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Book online «The Incredible Hulk by John Reeves (free reads txt) 📖». Author John Reeves

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figure out just what happened to me." David asked her.
"Well let's get that wound fixed up, and try to figure out why someone would want to shoot out you."
"Last night when you left the lab I hit on it, or at least I thought I had." David was cut off.
"Why didn't you call me." Elaina asked, but knowing she had been gone the past night.
"I tried to call you but, you weren't home."
"What did you do?"
"I went to the lab to get the the DNA results from Ben. Only there was gamma ray activity interfering with the machines. I began to think what could the external force working might be gamma activity in our case too. So I checked the gamma ray activity on the days they found the superhuman strength, in every case it was the same high gamma activity. So I went to the lab and, gave myself an injection."
"My God David, how much did you take?"
"I went all the way and took three hundred thousand units.." Again he found himself cut off.
"Oh my God David."
"I only took it for thirty seconds, and nothing happened at least at first. When I was going home I had a flat tire, I stopped to change it, I was angry because I thought the experiment hadn't worked. Then something happened to me."
"I'm not sure my eyes they were white. Yes white, then something came over me. I felt this enormous amount of strength, then I seemed to have just been taken over, taken over by something primitive, but yet still human. I don't know maybe it's what we were before we were human. Then I woke up northeast of the lab like this."
"David we need to get you to the lab, to figure out exactly what you did." Elaina recommended.
"Yes we should do that.
"OK, The southwest lab, is there anyone there?"
"No, I don't think so why?"
"I just feel it would just feel more safe there."

David and Elaina walked through the front door, in the southwest lab there was the hyperbaric chamber. The decision to use the chamber was easy as it was the only way to contain the beast harbored deep inside of David. Realizing this project was going to take the entire night they started to prepare for the night. David continued to set up the machines while Elaina went over to main building to get supplies they didn't have in the southwest marine biology lab. They had no real permission to use the lab, but under the circumstances they found it necessary to go there.
Jack McGee sat down at the police station with the sheriff, explaining to him there were foot prints down by the lake. The sheriff tried to explain to Mr McGee there wasn't anything down by that lake. He presented the plaster cast as proof there was, but his credibility came into question because of the integrity of the newspaper he worked for.
"Listen to yourself McGee, a green monster."
"Well it's what your locals are claiming."
"Listen to me, there isn't a green beast down by the river. Jerry is one of my best friends, but he wasn't thrown into the lake by a green monster, blue or any other kind."
"His daughter saw it too, are you going to ignore two eye witness accounts of what is being reported."
"No McGee, because if not for you there would be nobody reporting that fiction."
"Everyone deserves to know what's in there own backyard."
"The most dangerous thing here is you McGee spreading these tabloid accounts of a green monster."
"I owe it not just to the readers of my newspaper, but to the locals here to find out what they saw. I would love to hop back on the first plane to Chicago right now but, that isn't what I am going to do. I am going to stay here until I figure out what they saw out by the lake."
"I will be watching you McGee, and if you so much as cross the line in the slightest way I will have you a nice little spot in the county jail."
"Well may I remind you that I know all of my press related rights, I fully intend on using them to the greatest extent to figure this situation out."
"What are you going to do about that car flipped off the side of the road, sheriff ?"
"We have identified the owner of the car we failed to catch him at his residence so we'll be driving over to his place of employment to speak with him."
"When, I want to go with you. I think the man who was in that car saw the creature, I found the same foot print near the location of the wrecked vehicle. I don't think it's a coincidence myself."
"McGee for the last time if you so much as tip toe out of line, you will be in jail."
Jack waited outside the police station, waiting for the time he thought the sheriff was going to the workplace of the individual who owned that car.

{Dr. Banner...The police are here and they'd like to speak with you.}
Why were the police there? David began to feel his stomach tighten up on the inside. "Send them around Scott, will you? {Sure Dr. Banner} The intercom fell silent as did the words coming from David's mouth.
"I think I should go with you David." Elaina said.
"God knows what I might have done, I may have even killed someone."
"David calm down you don't know that for sure."
The officer from the sheriff's department stood on the cement steps waiting to speak with Dr David Banner about the mysteriously wrecked car.
"Yes, how may I help you?" Asked Dr Banner.
"Dr. Banner we found a car registered to your name wrecked off the side of route 10, do you know how it got there?"
David couldn't tell the officer what he thought had happened, and really didn't want to commit to giving too much of a statement.
"Well see there is this friend who has a spare key to my car, when I woke up to find it missing I figured he had taken it."
"Your friend wouldn't happen to wear a shoe about this size would he?" McGee had walked up exposing the plaster cast of the extremely large foot.
"What is that?" David asked.
Mr McGee, we have no authoritative proof those prints are real, and we don't need to start a panic attack around here." The deputy said.
"Oh, there real alright...There are more down by the lake. A little girl and he father saw the thing, a big hulk, with a greenish tinge to the skin. Scared the little girl the threw he father an estimated thirty yards into the lake."
"Mr McGee, that is enough." The deputy said.
"Mr Banner you have forty-eight hours to get the wreckage cleaned up, then the county will clean it up, and you'll be billed for it.
"Yes sir, I understand." David realized at least for now the police weren't after him. David and Elaina watched the officer walk back to his car.
"Come on Doctor, you must know something about these footprints, they were found near your car." Jack again started prying for information.
"You said a little girl and her father came in contact with the creature, was anyone hurt?" Elaina had tossed the question in Jack's lap.
"No, nobody was hurt" Jack replied.
"Come on, let's go inside and discuss this situation." Jack realized they seemed to know more than they were letting on.
"No, absolutely not." David firmly told Jack.
"Okay, I can tell when I'm not wanted. I also know when someone has something to hide, call it a hunch or whatever, but I know you two know more than you're telling me. I don't give up easy, and I will find out what happened.
Jack walked away knowing he got the last word in. He loved to be the last one to speak in a conversation, but he wasn't just talking, he had ever intention on making their lives a living hell until he found out just what had happened. His years of being an investigative reporter lend him the knowledge of sensing certain things, and he felt the beast had come from the Culver Institute of Technology.
David and Elaina realized they needed to figure out just what did happen to David quickly before McGee became more of a problem. Elaina immediately began taking blood samples from David to compare to some samples he'd just given.
"We need to start the X-Ray reversal." Elaina recommended.
"We can always start the X-Ray reversal, but perhaps since we have the chance to study this thing in a controlled environment, where we can control it." David pleaded his case from a scientific stand point.
"I think you might be letting your emotions interfere with the situation. That McGee fellow isn't going to go away.
The fact was they had no chance to examine the inner beast without the interference of the tabloid reporter Jack McGee. They both knew he wasn't your average reporter, he had a way about him that indicated he was a seasoned pro at digging out the good story. What they didn't know was that Jack had been on somewhat of a dry spell, although his articles were still most read among the Register's readers still there had been the rough times. Jack eagerly awaited the chance to put those rough time in the past. He knew this story would do just that but, he didn't want to give his readers the story he had up to that point. He really didn't feel the need to embellish with what he had either, Jack realized the story was right there for the taking. He also realized it might take some tough investigative work on his behalf.
When Elaina had arrived back at the lab with somethings they'd need over night, David was pouring over some test results of his blood. There was something different about his DNA. It was somehow altered during the gamma injection, which Elaina found out wasn't the three hundred thousand units David though he'd taken. The machine had yet to be calibrated and it hadn't been marked three million yet. The labs capabilities were suppose to be cutting edge technology, doing medical research that was new at the time.

"Elaina I think you should close the hatch now." David said as the evening grew older.
As the big steel door closed David began spinning the lock on the hatch on the inside of the hyperbaric chamber. The thought of him injecting himself with three million units terrified him. There was some kind of transformation that had taken place, and he realized something had physically happened to him as he attempted
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