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Book online «Disturbed Things by Shannon Sabotage (surface ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Shannon Sabotage

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broadened. I shook her hand and smiled back. The woman walked back to a chemistry table with bubbling chemicals and black tubes with white labels pasted on them. She looked up at us and jumped.
“Oh! I forgot to mention my name. I apologize for my absent mind-ness. I am Professor Aleksandra Demidov.”
“Demidov? Is that Russian?” Emma asked right after Professor Demidov introduced herself.
“Why yes it is thank you for noticing.” Professor Demidov smiled at Emma and sat behind a desk beside her chemicals and commotion. I stood there for a good five minutes before I asked.
“Professor Demidov, will Emma and I have to be separated?” she looked up from a stack of papers and thought for a minute.
“I don’t think so. I don’t see why you would have to be separated from each other.” I sighed in relief.
“I can take you to your new headquarters if you like.” Emma nodded as Professor Demidov stood and walked over to the exit that we stood in front of. She walked out of the lab and walked down the hall. I followed holding Emma’s hand along the way. Then I was pushed against the hard metal wall to my left. Black armor shined underneath the fluorescent lights. I was constricted between the wall and the soldier’s tight grasp.
“Professor Demidov, help me.”
“Experiment 143 stop!”
Professor Demidov turned around and whipped a syringe out of her lab coat pocket, she stabbed it through the metal of the solider and its armor fell to the ground in a pile of metallic. Emma looked at me then the pile on the ground then Professor Demidov.
“What happened to its body?” Professor Demidov looked at Emma and sighed.
“I’ll explain it later. Follow me a few doors down will be your headquarters.” She started down the hall again towards the last door on the left and stood in front of it. We caught up with her and she typed in a password on the keyboard, she then placed her hand on the plate. A light scanned her hand and the door slid open. Professor Demidov pushed the door open all the way and Emma took the first step inside. I followed her inside scanning the room top to bottom. It was all metal including the floors, it didn’t have any windows and it was cold. My bare feet touched the floor and I shivered. I turned to Professor Demidov and she frowned with the rooms conditions as well.
“Nothing…homier?” Emma asked looking at the clothes lying on the bed.
“I’m sorry. I expected something better than this from seeing my headquarters.” I turned to Emma as she rubbed the cloth on the bed. I walked up beside her and looked at the outfits laid out for us. A small silky black pleated dress with white lace sewed on the hem. Black boots lay on top of the dress Emma would look beautiful in it. I looked next to the dress and a black crew neck shirt was folded and laid on top of black fitted jeans. Beside the outfit was the same pair of boots that laid on top of Emma’s dress just in a larger size.
“I’ll leave you two to get dressed, meet me in the dining room I bet you are both hungry. There’s a map on the nightstand over there.” She pointed to the nightstand and smiled. “Be sure to take it with you so you can find your way.” She said goodbye and left us alone in the metal room. I looked at Emma and kissed her. We hadn’t been left alone since we were taken. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me. Emma threw the boots and clothes on the floor and climbed on the bed. I climbed on her and things started from there.

A New Life
We got dressed in our new clothes and left the room to head off to the dining room where we expected Professor Demidov to be waiting for us. Emma brought the map and we looked around us to see where we were. Our feet stood in the east wing and we needed to be in the west wing, we took a few turns down some halls and ended up in front of two big double doors. A silver plate with the words Dining Room engraved on it hung above the doors.
“You have reached your destination.” Emma said with a slight giggle. I opened the doors for her and she stepped into the large room. Her dress dangled at her knees and swayed with each step she took. I smiled and followed her in. At a large table in the back of the room sat Professor Demidov and Professor Riggings. We walked in their direction and Professor Demidov looked up at us with a smile. We sat down in front of them and I held Emma’s hand under the table. Professor Riggings looked up from his tea and forced a smile that peered through his gray mustache. I gave a sincere smile and turned my attention back to Emma. She kissed my cheek and I kissed her nose. Professor Riggings gave a loud sigh and grunted from Professor Demidov jabbing him in the ribcage with her elbow. Emma giggled lightly under her breath and looked at Professor Demidov, blushing. Professor Riggings broke the non-verbal conversation we were all sharing.
“We’d like to talk about an agreement.”
“Agreement?” Emma questioned Professor Riggings.
“Yes, we have conquered up a document entitling you both to genetic alterations.” He pulled out a packet of papers and placed it on the table in front of us. “These genetic alterations will be given to you as soon as possible, they will be injected into your arm and the chemicals will run through your blood stream. Thus, changing your DNA and giving you avian characteristics. In this project Kyler will be admitted into our military as he promised and this agreement will only last one year. In time, Emma will need to be admitted, of course after the baby is born.”-I slammed my hand against the table and stood up shouting.
“Wait! I told you that I did not want Emma being admitted at all. Especially after being through child labor, I think it should be just me admitted, but if she is admitted also then we leave without argument!” Professor Demidov stopped Professor Riggings from shouting and spoke with her soft voice.
“Kyler, I promise you now that Emma will not be admitted ever, just you. But the genetic alterations are permitted. A lot of our experiments escape and we don’t want her being in the mist of things. With the chemicals she’ll be able to fight for herself and the other experiments will not be able to hurt her because the chemicals build her barriers.” I sat down and thought for a minute or two with my head down and Emma staring at me. I looked up at Professor Demidov and spoke lightly.
“Just promise me she’ll be safer if she does get the injections.”
“Kyler, I give you my word.” I breathed in and squeezed Emma’s hand.
“Okay, can we get some food in us first?” Four waiters with four big silver platters came to our table.
“Does this answer your question?” Professor Demidov said with a smirk as the waiters pulled the silver cover dishes off revealing bowls of creamy chicken soup with some sort of green garnishment on the steaming surface. The smell filled my nostrils and I grabbed my spoon. The waiters walked back into the kitchen in an orderly fashion and Emma and I started eating the soup. Professor Riggings pushed his bowl of soup aside and sipped his tea quietly. Professor Demidov just stirred her soup in silence with her head on her wrist looking as if she was daydreaming. Once I was done with my soup I licked my spoon then took my finger and wiped up the rest of the residue from the broth and licked my finger clean. I looked up and Professor Riggings was staring at me in disgust. I wiped my mouth with the napkin on the red table cloth and held my fist up to my lips to cover a burp. Professor Riggings cringed from my action of trying to show some manners. There was no winning with this guy. His dark gray eyes looked at Emma and he smiled lightly. I directed my attention to her and she had lightly yawned like a child. I smiled and asked,
“Can we get some sleep?”
“Oh, no. We’d like to do the injections as soon as possible remember?” Professor Demidov answered. I nodded as I felt a yawn up rise from the back of my throat. I rested my head on my wrists with my elbows on the red clothed table and closed my eyes. Professor Riggings stood up all of a sudden and smoothed out his lab coat.
“I must go prepare the injections and chemicals for the project. I will see all of you in my laboratory in a short, let’s say…” he pushed up his long white sleeve and glanced at his silver chrome watch and continued, “twenty minutes?” Professor Demidov nodded and Professor Riggings walked out without another word. The second the double doors closed Professor Demidov leaned over the table and apologized for Professor Rigging’s attitude.
“It’s fine, we’ve gotten used to it.” Emma replied and yawned lightly.
“He’s just worked up over the fact we have an admit.” Professor Demidov glanced at me and smiled. I smiled back and asked if we could have a tour of the base.
“Maybe later, I have things to do anyways and I’m sure Professor Riggings will need me to assist him any moment now. I’d love to show you around myself…I have someone who might be able to, hold on a moment.” She stood and walked to a door at the opposite side of the room and closed it behind her. A few moments later she came out with a young maybe eighteen or nineteen year old boy by her side. His dark purple hair framed his face while his silver eyes shined through the thick purple locks. A name tag with the name, Demetrius Demidov, was pinned to his shirt causing the fabric to dip down a bit. Professor Demidov introduced him,
“This is my son, Demetrius. He is volunteering here for a few more months. He already knows where everything is from only being here for a week. He has a special gift, photographic memory and telepathy.” She smiled broadly showing off her mutant son. You could tell he was her pride and joy, as all parents wish their children to be. He looked down at his sneakers and sniffed.
“Excuse his shyness; he’s recovering the death of a very close friend.” Professor Demidov patted her son’s back lightly and kissed his forehead. Jealously came upon me, I wish I had a mother to comfort me in my darkest moments, but I did have Emma. I rested my hand on Demetrius’ shoulder and he looked up, he was about my height a little shorter. I nodded to him, and he nodded back with a slight smile. I could tell me and him were going to be good friends.
Demetrius led Emma and me out of the dining room and down flight eight down some hallways and into a big dark room. He flipped a switch and light illuminated the room uncovering the desks and charts and hospital beds scattered throughout room.
“This is the room where my mother and Professor Riggings will do the project on you two.” Demetrius said in a voice barely loud enough to hear. I nodded and
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