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Book online «The Enemy by Susan Bowes (best classic books of all time txt) 📖». Author Susan Bowes

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stranded on this forsaken planet far from the ones I loved.

I tried to disconnet my feelings as anger started to take hold of me. I could well understand Ellie’s hatred towards these beings. She’d lost everything she held dear in life; entering this war with nothing to lose but her life. Nothing mattered to her as long as she got revenge.


“Have your men found the alien yet Lieutenant Mace?” the major asked.

“No sir, but we have found their trail. There’s two of them. We followed two sets of footprints to the shore’s edge. I assume they went into the water to keep us from tracking them.”

“Did you pick up the trail further down the beach?”

“No sir. We lost all trace from that point onward. Perhaps they drowned.”

“You’d better hope so Lieutenant Mace. Continue the search. I want them found; dead or alive.”

“Yes sir.”


We were nearing the end of our ascent and I could see an exit at the top of the stairwell. We reached the last landing and I put my ear to the door. I heard the rumbling of motors. “Damn. They’re still seaching for us. We’ll have to wait a while longer,” I said as I sat down on the landing heavily. I was dizzy after our long climb. “There’s nothing we can do but wait them out. We might as well head back down and find a more secure position to set up a barricade.

After a few minutes to rest we started back down. We reached the lower level and started our search. We entered what appeared to be a cafeteria. “This’ll do.” I said as I noticed large, metal double-doors in the rear of the room. I nodded in that direction and told Ellie to search the adjoining room while I looked for something to barricade the main doors. She did as commanded as I went to the central counter. I looked at the footing. It was held down by bolts secured to the cement floor. I opened the survival kit and found the drill. Our kits were supplied with all sorts of implements that came in handy in an emergency situation. Thankfully the drill bit fit the screw heads. When they were finally loosened I pushed against the heavy counter, but it barely moved. My second had returned and helped me shove against it. It finally gave way and scrapped against the floor. We continued to push and shove at it with all our might and got it up against the main door. We both flopped to the floor in exhaustion.

When Ellie caught her breath she said, “At least we won’t have to survive on rations while we’re waiting to be rescued. The kitchen has a freezer stocked to the ceiling. They must’ve left in a big hurry.”

I considered what she’d said about our rescue. Without the homing beacon we were completely cut off. The ships from the second wave of our attack would never know we were here.

When rested we got up and continued blocading the doors. We stacked tables and chairs and everything else we could find that wasn’t nailed down.

“How many doors do we have to block Cap?”
“There’s two more exits leading to the hall. What about the kitchen?”

“No doors to barricade im there thank God.”

“We better get back to work.”


“We’ve secured the entire area sir. There was a abandoned town within the perimeter. We searched it thoroughly, but the aliens weren’t there. The town hall was searched and blueprints for a research facility that was abandoned over a decade ago was found. It blends in with the coast so that’s why it wasn’t spotted from the air. I bet that’s were they are.”

“Where are the blueprints?”

“Right here,” the man said as he handed them to the major.

“Good work Lieutenant Mace. We’ve got them now.” A grin spread across the major’s face from ear to ear.


It took almost an hour to complete our task. I was physically fit, but the heavy atmoshere took its toll. “We’re finally secure,” I huffed out. I noticed Ellie was breathing hard too. I reached for my canteen, but it was empty. Ellie did the same and hers was empty as well. “Did you try the taps in the kitchen?” I asked as I shook my empty canteen.

“Yes sir. They were dry as a bone, but there’s plenty of ice in the freezer. Where there’s ice - there’s water. We can melt it with our lasers.”

“Lets get to it then.”

After we sated our thirst we checked the freezer for something to eat. Though the survival kit had a few packets of rations we’d need more than that to keep up our strength if we were going to be trapped here for any length of time. That wouldn’t be a problem if we could consume what was held in the numerous cans and sacks that lined the walls. I went over to them and wiped the frost from the labels. Since I could not comprehend the alien’s language I asked Ellie if she could read them.

“No sir. That wasn’t included in our training, but there are pictures. I assume the bags are full of meat from their animals.”

“Flesh? We have to consume flesh?” I nearly gagged at the thought.

“There’s some other bags that are marked with what might be vegetables,” Ellie said as she looked through the stacks piled before her.

“There’s no time like the present to find out. Break a bag open.”

She grabbed the laser knife from her belt and opened a slit. The contents spilled out. She tasted a small morsel. “I was right sir. These sacks do contain vegetables. Of course its not what we’re used too, but they’ll surfice.”

“Thank the stars,” I said in relief.

Ellie went over to the cupboards in the kitchen and found a dented pot that had been left behind. She put some ice in the utensil along with some of the frozen greenery. She ignited her laser gun under it. My stomach growled as I waited for the contents to come to a boil.

As we sated our hunger I was surprised by the texture of the plant. It was far from what I’d expected and was rather tasty.

“Its not too bad,” Ellie stated.

“No. It’s pretty good in fact.”

We soon finished with our soup. “I’m still famished,” Ellie said. “Do you want some more?”

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

We soon appeased our growling stomachs. When finished we went back into the cafeteria and settled down on the floor. It was chilly and Ellie snuggled up to me for warmth. I didn’t pull away. She closed her eyes and sighed contentedly. I looked down into her young face. She looked so vunerable. I wiped the hair out of her eyes. I couldn’t help but caress her face. She opened her eyes and looked at me with an innocence that melted my heart. I couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her moist lips. She kissed me back.

I know it was wrong of me, but being separated from my wife for so long, I could not help but respond to her passion. Our kisses soon became more intense. We found ourselves stipping the alien garments. I noticed the many wounds on her body and wanted to seek revenge on those who had marred her so. I traced her scars with kisses. She traced my scars with her lips as well. We continued to explore each others bodies as our passion grew. Moans of pleaure filled the room and echoed off the walls as we both moved together rhythmically; unrestrained desires were soon sated. When done and I could catch my breath again I quickly reached for my clothing. Ellie did the same. I couldn’t look her in the eye as I apologized for my act.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for. It was a physical release we both needed. I could have stopped you, but I didn’t want to. My need was just as great as yours. We've been separated from our loved ones much too long. It's only natural that we'd sate ourselves Cap.”

“I should have had more control over myself. I am a married man.”

“Under the circumstances, I’m sure your wife would understand.”

“I’m not so sure about that. Would you forgive your husband if he cheated on you?”

“I would try to understand why he did it and probably would forgive him.”

“I hope my wife is as understanding as you.”

Ellie started to respond, but before she could we heard something out in the hallway. I got up and went to the doors as quietly as I could. There were voices outside. I quickly ran from the entrance and grabbed my second. We nearly made it into the kitchen as an explosion rocked the room and we fell to the floor. Before the room cleared of smoke the enemy rushed in. I grabbed my weapon and started firing. Ellie did the same. A blast found her and hit her in the side. Another blast found me. That’s all I remember before passing out.

- Chapter Three -

"Are they conscious yet major?" General Beumount asked.

"No sir. Not yet. As soon as they come to I'll notify you. Why don't you make yourself comfortable in the rec-room in the meantime?"

"No thank you. I'll wait in the viewing room."

"Yes sir. Right this way."


My eyes slowly opened. I knew I wasn't at the ocean facility anymore. I assumed I must be in some sort of military establishment. I was strapped to a cot; it's surface covered in cloth. I noticed blood had stained the sheets. My blood. I looked to my right when I heard a soft moan. My second was lying on a cot next to me. "Are you alright Ellie?" I asked.

"I've sustained a wound in my side. Nothing serious. Are you okay?"

"I'm wounded, but it's not serious. I'll survive. How long do you think we were out?" I asked trying to conceal the searing pain that racked my body.

"I have no idea. It could've been hours. Where do you think we are?"

"A military prison I would think."

"Do you think they'll torture us?"

"Why? We don't have any vital information. We're just soldiers."

"But do they know that?"

"I hope so." I continued to try and ease Ellie's fears when the door to the chamber opened. The enemy marched in.

Ellie and I were separated. They unstrapped me from the cot and made me walk down a corridor to what appeared to be an interrogation room. I looked up into the face of one of my captors as he jabbered away. They started spitting their language out. I imagined they were questions, but not understanding it I couldn't make sense of the wretched noise that spilled from their lips. They soon grew frustrated. I didn't need to know their language to understand the look of exasperation on their faces. It seemed to be a universal expression that anyone could easily recognize. They soon stormed out the door.

My captors weren't gone for long. They returned with another from my world. I recognized him. His name was Daneel. We'd been classmates during training. He had shipped out a month before me and made quite a name for himself in the battles fought against our foes. He was

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