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usual greeting: a firm hug.

“I'm sorry I'm late,” Lise said, “there was trouble with the bus over by the Zone.”

“You're not late,” Megan replied, “but I have no time to spare. Klarissa and Geddes are finishing breakfast.” She grabbed her bag and rushed out the door.

Lise cleared the table of breakfast detritus. “Geddes ... Klarissa... Use the toilet and put on your sun hats. We're going to the park.”

“Awww,” Geddes whined, “we go to the park every day.”

“The fresh air is good for you.”

Lise walked, holding hands with the twins. Megan's neighborhood was becoming as familiar to her as her own. She saw familiar faces and some of them acknowledged her with a nod or a smile.

Upon reaching the park the twins headed for the playground. Lise sat on a bench, took a swig from her bottle of water; then stretched out her legs and leaned back to absorb sunlight.

“Hello,” a voice called.

Lise rolled her eyes. “Thom...”

“I worried about you after dropping you off.”

“I told you I'd be fine and I was. I know my way around that part of town.”

“I'm sure you do. May I sit?”

Lise gestured that he may. “Thom ... don't you have anything better to do than stalk me?”

He rolled his eyes in thought. “No... As a matter of fact, I don't.”

“I thought you had a company to run.”

“It runs itself... Lise -- I hope after you're off work today you could...”

“Not today, Thom. I promised Tagg I'd spend some time with him.”

“Your lucky boyfriend... Maybe we could do some talking now, while you watch your charges.”

“Fine, Thom. What do you want to know?”

“Everything. I want to know how this world looks through those beautiful orange eyes of yours.”

Lise uncapped her water bottle and took another swig. “I don't know how to begin.”

“Have you thought any more about what we discussed yesterday?”

“Do you mean Margliss and Benn?”


“Yes, I have.”


“And I believe she is a fortunate woman.”

“No, Lise. Have you thought more about physical relationships between our kinds?”

“I haven't dwelt on it.” She sipped more from her bottle and capped it. “I suppose if I were in Margliss's position and a white man demonstrated his care for me; then I could love him.”

“Could you make love with him?”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, Thom. I think I could ... if I loved him.”

“Then, there's hope for someone like me.”

“Thom... Please.”

“I'm serious, Lise. I have ... feelings for you. To my eyes, you are the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. I've never met your equal.”

Lise could feel warmth in her cheeks. “Thom...”

“Yes -- the combination of your face and your body ... your long, shapely legs ... the muscle definition in your arms ... perfection.”

“Thom, please stop this.”

“And, your personality and your intellect. You are undoubtedly as bright as any white I've known and brighter than most. I must know, Lise. How do you find me, physically?”

“You're all right physically.”

“Do you find me at all attractive? Does some ... chemistry get ignited?”

“Thom -- we don't have that sort of friendship.”

“Nonsense. Whenever a man and a woman interact, there's a sexual element. There can't help but be. To deny it is to deny biology. I know I feel it with you. You ooze sex appeal. I need to know if you feel any ... intrinsic biology from me.”

“Thom -- if you don't stop this right now, I'll have to ask you to leave. Or, I'll gather the twins and leave myself.”

“Oh, Lise... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I do care for you. I'll bet I care for you as much as this Tagg fellow does.”

“I believe you do. It's different with Tagg.”

“Because he's ... a novonid?”

“No.” She looked him straight in his face. “It's different because I know Tagg cares for me, for me. I don't believe you do. I believe you care for me, for you; not for me.”

He held both hands to his sternum. “Lise! You've wounded me! How could you think that?”

“It's simple. I've told you repeatedly that I'm uncomfortable discussing ... this topic with you. If you cared for me, for me ... you'd understand that -- and stop talking about it.” She stood. “Klarissa! Geddes!” she called.

“Wait, wait... I'm sorry, Lise. I truly am. I hope I haven't ruined the rapport we've built.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Is there any way we can get together tonight? I want to discuss with you what it's like to be you. I promise ... physicality is off limits.”

“I can't tonight, Thom. I promised Tagg.”

“You're sure it's impossible.”

She sighed. “Tagg goes to work around sundown...”

“That'll work. Suppose I wait for you where I dropped you off last night -- outside the Zone.”

“Thom -- if I agree to this will you promise to stop pestering me?”


“Fine -- I'll meet you at the corner.” The twins raced each other to where Lise stood and each wrapped their arms around her legs. “Klarissa, Geddes -- you nearly knocked me over!”

“I was here first,” Geddes yelled.

“No, I was,” Klarissa replied. “Lise, which one was here first?”

“You know -- I really couldn't tell. Come on, gang...” She held their hands and led them toward the street.

“Sundown!” Thom called after them.

Lise sat cross-legged on the floor playing a board game with the twins; one in which players' pieces chased each other around the twists and turns of a track. The latch on the front door rattled and the twins leapt up and ran toward it. Megan stepped into the house and hugged each twin.

“I'll pick this up,” Lise said and scooped game pieces off the floor.

“Leave it lie, Lise,” Megan replied. “Maybe they'll play more, later.”

“Megan -- may I ask you a question?”

“Of course, Lise.”

“Do you ever have a problem with men making unwelcome advances?”

Her eyes widened. “Hmm... I can't recall the last time it was unwelcome... I'm flattered by your question, Lise. Truth is, it's been a while since any man has looked twice at me. You, on the other hand -- I imagine you have to chase them away with a stick. You're a knockout, Lise ... a very pretty girl.”

Lise bit her lip. “Thank you. Megan -- what would you think if a novonid man started following you around ... telling you how alluring you are ... suggesting the two of you start a physical relationship?”

“I don't know ... I'd complain to his owner.”

“What if you believed he truly did care for you, but didn't quite know how to express it? What if you liked him as a friend otherwise, but wished he'd stop the sexual advances?”

“That complicates it. Is this your problem, Lise? A white man has been harassing you?”

“Harassing is too strong. Bothering me would be more accurate.”

“Have you told him to get lost?”

“He doesn't like hearing no as an answer.”

“I wouldn't be afraid to slap his face ... or, kick him in the balls. Most white men understand that message.”

Lise giggled. “Most novonid men, also...”

“Lise -- we're so much more alike than we differ. You and I have more in common being women than I have with any white man I know.”

“Megan... How would you feel if, when they're old enough, Geddes fell in love with a green woman or Klarissa with a green man?”

Megan stared at her. “How would you feel?”

“They're your children.”

“I don't want to think about them dating at all,” Megan replied, “not for a number of years yet.” She looked at the ceiling and sighed. “That wasn't an answer, was it? I understand your question. It is the test, isn't it? The test whether or not I'm sincere. I've learned a lot from you, Lise. I claim ... I like to believe I consider you and your kind equal partners on this world. How would I feel if one of my children fell in love with one of yours? I don't know, Lise. That's an honest answer.”

Lise nodded. “I understand.”

“I hope it doesn't change how you feel about me.”

“No. I wouldn't know the answer myself.” Megan opened her arms and embraced Lise. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

Lise walked toward the corner where the busses ran. She half expected to see Thom loitering somewhere along the way.

The bus came and she climbed onto the platform in back, sharing it with several novonid factory workers. It carried her to central Vyonna where she changed to one on the line heading for the Zone.

She reached the courtyard. Tagg lay on his back on a concrete bench, asleep. There were no signs of Grott or Rayla.

Lise descended the steps and looked around the basement. It was deserted. She slipped out of her sandals and stripped off her top and shorts; then she climbed the steps and stood in the doorway. “Tagg!” she yelled. “TAGG! TAGG!” Tagg roused and lifted himself onto his elbows. “Tagg! Over here!”

Tagg glanced her way and looked past her. Then his gaze swung back around. He jumped off the bench and sprinted toward her. When he reached her he scooped her up and carried her below.

Lise lay beside Tagg, running her hand across his chest. “I'm sorry, Lise,” he said.

She kissed him. “Nothing to be sorry for,” she replied. “It felt good. I can still feel it...”

“But I didn't make you... You didn't have...”

“It's all right. I enjoyed it very much.” She kissed him again.

“Some of the other men brag about how they make women... how big they are and how long they last ... and how many times... Not once. Not once have I been able to ... The other men joke about guys like me... I'm a two-pump chump.”

She pressed her hand to his mouth. “Stop this talk, Tagg. You're making yourself miserable. Don't believe what those other men say. It's all stupid man talk. Don't believe their claims. I've been with them on rounds. They're nothing special. They're not any different than you.”

“You're saying that.”

“It's the truth, Tagg. And many of them don't ... well -- they don't last any longer than you do. Besides, I don't need one to enjoy myself with you. You need it, and you had one -- and I love how it feels when you do. I love drifting asleep afterward with you in my arms. None of what those men talk about matters to me. What matters is how you make me feel, and you make me feel good. Be happy we're together for an afternoon. Okay?”

Tagg lay on his back in silence

She kissed him. “I thought about you all day,” she said, “what we'd be doing... I wanted this, Tagg. Thinking about it ... anticipating it is part of enjoying it. I always want you.” She touched his face and stroked tears from his cheeks. “I love you.”

“Oh, Lise... I'm so unhappy. I hate my job. I HATE it. I have half a mind to just walk away from it ... hide in the Zone forever. I wouldn't care if I was branded a renegade.”

“Don't talk like that. I know what it's like to live underground, in constant fear of the bounty hunters. It's no life, Tagg. You'd never be able to sell your sketches. At least you can do that, on your days off.”

“Yes, at least...”

“No more feeling sorry for yourself. ”

“Maybe I should try being so bad at my job, they'll fire me. My owner will be pissed off, but what can he do?”

“Nothing but place you in another job.”

“It's worked before...”

Lise began smoothing her hand along Tagg's arm. She could hear footfalls on the steps and motion in the room.

“Tagg...” Lise heard her mother's voice. “Tagg -- we're feeding tonight. Would you like some before you go to work?”

“No thank you, mam,” he replied. “I'll feed at the restaurant.”

“Lise? Are you feeding?”

“No thanks, Mother. I don't need to today.”

“It was four days ago...”

“I fed on my own day before yesterday.”

“So, I need to open just one can tonight...”

Tagg stretched and put his hand behind his neck. Lise stroked his body from armpit to waist. “I could fall asleep again,” she said.

“So could I... I'd better not, though. They'll dock me if I'm late. Then, I'll have my owner on my back.”

“You should suggest babysitting as a job,” Lise said. “The work's not hard, it's never boring and you can work during the day.”

“I'm no good with kids.”

“I don't believe that. Handling children is easy -- you were one, once. Just remember what it was like.”

Tagg rose on his elbows. “I wonder how late it's getting.”

Lise restrained him. “Not late enough.”

“No...” He craned to look through one of the sill windows. “Sun's almost on the horizon. I'd better go.” Tagg stood, pulled on his shorts and pushed his way past the hanging sheet.

“Off to your job?” Lise heard Rayla ask.

“Yes, mam...”

Lise pulled her bandeau over her

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