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Book online «The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII by Heather Ray (cat reading book .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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You don't have forever to make your move."

With that, she ran her hands through her dark hair, and rose to leave. "Get some rest, Zack. We'll come get you when we're close to Cosmo Canyon."

When the door closed behind Tifa, Zack found himself alone in the darkness. But so much weighing on his mind, he found it difficult to drift into sleep.
Chapter Fifteen

Hidden within the mountains outside Angel Grove, buried deeply beneath the surface, the technological powerhouse known as the Central Access Complex buzzed with life. It housed weapons capable of destroying planets, as well as scanning devices that can find a particular microscopic organism within the great expanse of the Pacific Ocean. However, despite all this vaunted technology, there was nothing the individuals there could do but watch their friend die.

Aisha Campbell remained unconscious, suspended in a force field designed to slow the progress of the viral contaminant inside her body. Beside her, Adam Park stood vigil, keeping watch over the various systems to make sure Aisha was as stable as can be. Only a few feet away, Alexis Darling lay upon another cot, her skin flushed and moist, and her eyes closed in exhaustion. Rocky DeSantos busied himself trying to keep her comfortable, while Tanya Sloan monitored the virus' progression through the Purple Ranger's body.

"Rocky, how's that coolant holding up?" Tanya asked, looking up from the screen she was studying.

Rocky glanced at her, and then turned to the source of a small beam that bathed the prone Purple Ranger in its gentle pale blue rays. "It seems okay, but I don't think it's really helping Lex's fever. Maybe we should crank it up to maximum?"

Tanya shook her head. "Alexis' fever isn't life threatening, so it's not imperative to reduce it. I just want to keep it in check. There's little we can do to treat a Space Virus. Her best chance lies in her own enhanced immune system."

"Well, at least she fell asleep," Rocky sighed, gently drying the moisture off her forehead with a towel. "That should help her on her way to recovery."

Tanya nodded, and glanced up from her work once again. This time, however, she inspected the remaining Terran Rangers, who were all seated by the main computer. None wanted to get in the way of the established medical team, yet they didn't want to leave until they were at least certain their friends were out of danger. And that wouldn't happen until Zack and Billy returned from their present mission.

"Rocky," Tanya said, picking up a hand-held scanning unit, "why don't you check on the rangers, and see how they're holding up? They're still a bit under the weather, even if it isn't really serious."

Rocky nodded, and caught the scanner Tanya tossed him. He jogged over to the congregation of rangers, who remained in relative silence. In fact, several of them had fallen asleep.

"How're you guys holding up?" Rocky inquired, switching on the scanner. He ran it over Tommy's forehead, since he was the closest to him. Tommy groaned slightly when the buzzing sound of the scanner awakened him, and watched Rocky's expression through blurry eyes, trying to determine his own situation via his friend's reaction. He felt relief when Rocky had finished scanning without announcing another dire diagnosis.

"Never better," Kimberly muttered sarcastically, standing up and stretching her arms and legs.

"I can't believe Billy and Zack haven't contacted us yet," Jason sighed, being careful not to jostle Katherine, who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. "What could be taking them so long?"

"They have an entire planet to search," Tommy reminded him. "Did you think it would be easy to do?"

Jason closed his eyes, and shook his head. "No. I just don't like waiting."

"So we've noticed," Rocky quipped, passing the scanner over Jason's body. "Okay, you four check out fine. Still, the virus is still in you, and the fact that your bodies are fighting it may be resulting in your current exhaustion."

Kim smiled weakly with amusement. "You sounded so much like Billy when you said that."

Rocky grinned. "Now you've seen everything."

Suddenly, the alarms screamed to life, surprising both Alexis and Katherine out of their slumber.

"What's happening?" Kat yawned weakly, her head rising from Jason's shoulder.

"Lemme check," Adam said, leaving Aisha's side to glance at the incoming data. "According to this, there are five magical creatures in and around Angel Grove."

"What?!" Alexis asked, pushing the ray that hovered over her so she could sit up.

"There's evil energy exuding from the park, the school, the business district, the outlet mall...and right above us."

"Large concentrations of people," Jason said, standing up and helping Katherine to her feet, "and our headquarters."

"Let's bring up some visuals," Tommy said, standing at the console beside Adam. He pressed a sequence of buttons, and the large screen was divided into five squares, one on each corner and one in the center. On each screen, a villain appeared, firing energy beams or swinging its weapon at innocent civilians. However, in the center image, Goldar sat upon a large boulder, waiting at the location of the destroyed Command Center.

"Goldar, Rito, and three monsters," Kimberly commented, glancing up at Tommy who stood close beside her. "We're going to have to split up."

"That's exactly what they want you to do," Adam spoke. "You know that, right?"

"We don't have a choice," Jason said, his lips pressed into a thin line. "If we single out one monster to attack, the others will either back him up, getting the drop on us, or continue to threaten the rest of Angel Grove."

"Then split up it is," Katherine said, crossing her arms. She peered at the screen contemplatively. "I'll take the creature at the park. I can use the lake to my advantage with my Water powers."

"Good thinking," Jason affirmed. "The business district's mine."

An ironic smile tugged at Kimberly's lips. "I'll take Rito at the mall."

"Goldar's mine," Tommy stated, his fists clenching, "but what about the school...?"

"That's my cue," Alexis said, swinging around and hopping off the cot. She straightened out her shirt, and moved to join the other rangers by the main computer.

"Are you nuts?!" Rocky questioned, moving into her path. "You're still running a fever!"

"Do you have anyone else in mind?" she countered.

"Well," Adam commented, his gaze fixed across the room, "we still have the green Zeo shard..."

"Don't even think

about it," Tanya said, her hands on her hips. "That thing has almost killed two Green Rangers. We're going to need time to figure out how to use it safely, and obviously, time's something we don't have right now."

"So, I'm the only option," Alexis decided.

Tommy gazed at Alexis, and then nodded. "Okay, you've got the school. Rocky, you keep an eye on us, especially Alexis. If it looks like someone's in trouble, teleport him or her out. I'm not taking any risks with this virus in our bloodstreams."

"You got it," Rocky said, moving closer to the computer. Tommy stepped away to a clearer area, and was followed by Jason, Katherine, Kimberly, and Alexis.

"It's Morphin Time!" Tommy uttered, his eyes flashing with red energy, "TERRA FIRE POWER!!"



"X-Ranger Two!!"

"Purple Ranger Power!!"

Chapter Sixteen

A knock at the door broke through Zack's dreamless sleep. His eyes shuttered open, then closed immediately when they came in contact with the bright light from outside. He yawned weakly, and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He peered into the light, trying to discern who had come for him.

"Wakey, wakey, Sleepin' Beauty," he cooed sarcastically, leaning against the entrance with his arms crossed. "We're comin' up on Cosmo Canyon."

Zack smiled, recognizing the biting voice easily enough. "Hello, Cid," he said, rising to his feet. He then looked around. "Where's Billy?"

Cid Highwind chuckled. "That poindexter friend of yours sure is a sponge for useless facts," he declared, lighting a cigar. "He's out talkin' with the techs about the inner workings of the ship. All he should be worried about is whether or not it can fly, but no, he has to understand the physical principles that make a ship like this possible! He must not have much of a home life."

Zack shook his head. "He just has a bottomless well of curiosity," he replied, walking towards Cid. "What's everyone else doing to prepare?"

Cid shrugged. "Cait Sith is still runnin' around like he's in charge, Barrett's tryin' to pick which armor he wants to use, Cloud, Red and Tifa are with the Huge Materia, Yuffie's on the deck, tryin' not to hurl, and Vinnie...hell, I don't know where he is."

"I'm right here, Cid," Vincent remarked from behind, causing Cid to jump in alarm and surprise. He swore when he realized he dropped his cigar.

"You owe me a smoke, Valentine," Cid muttered. "Why're you so $#@*(#


Vincent's expression remained stone. "I am what I am."

Cid rolled his eyes, a string of annoyed curses whispered under his breath as he left the crew quarters. Zack chuckled at Cid's anger, but his smile fell when he felt Vincent's crimson gaze on him.

"Uh, hi," Zack said uncomfortably.

Vincent nodded. "Are you feeling any better?" he asked.

Zack was surprised to hear Vincent start a conversation. "A little," he responded, "I guess I'm just anxious to find that cure and get back home."

"Follow me," Vincent said, turning around and leaving the quarters. Zack did as asked, and followed Vincent to the upper deck of the airship, which was where Zack remembered boarding the vessel a few hours ago. From there, they saw the rolling slopes of the mountains, and a small city built inside the wall of a rather large cliff. In that city was a huge dome on top, with a telescope peeking out.

"That is Cosmo Canyon," Vincent said, wrapping his cape around his body when he halted. Zack

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