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“Well now,” says Titus. “I have a piece of a Death Star right here in my pocket. It is for you, Luke. Gaska carved it into a rose.” The small box is passed around the table to Luke. Nobody opens it to look inside. “Children , perhaps you are wondering if Gaska is a Jedi,” continues Titus. “She is not. Her plate is empty because she is a mechanical concubine.”

One of Georgina's eldest sons says something in his mothers language . His mom then rises from her seat and speaks. Then she sits back down.

“3Po,” says Han. “I would like to know what they are saying.”

Gaska bends her head over her plate in fear or pain or shame. Luke uses the force to raise her plate off the table and spin it. She looks up at him.

“The boy said concubines are slaves,” says C3Po. “And Jedi Georgina said she does not judge concubines. She said her children are being trained to have good manners. Two of the children are changelings. They can impersonate five hundred different life forms.”

“You are doing a great job, Georgina,” says Kasper. “Thank you.”

“Gaska gives herself to me freely after I rescued her from the arms of the scorpion son of Hutt. The only real slaves in the galaxy are droids like these,” says Titus motioning to C3Po and R2D2.

Chewbaca complains and so does R2D2.

“Captain Solo, your son's talents will make him a very gifted Jedi,” says Kasper.

“Is that another rumor?” asks Wren.

“He has a lot to learn,” says Han.

Luke looks at the gift inside the small box and then across the table at Gaska again. Wren leaves the table with Georgina's children to explore the chapel. Georgina insists that he do so.




The Jedi chapel Georgina built is made out of clay dirt, same as her house. A deep fruit and berry and mushroom garden surrounds the dome which is accessible by bridge from the house patio. The inside of the chapel is furnished only with large boulders and a third of the floor is a pool of water. When Wren looks into the water he is surprised to see many snakes. “Snakes?” he asks.

“Not real,” says one of Georgina's children reaching her hand into the water creating ripples through the image. “It is the past or future that you see.”

“We always see things in the water,” says another of Georgina's children. “We have seen your grandfather and your uncle. We have seen battles and duels. “

“Always the past or the future,” says another child.

“Where do you keep your weapons?” asks Wren.

“We have only toys,” says a child.

“Oh,” says Wren.

“Some are really fun,” says a a child.

“Try this one,” says another child handing Wren some goggles through which he then sees a kaleidoscope of flower petals. “Now catch a moth,” says the child putting a net on a stick in Wrens hand. "Our just hit one," says the child.  Another child pulls a string which releases a cage full of very big moths on the ceiling. The big moths begin to fly around.

“No,” says Wren putting down the net and taking his laser blaster gun from his belt. “I will use this. I'll put it on stun. You go outside.”

The children watch through the windows as Wren, blinded by the goggles, shoots down every moth in the chapel .

Georgina speaks to Luke and Kasper back at the table as C3Po translates. “She said the chapel started as a play room in the rainy season but then she noticed the children moving things around with their minds...without their hands or feet. She said she wants the children to know the force is not just for toys.”

“They will learn,” says Luke.

“And they must have extensive flight training also,” says Kasper.

“I agree,” says Luke. And Georgina nods her head.

“The chapel is not very important,” says Titus, savoring his Largo wine and spilling silence on the table.

“All these flowers are very beautiful,” says Gaska breaking the silence. “And I am sure the chapel is valuable.” Luke smiles and Chewbaca agrees. Titus coughs loudly.

“Thank you, Gaska,” says Georgina.

“If my son doesn't learn to seek beauty he is going to be a very lonely man,” says Han.

Georgina says something to Han in her own language and C3Po translates. “Jedi Georgina said she agrees and understands.”




Luke soon walks the bridge to the chapel, following Kasper in his wheelchair. C3Po and R2D2 are now outside on the patio. R2D2 beeps.

“You are so very right to complain,” says C3Po. “Titus is extremely rude. Droids as slaves!!! I have never heard anything so vulgar.”

R2D2 whistles.

“Yes I have done the research,” says C3Po. “ According to my files there are only three hundred Aaronian Largos on Amapola. Their home planet is elsewhere. They spend most of their time underground, sell seasonal crops, and have no trade commitments. They are famous for their star poppy wine.”

R2D2 chirps.

“Good! I also found absolutely no evidence of past Imperial collusion,” says C3Po. “I think we are all safe here.”




Han and Chewbaca return to the Falcon to communicate with Leia who is on the large ship Fedora approaching orbit with Amapola. The Fedora is a ship in the Alliance fleet that does look a bit like a hat.

“The place is okay,” Han says. “Ben is checking out the Jedi Chapel. Too much hocus-pocus for me.”

“I am sure she is a good teacher,” says Leia.

“I trust Georgina and Kasper but not Titus,” says Han.

“He has been working well for the Alliance,” says Leia.

“I know but Chewy doesn't trust him either,” says Han.

“Don't get all worried,” says Leia. “I will be there soon.”

“Better hurry,” says Han. “I think Luke is in love.”

“Love?” asks Leia.

“Yeah, love,” says Han.

“Wait Han,” says Leia. “We are picking up a local distress signal from Amapola. Its just showing up on our screens...not far from where you are. Are you sure everything is okay down there?”

“I just got done telling you everything is not okay,” says Han.

Chewbaca complains.

“Okay Chewy we will talk to Georgina about the signal,” says Han. “How far away is it Leia?”

“About 200 miles,” says Leia.

“Maybe some Largos have the stomach flu or something,” says Han. “If Georgina wants us to check it out ,we will. She seems to be real big on religion and short on man power.”

“Be careful.” says Leia. “Let me know what happens.”




In the chapel now the children are building a block tower with their minds and Kasper's help. They sit near him in his wheelchair and Luke stands near the door.

“Luke,” says Han. “Sorry to crash the party but the Fedora picked up a distress signal coming from about 200 miles away. I guess the Largos are having trouble. Georgina said it doesn't happen except in the worst weather. Its summer.” The children are now looking at Han. The block tower leans and falls.

“Lets hope it is just a malfunction,” says Kasper looking at the fallen blocks. “You see ,children, what is lost with lost concentration? You must first imagine the power then release it into the task with concentration.”

“I asked Georgina if she wants Chewy and I to check it out and she said yes. Want to come with me Ben?”asks Han.

“No,” answers Wren.

“Want to wish me luck, son?” asks Han.

“No,” says Wren. The child knew his dad was unhappy with his answers and it was not the first time. Wren was not happy with his dad either.

“He is a child,” says Luke shrugging.

“Is that what he is?” Han asks.

“Maybe our mom will let some of us go with you,” said one of Georgina's children.

“No,” says Han.

“Good luck,” says Luke.

“You too,” says Han turning out the door and walking back across the bridge.

“Han take 3Po with you and use your bio-hazard scanner. And keep me posted,” Luke calls after him.







“Someone has got to do some work around here,” says Han back at his ship, the Falcon. “Chewy power up the bio-hazard scanner. 3Po, I hope you know how to speak Largo.”

“I am afraid not sir,” says C3Po. “Aaronian Largos are born mute. They never learn to speak.”

“They don't even sing when they are drunk?” asks Han.

“I believe not, sir,” says C3Po.

Chewbaca says something as the Falcon flies over the fields and hills.

“Sure is a quiet place,” says Han. “Sort of beautiful though.”

“Approaching signal site in 10 minutes,” says C3Po.

“Crazy crop circles,” says Han. “Someone is working out here.”

Chewbaca agrees.

“Aaronian Largos preferred method of harvest is circular,” says C3Po.

“Always an answer when we need one,” says Han. “Strap in for landing golden rod. Chewy that clearing over there. It will do. And near the power tower.”

Chewbaca agrees then complains.

“I don't know! Maybe the Largos use sign language! “ says Han. “Lets run the bio-hazard scanner. If its clean we go look around.”

“Nothing ,sir” says C3Po. “No bio-hazards.”

“Luke,” says Han opening up communication with his friend.

“Yeah! What's up?” asks Luke.

“No bio-hazards on the scanner. And we can't see any trouble. Have R2 try and reset the signal. If he can't reset it then its probably not a malfunction.”

“The signal is locked,” says Luke.

“Probably not a malfunction,” says Han. “Chewy and I are going to set four flares then check the power tower for an activity log.”

“Okay. Be careful,” says Luke.

The flares sparkle red in the crystal blue sky, leaving big arches behind. As Han checks the power source log, a snake moves in the grass nearby.

Chewbaca voices concern. He is getting a bad feeling about the place.

“Snakes...I hate snakes,” says Han seeing the snake and blasting it with his laser gun. Another snake drops off the power tower . It bites Han before he shakes it off and shoots it. Then snakes appear at all edges of the clearing. Han and Chewbaca run for the Falcon shooting what snakes they can.

“Oh my,” says C3Po inside the Falcon.

“No bio-hazards golden rod????” asks Han.

“None detected sir,” says C3Po.

Han and Chewbaca power up the Falcon and open communication with Luke again. “Luke,” says Han.

“What is happening?” asks Luke.

“Tell Georgina there's a snake infestation out here,” says Han. “No sign of the Largos. I'm bit. We are on our way back now.”

“Okay,” says Luke. “We just got a message from the Largos. They are safe underground. They are planning an abatement.”

“Sir records indicate no snake species on Amapola,” says C3Po. “It must be an invasion!”




Georgina walks the stairs down into the garden that surrounds the chapel. She finds the children sitting with the astro hound. She speaks in her language and one of her daughters translates.

“My mom says there is a snake infestation in the barley fields. Your dad got bit by a snake. You have to go to the Fedora on the Falcon now with your dad and your uncle. She says she is sorry you could not stay longer. You can come back anytime. She is glad you came to visit,” says the girl.

Wren says nothing. He is embarrassed again by his father and frustrated by being hauled around the galaxy on adventures not of his choosing. And he is concerned about the future. But he does not share his feelings.

Before leaving Amapola, Luke looks again at the piece of a Death Star in the small box. As a rose on it seems to glow brighter than all of Tatooine's suns. He feels like he could carry the rose forever.

“Such a shame about Captain Solo,” says Titus. “We will follow you to the Fedora. Perhaps there is something I can do to help.”

 â€śKasper is staying with Georgina in case there is more trouble,” says Luke and he saves his thank you for Gaska not Titus. Then he boards the Falcon.




As the purple sun sets, the Falcon's tail rises like a star in the sky. The Maloo rises without light. As night falls on Georgina's house, snakes begin to move in her garden. She is unaware and sits with Kasper in the Kanoa. They are using the ships tools to try and locate further trouble. Georgina is then

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