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Book online «The Terran Rangers/The Spectrum Force/Sailor Moon - The Preliminaries Volume 5 by Heather Ray (lightweight ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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turned them off," Solar said nonchalantly. "Not too difficult, for a telepath of my caliber."

Solar cackled as his eyes glowed an even brighter shade of gold, and twin beams of gold light flew at the heroes. While Solar turned his full attention to the three remaining heroes, he paid no heed to Rachel Castaneda, whose eyes shot open.

What happened to me?

she thought as she painfully rose to her feet.

*I revived you,*

said a deep but concerned voice in her head. Rachel blinked in surprise.

Who's there?

*I am Zordon, the mentor of the Power Rangers. I have been looking for you via the Astral Plane. Since you are a telepath, I can track down your psi-print.*

Can you bring us home?

*Once Solar has been defeated, the telepathic shield protecting the area will dissolve.*

But, how do we beat him? Nothing we can throw at him can overcome his power!

*Then perhaps you are going about this the wrong way. If you're power cannot stop Solar, then--*

Then use his power against him! That's it! Thanks, Zordon!

Rachel leapt to her feet, and instantly converted her body into a streak of purple light. She soared across the sand, and flew right up to Sailor Mars, who at this time was summoning her flaming powers.

"Mars Firestorm--"

"Raye, WAIT

!" Rachel cried. "Use your Fireball!"


"You used a magical scroll against me when we fought, and it lashed my powers back at me! Do the same to Solar!!"

Raye nodded, and glared at Solar menacingly. She then closed her eyes, and a small rectangular scroll appeared between her middle and index fingers.

"Mars Fireball...CHARGE


The piece of paper sparked with orange light, and Raye threw it threw the air. The scroll hit its intended target, smacking Solar in the forehead, and attaching itself to him. Solar began to laugh, but suddenly he was thrown into convulsions. He fell to his knees, shaking violently.

"What...what have you done?" he whispered. "The power..."

Then, a blinding golden light engulfed Solar, and spread out like a nuclear blast. The five heroes immediately ran back, fleeing from the intense psionic energy flying from Solar. While running, Keith lifted off the ground, and flew ahead of the group. He gently scooped Lita off the ground, and continued flying. Rachel created a purple force bubble, encasing Tommy, Adam, and Raye, as well as herself. Keith constructed his own bubble, and the two bubbled joined together.

"Will this bubble protect us from the energy?" asked Tommy.

"Only one way to find out!" said Keith. "Hold on!"

The mighty ocean of golden energy plowed into the force field, and Rachel and Keith focused every ounce of power they could into maintaining the force field.

"I don't think we can keep this thing up for long!" huffed Keith.

Part Sixteen

Chapter Eighteen

In the Command Center, Jocelyn, Billy, and Amy continued to search the Multiverse for the special energy patterns emitted by the Falcon and Frog Power Coins. Suddenly, a flash of green light signaled Zordon's arrival.

"Zordon!" said Jocelyn turning around. "Did you find anything?"


Billy nodded, and immediately began working. Jocelyn watched Billy work.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked.

"I'm done, actually," he said. "Teleporting now."

He activated the teleporter, and six beams of colored light heralded the arrival of the missing heroes.

"What...what happened?" asked Tommy curiously, "Billy! Zordon!"

"We're back!" said Adam, taking off his helmet.

"Where exactly are we?" asked Raye, looking around in confusion. She stared at the floating head in the cylinder.

"This is our headquarters," said Billy, stepping forward, "I'm Billy, the Blue Ranger."

"I'm Raye," she said, still bewildered, "Sailor Mars."

"Aye yi yi!" shrieked Alpha 5. "What happened to her?"

Raye looked down at her fallen friend, and shook her head.

"Solar took control of my Firebird, and used it against us. It burned Makoto severely."

"Zordon," said Amy. "Do you have any medical technology to treat Makoto's wounds?"


Alpha nodded, and teleported a cot to the corner of the Command Center. He teleported Makoto onto the cot, and began scanning her from head to toe.


"We're on it," said Adam, snapping his helmet back on. All five heroes stood in a line.

"Billy?" asked Tommy.

"I'm going to stay here a while longer," said Billy, fixated on the computer screen. "The others are having an extremely hard time fighting this monster, and he is emitting some strange magical waves. Now that you six have returned, we can focus our attention to battling this monster."

"Okay," said Tommy, and the heroes vanished in five streaks of light.

Part Seventeen

Chapter Nineteen

With one carefully fired arrow, the Pink Ranger dispatched of the final Tenga Warrior. She smiled under her helmet, and joined the Yellow and Red Rangers, as well as Craig Gillis, the Blue Spectrum Enforcer.

"Well, now that those turkeys have been taken care of, we can join the others," she said.

"Yeah," said Rocky, "I hope that bull thing isn't giving them too much trouble."

The four heroes ran through the park, following the trail of crushed vegetation leading to the fight scene. When they arrived, the saw the Taurus standing on its hind legs, firing bolts of brown energy at the Yellow Enforcer and Sailor Moon. The Yellow Enforcer used a Spectrum Shield to block the energy, while Sailor Moon used her Moon Scepter to deflect the energy rays. The Green Enforcer and Sailor Venus were on the ground, apparently recovering from heavy exertion.

"Hey, Toro

!" called Rocky, waving his hands frantically, "Toro, Toro!!


The bull turned around, and his nostrils flared when he saw the Red Ranger. He immediately fell to all fours, and began kicking up dirt with his hind leg.

"Uh," said Rocky, "I thought bulls were colorblind!"

"I guess this one isn't!" said Aisha. "And it looks like he has a thing for red!"

Rocky yelped and ran through the park, with the bull hot on his heels.

"What do we do against this guy?" asked Tamara, letting down her shield. "It's as hard as a rock! I'm used to the villains being very susceptible to light. They're dark beings."

"Well, light isn't gonna help against this thing," said Sailor Moon, "I have no idea what to do!"

"How do you Sailor Scouts finish off a bad guy?" asked Kimberly.

"With my scepter," said Sailor Moon, holding out her scepter. "We have to hurry up and catch that thing."

The heroes ran into the park, searching for the bull and the Red Ranger. However, they began to hear the sound of energy blasts.

"Guys," said Aisha excitedly, "Look!"

Everyone looked at the new battle scene, and saw the formerly missing heroes. The White Ranger was fighting off the bull's deadly horns with his saber, while Adam used his Cosmic Cannon on the creatures hind. Rocky had recovered, and used his sword as well, while Sailor Mars apparently was conjuring a powerful enchantment, and the Purple and Red Enforcers tried to bind the bull's feet, preventing it from escaping.

"Tommy! Adam!" shrieked Kimberly happily. "You're okay!"

"Well, yeah," said Tommy. "Unless this bull has his way!"

"Mars Fireball...CHARGE

!! I expel the evil from within you!!"

The fireball struck the bull on his forehead, but nothing happened.

"Huh?" asked Serena, running over to her dark-haired friend. "What does that mean?"

"It means...the evil magic within him isn't his own," said Raye, "so the power cannot backlash."

"So what does that

mean, Raye?"

"I...I'm not sure," Raye admitted.

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