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her mental command, and she held the small box with both hands. After an inquisitive look at Zhane, she slowly opened the silver wrapping. Her lips stretched into a genuine smile, and she began to laugh.

"Marshmallows!" she said, trying to stop the laughter.

Zhane smiled at her. "Well, I'll take laughter over laser-fire any day."

They laughed together for a while, until the laughter died. They then looked at each other, both unsure what to say or do.

"I... I'm sorry I was late," Zhane said quietly, "but believe me when I say... I didn't mean to stand you up."

Astronema nodded, turning her gaze from Zhane's crystal eyes to the ground. "Yes, well... I guess I can understand why. Ecliptor informed me about... the attack."

They were quiet again for awhile. Astronema swallowed, and turned to face him again. "I'm sorry I fired at you." She couldn't help but think how strange it was to hear herself use the "S"


Zhane smiled, and shrugged dismissively. "People have done worse when they get annoyed with me."

The awkward silence returned. Still both were starting to feel slightly more comfortable.

"It's a nice night," Zhane commented, glancing up at the moon, "Not to warm, not too cold. The moon's shining brightly."

"Yes," Astronema added, turning to face the moon as well. The pair stood side by side in the park, gazing at the night sky. "The moon is truly incredible. It reflects the light of the sun, to give the world some light at night."

"Even the darkest night has some light to it," Zhane suddenly said. Astronema blinked, surprised by the masked meaning behind the statement.

"I suppose," she conceded, "but even the brightest star can't shine forever. Eventually the darkness envelops it."

She felt Zhane's gaze on her cheek, but she chose not to return it. The last thing she wanted to do was get into an argument of good vs. evil with him. Not tonight.

"... of course, we aren't taking about the stars," she added, "We're talking about the moon."

"Of course," Zhane said, crossing his arms. "You know the other thing about the moon?"


"Its magnetic pull. It attracts the tides, and there's nothing the water could do to stop it. It's a force of nature."

"Magnetic," she repeated, continuing from that reference, "opposites attract. The more different they are, the stronger the attraction."

"Can't be explained," Zhane said, turning to face her. He gently lifted her chin with the tips of his fingers, his eyes locking with hers. "Can't be fought."

Astronema almost felt dizzy. There she was, her face inches from Zhane's. Wasn't that what she wanted? Isn't that what she feared?

What would Ecliptor think of her kissing the Silver Ranger? What would Dark Spectre think?

Was she going soft?

As their lips inched closer and closer together, Astronema decided not to care. After all, what her allies didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

Perhaps she wasn't thinking clearly. Perhaps she was under a spell. Supposedly the Full Moon makes people do strange, inexplicable things. Even the mighty, unpredictable ocean gives way to the pull of the moon. The strongest Reason sometimes gives way to the torrent of Passion.

They'll both worry about the consequences later.

Character Thesaurus

Space Rangers

The four remaining powerless Turbo Rangers travelled to outer space to prevent Dark Specter from draining Zordon's powers. On their way to Eltare, they met Andros, a Red Ranger from a distant space colony, who took them in as his crew and gave them powers as Space Rangers.

The Rangers travelled in the Astro Megaship, which had living quarters, a training area, jump tubes, a synthetron, and was armed with megalasers. The Megaship was destroyed in battle against Trakeena in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy


Andros - Red Space Ranger

Full Name:

Ranger Designation:

Red Space Ranger

Spiral Saber, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Red Battlizer Armor, Red Galaxy Glider

Astro Megazord, Delta Megazord, Mega V1

Andros is the stubborn, brooding leader of the Rangers. Upon meeting them, he was unwilling to accept their help, but after a little convincing he let them join him on the Megaship as Power Rangers. Andros is from the planet KO-35, a human colonization which was evacuated. He is serious and decisive, and did not rest until he found his long lost sister Karone, who was revealed to be Astronema. He appealed to the good in her, and successfully brought her over to the side of good. His weapon is the Spiral Sabre, and he piloted Mega V1, the robot. Using the Battlizer, he could control the Delta Megazord, and summon armor and a wings.

After years of inactivity, Andros returned as the Red Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

Andros was once again called into action to help the legendary Ranger Tommy gather intelligence on the Machine Empire's plans to unearth Serpentera and destroy Earth. Using his new space ship, the Astro Megaship mark 2, he teamed up with 9 other Red Rangers and traveled to the moon to stop the Machine Empire.

TJ - Blue Space Ranger

Full Name:

Theodore J. Jarvis Johnson
Ranger Designation:

Blue Space Ranger

Astro Axe, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Blue Galaxy Glider

Mega V3

T.J. is the courageous and fearless second in command. After the Turbo Rangers lost their powers, he successfully led the team into space, where they found Andros and the Megaship. While fighting Darkonda, TJ took a serious blow to head, and lost his memory. By remembering his friends and what they meant to him, he was able to regain his memory just in time to help Andros and save his captive friends. His weapon is the Astro Axe, and he pilots Mega V3, the missile.

After years of inactivity, TJ returned as the Blue Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

When Machine Empire forces unearthed Serpentera to destroy Earth, TJ regained his Turbo powers to team up with 9 other Red Rangers and travel to the moon to stop them.

Carlos - Black Space Ranger

Full Name:

Carlos Vallerte
Ranger Designation:

Black Space Ranger

Lunar Lance, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Blue Galaxy Glider

Mega V2

Carlos is a good natured and friendly person, and has a strong sense of loyalty and compassion. He has taken a shine to fiddling with the technology on the Megaship, and takes full advantage of his resources. During a battle with a monster who could instantaneously switch places with anyone in contact, Carlos accidentally attacked and injured Cassie, which led to him resigning as a Ranger. With Adam's help, he regained his confidence and overcame his fears, returning to the team. His weapon was the Lunar Lance, and he piloted Mega V2, the shuttle. After years of inactivity, Carlos returned as the Black Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

Ashley - Yellow Space Ranger

Full Name:

Ashley Hammond
Ranger Designation:

Yellow Space Ranger

Star Slinger, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Yellow Galaxy Glider

Mega V4

Ashley provides the team with a shoulder to lean on. She is very sweet and caring, and comforts those who need it. Her bright and cheery personality, coupled with her slightly ditzy nature bring a smile to anyone's face. When her grandmother came by for a visit, she was so eager to see Ashley with a nice boy, that Ashley made Carlos pretend to be her boyfriend. Her weapon was the Star Slinger, and she piloted Mega V4, the flying saucer. After years of inactivity, Ashley returned as the Yellow Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

Cassie - Pink Space Ranger

Full Name:

Cassie Chan
Ranger Designation:

Pink Space Ranger

Satellite Stunner, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Pink Galaxy Glider

Mega V5

Beneath Cassie's sarcastic and gutsy exterior lies a caring and compassionate soul who finds it difficult at times to show her true feelings. She gives everyone a chance to prove themselves to her, and puts a lot of faith into people. Cassie discovered a wasp with a heart, one of Astronema's monsters who did not want to be evil. She stuck by him, and defended him against both the Rangers and Astronema's forces. Her weapon was the Satellite Stunner, and she piloted Mega V5, the tank. After years of inactivity, Cassie returned as the Pink Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers, and almost lost her powers to Psycho Pink.

Zhane - Silver Space Ranger

Full Name:

Ranger Designation:

Silver Space Ranger

Super Silverizer

Digimorpher, Galactic Rover, Silver Cycle

Mega Winger

The Silver Ranger is said to be the most powerful Ranger in the universe. Zhane is an old friend of Andros' who was injured in a battle on KO-35 a few years before he was released from a cryogenic chamber which kept him alive on the Megaship. His powers were weakened upon release from his cryo-sleep, and he was recharged by being struck by lightning. Zhane is smooth and charming, and lives life to its fullest, at times being a bit of a hotshot. When Astronema was attacked by her own monster, Zhane rescued her, and the encounter led to a romance between the two. His weapon is the Super Silverizer, and he pilots the Mega Winger, as well as the Galactic Rover. His whereabouts after heading to Earth with the Space Rangers in unknown.

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