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do this, Father,” Zen pleaded as he lowered the gown off of her shouldersand watched it slide down her bodyand pool at her feet. “You will learn to appreciate me, daughter,” Zoran replied as he removed his own clothing. He picked her up in his armsand carried her to the bed. He laid her down gentlyand sank down next to her. He pulled up her right arm. “Which mirror connects you to him, Zen?” He forced her to meet his eyes. “You can not lie to me, child. I still control you despite the circlet you’ve fashioned. Which mirror?” “I won’t tell you,” Zen hissed, fighting his command; though pain punished her for her refusal. “I will die before I betray him to you!” “Then we shall just have to test them all,” Zoran sighedand dragged her over to the mirror. He placed her hand on each symbol in turn, relegating the locations to his memory in case he needed that information later. “Ah!” he smiled as he saw her flinch as a laboratory appeared in the mirror. “There we are.” Marek was in the laboratory, gathering supplies for the sanctuary when the mirror began to glow. He turned, thinking it was Zenand saw Leonin standing there. Leonin smiledand Marek felt his mind in his own, showing him his connection to Zen. Distracted, he did not see the blow that sent him tumbling into the darkness. He fell out of sight of the mirrorand Leonin nodded. He altered his features, so that he was now Marek, just as the mirror glowed for real. Leonin turned to see a copper-haired man with golden eyes standing on the other side. Zen was standing in front of him, his hand clamped at her throat. Her arm was raised so he knew she had formed the link. But not willingly, he saw from the tears flowing down her cheeks. Zoran’s other hand moved to stroke her hairand she whimpered. “My daughter has been missing you, Marek Tor,” Zoran said coldly. He tightened his hold on Zen’s throatand she gasped as the air was cut off. “We wish you to join us. Now.” Leonin stepped through the mirrorand found himself inside of the orangestone mirror. Zoranand Zen were on the other side, leaving Leonin trapped. “You will remain there until the night of bonding, Marek Tor,” Zoran said coldly. “Zen will prove her loyalty to me by sacrificing youand then,” he laughed as he heard Zen’s whimper of protest, “she will be mine!” He turned her to him. “You may go to him now, Zen.” He shoved her awayand left the room. Zen got to her feetand entered the mirror to be with Marek. He saw what her father had done to her alreadyand he wanted to murder the man. Instead, he pulled her into his armsand sent his mind into hers. She hid her shock at the fact that her brother was wearing her mate’s visage. But she was glad he was here instead of Marek. It made a difference she did not quite understand. “Marekand I shared a dream,” Zen told her brother as she looked into his eyes. “I am not going to let you sacrifice yourself, Zen,” Leonin protested. “There is another way.” “Find it for me then, brother,” Zen pleaded. “I love you, my brother,” she said as she was stiffened suddenlyand was pulled out of the mirror. “Always!” Leonin watched as Zoran led Zen away. His eyes were angry as he glared at the young man he believed to be Marek for a moment. The man knew he was losing, Leonin smiled. Two guards arrivedand he knew they were taking him to the Temple. He contacted Daren through the mirrorand had no need to speak. The link between the cousins was shared with Leonin. He showed Daren what would happen if it were just Zenand himand Daren agreed it could not happen that way. He gathered his men, except for Steyd, who was a new father,and they came through the mirror to wait with Leonin for their opportunity. Once night struck, Leonin sent them through to take up positions around the temple. He saw them flying up into the raftersand smiled. Zoran was not going to know what hit him. * It was the same as before, Zen thought as the priestesses prepared her for the bonding ceremony. She had been bathed, she had been perfumed,and now she was being put in the white silk gownand the sheer white veil, pinned into place with silver sticks set with silver beads, pearls,and diamonds. There was no need for drugs. Her body had already been ordered to do as Saritand Liet ordered. The priestesses finished preparing herand she was left kneeling in a chapel alone to contemplate her future. Zen didn’t hold out much hope for a future, as she had hoped. Her father had won this far,and it was up to her to stop him, by any means necessary. The door opened, but she did not rise or acknowledge the entrance of Saritand Liet. “Stand up, Princess,” Sarit told her. “It’s time for your bonding.” “You will follow us,” Liet added. Zen could not stop herself from doing what she was told. She followed the two women out of the roomand along the corridors. They entered the gardensand hurried on to the Temple proper. The priestsand priestessesand cardinals were already waiting. Zen was led up to the altar area where Zoran was waiting. He took her hand and kissed it warmly. Then he set her in front of the mirror. “Bring him out, Zen,” he ordered her. Zen held her hand outand Leonin came out of the mirror. He was under no compulsion he realized. This was all an act. It was up to him to be ready to move, if Zen could not.And he was more than eager to do so. The guards grabbed himand forced him down on the altar, chaining him down as he put on a good show of a struggle. Zoran yanked his head up by a hold on his hair, his eyes coldand hard. “You tried to take what was not yours, Marek Tor,” Zoran snapped. “You are going to pay for that act with your life.” He noddedand Sarit handed Zen a knife. “Princess, you will kill this interloper now.” “Zen, no!” Leonin criedand pulled at the chains. “Listen to me, beloved!” he pleaded as she came closer. “You don’t want to do this!” He could see the anguish in her eyes, as her body was forced to obey what her mind did not want. “You love me!” “Gag the beast!” A guard did as he was toldand Leonin could only watch in horror as Zen came towards him. He had to believe she would not do what it appeared she was going to do. He focused his mindand worked on the chains as she raised the knife. Then he saw her intentionand he shook his head. He could not let her do it, he argued with her as she ‘borrowed’ strength from him to weaken the bond her father had on her. He broke one chainand almost had the other free when she turned on her father. He got up as Zoran fell back in shockand shoved Zen away. He grabbed Zoranand dragged the man into the mirror. Once heand Zoran were inside, he turned to look back at Zen, who was watching him in horror. “Marek!” He turned as Zoran came at himand Leonin found the knife. He drove it into Zoran’s heartand the man screamed as his body turned to orangestone. He was now one with the mirror. It was not enough, Leonin knew. For this to be over, Zoran could never come back. So he focused the power Zen had given him in their final bondingand he destroyed the man, the shards of orangestone meltingand flowing back into the mirror. One of the shards struck Leonin’s armand he knew he was lost. He laid his hand on the mirror, his expression showing Zen how much he loved her as the stone flowed up his armand transformed him. “No,” Zen sobbedand fell to her knees in front of the mirror. The gold of their bonding was fading from her finger as he sent himself into stasis. “You can’t leave me, Marek! You can’t!” Omriand Reo watched their leader vanishand knew they had to act. Two guards grabbed Zenand yanked her away with them as Darenand his men moved in. The other priests stood to prevent them from getting to Zen. The fight was hard, but eventually Daren got awayand arrived in the courtyard to see Reo slugging Zen across the jaw. She collapsedand he carried her aboard the waiting transport. Did they really think they could keep himand his flock from following them? Daren laughed to himself. He sent out the calland his children joined him to follow the transport. Leonin had not escaped, Daren knew. He frowned as he remembered the images he had picked up in his cousin’s mind; not quite dead. Zen was his charge now. He was not going to lose her. * Zen was lying on something hard yet soft. She tried to get up but her body was frozen. She tried to move her headand it would not turn. All she could see above her was a metal roof. She was on a transport ship, headed only her captors knew where. At the moment, she did not care. Leonin had sacrificed himself in her placeand her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest when he had. She couldn’t even cry, whatever they had used to paralyze her was doing a thorough job on her. Zen heard the door to her cell openand Reo leaned over her, smiling in triumph. “We were beginning to think you would never wake, Princess,” he said as he stroked her cheek. He heard her whimper of protestand his smile widened. “Omriand I have decided to work together from this point on. We are taking you to my private laboratory, where we can research the best means of chaining you at our leisure.” His fingers stroked her lipsand he smiled as her eyes blazed with anger. “Our spirit of cooperation is so great in this matter that we have decided to share you. You will be wife to both of us.” “No!” Zen finally managed to force out a response. “Have…mate.” “Marek Tor?” Reo laughed, intrigued by her refusal. He had never met a more stubborn female in his life. “You saw, Princess. Heand your father are dead.” “Not…Marek,” Zen whispered painfully. “Other…” “She’s talking nonsense,” Omri said as he came in just then. “Shockand grief,” he decided as he looked down at their captive. “Initial scans prove that she is pregnant, Reo,” he said to the younger man. “We can not touch her until she stabilizes.” “But whose child?” Reo’s eyes widened. He stroked Zen’s abdomen. “It doesn’t matter, Princess. We shall see to it that this child is raised to complete your father’s work.” “No.” Zen shook her head, determined to get away from these bastards. She was not going to let them harm her child. It was not Zoran’s child, she knew with a certainty that shocked her. The child she was carrying belonged to her second mate, Daren. They would destroy it. “Won’t… let… you!” “How precious,” Omri laughed as he saw her angerand determination. “The Princess actually believes she has a choice, Reo!” He cupped Zen’s chin in his hand. “After all you’ve been through? You still think you have a voice?” He patted her cheek, laughing. “Poor foolish child.” Heand Reo left the cabinand whatever was holding Zen captive released. She got to her feetand looked around. The only furniture was the padded table she had been imprisoned on. The wallsand floor were also padded, which explained why she hadn’t heard footsteps. Zen sank down in the corner furthest from
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