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and how the newfound revelation from Trey rearranged it. Could Eric actually be working for Kurt? This could explain
 Nick caught himself staring forward at nothing. Don’t jump to conclusions
 he shouted at himself inwardly.

Trey could glean from Dr Walkers face that he was achieving his desired results.

“I’m sure Eric simply saw some opportunities to ‘pick the brain’ of a very rich man for some 
” Nick started. Trey cut him off.

 but it wasn’t like that, Uncle Nick. I mean one of those times might’ve been that way. But the other two times definitely weren’t.” Trey interjected.

“I don’t get it. What do you mean by that Trey?” Nick inquired, becoming more quizzical in his expression.

“Well, the first time I saw them talking they were standing just outside the exit to Lot B over by the employee smoking area. You know where I’m talking about?” Nick gave a few barely perceptible nods. “But the next time I watched him climb into Kurt’s Bentley late at night. He stayed in there for
 I’d say around an hour.” Nicks brow raised.

“And the third time?” Nick queried, now with a furrowed brow.

“Well that one was TOTAL coincidence! No kidding. Had I not been out drinking with my friends, I would’ve never caught that one.” Trey was smiling and shaking his head. “So Brad, Andrew, Sherman and I were like just running around town looking for chicks. We had heard about this new place that is really nice
 jazz bands playing, pool tables, classy women. And it’s like down in a cellar!” Nick was familiar with the dive he was referring to and felt Trey was acting more excited about the place than what it deserved. But Nick smiled and nodded. The truth was, Nicholas Walker was already piecing this all together in his mind. Eric meeting with Kurt in a dark, out-of-the-way place, in his car, and who knows how many other times. These three just happened to have been observed by Trey. It was truly starting to appear that Eric’s invasive actions were being directed from an outside source. And Nick could only imagine how much Eric was being paid for all of this. He allowed himself to drift back into Trey’s narrative.

 getting bored and there were definitely NOT any single women there. Mostly couples, you know. So I said
” Trey was intentionally rambling so as to avoid his monologue from appearing prepared. As he attempted to continue, his uncle’s hand began flipping circles along with his head nodding
 an action that screamed out “GET TO THE POINT”!

 so where I’m going with this is that I happen to look over at a table across the room and there’s Eric and Kurt, talking all seriously and stuff, with a laptop open on the table and a few papers strewn here and there in front of them.” Trey stopped abruptly and became locked in a frozen gaze waiting to hear if any of this was registering with Nick. 10 full seconds of total silence passed.

“You’re sure it was them
 meaning you positive ID’d both of them?” Nick grilled Trey for a definitive answer.

“Hey Unk
 I mean first of all
 I work with Eric. I’d know him a mile away” Trey said in a phony defensive manner. “And not to mention, when you’ve seen two people together a few times, just the two of them sitting there created an automatic recognition thing! You know what I mean? Like
 Hey, there’s Eric and Kurt AGAIN!!” Trey laughed a bit. Nick was nodding in agreement and held one hand up to stop Trey from saying anything else. Due to the rather loud nature of Trey’s voice and the content of his last comment, Nick glanced around to see if anyone was anywhere nearby. Trey followed suit by rotating his head in a 360 degree scan of their surroundings
 so he would seem to be just as paranoid.

 it’s actually pretty important that you keep this to yourself. Have you told anyone about these sightings?” Nick said with warning in his voice. Trey did his best to project nervousness in his demeanor. With no expression on his face, he slowly shook his head.

“Good. Don’t.” Nick said. “I’m sure at some point you’ll be filled in on the whole story. But not right now.”

“Is Eric getting fired, Uncle Nick?” Trey asked with an award winning performance of concern for his co-worker.

“No. As a matter of fact, he was possibly getting a promotion.” Nick responded with a distant look in his eyes. ‘But now I’m not so sure that’s going to happen’ he thought. “But listen Trey, I have to head home and leave you to your janitorial duties. Remember..,” Nick zipped his fingertips along his lips. “
keep it to yourself. OK?”

“Oh yeah, Uncle Nick. You can count on me!” Trey said proudly and in a slightly more whispered voice.”And Uncle Nick
 I would appreciate the same in return. You know, don’t tell Eric that I was the one who saw him. I just
” Nick held a hand up to prevent Trey from having to complete the sentence he seemed to be struggling with.

“Of course” he promised his nephew.

Dr Nicholas Walker then smiled, patted his nephew on the arm and walked off towards the main office complex. Trey watched him fade into the darkness and then repeated in an almost inaudible voice

“Oh yeah, Uncle. I will DEFINITELY keep it to myself” He smiled.

Chapter Eleven


                “As long as I’m alive, there is always hope”


- John Carter of Mars (Character in John Carter of Mars series, Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs)




September 27
present time



The comfortable night breeze blew over Kurt Lehman’s face as he leaned against the wall of the massive veranda. He was mulling over the day’s activities and events. The message he was waiting to hear would alter his future. Any moment now, Jarvis would walk through that door and announce the arrival of his guest. If they had accomplished what he was needing done, he would now be able to manipulate the launch of the EHM.

“Sir” Jarvis spoke softly so as not to alarm Lehman. He had stepped out on to the patio unannounced and could tell Mr Lehman had not detected his presence. Lehman turned to find Jarvis a mere 5 feet away from him.

“Jarvis I swear! You could be a damn spy!” Kurt said loudly with a laugh. Jarvis simply smiled and then spoke.

“If you say so, sir. A Miss Sheri Preston here to see you sir” Jarvis presented.

“Ah perfect! Please make her comfortable in the library. I’ll be right there”



It was quite understandable that at some point, the things that would be forfeited in this epic adventure into space would be missed
 yearned for
 difficult to part with. Angela was feeling that at this moment.

Her head propped on the arm of her plush couch with her feet stretched fully out along its length, Angie was able to stare directly into the eyes of Jesus. Her favorite painting of the Savior was on the wall opposite the other end of the sofa. The artist had successfully created the sensation that the subject’s line of vision seemingly followed you about the room. This was the one thing that trivialized all her possessions. Angela had grown more than positive that an answer to the question of God’s existence would be found out there. Out in the far reaches of space.

Even a simple answer as to whether or not He exists, would be more than sublime. Not finding answers to her own life’s purpose would be somewhat expected. This had truly not transformed into search for the “secrets of the universe”, as Hollywood or popular notion would have it become. No, this premonition or revelation she was being repeatedly inspired by was something solid. Something
 true. Just as her focus on the painting blurred in a deep stare that was smothered with thoughtful possibilities
 her cell exploded with a call. It was Nick. Her astrophysics frame of mind returned as she scooted herself into an upright position on the couch.

 what’s up?” she spoke in a voice that belied what she had just been doing.

“Did I wake you?” Nick queried. “We can talk about this tomorrow if you’d rather”

“No Nick. It’s fine. I was just laying here on the couch thinking. Wasn’t even asleep” Nick paused for a few moments before relating to her everything his nephew had just shared with him. Not wanting to ‘automatically’ incriminate Eric, he did his best to relay the story with discretion. Angie remained quiet the entire time. When the phone fell silent on both ends for nearly 10 seconds, Angie spoke.

“I don’t know Nick. No doubt with all Eric has been involved with both past and present, it would be easy to point an accusing finger his way and call it addressed.” She hesitated a moment before proceeding with her next observation. “I hope this doesn’t put me on your bad side. I know Trey is your nephew. Blood relative. But since the day he started working at MARCH, he has totally given me the creeps. Not in a sexual way mind you. But there just seems to be a strange 
 what you see is NOT what you get
 sort of feeling about him” she concluded. When the silence on the other end became awkward, Angie suddenly began to regret having voiced this opinion of the boss’s brother’s son. Nick finally cleared his throat in several rough coughs.

 I would have to concur on that assessment.” Nick somewhat reluctantly acquiesced. Angie could’ve released a resounding sigh of relief, but exerted self-control instead. “He seems to always be sneaking around. Hiding in the shadows and corners.


Publication Date: 05-17-2020

All Rights Reserved

To my parents... who always sought to inspire their children.

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