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Book online «Power Rangers In Space by Heather Ray (best sales books of all time txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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by the entrance, his arms hanging at his sides.

"What do you want?" she asked impatiently.

"I... I wanted to know what was bothering you, my Princess," he said bluntly, "Lately, you've been distracted and solemn. Are you ill?"

Ill. That's a strange way to describe what she was feeling. Not exactly accurate, but similar. Yet... in a good way.

"No," she sighed, "I'd just... like to be alone with my thoughts."

Ecliptor was silent for a moment. "No one... hurt you, did they? The Rangers, perhaps?"

Astronema turned to look at Ecliptor. He was suddenly grasping the hilt of his sword very tightly. A small smile crept on her face. He was always extremely protective of her, almost like a father would be towards a beloved daughter. He was the closest thing she ever had to a companion.

"No. I... I just want to be alone is all."

Ecliptor nodded briskly, and left the room. Astronema returned her gaze to the infinite expanse of outer space. Suddenly, she felt confined within her chamber, or within the Dark Fortress itself. It was hard to ponder about non-evil emotions when surrounded by such darkness and despondency.

"I've got to get out of here," she whispered, rising to her feet. In a flash of violet energy, the Princess of Darkness vanished.
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Two

Zhane sat at the helm of the Megaship, leaning back in the comfortable chair with his feet propped on the console. He couldn't understand why Andros wanted someone at the helm at all times. It didn't make sense, considering Alpha 5 was always awake. Still, Andros was always a little paranoid. That must come with losing one's sister to a kidnapper in the peace and security of your own back yard. It leaves an individual suspicious and uneasy, even in the most secure situations.

In any event, Zhane was stuck with the night shift because of the prank he pulled a few days ago, allowing the others to believe he was dying. They still haven't fully forgiven him yet.

"Whatever," Zhane yawned, stretching his arms. The night shift was typically the least eventful, so it wasn't going to require a whole lot of thinking. Just keep his eyes open for anything strange. Pretty vague directions, but considering Zhane had just risen from a two-year sleep, he wasn't ready to close his eyes just yet.

Yet again, he wouldn't mind dreaming. Then, he was at peace to imagine himself with the mysterious and drop-dead-gorgeous object of his affections. Even though she is the head villainess in this sector.

He couldn't believe Astronema was evil. Its true its only a stereotype that beautiful equals good and ugly equals evil... just look at Divatox or the Liarians! Still, it was more than physical beauty (which Astronema did have in ample supply)

that drew the Silver Ranger to her.

True, she was a powerful sorceress and an expert warrior. But once she dropped her shields, she was... different. She didn't kill him, when she had the perfect opportunity to balance the odds by ending the career of the Silver Ranger. And when she sank her teeth into the marshmallow, the ring of her delicate giggle was music to his ears. And there was something in her eyes... like a lost child... that glinted from time to time. Of course, she was quite obviously a woman. Yet, evil? That was a question Zhane was determined to answer.

She just can't be evil. At least, not completely evil, like Dark Spectre or something. There's something pure in her... something innocent. Maybe she's under some kind of spell?

"Aye yi yi!" Alpha shrieked from his station towards the back of the bridge. Zhane was so surprised by the sudden disruption of silence that he nearly fell off his seat.

"What is it?" he asked, standing up.

"There's an evil presence on Earth! In Angel Grove Park!"

Zhane's eyebrow rose. "What's it doing there?"

"Nothing. Its not moving, but its there!"

Zhane's countenance wrinkled with confusion. What kind of evil force would go to Earth just to sit there? Unless...

"I'd better check it out," he decided, walking past Alpha. The short robot hurried after him.

"I'll wake the others," he said, turning back into the bridge. Zhane stopped in his tracks, and whirled around.

"No! I mean... that's not necessary. If I need backup, I'll call."

"But Zhane --"

"Trust me," Zhane interrupted, "I think I can handle this one alone."

Chapter Three

Astronema sat down on the grass, bringing her knees close to her body and wrapping her arms around her legs. It was slightly colder than in the afternoon, when she awoke to see the Silver Ranger tending to her. It was also colder than that evening, when she waited for half an hour for Zhane to meet her for an ill-fated date. Still, despite the chill, she enjoyed the scenery.

The moon was full, hanging in the sky like a light bulb. The sky was so clear, she could make out various craters adding texture to the moon's surface. Also, a faint aura of light wrapped the moon, giving it a surreal, almost magical glow. It was, in a word, beautiful.

The Princess rested her chin on her knees, and continued to stare at the luminescent moon. In the intense blackness of the night sky, bright stars glinted every now and then. But the moon's gentle glow surpassed them all in beauty and magnitude. A silver orb, resting peacefully and calmly in the sky; so far different from the blazing heat of the sun. The moon was more passive. Even shy, perhaps. That's why it went through phases. Only once a month did it shine in all its glory, completely visible from Earth. Most often only a crescent or otherwise partial moon appeared. Yet every so often, the moon displayed its true, unadulterated beauty, unafraid to shine proudly. The Full Moon was famous for its beauty, yet it was also famous for casting a spell. It made people do things they normally wouldn't do.

Since when did I think like a poet?

Astronema thought absently, tightening her arms around her legs. Poets are the ones that see beauty everywhere they look. They recognize the subtle wonders of nature. I am the Princess of Evil. I don't appreciate beauty. I destroy it.

She didn't like that thought, although it was true. Did she really want to live a life of destroying the lives of others? She wasn't really sure. She didn't remember having a choice in the matter. Evil is all she'd ever known. She had nothing to compare it to...

...unless she could compare it to Zhane's affections.

Yet, she couldn't. She didn't know what to think of Zhane. Was he trying to maliciously trick her? Was his kindness some kind of ranger plan to catch her off guard, or have her turn against Dark Spectre? Or... was he genuinely interested in her welfare?

He did carry that photograph of me,

she reflected, a small smile on her face. Unfortunately, it didn't last very long. But he also stood me up!

Astronema was so confused, she didn't know what to do. She was never good at judging an individual's honesty or intentions. In fact, she really didn't have many social skills whatsoever. Its much easier to kill someone than take the chance to trust them. Trust was one thing she never did. It was safer that way. She'd never get hurt. A heart of stone can't be broken...

...but it must forever be alone.

"Astronema," a gentle voice said, instantly dispersing Astronema's thoughts. She whirled around in surprise, and looked up. Zhane was standing before her, dressed in casual attire, with one hand held behind his back.

A weapon, no doubt!

she thought bitterly, rising to her feet. Before Zhane could react, she had her scepter pointed at him, ready to fire.

"Not again," he moaned.

"What do you have hidden?" she spat, her eyes narrow, "Did you think you could catch me off guard?!"

Yeah... but not the way you're obviously thinking,

Zhane reflected, although he didn't voice his thoughts. Instead, he slowly moved his hand out from behind his back. Astronema's hard expression softened as a small box came into view.

"I figured that, based on our previous encounter, you didn't much like long-stem roses," Zhane said, slowly approaching her, "so I decided to get you something else instead."

Despite herself, Astronema giggled at his comment. Apparently, when she fired laser beams (although weak ones)

at him for arriving late for their date, he didn't hold it against her.

"Here," he said, stopping just in front of her. Her scepter vanished at

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