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Princess,” Wainwright admitted. “And I was the best man at
both of their weddings.”
“If my grandfather was in Star Fleet,” I asked the man;
“how did he end up Governor of Jarusian?”
“Natan was tagged for the Diplomatic Corps when he was
pulled into the troubles on Jarusian with his Ambassador,”
Wainwright told me. He looked over at Natan; and I could see he
was wondering why Natan had not told me all of this. “He resigned
his commission and remained there as the Governor after he
married Lienna Aitli.”
“I never regretted it,” Natan said simply. “It is where I am
needed.” He held his hand out and I went to sit on the arm of his
chair. “We have Leonid and my grandchildren’s troubles to deal
with now, old friend. What is the word from the Federation
“There is to be a tribunal,” Wainwright frowned; “as you
knew. We shall lay our claim that the kidnapping invalidates the
union. As long as the Prince and Princess assert that it was against
their wills, they should have no trouble having the marriage
“That might be a problem,” I said sadly. I could see what
they were both thinking from the worry on their faces. “I went to
the doctor when we arrived, Grandfather,” I continued as Natan
and Wainwright looked at me. “Prince Aden was drugged and he
forced himself on me as soon as we were wed on Chandras. I am
having his child.”
“Melaura!” Aden’s eyes went wide with shock. “I am
“That changes nothing,” Wainwright nodded. “It was not
by your choice.” He looked at Natan and I saw my grandfather
nod. “You must not tell anyone of this pregnancy; either of you.
The faction that arranged your hostage status will see this as yet
more leverage to keep you under control.” He saw the look on
Aden’s face. “I’m sorry, boy…”
“You are not the bastard who did this to her,” Aden broke
in; his rage making me wince. He took my hands in his and his
eyes searched mine. “I will understand if you wish to remove the
child. It was put there by force, not love. I am horrified at the
thought that I was a party to such an act.”
“When can I speak to the Counselor?” I asked, changing
the subject to a less painful one.
“The Counselor will be arriving soon,” he told me. He saw
my disappointment. “I can assure you that no one is going to get
anywhere near you before he has his chance to talk to both of you,
child. There are four starships orbiting the station at the moment
and a full squad of security keeping their eyes on the two of you
from this moment on.”
“And the Ferengi?” I asked him and saw him look at me in
confusion. “The ones who took us off of Chandras are here on the
station, Admiral. If your security is watching anyone, it should be
“The Major has already been alerted to that situation,
Grandfather,” David said as he came down the stairs. “They had a
run-in with the Ferengi on the service level yesterday.” He saw my
Grandfather glaring at him. “Your granddaughter and Prince Aden
asked me not to tell you, sir.”
“That does not make me any less angry with you,
Lieutenant,” Natan told him. “My granddaughter was supposed to
be resting.” He turned to look at me. “We shall speak of this later,
child.” He turned back to Wainwright. “I think we should discuss
this more thoroughly in your office, Ben. Our grandchildren can go
“We’re being dismissed?”
“We’re being dismissed,” Aden nodded and came to my
side. “It’s better this way. What the old men talk about is not for us
to hear.”
“But this is our lives they are talking about…”
“Only in part,” David broke in and guided me towards the
doors. “Your situation has brought to light a great many things that
the Federation had not been aware of. They have to figure out how
to deal with those.”
As we started to leave, Counselor Aitli arrived for a
meeting with the Admiral with his daughter, Maya Sutton. I
decided that Maya should join us on our exile. She was more than
happy to comply with my request. Her eyes were shining with
happiness at our reunion. She looked at Aden in suspicion until he
opened his mind to her. She nodded acceptance and I was amazed.
Aden was not the villain; I realized. He was just as much a victim
in this matter as I was. I needed to start working with him. I felt as
if we had never been apart. It was heartening to see how well she
was recovering now that she was with her father. I would have to
remember to send a message to Doctor Scotti and let him know I
had seen her again.
“Lieutenant, my daughter will be needing a dress for the
wedding,” Aitli smiled after he had finished greeting me mind-tomind.
“Could you take her to the dressmaker’s shop?”
“Wedding?” I asked as I looked at the Counselor.
“My father and Captain Harrison,” David smiled as he held
an arm out to Maya. “After twenty years of dancing around each
other, they are finally tying the knot!”
“When is this happy event?” Maya smiled at the Admiral;
who blushed.
“Three days from now,” David said as he took us away; “so
there will be time for me to show Prince Aden and you lovely
ladies around the station if you like.”
We decided to have a meal before we went shopping. For
the next hour, we shared our childhood memories with each other.
I could see David’s eyes going more and more to my quieter
friend, and I was happy. She needed a good, solid man in her life
now. Her baby should not have to be raised without such an
important influence in its life.
“Are you always this friendly, Lieutenant Wainwright?”
Maya asked as she looked up into his eyes and smiled.
“Only with the pretty girls,” David smiled at both of us. He
leaned closer and I watched Maya back away from him. “Sorry. I
have a problem around pretty girls.”
“You’ll outgrow it,” I replied. Maya had to lean on the
table as a wave of dizziness hit her. I had an attendant bring her
some juice.
“I’m sorry, Lieutenant,” Maya looked up in apology.
“Being pregnant can be very debilitating.”
“Yes,” Maya told him as we rose to go to the dress shop.
“My husband never knew. He was killed in a mining accident
before I could tell him.”
“But you’re so young,” David frowned.
“I’m old enough to be married, Lieutenant,” Maya told
him. “Osric was the one who found me after my accident. We
became very close as I recovered,” I put my arms around her as she
let the tears fall. “I was very fond of him.”
“I did not mean to upset you, Maya,” David said as he
made her sit down and took her hands in his. His concern only
made her cry harder. He looked at the attendant, helplessly. He was
completely out of his element with over-emotional females.
“Females are known to become quite emotional when they
are pregnant,” the woman took pity on him. She handed Maya a
handkerchief. “Why don’t you helpless men go get her something
to eat? The princess and I will look after her while you are gone.”
Once Aden and David were gone, she brought over the garment
book and showed Maya and I a gown. “This one would look quite
nice on you, child.” As Maya and I looked it over, she brought
over a bolt of fabric. “In this color.”
“I leave it to your excellent judgment,” Maya smiled at her.
She sipped at the water as the woman wrote up the order. “You
may send it to Counselor Aitli’s quarters. I am his daughter.”
“His daughter?” She frowned. “We all heard that his
daughter was dead…”
“Missing only, Lysan,” David said as he came in just in
time to hear the question. He handed me a cup of mixed fruits. “As
you can see she is with us again.”
“We are glad to see it is so,” the woman said as she took
Maya’s hand in hers and patted it. “Your father was like a ghost.”
“He’s recovering,” Maya said. She finished the water and
thanked her. “I think I can go on now, Lieutenant.”
“Please call me David,” the young man smiled at us. “Why
don’t we all go to the Observation Lounge? We can sit there and
watch the ships come in.”
“Lieutenant Wainwright to the Security Office.”
“It’s all right,” I told him. “We’ll be fine.” I nodded
towards the refreshment area. “Maya and I will just sit there with
Prince Aden and enjoy the fruit you brought her.”
David nodded and we found a table and shared the fruit he
had brought Maya. I had no fear of being here alone with Maya
and Aden. Who was going to molest the daughter of Counselor
Aitli of Betazed and the granddaughter of the Governor of
Jarusian? Aden was certainly not going to let anyone near us, if he
could help it. I shared my secret with her; knowing she would keep
it for me and she pulled me into an embrace and held me as her
mind assured me she would do whatever she could to keep me
safe. I was deep in thought as a shadow crossed over us. I looked
up to see a man leaning over Maya, frowning. He had a pleasant
face under his beard. I could see the dirt of hard work under his
powerful hands. What was on his mind, however, was of a labor of
a different kind. He actually wanted…
“You’re a pretty enough girl,” he said as he grabbed
Maya’s arm and yanked her to her feet. “You’ll do.”
“No, Aden!” I cried in protest as Aden got up to help. “Mr.
Carey,” I said to the man loudly. “You’re being a bit heavyhanded,
aren’t you?”
“Maya Sutton! Miss Greyson!” He released his hold and
looked at us in shock. “What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing to the Counselor’s daughter, sir?” the
Major demanded as he came around the corner and saw this. “Did
he hurt you, Maya?”
“I had a dizzy spell and he caught me when I fell,” Maya
told the Major. I don’t know why she lied for this strange man. He
looked at her in confusion as I smiled at the Major.
“We were supposed to wait for Lieutenant Wainwright,” I
added; keeping his attention on me, “but I think Maya would like
to go back to her quarters now. Could you see her there, Major?”
“Of course, Your Highness,” the Major smiled back. He
held out his arm and escorted Maya to the elevators. Aden and I
followed along behind them and smiled as he bowed over her
hand, his attraction to her quite plain in his concern. “You
shouldn’t be wandering around on your own if you aren’t feeling
well, Maya. You could get hurt.”
“I’ll be more careful,” Maya nodded and looked repentant.
The Major smiled and walked away; his mind filled with thoughts
of her. She blushed and Aden closed the door. The apartment was
all ours and I made her sit down on the couch while Aden got her
something to drink. “Grandfather?” I turned as the door opened. It
was not Natan. It was Doug.
“In answer to your earlier question, Mr. Carey,” Maya said
as I watched him warily; “I am here with my father, Federation
Counselor Darius Aitli, to attend a wedding.”
Aden looked at him coldly. “Are you in the habit of
walking into people’s homes without invitation, Mr. Carey?”
“I wanted
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