talked and laughed. “So, Jorden, when are you going to ask Sasha out?” Bryson asked.

“Yeah, man… out of the three of us… you’re the only one without a chick,” Damen agreed.

“Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve been busy and when I’m not busy I can’t seem to find Sasha anywhere. It’s crazy, guys,” Jorden answered.



Wiley walked over to Asmyne and laid his head on her right thigh. “I heard your conversation with Gimat,” he told her.

“I knew you would.” Asmyne moved her right hand up and down Wiley’s neck. His fur felt silky.

“I have to agree with him, though.”

Asmyne stopped what she was doing and stared at Wiley. “What? You agree with him?”

“Well, the past couple of days you’ve seen kind of… I don’t know… different. I’m worried about you, professor.” Wiley’s ears went back down into his fur.

“You think I’m different?”

Wiley stared at Asmyne for a minute. “Yes.”

“I’m sorry if I’m worrying you, Wiley. These past few days, I’ve been feeling more insane than ever. I’m actually at the peak of my life as a mad scientist. Yes, I sound insane but that’s because I have finally reached the top of my insanity. I’m there and I can’t leave.” Asmyne began going into a daze whilst she spoke and her wild laughing started up again.

Wiley growled at Asmyne. “Stop, professor… stop talking, professor.”

Asmyne stopped laughing and stared at Wiley, confused. “Why are you growling?”

“You were changing as you spoke. I heard it in your words and your laughter. You’ve lost it, professor. You lost yourself. Ever since, he came back. This is why I’m here. You have April worried that you’re going to destroy this planet in the process of trying to stop Gimat. I’m not going to let that happen. I kind of have a fear that you’d do it too. If you needed to… I’m not going to let you do that, professor.”

“I’m sorry, Wiley. I can’t seem to help it. It just comes and goes. I guess I’m as bad as Gi then… huh?”

“I didn’t say that, but if you destroy this planet than you would be.”

“Thanks, Wiley. I haven’t realized how much fear people feel toward me... when I talk like that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Cycrest didn’t tell you?”


“It was a long time ago… before the planet was destroyed. Forget I said anything.”

“You have a dark side?”

Asmyne laughed a little. “It’s okay. It was a long time ago… okay. Forget about it.”

“Forget about it? You’re evil and you want me to forget about it? Professor, I’m so confused.”

“It’s done… forget about it.”

“Okay… but if you go rambling on like that again… I will bite you, professor. I’m not kidding either.”

“I know, Wiley. I know.”



Gimat sat back on a chair which looked like it had been made for royalty. His right hand held up his chin and he slouched back into the chair. His left arm rested on the arm rest. He thought about what he had said to Asmyne. Why did I say that? He thought. I’m happy with Semi. I think I am. I’m pretty sure I am. He looked at his wedding hand on his left ring finger. I love Asmyne… I mean Semi. His thoughts were getting twisted and confused. He shook his head and stood up. “I’m going for a walk! Okay, honey?!” he called toward the kitchen.

“Okay!” Semi’s voice replied.

Gimat walked out of the house. He closed the door behind him and looked around. It was dark and the stars danced in the sky whilst he walked down the dusty road. “I’m going to destroy you somehow, Asmyne!” he called through the street. He may have been on another planet but he didn’t care.



Asmyne walked into the living room. Her hair was down but still messy.

Some knocked on the door.

“I’m coming,” she said, walking over to it and opening it. She found Jorden standing there. “Oh… why hello?” she asked, checking him out.

April and Sasha were in the room. Sasha dropped her mouth in jealousy.

“I’m Asmyne. I don’t remember you.”

“Hi, Asmyne. I’m Jorden. You are very hot.”

“Thank you… you aren’t bad-”

“Asmyne! What are you doing?! You’re dating my brother! You shouldn’t-!” April shouted.

“It is okay, April,” Asmyne interrupted, turning to face April and Sasha.

Sasha was red hot from anger.

“Me and your brother have an understanding,” Asmyne continued. “He’s aloud to flirt with other girls and I’m aloud to flirt with other guys… as long as nothing happens… flirting is harmless.” She smiled and then looked at Sasha. “Unless… there’s something else I need to know… Sasha?”

“Asmyne, I need to talk to you,” Sasha answered, swallowing her anger.

“I know how this is going to end.” Asmyne looked over at Jorden and winked. She followed Sasha to the kitchen. “It’s okay, Sasha. I will back off.”

Sasha lost her anger. “Really?”

“Yes… besides, I already have Damen… who by the way is amazing.” Asmyne smiled. “Go for it… besides, I can tell by his expression that he wants you… not me.”

“Thank… you… I guess?”



Later on that day, Asmyne was in her laboratory. She reclined back in the computer chair with her feet resting on top of the computer desk. Wiley lay on the floor. “What are we going to do now, professor?” Wiley asked, the boredom revealed itself in his voice.

“We wait of course,” Asmyne replied. Her eyes were closed but she wasn’t sleeping. “I already have the explosive built. I just have to wait. We have to wait.”

“Waiting’s boring… why can’t we just surprise Gimat with an explosion that will send him flying into another universe?”

“You’re so impatient.”

“But I don’t like waiting.”

“I know… but you need to learn to be patient.”

“No… it’s too boring.”

“What if I turned you into a human for a day?”

“Really? You’d do that?”

“No,” Asmyne replied with a small laugh.

“Then why ask if you didn’t mean it?”


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