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Book online «Traveller by L.W. Samuelson (reading comprehension books .txt) 📖». Author L.W. Samuelson

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what you spend all your time doing. Besides, if I have the unit, you'll spend your time practicing your jumps."
“You’re cruel Porter.”Chapter Two - Porter
A day after the impelling contest, Porter took Traveller's virtual reality unit to the exercise room. It was a full body suit that covered its wearer from head to toe. It included a sensory saber to allow the user to sword fight the holographic Lizerians. Although the Benwarians had developed vastly more complicated weapons systems in the four hundred years since the Lizerians existed, sparring with a sensory saber was invaluable. The practice developed reflexes, muscles, and endurance. Every time Porter sparred he could hear his old instructor shouting, “Move and think! Move and think!”
Porter also remembered what he had learned about Lizerians. This primitive race of people loved war. Their territorial tendencies kept them in constant conflict with their neighbors in an attempt to gain land and natural resources. They would make treaties, establish boundaries then their population would swell. When Lizeria became overcrowded, the treaty would be broken, and then the most convenient or weakest country would be invaded. It was a cycle of violence that wasn’t broken until they had been exterminated.
Most Lizerians had stood a good head taller than the average Benwarian. They were stronger with thick skin that could be categorized as hide. Over the years that they had existed, they had developed impressive fighting skills. The Lizerians swarmed when they attacked. Almost always outnumbering their opponent, they fought in pairs. The duo would overwhelm the other combatant with sheer power. One would slash violently from the front while the other moved to the weak side of their victim to swing his sword with both hands with long sweeping blows.
Porter put the suit on and activated it at the first level. In front of him appeared two Lizerians. One approached him from the front with his sword slashing in a circular motion. The other came in an arc with his sword held with both hands over his shoulder. Porter activated his sensory saber enjoying the gentle hum in his ear and the slight vibration in his hands. He whipped it in front of him as the bulky Lizerians approached. Whumm, whumm, it sounded each time he brandished it.
The two warriors seemed to be moving in slow motion. He impelled himself into the one in front of him, pushed him back and jabbed for the kill. The thrust scored a death as the other Lizerian slashed at Porter’s shadow. He twirled and brought his saber up and around to decapitate the other fighter. That was easy! No challenge on that level. I'll kick it up to the fifth level.
Porter activated the unit. He barely had his saber up before the charging Lizerian knocked him down. With its enemy on the ground the first Lizerian rushed forward slashing downward with his sword. Porter rolled and the blade struck the shadow of movement. He stood up and impelled between the two Lizerians. The front attacker slashed at air. Porter turned and jabbed with his saber. The thrust was partially parried away by the Lizerian who had turned with amazing speed. It left a gash in the attacker's side but didn't slow him down. The smell of his own blood enraged the giant lizard. He spit venom on Porter’s face shield.
The side attacker moved around his fighting mate. The sideman brought a flashing blade down as Porter wiped the green spit away from his visor. The sword struck his left shoulder to score a point for the VR unit. An electric shock reverberated down Porter's arm. He dropped instinctively and the two Lizerians crashed into each other as they rushed together. Porter swept a leg out cutting the feet of both attackers. He jumped up again to catch one of the warriors getting up, a head rolled with a sweep of his saber. The remaining warrior recovered his feet. The death of his mate seemed to energize the surviving Lizerian who came at Porter with his sword moving faster than before.
Slash, slash, the lizard swung his blade again and again in a berserk rage. The Benwarian retreated backward, narrowly avoiding death. The Lizerian narrowed its eyes, pausing for a moment. Porter gasped for breath with his left arm stinging from electric jabs of pain. By the universe these monsters mean business!
Porter and the Lizerian circled each other warily. The Lizerian slashed his sword sideways and charged. Just before he came within range of Porter's sword, he dropped and lunged feet first at the Benwarian's legs knocking him down backward. With blurring speed the Lizerian regained his feet; his sword came down as Porter was gasping for breath. Instinctively, the Benwarian caught the blade with his left hand; an electric charge brought white light to his brain. He fought through the pain and rolled into the Lizerians legs. He turned on his side, dropped his saber and thrust his fist into the warrior's groin. When the lizard doubled over, Porter gouged an eye out with his fingers. The Lizerian stomped down with his foot, but the Benwarian was no longer there. He was up with his saber.
The Lizerian recovered his sword and turned. Porter appeared on his side, and the Lizerian slashed the air. The Benwarian disappeared to reappear in front of the beast. He slashed again, but again Porter disappeared. He appeared on the opposite side of the Lizerian who slashed again to hear his sword whir through the air. Porter now impelled himself behind the reeling Lizerian and thrust the saber with all his strength into the Lizerian's side. The word “Victory!” flashed in front of his eyes.
Exhausted, Porter turned the VR unit off. He dropped his saber, rubbed his left arm then removed the helmet. He bent over to control his breathing. It took several minutes before he caught his breath. By the universe, I wonder what level ten is like. I barely made it through five.
After Porter was rested, had rubbed his arm to a tingle instead of a series of pricking pains, he pushed the CD (communications device) on his wrist. Traveller answered, "Hey Porter. How are you?"
"I'm exhausted. I just completed level five on your VR unit. The lizardous thing shocked my arm so severely I can hardly move it."
Traveller laughed. "Yeah, I know. The first time I tried that level, I lost. It's hard isn't it?"
"You mean to tell me you've gotten farther than that?"
"Yes. Remember I'm the one that programmed it. The further you get the more severe the shocks. The Lizerians get faster and more intelligent as the game progresses."
"So what level are you at?"
"I completed level seven three days ago. It took me seven attempts to win at that level, I kept getting knocked out."
"What do you mean 'knocked out'?"
"At that level when the Lizerians strike a killing blow, the VR unit administers a healthy dose of electricity, enough to render you unconscious. The first time I tried it at seven, it took a week before I had the courage to try it again."
Porter couldn't believe it. "What happens at level ten?"
"I tried to program it with a lethal charge of electricity, but Ship wouldn't let me. The shock doesn't increase after level seven."
"Are you insane? Why would you want it to administer a shock that would kill you?"
"Because I am bored. I decided I would get so good at the game that I would be able to defeat the unit at the highest level. If I couldn't, my death would put a stop to the endless days of ennui. You see, I can feel my blood congealing inside my veins when I'm not actively doing something."
"For the love of the universe! You need to relax. Haven't you learned to meditate?"
"By the Lizerians! Every time I try to meditate my feelings well up until my head feels like it's going to explode. Come on, Porter, don't you remember what it was like when you were my age?"
Porter laughed, "Actually I'm trying to forget. But you're just going through a stage. Once you get past it everything will be better. You know it's against all Benwar stands for to take your own life or to arrange for it to happen."
"I'm tired of hearing about Benwar. It is gone in the black hole of space. I only know Ship which is cold comfort to say the least."
"I am truly sorry to hear that. Listen, if my arm quits hurting we'll spar tomorrow. I'm curious to see how good you are with a sensory saber."
Traveller's delight was so great that it could be felt over the CD. "I would truly love that Porter. What time?"
By the universe, I was just trying to cheer him up. Now look what I got myself into. "Uh, how about tomorrow afternoon? Say at three parsecs?"
"I can't wait," said Traveller.

Back in his quarters, Porter asked Ship for a medical consultation on his shoulder. "Lay on your bed. Don't move," she commanded. He did as she asked. A minute needle emerged from his mattress and inserted itself into his neck. A muscle relaxant soon coursed through his body. He hardly noticed the biosensors that emerged from both sides of the bed. The ones on the right crossed those snaking from the left side of the bed. In a parsec he was wrapped in a cocoon of biosensors.
He listened to Ship from the depths of relaxation. "You injuries stem from Traveller's VR unit. They are identical to the injuries he received every cycle for six cycles until I adjusted his VR unit. I suggest reducing the playing level to avoid electric shock."
So Ship slowed the unit down, huh. "Don't worry Ship, I hate being electrocuted. Is there any way you can get the tingling sensation out of my arm and shoulder? They don't seem to respond as well as they should."
"I administered a saline solution into your left shoulder. It contains negative ions which should restore the use of your arm. A mild analgesic will eliminate the pain."
Porter could feel the pin point pain abating to be replaced by a feeling of buoyancy. He felt like he was floating in warm water. "Ship," he asked, "would it be possible to replay my VR game?"
"How about Traveller's?"
"Not without his permission."
"Are they stored inside the unit?"
"The last five games can be replayed."
Porter's eye lids became heavy. His relaxation deepened. He slept.

Porter woke up in his quarters. No longer wrapped in the biosensors, he stretched then stood, his head spun. When his vision steadied, the left shoulder was rotated as he tested it for pain and usability. It's fine. Good work Ship.
He grabbed the VR unit from the chair and examined the wrist controls. He hadn't looked at them carefully before. A small square labeled 'control screen' had escaped his notice. He activated it. A small rectangle lit up with touch commands. There was an icon to turn the charge off on the VR weapons. Why didn't I read these before rushing into an electric pain fest? Another icon asked if the user wanted a dagger. That would have been immensely helpful. I could have stayed close to the Lizerians and neutralized their arm strength. Another icon let the user decide how many Lizerians to include in the game. The forth was labeled, 'Replay Game.' That's the one I want.
Porter put the suit on. He pressed replay and watched the game he had played earlier. He winced when the sword struck his shoulder; visible threads of electricity traveled the length of his arm. Watching the fight made it obvious how to defeat the Lizerians and win the
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