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Book online «The Incredible Hulk by John Reeves (free reads txt) 📖». Author John Reeves

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down in layered sheets hitting the cement building like tiny bombs exploding against the hard surface. When the hit David he pulled his jacket over his head as he ran for his car, the only one in the parking lot.
The car door was blowing against him in the high winds. The fall storms in northern California were often intense during the fall months. The lightning flashed bright, showing the angles of the odd shaped building. The thunder echoed through the mountains, David attempted to start the car but, it wouldn't seem to start. Just before he was about to get back out into the rain storm the Maverick started up. David pulled out of the parking lot turning left around the mountain to his home, the rain was hitting the windshield so hard the wipers could barely keep up on full speed. David knew the roads well, but was afraid of wrecking the car off the side of the mountain side. Around the curve in the road he only drove thirty-five miles per hour. In the road was a broken piece of a barricade a car had hit earlier. He could feel the tire blow out as the car hit the debris, he sat there angry that he was going to have to exit the vehicle in the rain, but also happy that going under the speed limit saved his life. His mind went back to a time when a life wasn't spared, the day he lost Laura. It wasn't a day like this one it was a beautiful day warm with a light breeze. He could hear the rain belted the car with a horrible impact, as David got out into the rain he was soaked in a matter of seconds.

David got out of the car walking around towards the trunk, he realized he left the keys in the ignition. Frustration had set in as he walked back around to get the keys, the wind blowing hard against the door. When he grabbed the keys he just moved and, the wind slammed the door close. The spare tire was locked into place with a bracket David had difficulty removing it. His fingers had again become numb and tingly, he struggled to free the tire, but found a way to handle the easy but, yet difficult task. He got the jack under the car, he raised it just enough to stabilize the jack, holding itself in place. He moved around to the blown out tire, popping the hubcap off the rim. Thunder in the background made him uneasy about his surroundings. The lug nut was on there real tight, David put all one hundred-fifty five pounds of his body weight against the tire tool pushing with all his strength. David's had slipped off the wet metal surface sending his had crashing into the pavement. Hurting, angry and ready to get out of the rain he gave it another try. He pushed against the tool with everything he had inside him. The same bloody hand slipped off the tire tool again hitting the gravel covered cement. Suddenly in the cold rain David could feel himself warming up, he could feel the anger inside him building, everything seemed to turn red. The same light from the radiation flash covered his eyes, he pushed harder against the very tight lug nut. His forehead began to swell out, holding his breath he could feel his shoulders begin to grow inside the loose space in his jacket. David was no longer in control, the sounds of tribal screams covered his hearing, there wasn't the sound of rain, or the loud crashes of thunder following the lighting strikes.
No longer cold in the pouring rain he stood above the car, he towered above the car angry with his hands tightly clenched he roared like a vicious lion. Lightning strikes revealed his large muscles as he smashed his fists into the car over and over, glass shattered from the windows as the roof was caved in. Somewhere inside the beast was David, but the monster he'd metamorphosed into wasn't him. Still extremely angry he grabbed the wheel ripping it off the car the lug nuts just popped off like they weren't really even holding the rim against the hub. The jack fell dropping the car into his legs, he reached down grabbing the car from under the bottom, then rolled it over pushing it off the side of the road. It tumbled to the bottom of a twenty foot drop off, then hit the ground exploding into flames. The beast began to roar still angry enough to destroy another car, but not sure what to do. He walked away from the debris all over the road, with what were once the clothes of David Banner hanging in shreds, dangling from the massive beast.
He didn't know where he was, he just knew he was thirsty and trying to find some water. He pushed his way through the heavy wooded area leading to the campgrounds. He spotted a little girl fishing beside the pond, thirsty he walked down behind the child. When she pulled back her fishing pole she hit the large muscular chest of the green skinned monster, as she turned around she saw the beast. It looked like something her parents told her didn't exist, it was smiling as if to let her know it wasn't mean. She began to scream as loud as she could, the beast became confused as to what was happening. She jumped into the small flat bottom boat and, began paddling away. Her father was just off to the back side of the hill when he heard the screams, he had his rifle making sure bears hadn't moved into the camp site over night. He thought his daughter had seen a bear, the bears were known to interrupt camping trips in the popular spot on the lake before. When he saw what it really was he almost couldn't draw his rifle on it. He put the thing in his scope, not really sure what he was shooting at. He took one shot hitting the beast in the shoulder, it grabbed at it's arm then took off running after the man who'd just shot him. The man couldn't have run from the beast if he'd wanted to his legs where stuck in place. The beast standing eight foot tall ripped the hunting rifle from his hands smashing it over his knee, he then picked the man up above his head then threw the man into the lake. The thing was angry the man could still hear it's growls from the water as he swam to his little girl. It might not have been a bear but it destroyed the camps site just the same. Angry he'd been shot he just wanted to tear something apart as he bolted off into the heavily wooded area. Holding his bleeding shoulder he walked through the brush, briers and trees to a small pool of water feeding into the river. Looking down into the water his reflections startled him, the tribal voices began to scream inside his head. His reflection showed his green skin turning back to the pale colored skin of Dr. Banner. His back muscles began to relax as his shoulders began to feel a relief of the intense strain. His body started to become cool, the morning air with no clothes on was cold. His shoulder was hurting he looked at what appeared to be a bullet wound that had been in the advanced stages of healing. Worried, afraid and not sure what had happened he hurried out of the woods with nothing on but the clothes that were torn to shreds.

Jack McGee sat on the plane wondering why after twenty years he was still chasing the UFO, Sasquach kind of story. Reporting this kind of story wasn't ever what he set out to do, but his job with the National Register paid better than other legit reporting jobs would. He did have the highest following of any other column for as long as he could remember. Knowing law enforcement probably damaged the scene he tried to wrap his mind around the claim of a large green beast ripping through a camp site. If the trip to California didn't bring about anything to go on Jack knew the ropes, it becomes the best piece of believable fiction you can write based on the facts that people you with no proof. What ever happened to the old Big Foot stories, or the UFO that landed in a corn field in Iowa?
"Jack McGee...Of the National Register." He said to the people surrounding the area.
"Is this where the big green hulk was spotted?"
"Yes, this is the spot." One of the men from the group answered.
"He threw my friend Bud into the river." He said with his voice getting louder.
"Where is your friend?" Jack shot the important question on him.
Jack never liked the second hand information but, even he had to admit it often made for a better story than the truth. Jack walked up the hill to look for evidence there was a huge monster in this lake front camping resort, it didn't take long as he spotted the huge foot impression on a bare foot human, a rather large human. He took pictures of the of the foot print, Jack began to wonder what happened, the print was there but, that didn't mean it was real.
"Look I'm going to take a plaster cast of the footprints on the hill, but if those aren't real I'm sure nobody here would tell me."
Jack could tell from the initial expression the men there hadn't made those prints. Jack got his things up on the hill and, began preserving the foot print before it became history.
"Now let me get this straight, none of you guys seen the thing that made this print?"
Again as long as Jack had been in the business he knew when someone wanted the spot light on them or their town, but that wasn't the case here there was a genuine fear among these people. They had not the first clue as to what made the prints but, wanted it found like anyone would. Jack had his doubts at first still he remained open minded, with his recent findings he had reason to believe it was at least a man who made the prints.
David cold, afraid, and had already walked three miles in the rough California terrain with no shoes on. Inside he realized something happened to him, but he had no clue what had occurred over the course of the night. If he went home there might be policemen there waiting to take him to jail. His clothes were torn to pieces, his car was missing, and he actually felt better than he ever had before. The bullet that went through his shoulder hurt, but not like he'd been shot. He rang the doorbell over and over again, he needed Elaina more now than he ever had before. As she opened the door still in her night gown she noticed David's clothes were torn and, he was bleeding from the shoulder.
"My God David, what happened to you?" Those seemed to be the only words she could find.
"I have done something to myself, and somehow over night that got me shot." David tried to explain. " She walked toward the phone.
"I'm calling the cops." No David said quickly.
"Let me just
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