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robot nurse.

“That's an order. Get under the table now. I might need you later,” says Han. The nurse droid folds herself up and slides under the table. “Thank you,” says Han.

The face of Titus is then at hallway window in front of Han. The Falcon's Captain shuts his eyes, really too sick to defend himself. Another robot nurse and a medical droid approach Titus in the hallway.

“May we help you?” asks the robot nurse.

Titus shoots the two of them and also shoots the two doctor droids in the room next door. And he shoots another medical droid on his way out of the ward. He leaves Han unharmed. The hidden robot nurse now unfolds herself and calls for help.

Shortly after this the Fedora's intercom broadcasts a message in a sweet machine voice. “Security Alert... Level Four...Medical Ward. All passengers and crew stand by to engage defense instructions.”




Wren hears the security alert in his room. He is beginning to feel sick. He wraps the tourniquet tighter around his arm. He pulls a coat half on and loads his belt with his weapon. He leaves his room. He ducks out of sight to avoid R2D2 and C3Po in the hallway. He enters the elevator and rides alone to level one. There he puts his bitten hand in a fountain.




“ Security Alert. Blaster fire detection level four Medical Ward,” says the sweet voice of the Fedora intercom. “Engaging security teams two, three and five. All passengers and crew stand by for further instructions.”

“Oh no. What now?” Luke asks after hearing the security alerts with Gaska still in his arms.

“It is Titus,” says Gaska. “I know he has done something awful.”

“To Han?” asks Luke.

The doors to the guest room are locked but the astro dog can hear something through them. The dog sniffs at the bast door that suddenly opens. Luke and Gaska are hidden in the room when the second door opens and R2 D2 rolls through.

“R2!” says Luke lowering his laser blaster gun. “What are you doing here?”

“We are looking for you, Master Luke,” says C3Po in the doorway. “R2 was sure you would be in here.”

“I told R2 I was going to visit Titus,” says Luke as he and Gaska step into full view of the droids.

“All medical droids on the Fedora have been terminated by blaster fire,” says C3Po. “Captain Solo is unharmed in the incident.”

“It was Titus who did it,” says Gaska. “I am sure it was him.”

R2D2 beeps and C3Po continues. “General Titus is on Conference Level one. He is surrounded by security forces but they are afraid to harm him because he is a Jedi,” says C3Po.

“They are afraid of him?” asks Gaska. “So he can kill them all?”

“You leave Titus to me,” says Luke to Gaska. Then he asks R2D2 and C3Po, “ Where is Wren?”

“I am afraid the whereabouts of Master Wren are unknown,” answers C3Po. “There has been security camera malfunctions.”

“R2 I want you to take Gaska to Chewbaca. She will stay with him until its safer,” says Luke.

“But I want to be with you,” says Gaska. Luke is not unhappy to hear this. He never liked being alone but he often was alone. Sometimes he thought Jedi was the loneliest job in the galaxy. He was very alone as a child on Tatooine. And when Yoda died he felt so alone he wanted to throw his light saber into the Dagobah mud and leave it there. He knew that Gaska was not the end to all loneliness but the beginning of less pain like when he first met his sister Leia and like when he learned he was not the last Jedi in the galaxy.

“ I have to go alone to Titus and to find Wren,” says Luke embracing the concubine again. “Wren is in more trouble than we are. He is not ready to be tested.” Luke kisses Gaska on the forehead and says,”Don't worry. Chewy thinks Titus is bird food. He will help us.”

R2D2 beeps and C3Po asks,” What shall I do?”

“3Po,” says Luke. “You come with me. We have to get the crew to contact Kasper. The Kanoa can get Han to the hospital on Altura faster than we can. Leia and Chewy can follow on the Falcon.”

“Yes sir,” says C3Po stepping to keep up with his master who is now moving quickly in the hallway.




Luke and C3po are soon on the bridge with the Fedora's commanders and Leia.

“How's my sister?” Luke asks Leia.

“We are keeping Titus prisoner,” says Leia not looking away from the ships command screens. “Security teams are combing the ship looking for intruders. They are finding nothing.”

“Good,” says Luke. “I hope they don't find any bird feeders either.”

Leia does not laugh at her brother's humor. “I can't find Ben,” she says.

“I'll find him,” says Luke.

“Luke,” says the ship's commander. “Kasper stayed in orbit just as you asked him to do. He'll be here soon with Georgina to pick up Captain Solo.”

“Does Kasper have interference?” asks Leia.

“Still no,” says the sub-commander. “No cruisers, no tie fighters. I just don't understand it.”

“Luke do you think Titus is acting alone? Is he perhaps intoxicated or unstable?” asks the commander.

“All the information and help Titus has given the Alliance should now be suspect,” says Leia. “We should assume he is working for the Empire.”

“Keep your shields up,” says Luke.




“Han!” says Luke as he steps into the elevator. The door closes and they ride to Docking Level three.

“Together again,”says Han. He is standing wrapped in a blanket and attached to a portable medical machine. His robot nurse hoovers near him.

“It is good to see you,” says Luke. It was many years since Luke had first met Han but all those years had offered no evidence against his feeling now that Han had a bigger heart and will to thrive than any politician or warrior...equal to that only of his Wookie co-pilot. Many times Luke and Han had kept each other alive. Luke could think of no better man for his sister but many in the Alliance disagreed.

“Portable dialysis pack will last several hours, sir,” says the robot nurse. “He is stable and doing well.”

“Several hours is time enough,” says Luke. “You'll make it to Altura.”

“Time enough?” asks Han. “Luke, it was Titus. He is a lousy Jedi.”

“I know that now,” says Luke.

“Where is Ben?” asks Han.

“I'll find him,” says Luke.

“Docking Level three,” says the elevator in the same sweet voice as the intercom.

“I know you will find him,” says Han.

“See you on Altura," says Luke as Han steps off the elevator followed by the robot nurse. Chewbaca and Gaska stand near the Kanoa with R2D2, Georgina, and her two eldest boys. Luke continues in the elevator to Conference Level one.




When Luke reaches level one he leaves the sweet elevator voice behind and is greeted by the security team leaders.

“We have located Leia's boy,” says the Security Team Two leader. “He is with Titus. The boy appears to be injured.”

“There is no way out. We have closed all the ducts and locked all the doors,” says Security Team Three leader.

“They won't talk to us and we don't know what to expect,” says Security Team Five leader.

Luke shuts his eyes to calm and center himself. He sees the faces of many who have touched his heart. He hears advice from old Ben Kenobi. And Luke tells himself the truth. Titus is turncoat Jedi who is getting old. Wren is a child.

“Titus!” says Luke into the intercom. “How far have you strayed from what we as Jedi know?”

“Skywalker,” says Titus. “I have been waiting for you.”

“You are a prisoner on the Alliance ship Fedora, Titus,” says Luke. “I am coming in to get Wren.”

Titus laughs and shoots the intercom.

“He shot the intercom, sir,” says Security Team leader three.

“Unlock all the doors,” says Luke.

“But sir,” says Security Team leader two.

“Be ready to shoot him if he comes out,” says Luke.

“Yes sir,” says Security Team leader five.

“Remember he is a zygodactyl so aim for the eyes first and then the chest,” says Luke.

“Should some of us go in with you?” asks Security Team leader three.

“No,” says Luke.

“May the force be with you,” says Security Team leader two.

“Thanks,” says Luke.




The conference room on the top level of the Fedora has a glass ceiling through which shines a galaxy of planets and stars. The large conference table is in the form of an infinity eight and is centered by two fountains. Pink lotus blossom lights hang from the starry ceiling. Titus stands on one end of the table and Wren sits at the other end. He is very sick and slumped in a chair.

“Seems you will have your school for Jedi less one student,” says Titus to Luke.

“What have you done to Wren?” asks Luke.

“Ask him yourself?” says Titus.

“I asked you,” says Luke. “You have made Wren your prisoner.”

“I found him up here alone, looking at the stars,” says Titus. “He did not feel comfortable asking his family for help. He got bit by a snake in his room. He destroyed the snake but he will die soon. I have the antidote.”

“If you have the antidote then you are on the wrong side,” says Luke. He uses the force to lower a pink lotus lamp and make it hover over Wren.

“Uncle Luke?” asks Wren. “Help me!”

“Wrong side of what?” asks Titus. " I am on the very wrong side of the galaxy? Do the Jedi care so much for politics?”

“You are on the wrong side of yourself,” says Luke. “Did you fill this ship with vipers?”

“No,” says Titus lighting his saber. “Just one little snake for one lonely boy. Most of the snakes were for Georgina's hair!” Titus uses the dark force to spin the pink lotus lamp away from Wren and crash it on the floor. “ You think your father was the only one to turn to the darkness?”

“I know there were others,” says Luke lighting his saber and stepping up on the table between Titus and Wren.

“There are others and will be others,” says Titus. “Your nephew will be dead soon without medical attention.”

“You destroyed the medical droids,” says Luke .

“Unfortunate,” says Titus.

“Why did you?” asks Luke.

“Because I have the antidote,” says Titus taking a flying leap toward Luke. They begin to duel. And Wren begins crawling on top of the table toward the dueling pair.

“Uncle! Let him help me,” says Wren, sicker than ever.

“He can't help you,” says Luke.

“Yes he can,” says Wren. “I don't want to die!”

“He enslaves all those he frees,” says Luke.

“Exactly,” says Titus as the duel continues. “You lose your nephew either way. Yoda would be ashamed of you.”

“Yoda would be deeply ashamed of you!” says Luke striking out harder at the zygodactyl.

“Help me! Please help me,” says Wren.

“I will help you boy ,” says Titus. “Your uncle cares nothing for his students. The antidote is in the fountains. I put it there. Just drink as much as you can from a fountain and you will be fine. You see...son of Anakin...the grandson will be mine!”

“No!” says Luke as Wren moves and begins drinking with his hands from a fountain. Luke strikes Titus hard across the face and Titus falls backward off the table losing his light saber. The table itself sinks to floor level and a door of the conference room opens.

Leia and Chewbaca enter with their weapons drawn followed by Gaska, C3po, R2D2, and the astro dog. Luke stands over Titus with his light saber pointed at his chest.

“Luke! What has happened?” asks Leia. “Ben are you okay?”

“Leave me alone, mom!” says Wren already feeling better but drinking more from the fountain.

Luke looks at his sister. “He should be okay,” says Luke but he is privately not sure of this.

Then Gaska calls Luke's name. “Luke!!!His feet!” she yells. The feet of Titus are moving to grab the son of Anakin. Luke quickly cuts the feet off of Titus who screams and dark black blood

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