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Book online «The Enemy by Susan Bowes (best classic books of all time txt) 📖». Author Susan Bowes

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the captain on the "Avenger." His craft had been reported missing over nine months ago. The enemy pushed him over to me and he asked my name.

"Don't you recognize me comrade?" I asked.

"Should I?" he wearily responded. Apparently he'd gone through much in his imprisonment and had given up all hope of rescue.

I told him my name.

"Your name is familiar, but it no longer matters here. You're now a prisioner with a number assigned to you. They want me to ask how many more ships are on their way and what wormhole they'll be using?

"You speak their language?"

"Not at first. After months of captivity and constant questioning I finally grasped some of their meaning. I am now fluent in their language and they use me as an interpreter. I do not want to be beaten so I do as I'm told. Please answer my question."

"I'm sorry, but I don't know anything."

"They will not be happy with that response."

"I can't tell you what I don't know."

"Can't or won't?"

"I don't know anything. I swear it. Did you know of our leader's plans? Did you have any idea what wormhole reinforcements would use to enter their solar system; or if any would come? Would you have told them even if you did?"

"No. At least not at first. After some time I told them anything they wanted to hear. You have no idea what they'll do to you if you resist. You must tell them something. Make it up. Take my advise my friend. Do not fight them. You cannot resist. You'll talk in the end. I guarantee it."

"I swear to you on my honor as an officer that I'm telling you the truth."

"I believe you; however - they will not. Tell them anything. I beg you."

"I will not give in to torture."

Daneel frowned. "Yes you will." He turned and started mumbling their gibberish. I assumed he was telling them my response.

"They do not believe you. I am truly sorry. Prepare yourself for pain."

Suddenly an electrical current surged through my body. I screamed out in unbearable pain. They continued to send this current through me as Daneel preceded with the interrogation. I was soon praying that they'd increase the power to a lethal level. The pain was excruciating. Each time I passed out they revived me. The interrogation continued for hours on end.


I came to in a cramped cell. I was lying on a cot in the corner next to a door which had a small opening in the center. I rose to a sitting position very slowly. Every muscle in my body was on fire. I forced myself to stand and looked out the window. Two guards were standing in the hallway. They looked my way. I sat back down. I wondered how long I'd been out. What had become of Ellie? Was she tortured too? Had she broken?

Not long afterwards I heard keys in the lock. A tall figure dressed in military garb filled with all sorts of medals walked through and smiled - if the grimace on his face could really be called a smile. I didn't know how to respond to this so I smiled. The being laughed. At least I assumed it was a laugh. I laughed back. My response seemed to anger him. His smiled quickly disappeared as gibberish spurted from his lips. I was thankful I could not understand him. He turned to the guards and said something. They rushed in and roughly grabbed me. I was escorted down the hallway. We stopped. A door opened. We were back at the interrogation room. They shoved me through the door and strapped me to the chair again. I waited for the volts of fire, but they just stood there staring at me.

Daneel was pushed into the room again and the questioning started once more, but I refused to answer.

"Please don't be this way. You don't know what they're capable of. You haven't seen their other methods of torture. Believe me my friend. There are far worse things then the physical pain you're suffering at the enemy's hands."

"What could be worse than what they're subjecting me to? Death?"

"Death would be a blessing. You will come close to it here I can assure you of that, but they will not let you die. They'll keep this up for days if necessary. Eventually you'll reach the breaking point."


The officer said something to one of the guards and he left the room. Daneel sighed heavily.
"What did he say?" I asked.

"You'll find out in due time. I must ask you again to relent. Give some information - any information that will aid the enemy."

"You can go to hell."

"Very well. Have it your way." Daneel sighed deeply. He went to the corner and stood as still as a statue. He did not look my way again. I could tell he was vey distressed.

I waited for the torture to begin, but the guards did nothing. Within a few minutes the officer came back with two other guards dragging Ellie into the room. She was unconscious. The officer grunted something and one guard brought over a chair placing it directly across from me. They threw Ellie down and strapped her in. They tossed water into her face to revive her.

"Ellie can you hear me?" I asked as consciousness returned to her.

She muttered something, but I couldn't understand her. She lifted her head slightly and looked at me. She'd been severely beaten. Her mouth was swollen and one of her eyes was badly bruised. I wanted to weep at the sight of her. I turned and glared at my captors calling them every name in the book and then some. The officer just looked down at me and smiled. He said something to Daneel. Daneel came over and stood by my side. "They want to know---,"

"I don't give a damn what they want to know." I shouted. I called him a traitor and spit in his face. My captors laughed.

The officer said something. A guard walked over to the console and hit the button. Ellie's screams filled the room.

- Chapter Four -

Daneel was right. I did break. I'd like to claim I did so to save Ellie, but I cannot. They hooked me up to the machine again and sent more current through my body. Before long it was too much to bear. I finally broke down and told them anything they wanted to hear.

After breaking my captors brought me back to my cell. I wondered what they'd do to me after they realized I lied. I've been here for days on end now without being interrogated again. Perhaps just breaking me was all they wanted. I'd been given their gruel and water and I sustained myself, but other than that I hadn't seen another living being. I was going crazy wondering what had happened to Ellie. She'd been near death when they dragged her from the interrogation room. Was she still alive? I had to get out of here. Somehow, someway I'd escape my imprisonment and rescue her. We'd get out of this hell. I stared planning my escape.


After weeks of solitary confinement I was finally moved to a large facility. Many of my kind were there. Daneel was among the prisoners. We were out on the exercise grounds when I spotted him. I could understand his betrayal now. I'd done the same. I walked over. "Hello Daneel."

He looked up at me. "Hello. I see you finally submitted my friend. Can I call you that? You probably despise me for what I've done."

"I realize now you went through. I'm no better. I bear the title of traitor too. I want to apologize for my behavior towards you."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You did what was necessary to survive. Death is something we all try to avoid. "

"Yeah. I guess. Have you seen my second?"


"I hope she's alright."

"Me too."


The days flew by. I'd asked Daneel to teach me their language and learned it quickly. I knew the only way to insure my escape was to act as if I'd given up all hope. In time I gained the enemy's trust and was given a few privileges.

I soon learned that Daneel was an outcast among my kind. Because of my association with him I was treated the same. Though this hurt me deeply I dared not show my true feelings. Outwardly I was very friendly with our foes, but inside I raged against them. I kept my hate well hidden.

When we were allowed outside I often wandered over to the fence that separated the men's compound from the women's. I searched every face that passed by hoping to see Ellie. After two months of captivity I finally saw her in the distance. She was being marched out of the main gate. There were a number of prisoners in the line. I asked Daneel where they were going.

"They are put to work in a factory on the other side of the trees."

"Why aren't we sent there?"

"I don't know. It's hard labor from what I hear. They're always so drained when returned."

"I've got to talk to Ellie, but she hasn't noticed me at the fence. I've been so worried about her."

"There is a way I can help you in that respect. Come to my barracks after lights out."


I counted to three as the spotlight swung past. I ran as fast as I could and ducked under the next structure. The searchlight passed again. I ran and hid two more times before reaching my destination. I rapped on the metal door. It creaked open on rusty hinges.

"I see you made it without any trouble," Daneel said when I was safely inside.

"Never mind that. Can you help me get to Ellie? I've got to see her."

"I can't, but there's someone here who might be able to help you. His name is Florek. He's the best scrounger in camp. He's made many friends among our foe and has used that to accumulate quite a stock of useful items. He's bribed the guards on occasion and might be able to influence them to let you speak with your friend."

Daneel called a small, lanky kid over. He looked like a frightened child barely of age to serve in the military until you looked into his eyes. There was a cold, hard edge to them. I asked if he'd help.

"It'll cost you. Your friend may have to endure sexual advances in order to see you; if she hasn't already. Are you sure you want to put her through that?"

"I have to see her. Isn't there another way to accomplish this without her having to succumb to molestation?"

"Probably not. These beings are very strange. It's hard to figure out exactly what they require for any particular favor, but I'll do my best to see that she's not harmed."

"I'd appreciate anything you can do. Thanks.

"Don't thank me yet. This may take a while."


I'd asked around camp what was made in the facility beyond the gate. No one knew for sure, but the rumor was that they were working on some new sort of weapon. Time has no meaning
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