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Book online «Power Rangers In Space by Heather Ray (surface ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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face, and his smile slowly fell.

"Thank you," he whispered, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from Ashley's eyes, "Thank you for surviving. I don't know how I would have lived with myself if I had your death on my shoulders. I couldn't take that. After all that I lost because of my foolishness, I couldn't take losing you too."

With that, Andros slowly bent over, and gently kissed Ashley's forehead.

"Good night," he whispered, walking towards the door. He dimmed the light in the medical ward, and entered the hallway, returning to the other Rangers promptly. As he walked, his hand strayed to the two chains that now dangled from his neck. He squeezed them tightly, his green eyes brimming with unshed tears of frustration. He fought them back, and took a deep breath.

"I won't give up," he declared, "I'll find you some day, Karone. I won't let Astronema's trickery hinder me. Now I know who took you from us, and when I find him again, his life will depend on his cooperation."
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Meanwhile the Dark Fortress slowed to a halt just past Mars. Inside the vessel, Astronema was trapped in a fit of coughs, while attendants hurried to restrain the sorceress less she injure herself. Nearby, Elgar lay in a similar condition, but he wasn't attended by anyone. On the other side, Darkonda and Ecliptor lay, coughing often, but not as strongly as Astronema.

"You said...this plan was foolproof!" Ecliptor muttered, glaring at Darkonda with contempt.

"Oh, shut...UP

," Darkonda growled, "It's not my fault you couldn't stop the Blue Ranger from activating that poison sweep!"

"You couldn't...even take the Red Ranger," Ecliptor gasped between breaths, "Useless!"

"I'm not to blame," Darkonda maintained.

Ecliptor's head snapped up when he saw Astronema fall into another fit of coughs. She then soon lost consciousness, and lay limp on the cot.

"How is she?" Ecliptor yelled at the attendants. The physician glanced at the general, and shook his head.

"The toxins have ravaged her sinus tracts," he said, "We don't have the equipment to restore her here, so we must return to Dark Spectre."

Ecliptor frowned. "Contact the bridge and inform them to move out, as quickly as this ship will carry us. Astronema's well being is far more important than the Power Rangers."

"Her respiratory system seems rather frail, doesn't it?" Darkonda commented darkly, "It sounds like you're on your way to a promotion, eh?"

After some disquieting coughs, Ecliptor glared again at Darkonda. "You'd better watch what you say," Ecliptor threatened, "Once Astronema does heal, she will certainly remember exactly whose plan this was, as well as who abandoned her on the Megaship. And I doubt she'll be merciful."

Darkonda's small grin collapsed instantly, and he rose to his feet.

"...I think I've worn out my welcome," he said, walking to the door, "Until next crime!"

"Oh no you don't," Ecliptor muttered, snapping his fingers. Six Quantrons hurried into the medical chamber from outside, and grabbed Darkonda's arms and legs. "Send him to the dungeon, to await Astronema's punishment. And make sure it's a particularly nasty cell."

Ecliptor smiled with satisfaction as she saw Darkonda dragged through the halls of the Dark Fortress. His smile soon fell as his coughs once again erupted.

Character Thesaurus

Space Rangers

The four remaining powerless Turbo Rangers travelled to outer space to prevent Dark Specter from draining Zordon's powers. On their way to Eltare, they met Andros, a Red Ranger from a distant space colony, who took them in as his crew and gave them powers as Space Rangers.

The Rangers travelled in the Astro Megaship, which had living quarters, a training area, jump tubes, a synthetron, and was armed with megalasers. The Megaship was destroyed in battle against Trakeena in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy


Andros - Red Space Ranger

Full Name:

Ranger Designation:

Red Space Ranger

Spiral Saber, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Red Battlizer Armor, Red Galaxy Glider

Astro Megazord, Delta Megazord, Mega V1

Andros is the stubborn, brooding leader of the Rangers. Upon meeting them, he was unwilling to accept their help, but after a little convincing he let them join him on the Megaship as Power Rangers. Andros is from the planet KO-35, a human colonization which was evacuated. He is serious and decisive, and did not rest until he found his long lost sister Karone, who was revealed to be Astronema. He appealed to the good in her, and successfully brought her over to the side of good. His weapon is the Spiral Sabre, and he piloted Mega V1, the robot. Using the Battlizer, he could control the Delta Megazord, and summon armor and a wings.

After years of inactivity, Andros returned as the Red Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

Andros was once again called into action to help the legendary Ranger Tommy gather intelligence on the Machine Empire's plans to unearth Serpentera and destroy Earth. Using his new space ship, the Astro Megaship mark 2, he teamed up with 9 other Red Rangers and traveled to the moon to stop the Machine Empire.

TJ - Blue Space Ranger

Full Name:

Theodore J. Jarvis Johnson
Ranger Designation:

Blue Space Ranger

Astro Axe, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Blue Galaxy Glider

Mega V3

T.J. is the courageous and fearless second in command. After the Turbo Rangers lost their powers, he successfully led the team into space, where they found Andros and the Megaship. While fighting Darkonda, TJ took a serious blow to head, and lost his memory. By remembering his friends and what they meant to him, he was able to regain his memory just in time to help Andros and save his captive friends. His weapon is the Astro Axe, and he pilots Mega V3, the missile.

After years of inactivity, TJ returned as the Blue Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

When Machine Empire forces unearthed Serpentera to destroy Earth, TJ regained his Turbo powers to team up with 9 other Red Rangers and travel to the moon to stop them.

Carlos - Black Space Ranger

Full Name:

Carlos Vallerte
Ranger Designation:

Black Space Ranger

Lunar Lance, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Blue Galaxy Glider

Mega V2

Carlos is a good natured and friendly person, and has a strong sense of loyalty and compassion. He has taken a shine to fiddling with the technology on the Megaship, and takes full advantage of his resources. During a battle with a monster who could instantaneously switch places with anyone in contact, Carlos accidentally attacked and injured Cassie, which led to him resigning as a Ranger. With Adam's help, he regained his confidence and overcame his fears, returning to the team. His weapon was the Lunar Lance, and he piloted Mega V2, the shuttle. After years of inactivity, Carlos returned as the Black Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

Ashley - Yellow Space Ranger

Full Name:

Ashley Hammond
Ranger Designation:

Yellow Space Ranger

Star Slinger, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Yellow Galaxy Glider

Mega V4

Ashley provides the team with a shoulder to lean on. She is very sweet and caring, and comforts those who need it. Her bright and cheery personality, coupled with her slightly ditzy nature bring a smile to anyone's face. When her grandmother came by for a visit, she was so eager to see Ashley with a nice boy, that Ashley made Carlos pretend to be her boyfriend. Her weapon was the Star Slinger, and she piloted Mega V4, the flying saucer. After years of inactivity, Ashley returned as the Yellow Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

Cassie - Pink Space Ranger

Full Name:

Cassie Chan
Ranger Designation:

Pink Space Ranger

Satellite Stunner, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Pink Galaxy Glider

Mega V5

Beneath Cassie's sarcastic and gutsy exterior lies a caring and compassionate soul who finds it difficult at times to show her true feelings. She gives everyone a chance to prove themselves to her, and puts a lot of faith into people. Cassie discovered a wasp with a heart, one of Astronema's monsters who did not want to be evil. She stuck by him, and defended him against both the Rangers and Astronema's forces. Her weapon was the Satellite Stunner, and she piloted Mega V5, the tank. After years of inactivity, Cassie returned as the Pink Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers, and almost lost her powers to Psycho Pink.

Zhane - Silver Space Ranger

Full Name:

Ranger Designation:

Silver Space Ranger

Super Silverizer

Digimorpher, Galactic Rover, Silver Cycle

Mega Winger

The Silver Ranger is said to be the most powerful Ranger in the universe. Zhane is an old friend of Andros' who was injured in a battle on KO-35 a few years before he was released from a cryogenic chamber which kept him alive on the Megaship. His powers

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