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Book online «Power Rangers In Space by Heather Ray (books for students to read TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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best way to explain the feeling, even though the soft cotton flight suit covered her from neck to toes.

Still, she felt exposed. She didn't like the feeling.

"You aren't me," she told her reflection. "Are you?"

The eyes in the mirror reflected her apprehension, and while the cool shade of blue was at least familiar, they looked strangely warm when they weren't set off by bold black liner and thick streaks of silver and violet shadow. The eyes in the mirror could never intimidate anyone. She could just imagine Darkonda's laughter if she looked at him with such warm, timid eyes.

But at least she recognized the eyes. The rest of the reflection; there was no hint

of the face she was used to seeing.

Short, straight blonde hair brushed against her jaw, simple and plain. Darker than the blondes she'd experimented with recently, and the strands seemed to vary, one from the other. Some strands were nearly brown, others were strikingly pale. The various shades together merged into a dull blonde.

Isn't human hair supposed to be uniform?

She wondered, twisting a lock curiously. It was as if her hair couldn't decide what color it wanted to be. At least when she styled it with her power, she selected one lustrous color, or perhaps one color with accents. The result was always perfect, immaculate.

Now, her hair was limp, sloppy… flawed


Frowning, she slipped a pin into the stubborn forelocks that simply refused to stay out of her eyes. And by doing so, she unveiled all the flaws of her face.

She almost pulled the pin out.

Small brown flecks of pigment spotted her nose and dusted her cheeks. Her skin was remarkably pale; almost sickly, when it wasn't covered in a smooth, uniform mask. And her lips seemed strangely thin and frail, when compared to the full garnet-tinted mouth she was so used to sneering with. Any sneer with these pale lips would be a mockery.

She felt exposed. Vulnerable.

She never spent much time looking at her true face before, because it didn't matter before. She was Astronema, Princess of Evil, one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. She looked as she chose

to look, with her appearance sending a message of her mood. Her battle armor emphasized destructive intent. Her sculpted hair and carefully painted features underscored her cunning, her power. No flaws. She was perfect; invincible.

What story did this face tell?

In her reflection, she saw weakness. Imperfection. Confusion.

She no longer stood out. She blended in with all the other powerless humans. Which was fitting, because she was human.

She was not Astronema. Not any longer.

"You are Karone," she told her reflection. "I

am Karone."

The name sounded odd in her ears. She was no longer Astronema. When she rescued the Power Rangers on Yotoba she surrendered that illustrious name, and everything that came with it. She was no longer a princess. She was no longer evil.

But, what was she? Was she weak? Imperfect? Confused?

"Yes. Yes. And yes." She stated aloud.

But, in truth, she had been confused before, as well. Confused by her feelings, which often seemed to be at odds with what she'd been taught. She was too sentimental, respecting Ecliptor as she would a parent, rather than treating him with the proper disdain due her subordinate. The only person she should have respected was Dark Specter, and that was respect earned through fear. Not appreciation. Not… affection. In truth, her feelings for Ecliptor far surpassed anything she felt for her monarch.

She had been confused by her attachment to her mysterious past as well, clinging to a locket with photographs of complete strangers. It was only a small trinket, honestly worthless, and she should

have destroyed it. That trinket symbolized her weakness, but she could never bring herself to remove it.

And strangest of all, she had been thoroughly confused by her feelings for one Silver Ranger. Her behavior that day was inexcusable, almost treasonous. She spared a Power Ranger's life, twice. She yearned for his attention, his approval…

What kind of evil princess cared one whit about what a Power Ranger felt?

And she had

cared. Deeply. Astronema would never acknowledge that, but Karone… Karone could face the truth with eyes wide open. Karone recognized the attraction for what it was, accepting the longing in her heart.

And now, she acknowledged that she still longed for his attention, for his approval.

What would he think of her? What would he see in her too-warm eyes? In her boring, flat hair? In her freckled face? In her thin mouth?

Would he even notice her?

She thought back on that strange day, when she approached him as herself

. At the time, she had decided she wanted to blend in with the other humans at the theater, so she could observe him without drawing attention.

But was that the truth? Or was Astronema lying to herself again, trying to explain away the confusion rather than face it?

Did she merely want to blend in? Or, did she want Zhane to see her true self?

Whatever her true intentions, Zhane did see her.

He wasn't repulsed by her imperfect skin or limp hair. His reaction was strange, as he searched her eyes as if he actually knew who stood before him, in the most natural of disguises. She couldn't tell if he actually figured out the truth, but nevertheless, he had noticed her. He stared into her too-warm eyes, and held her ungloved hand.

On impulse, she spoke his name aloud for the first time. "Zhane…"

A small smile bloomed on her too-thin lips.

"Karone?" Andros' voice was accompanied with a knock. Biting her lip, she looked at "Karone" in the mirror one more time.

She was exposed. She could not hide herself; her affections, her insecurities, behind the mask of makeup and flowing, perfect hair. She could no longer disguise her vulnerability, her humanity, with leather, plated armor, and a deadly weapon.

She could no longer hide from herself, either.

Karone rose from her seat and opened the door. "I'm ready, Andros."

He stood stunned for a moment, focusing on her eyes, her hair, her face. His hand lifted slowly, gently touching her cheek as if she were a dream; as if he were making sure she was really standing in front of him.

She looked away nervously, staring down at her interlaced fingers. "Well… what do you think?"

Suddenly, he wrapped her in a hug so tight it felt like he was trying to make up for all the years she'd lived without one.

When he stepped back, his face glowed with such a bright smile, she almost couldn't draw the connection between the brother standing before her, and the somber Red Ranger she had battled for months.

"You... look so much like... Mom," he murmured, almost reverently. "You're beautiful."

Chapter Five: Reaction

This brief scene gets us Zhane's perspective on the dramatic conclusion to the battle in "Countdown to Destruction, Part II."

Angel Grove had been devastated. The streets were cluttered with the smoking remains of proud skyscrapers, and once-calm parks burned silently amidst the chaos. Quantrons flooded the streets like locusts, and while the humans fought bravely, it seemed impossible for their limited forces to emerge victorious.

Still, Zhane kept fighting. His mind had numbed from raw exhaustion, after a full day of constant combat pushed the limits of both human endurance and the Power supplied by his morpher. His body ached from countless injuries, from laser blasts delivered by foot soldiers as well as the painful crash of the MegaWinger.

The horrifying sight of a city in ruins revived haunting visions of another failure, another home trampled under the heels of an evil army. He’d resolved not to fail again; not to allow Dark Specter’s empire to swallow another beautiful world.

It was overwhelming, and as the Dark Fortress descended to the street, casting its ominous shadow over thousands of battered, petrified citizens below, Zhane absently wondered if the weight of this failure could literally crush the life out of him.

The bay door opened, and he braced himself for whatever sight would greet him. Would it be Ecliptor, backed with a refreshed army of Quantrons and Piranhatrons to finish the job? Or, perhaps all the monsters they’d been fighting had been intentionally vaporized in order to create a new, even deadlier monster to crush the entire city underfoot? Or, could it be Astronema herself, face sallow and eyes completely lifeless, ready to deal the final blow herself?

Straining for courage, Zhane stepped forward, joining the other Rangers where the Dark Fortress touched the Earth. As always, the Power Rangers would protect the innocent from any evil threat; whether they were shielded by the Power or not.

Footsteps echoed in the breathless silence, and as comprehension slowly dawned on the bedraggled Silver Ranger, he felt an array of contradictory emotions so quickly, it seemed that time stood still.

He saw Andros, alive and whole, and he was seized by a sudden, heart-stopping shock. It was incredible. Somehow, against all odds, the Red Ranger had survived his solitary mission into the Dark Fortress to secretly thwart Astronema’s invasion. His hair-brained scheme had actually worked.

Zhane’s surprise was quickly followed by an unparalleled sense of joy, as the implications began to sink in. It felt more wonderful than when he emerged from cryogenic stasis, and fully understood that he was alive and fully healed. It was better than when he found Kinwon and the rebels of Sentar B, and discovered that there were pockets of refugees that survived the fall of KO 35. Because Andros’ survival meant Earth’s survival, and ultimately the survival of all the planets under attack.

It meant victory.

For a moment, Zhane was overcome with excitement, as he felt the urge to join the elated cheers of the relieved people around him. But immediately on its heels came the startled comprehension of what that victory ultimately cost. As Andros drew nearer, Zhane saw tears falling freely from his best friend’s eyes; and while Andros might succumb to tears in private, he was never one to share his pain with the world. And then the Silver Ranger realized just how limp the body Andros carried truly was.

And then, Zhane understood what Andros had done.

The celebration around him continued, but Zhane was suddenly detached from it all, as he was swallowed by a deep, wrenching sorrow.

He watched with wide, stinging eyes as Andros knelt at the foot of the platform, laying the lifeless body of Astronema against his knee.

One thought formed in his mind, taking tenacious root as sorrow gave way to impotent fury. This just isn’t fair


It wasn’t fair for Andros to once again

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