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Book online «Power Rangers In Space by Heather Ray (books for students to read TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Three: Perception

This scene takes place right after the events of "A Date with Danger,"

in Zhane's voice.

It's not exactly a shock that the Megaship is quiet as a tomb. By my chronometer, it's two in the morning in Angel Grove, and all our body clocks are pretty much adjusted to that time zone.

I'm definitely tired enough to sleep, but I can't shut my mind off long enough to do much more than restlessly stare at the ceiling. My thoughts keep trailing back to all the crazy things that happened yesterday, reflecting on each weird coincidence, every unexpected twist.

I can't believe I made a pass at Astronema.

I've done some pretty reckless things in my life, but this takes the cake.

I admit, I don't know much about her. She wasn't involved in the invasion of KO 35, at least not that I recall, and I've only been "back" a few days. But still, she's the enemy. Any sensible person would've at least called for backup when faced with an unconscious, potentially hostile...

..what? "Prisoner?" When I rescued her from her wolf monster, I didn't have a plan in mind at the time. And while I assessed her injuries, with all the precision I learned during the war, I tried to figure out what I should do with her. Only, as I sat beside her, watching her, I realized something that unsettled me.

I couldn't ignore the fact that she was beautiful.

I tried to remind myself who I was dealing with, but I still couldn't detach myself. The whole situation seemed so surreal, I just decided to go with the flow, and started a campfire.

And then she woke up.

Her eyes weren't what I'd expected from an evil princess. They weren't cold or vicious. There was so much in her eyes, written on her face... wariness, confusion, curiosity.

And even though by all rights I should've been, I wasn't afraid.

Instead, I realized I was curious, too.

Spending time with her in the park revealed more than I expected. Her laugh, her smile… she's more than simply "the enemy."

I'm sure of it.

I was curious enough to meet her again, this time at her invitation, putting aside the very real possibility that it could've been a trap. And while I'm disappointed that the "date" didn't exactly go well, I can cheer myself up with the fact that it could've gone much, much worse.

And now, I'm still curious. I can't stop thinking about her, that strange mix of vulnerability and strength. Who is she? Where did she come from? Could she really be a merciless warrior? Is she human, or some other species? How old is she?

So instead of sitting in my room wondering, I take a seat at D.E.C.A.'s main interface on the bridge. Might as well see what kind of answers I can get.

"D.E.C.A., pull up all statistics we have on Princess Astronema."


the A.I. answers, and I lean back in the leather chair as a file photo appears on the computer screen. And once again, I can't help but stare, comparing the icy glare displayed onscreen with the hesitant glances and subtle grins I saw in the flesh.

The picture is quickly supplemented with information, though the personal history account is full of holes.

Planet of Origin:






Well, this is helpful. We don't even know what her real hair color is…

I skip the narrative of her known abilities, focusing instead on her conquests. One planet I've never heard of, where she defeated their great warrior and petrified him. Three other planets, where she led armies of Quantrons and monsters to topple the standing governments, enslaving their populations. A total of four planets, forever changed by Specter's will, and Astronema's hand. And now, she's been assigned to destroy the Power Rangers, a high-profile assignment that a bunch of evil monarchs couldn't finish.

The statistics are right in my face, and it gives me an uncomfortable, sinking feeling. She's just as culpable as any of Dark Specter's other top warriors. I shouldn't think of her any differently than anyone else associated with the U.A.E.

And that bothers me, because it just doesn't feel right.


I jump away from the computer screen, scrambling for an explanation while at the same time hating myself for hiding something this… huge from my best friend.

I don't know what my face looks like, but Andros frowns as he approaches me. "Are you feeling any better? You've been acting… weird all day."

I grimace, remembering exactly how "weird" I've been. Daydreaming through the afternoon, evasive when the Rangers needed my help to fight the Horrorbull, and then, inconsolable when the battle was over.

And just like earlier, I can't bring myself to open up to him. "It's no big deal. I had some stuff on my mind… I just wanted to work it out for myself."

If there's one thing Andros can understand, it's needing time alone. He nods, his fingers twisting his locket, and I immediately understand what dragged him out of bed in the middle of the night.

"You had the nightmare again?"

He sighs, his face directed at me, but his eyes far away. "It's been happening a lot, now."

Andros shakes his head, taking a seat beside me. For a moment, I feel the compulsion to shut down the computer screen, but that would be even more suspicious than letting him see what I was doing.

"Astronema?" Rather than frown in confusion, he nods in approval. "Good idea; we haven't had the chance to get you up to speed on our enemies."

I watch him skim the narrative, nodding here and there as if agreeing with all the harsh, black-and-white facts. "Andros, what do you think of her?"

He blinks at me, and I realize that I should've phrased that question differently. "You've fought Astronema for a few months. What do you think I should know about her?"

He thinks for a few moments. "She's dangerous. She has a set goal, to be Dark Specter's right hand, and she'll do anything to get that. I saw her take the stage at a U.A.E. council, and she faced down Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, the Machine monarchy, and Divatox like they were nothing. She's confident that she has what it takes to succeed where they all failed."

Andros' frown deepens with each thought he shares with me. "She's devious, too. She once kidnapped Ashley and disguised herself as her to get aboard the Megaship. And she has no problem attacking the city, just to draw us out into the open for her next attack."

Each fact is more and more damning, and I almost want to tell Andros that I've heard enough.

"And she's powerful." He emphasizes this with another nod. "Don't ever underestimate her. She usually has Ecliptor at her side, but she doesn't need him for protection. She's skilled at hand-to-hand combat, and her Staff is deadly. And even unarmed, her electric blasts pack a punch."

Even with everything Andros has said, my first impulse is to smirk at that last comment. I can still feel the "punch"

of her lavender energy blast, from when I arrived late to our date. And even though my clothes took a beating, I got out of it okay. Sore from my less-than-graceful landing, and maybe a few hairs singed, but none the worse for wear.

She could have killed me. It would've been easy. All my defenses were down; I wouldn't have known what hit me. And then she'd be one step closer to her goal of wiping out the Rangers. She would've done what no villain has done in years: killed an active Ranger. Dark Specter would've promoted her on the spot.

Today's events could've played out very differently. She could've killed me the moment she woke up in the park, and saw me without my helmet. There's no way I would've survived a point-blank attack. Or, she could've killed me with her Staff, just like she threatened to. I called her bluff, and something made her play along.

Something else was motivating her today. Something that Andros has never seen…

"She's evil, through and through," Andros summarized, his gaze fixed on me.

His opinion is set, and I really don't have the energy, or the inclination, to share my view just yet. So I nod, grinning at my friend. "Thanks for the info. I think I know all I need to know."

And with that, I turn back to the A.I.'s interface. "D.E.C.A., close the file on Astronema."

As the screen goes black, I stretch out my arms. "I think I'll head to my room. Unless you need anything…?"

"No, get some rest," he answers. Before I even leave the room he pulls a small data disc from his locket, releasing a shuddering breath as he prepares to once again watch the painful moments when little Karone was kidnapped.

I linger in the door for a few moments before I leave my best friend to deal with his own demons.

As I walk the quiet halls, I consider everything Andros said about Astronema. Her deviousness, ambition, cruelty.

I know he's wrong. In all the months he's fought her, he never looked any deeper. In a weird way, I feel privileged, like I'm in on a big secret.

If Astronema were as evil as Andros, as everyone, seems to believe, I wouldn't be standing here right now. She would've seen her chance and taken it, ridding the galaxy of one Silver Ranger. No questions, no complications… and certainly no gratitude for saving her life.

I know there's more to her. I know there's something good in her.

But… I don't know what, if anything, I can do about it.

Chapter Four: Mirror

This piece takes place immediately before the opening scene of "Dark Specter's Revenge, Part I."

Not a whole lot of Astronema/Zhane here, but I thought this was an important step in Astronema's character development, and worth exploring in the context of this series. And incidentally, I wrote this fic while watching "Mulan"

on Toon Disney; inspired by the song "Reflection."

She felt naked.

That was the

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