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about those pretty birds,” Trel told her harshly, almost falling for the frightened child routine. “Their king’s bones are bleaching in the Scourge,” she said with great delight; especially when Zen cried out in painand went white. “The rest of them will be given as gifts to Directive dignitaries. By this time next week, they will be on their way to other sectors of this planet.” “Do you remember when I said you were free of control, lady Trel?” Zen asked the woman as she looked at her coldly. “I said I was the only one who could control you now…” “The circlet keeps you from doing so,” Trel broke in, triumphantly. “But I share the control with another now, lady Trel,” Zen told her bluntly. She saw the woman blanch. “And I will never tell you who that is. One day,” she winced as Trel punished her, “you will wake up to find that you are someone’s plaything!” Trel pressed the controland sat back to watch as Zen’s body writhed in agony. Her screams made Trel quite happy. The little princess was going to break, Trel told herself,and then she would tell her who the other controller was. She left Zen unconsciousand went to find her husband. He was in their quarters watching Zen on the monitor. He handed Trel a goblet of wine, wondering what he could ever have seen in this woman. She was even more cold-blooded than her brother;and far more ruthless. She would not stop until she had destroyed the little princess utterly. Once that would not have bothered him. “Don’t you think that was a bit extreme?” Quern asked as he joined his wife on the couch. “What happened to the gentle guidance?” “That plan died when she threatened me,” Trel replied. She sipped at her wineand sighed in pleasure. “She is just a child, Quern. I will not be manipulated by a child!” She smiled as she had a thought. “I want you to take her with you when you go after the Chen. In fact, I want you to choose a particularly nasty set of malesand give her to them.” “To what end?” “She became Nydare when she mated with a Nydare,” Trel replied simply. “Let’s see if she becomes Chen when she mates with Chen.” “You are a real bitch, Trel Quern,” her husband smiled to hide his disgust. This was what prince Leonin had told him would happen. This was the moment he had to decide who he stood with. He raised his goblet to her. “To field tests.” “The worst of the lot, Quern,” Trel reminded him. “Now, my husband. Show me how you’ve missed me.” Morning cameand Zen was taken to Trel’s quarters. She was given traveling clothingand joined the hunter, Quern, on a transport. The man was coldand distant,and she could feel his mind fighting a decision. Something to do with her, she saw. They left Belastiaand headed west towards the Scourge. Zen was allowed to ride up front with the hunterand she saw the Shrine. But he did not stop, he continued deeper into the Scourgeand set the transport ship down in the most barren piece of ground Zen had ever seen. He bound her wrists behind her backand wound the cord around her throat twice before binding the end securely to the stake he drove into the ground. He patted her on the head. “I am sorry for this, Princess,” the hunter said sadly as he stepped back. “Truly.” The hunter took out a hornand blew on it. As the sound died away, Zen heard someone approaching. She turned her head in every direction, but she did not see anything for several moments.And then, a band of four Chen appeared. These males were not the well-scrubbed, honorable Chen that Zen was familiar with from Marek’s memories. These four lived hardand rough. The hunter bowed his headand spoke to them in their own language. He nodded towards her several times during his talkand the males began to move in around her, stroking her hair, touching her wings. They chattered to each other excitedlyand came to a decision. One of them drew out a large bagand tossed it to the hunter. Zen was freed from the stakeand led off while the hunter collected his money for her. “You can’t sell me,” Zen protested as she was taken away. She pulled on the cordand nearly choked herself as she tried to get away. “Hunter, this is dishonorable!” “This is the order given,” the hunter replied sadly, “this is the order followed.” “Woman come!” the male holding the cord snarledand yanked her forward. “You belong us now!” Zen heard the engines of the transport ship firingand tried once more to break free. The male behind her slapped her across the faceand she felt the tips of his claws raking her face. He shoved her forwardand they continued on. Zen could not believe that the man had done this to her. What was the purpose of this? Had she made Trel so angry that the woman had ordered that she be destroyed? Zen could not believe that. There was a darker purpose to this act than she was aware of,and she was suddenly very frightened. The males stopped an hour laterand shoved her down next to a boulder to get some shade. They put a stake in the groundand tied the cord to it tightly. They ate travel foodand took water. Then one of them came overand forced Zen to eatand drink. He laughed when she tried to bite himand stroked her hair almost lovingly. “Pretty bird,” he said as he pushed her against the boulderand ran his tongue along her lips. “You behave. We not eat you.” They continued traveling ever deeper into the Scourge. Despite her situation, Zen was fascinated as she saw the new species they passed. She watched as the males brought down a botek calfand skinned it. They spent the rest of that day roasting the meat. They had a meal of the roasted meatand settled to sleep, piling in around Zen where she had been staked as every other night so that any attempt by her to escape would be instantly communicated to them. In the morning, they bagged the roasted meat with some herbsand tied it onto Zen’s back. After a week of this endless travel, they approached a mountain chain. They set up camp for the nightand staked Zen as usual. Then they fell asleep, unafraid. “Hello there,” a man’s voice laughed into her ear later, bringing her awake. His large hand was clamped over her mouth. “Need some help, pretty bird?” He showed her his weaponand she shook her head. She could not let him kill these creatures! He laughed at herand killed the males as they slept. Then he gathered what he would of their belongingsand turned her over to tie them to her back. He cut her loose from the stakeand tied the cord around his belt tightly. He yanked her to her feet. “You’re going to bring me a lot of cridat, Goddess,” he laughed as he released her roughly. “Come along.” Zen was yanked after himand nearly lost her balance. He caught herand slapped her across the face. Then he turnedand continued on his way. For the next several days, they headed towards the mountains. They came into a forested regionand stopped to rest by a river. He let her drinkand tossed her a piece of travel food. Zen moved away from him when he tried to touch herand he yanked her backand slapped her. His eyes were angryand he yanked her up to her knees. “You will not refuse my touch, pretty bird,” he said as he untied the packs he was making her carryand shoved her down on the ground. “Such a pretty creature,” he sighed as he clamped his thick lips over hers. Zen fought him with every last ounce of her strength,and he slapped her. She did not give up. She was not going to let this animal have her without a fight! “The slavers’ whips will take that fight out of you, pretty bird,” he laughed once he was through with her. He got upand fastened his trousers. “Pity! You’re really a delight with that spirit.” She was yanked to her feetand he put the packs on her back again, tying the cord more tightly than he needed to. Her skin was chafed from the leatherand her body was bruised from his assault. All she wanted to do was sleep, but he kept her moving through the forests for another two days, taking time to enjoy her at he chose. They came out into a clearing around a waterfalland the pool that became a stream running towards the river. A village sat nearby. Zen could tell that it was a slaver village as she felt the despairand pain in the minds of several of the inhabitants. There was mounting excitement as she was brought in. The village Elder greeted the slaver, his eyes on her. “A Nydare female,” he smiled as he approached Zen, who the slaver forced to her knees. “How ever did you net her, Orto?” “She fell to a band of Chen,” Orto told him. “I liberated her.” “So she is not truly a slave,” an old woman spoke up as she approached. The two men bowed to her, but she ignored themand approached Zen. Her wrinkled hand raised Zen’s eyes to hers. “You dare!” she snarled as she slapped Orto across the face. “Do you this to the Goddess herself?” “She was slave to the Chen,” Orto protested, as he held his hand to his cheek. “By our law, she had lost all status.” “This is the Goddess,” the old woman replied coldly; “she is above our petty laws.” She pulled a knifeand cut Zen loose, clapping her hands. Two women came forwardand bowed. “You will take the Goddess to my placeand see to her needs.” Zen was led awayand the woman turned on Orto. “You have brought disaster here, Orto. She is hunted by the powers themselves! If they arrive hereand find her a slave, we will suffer that fate or worse.” Her expression softened slightly. “Go to your women, Orto. You look in need of nourishmentand rest.” Zen entered the hut with the womenand looked around. It was simply furnished, but decorated in symbols she did not know. She memorized them as she asked the women what they meant. The women answered her questions, showing her all deference as they tended her wounds,and saw that she had refreshment. She was seated with a goblet of a tart-sweet juice in her hand when the woman, obviously prominent in this village from the way the Elderand her captor had shown her deference, joined them. The woman went to her kneesand bowed her head to Zen. “Goddess,” she said as she kept her eyes lowered. “Pray forgive the treatment that brought you to us. My son,” she continued, “is not the brightest of men.” “Your son?” “Orto,” the woman nodded, hearing the surprise in the Zen’s voice. “He will be punished if that is your will…” “I have had enough of punishment,” Zen broke in, frowning. “I would be returned to my mate,” she told the woman. “Can that be arranged?” “We live to serve,” the woman nodded. “Please get up, Nayda,” Zen sighed. “And pray do not show such deference again inside of this hut. It is insincere.” “You see my mind?” Nayda asked as she rose to her feet. “Then you must also know that we have no intention of letting you leave us.” “Why should you be any different than anyone else I’ve run across?” Zen replied. She met the woman’s eyes coldly. “And how are you going to keep me a prisoner, Nayda? The juice,” she said as she set the goblet aside, “though refreshing, is not drugged. So,” she continued, watching the woman’s mind
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