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Book online «The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII by Heather Ray (cat reading book .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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"What's the problem?" Tifa asked, discerning their troubled state by their expressions.

"The problem is Aisha," Billy said, stepping forward. "We were thinking about that image Bugenhagen displayed for us earlier, and we've come to the conclusion that the Holy materia is the only thing that can save Aisha's life...but it's also the only thing that can save this planet from the Meteor."

"And in the vision, the materia transformed into a ball of glass, as if the Black and Holy materias will cancel each other out in the final battle," Zack continued. "If that's the case, then we can't use it afterwards to save Aisha, and I know we can't take the materia from the planet while the Meteor is still out there."

Cloud's expression hardened, and he ran his fingers through his unruly blonde hair once again. "I didn't even consider that," he admitted weakly. "The fact is, the Holy materia is a mystery. We have no idea how it's used, or even if any of us can use it. I guess the only thing we can do now is find it, and pray that it'll guide us in how to use it."

Zack sighed. "It doesn't look like we have another option."

"So, have you discerned where to find the Holy Materia?" Billy inquired. "Is that why we're going to the City of the Ancients?"

Cloud nodded grimly. "The last time I saw the Holy Materia was there." His voice lowered into a weak whisper when he added, "...when Aeris died."
Chapter Thirty-Two

"Move!" Tommy shrieked, diving at Katherine. The two Rangers sprawled to the ground, just in time to miss Shade, who flew passed them like a missile, her magical cape spread wide.

"Thanks," Kat whispered, shaking her head. "The last think I need is to be trapped in that void again."

The Blue and Red Rangers leaped to their feet again, gazing around urgently. Once again, their enemy had vanished from sight.

"Gone again," Tommy observed, stating the obvious.

"There's got to be a way we can inflict some damage!" Kat muttered, leaning against Tommy's back. The two warriors each clutched their weapons, the silver blades glinting in the dim light.

"Our best bet is when she's invisible," Tommy stated, holding his saber in the air as high as he could. "She's vulnerable when she's invisible. Get on the ground, Kat."

Kat obeyed, and backed away slightly as a red aura built around Tommy's body. He trembled slightly, as the fiery energy channeled along his body, into the silver blade. The blade glowed brightly, and then the energy extended, sweeping through the air in a dome pattern.

At first, all was silent. Then, a shriek of pain sliced through the Rangers' ears.

They both turned to the source of the agonized cry, and saw Shade plummet to the ground, plainly visible and perfectly tangible. Her black clothing was smoking and sparking with the fire energy, and she rolled along the grass to urgently put out the dangerous flames.

"Looks like we hit the jackpot," Tommy observed, lowering his sword.

"And let's make sure she doesn't go anywhere," Kat said, aiming her daggers. Blue energy this time extended, bathing the sore villain in its cold power. She cried out again, although this time her vocalizations were drowned out as a thick block of ice formed around her body. Her expression...of anger and fear...was frozen on her still face.

Tommy pointed his saber at the ice block, the metal glowing once again. He stepped forward, extending his sword as high as he could, and spun around, building momentum. Then, with a deep battle cry, Tommy plunged the sword into the ice, slicing through the center like a hot knife through butter, and coming out the other end. The ice smoked with dark energy, and then shattered like glass.

The only sign of Shade was darkened dust trapped by shards of ice.

Chapter Thirty-Three

"Yes!" Kimberly shrieked excitedly, high-fiving Jason, who was standing behind her, in full view of the Viewing Globe.

"They did it," he said quietly, a wide grin on his face.

The room was then lit with bright blue and red energy, as the two Terran Rangers materialized within the CAC. In an additional, equally intense ripple of energy, the armor had vanished, leaving teenagers where the morphed warriors stood.

"How is everyone?" Tommy asked, opening his arms wide to welcome Kimberly as she rushed to embrace him.

"Tired, but functioning," she replied, giving him a peck on the lips, "but Alexis is..."

"Alexis is fine

!" the Purple Ranger practically growled impatiently, still lying on a cot. Rocky rolled his eyes, pushing the scanner from above her forehead to clear the way for her to rise.

"Well, there really isn't anything I can do for you," Rocky sighed, helping Alexis sit up, "I recommend rest. A lot of rest."

Alexis muttered unintelligibly in reply, standing up and snatching her morpher from the nearby counter top.

Katherine glanced passed the assembled Rangers, and looked towards Aisha, who was still closely monitored by both Adam and Tanya. She quietly moved to Jason's side, and clasped his hand tightly.

"How's she doing?"

"She's getting worse," Jason answered, glancing at Adam and Tanya. "They're trying to stabilize her now. But there's nothing they can do to save her. All they can do is keep her alive as long as possible, in the hopes that Zack and Billy come back with a cure in time."

"In the meantime," Rocky said, turning his attention from the irked Purple Ranger to the entire assembly, "may I suggest you all get some rest? You can use the rooms in the back of the CAC. There're twelve total, so each can take a room and just relax."

"Relaxing is kinda tough, considering the circumstances," Tommy muttered.

"Yeah, but you are all recovering from that Space Virus," Rocky reminded them. "You're all for the most part cured, but your bodies could use all the rest they can get. And standing around here will only get you guys in our way."

Tommy gazed at Rocky for a few moments more, and then nodded his head. "Okay, guys," he sighed, "let's take a breather." His eyes narrowed. "But, you're going to alert us the minute there's any change...good or bad. Right?"

"Yes, Sir!" Rocky said with a mock military salute.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Still yawning slightly, the disoriented Finster hobbled into the throne room. His eyes narrowing behind his spectacles, he gazed at Rito's head, propped on the throne. There were chunks of crystalline ice all over the area, and another huge piece, encasing Rito's body. Finster smiled in amusement as he saw Baboo and Squatt continue their torturously slow labor of hacking the ice away with picks.

"What happened here?" Finster asked, gaining the attention of the laborers.

"The Blue Ranger froze him," Squatt answered, hefting the pick for another swing.

"Yeah, and the ice is...ah...ah...ah...CHOOO

...magical," Rito's head sniffled. "We couldn't figure out how to melt it. Too bad Blaze is toast...she coulda done it."

"Blaze is toast?" Finster repeated, his eyes wide. "The Rangers defeated her?"

"And the other Dreadkin, too," Baboo chimed, "Goldar's really mad at you."

Finster shrugged indifferently. "I warned him not to underestimate the Power Rangers. There was no guarantee that the virus would incapacitate them." A powerful yawn escaped his lungs. "In fact, I'd venture to say that the virus incapacitated us instead."

Finster shook his head slightly, trying to shake off the intense exhaustion that the Space Virus caused. "Where is Goldar anyway?"

Baboo smiled. "Taking a bath."

Finster blinked. "Excuse me?"

"He's itching all over," Rito explained, "so we recommended he take a bath."

Finster sighed. "Well, I suppose I should whip up some lotion for him. Soap and water won't stop a viral infection."

"Well, it won't hurt either," Squatt commented innocently.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Hidden deep within the magical Sleeping Forest is the City of the Ancients. Once upon a time, it was bustling with life as the Cetra lived disconnected from mankind. However, the time of the Cetra had ended, and now, the city was only a hollow memorial of the powerful, knowledgeable race that no longer lived on Midgar.

The heels of their shoes tapping along the clear glass steps, Cloud, Tifa, Zack, Billy, and Barrett descended a spiral staircase, leading to a large chamber hidden underground. The ceilings were incredibly high, despite the fact that the structure was underground, and the greenish-white walls glimmered from reflected light. In the center of the chamber was a pool of clear water, with a platform suspended above it, with several pillars of stone to be used

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