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Book online «The Kids Grow Up by Trish Hanan (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Trish Hanan

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over to help Fran with the kids. This was going to be their special morning and he had every detail from bread to breakfast planned. He giggled softly as he fried bacon and ham. Next came the scrambled eggs with cheese and canned mushrooms, green peppers and onions and toast. When it was all ready, he carried it into the bedroom along with juice, milk and coffee. Fran walked into the kitchen and gave him a hug.
“Go make us another boy,” she said and he laughed.
“I’m going to try,” Harry said and he lifted the door opened. Jake opened his eyes when he smelled the food and smiled at his husband. Harry put the tray on the stand and deposited the pitchers on the floor.
“What’s all this, breakfast in bed?” Jake remarked. Harry grinned and sat on the bed.
“I thought my hard working man deserved a little morning off,” he told him. Jake grinned.
“What about the cows?” he asked and took a piece of bacon and put it in his mouth.
“DJ is taking care of that,” he was told. He nodded.
“And the children?” he then asked. Harry smiled and leaned down for a kiss and got one.
“Grace and Abby are coming over to help Fran, we have all morning, hell, we can stay in here all day if we want,” he told him. Jake grinned.
“Got to pee, I’ll be right back, don’t you go anywhere with that banana nut bread,” he ordered. When he returned Harry had the comforter on the floor and was spreading the food out. His clothes were off and he looked as delicious and the food. Jake admired him for a moment.
“I don’t know what I want to eat first, babe, you or the food,” he teased. Harry grinned.
“Eat the food first, honey, you’re going to need your strength,” he informed him and Jake whistled and sat down.
“Well that sounds like a challenge to me, babe, you’d better be able to pay up on that,” he teased. Harry grinned and sat next to him. He ripped off a piece of banana bread and offered it to him.
“I’m in the mood to make a baby today, honey, so eat up,” he said, giving him that sly look with his eyes half-closed and all slanty. Jake forgot all about the food. He reached for Harry instead.
“We can eat later,” he whispered harshly and kissed him long and hard. Harry sighed with pleasure and he wrapped his arms around Jake’s strong neck and held on tight.
“I want a baby, Jake, give me a son,” he whispered against his mouth. Jake’s mouth and tongue began its descent and this time they knew what to expect and it was better. They teased and tormented one another and made it last longer and harder and both of them yelled at the final release and the others in the kitchen feeding the children heard and all burst into laughter.
“Well, I guess someone just made you a little brother,” DJ told Jackson who giggled and ate some eggs. Abby giggled.
“I bet Harry’s really great in bed, he’s got that look about him,” she remarked and Grace nodded.
“Jake is handsome and he looks powerful but Harry looks like he would really know what to do in the bedroom,” she declared. DJ giggled.
“If you had your choice and could only pick one of them to sleep with, who would you pick?” he asked. They thought about it for a minute.
“Harry,” Abby said.
“Jake,” Grace said. DJ laughed.
“I thought you said Harry would be better in bed,” he said. She grinned.
“Yeah, but I’ve seen Jake naked at the waterfall and he’s got a really big dick and with those strong legs, it’s a miracle Harry can sit down,” she stated and they all laughed. Fran giggled.
“What a conversation to have at breakfast,” she said. Then she looked at DJ. “Which one would you pick?” she asked. DJ grinned.
“Well, if Jake is that big, he’s not coming near me,” he teased and they all laughed. “I’d have to go with Harry,” he admitted. “Sometimes when he looks at you with his eyes all half-closed and all slanted, he looks so sexy, and he doesn’t know how sexy he is, that’s what makes him so sexy. And his ass, my God, he’s got the best ass on the planet.” All the women laughed.
“Sounds like you have a crush on Harry,” Abby commented. DJ shrugged.
“I used to when we were boys, but he would never look at me, ever since we woke up, it’s always been Jake with him, you’ve got to admire that kind of loyalty. I think if Jake hadn’t been gay, poor Harry would have been the loneliest man on the planet.” Then they all heard another yell and burst into laughter.
“What are they doing in there?” Grace asked and then blushed.
“All I know is Harry took two loaves of banana nut bread in there and God only knows what they do with it,” Fran informed them. They all looked surprised.
“Banana nut bread?” Abby asked. She nodded.
“Jake goes wild every time Harry bakes it, they take two loaves in the bedroom and I don’t see them for hours,” Fran told them. They all laughed.
“My brother sure is weird,” Abby remarked.
Harry and Jake lied on the floor holding hands with their legs entwined, kissing and talking softly.
“We made a baby, babe,” Jake said softly and bit Harry’s lower lip and then licked it. Harry sighed and he smiled.
“I love you so much, Jake, sometimes it hurts I love you so much,” he told him. Jake nodded and he pressed his body as close to Harry as he could and held him tight.
“I know, Harry, sometimes I think I would die if anything ever happen to you, please; don’t ever leave me,” he whispered. Harry smiled and he traced Jake’s lips with his fingertip.
“I’ll never leave you, honey, you’re my whole life, without you I have nothing,” he whispered and they kissed. Then Harry giggled when Jake’s stomach rumbled. “I guess I’d better feed you before you starve on me,” he teased and they sat up and ate cold but very tasty food.
Then they cleaned up and took a shower and made love in the shower which they always enjoyed and then crawled back into bed to sleep for a couple more hours because it was their lazy day and they were tired. They woke up around two in the afternoon and got dressed smiling and happy and pregnant and Harry was glowing once again.
“Where are the kids?” Harry asked Abby who was watching an episode of The Barrones and laughing at the grandfather saying ‘Holy crap.’
“Napping, it’s about time you two showed up,” she declared and looked up. She saw his glowing eyes and grinned. “Yep, you’re pregnant.”
“Your brother is very good at what he does,” he informed her smugly and sat on the couch next to her. She laughed.
“I know, we could hear you two yelling in there, what in the world do you two do with two loaves of banana nut bread?” she asked. He blushed.
“That’s none of your business and the bread won’t talk,” he teased and then held out his hands when Jake appeared holding two happy nine month-old children.
“There’s my babies, give me one of those and I’ll let you live,” he said. Jake handed over Emma and laughing sat next to him. Harry kissed her cheeks and smelled baby.
“Why do babies smell so good?” he wondered aloud. Abby made a rude noise.
“They smell like sour milk and do-do, that’s not good,” she snorted. Both men laughed.
“Well, my daughter smells like baby powder and love,” Harry declared and they went into kitchen for yogurt and juice. Harry made them thick sandwiches and they ate with the children and the whole family was happy. Fran came out and Jake took the kids to the park while Harry made chicken and dumplings for dinner with biscuits and a fresh salad. Then he made blackberry cobbler for dessert.
The next morning they took the kids in for checkups and Harry got his scan done and it was another boy which made Jake pleased as he could be. Harry laughed and told Dr. George how Jake had predicted that all of his children were going to be boys.
“That would be terrific; we could really use all of that fresh DNA in the colony,” the older man said. He said the twins were in perfect health and they took them home stopping off at Toys R Us for some toys on the way.
The dining room was baby central with games and was roped off so that the little ones could roam around and stay safe. They could wander the dining, living room and kitchen with no problem. They had gates stopping them from going downstairs to the game room and blocking them from the food prep room.
When they got home they found Dr. Jackson waiting in the living room for them. He had forgotten about their doctor’s appointment but decided to wait. The kids saw him and squealed with delight and wanted down. Harry grinned and put Jackson into his arms.
“There’s my big boy, how are you grandson?” Dr. Jackson said and he kissed him. The little boy giggled. Then of course he had to kiss Emma and he got down on the floor and opened their new blocks with them. Then Jake grinned.
“Congratulate us, Dad, its going to be another boy around Christmas,” he informed him. Dr. Jackson’s eyes widened. He got up and hugged his son and then he reached for Harry and hugged him.
“Another boy, you keep this up, Son and I’ll have a basketball team to coach,” he teased and then went back to the blocks. Harry laughed and went into the kitchen for cups of juice.
“That’s what your son promised me Jackson, he promised me five sons and I’m keeping him to that,” he informed him. Dr. Jackson laughed and he handed juice to his namesake.
“You hear that Jackson, you’re going to have a baby brother to play with,” he gushed. “Not that a sister wouldn’t be nice because, right, Emma,” he said not wanting her to think he didn’t like her. Jake and Harry exchanged an amused glance. Yep, he was definitely a big pussy cat.
Sunday at Church Harry and Jake stood up and announced the arrival of their second son and everyone cheered and clapped for them. Jewel hugged them after.
“I’m so jealous, everyone is having babies except for me, when can I have a baby?” she asked. Harry grinned.
“Jewel, you can have a baby any time you want, you’re a member of the colony now, just pick a father and have a baby,” he said. She grinned.
“Then I pick you, Harry, will you be the father of my baby?” she asked. Jake laughed and he hugged her.
“He’d love to Jewel, Harry loves making babies, don’t you, babe?” he teased him. Harry nodded.
The next day they all went to see Dr. George and explained the process to Jewel who laughed.
“Oh, no, this is not how we do it on my planet,” she told them. Then she explained
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