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Book online «Voices by M J Marlow (most popular novels TXT) 📖». Author M J Marlow

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smiled as I saw the Commitment would be our host
vessel. I was given quarters with the Romulan women and they
were guarded by Star Fleet security. I nearly cried with joy as Tal
was informed that he and every other man would not be allowed
beyond the door. These quarters were female only.
“It does not change your status, Princess,” Tal hissed as he
leaned in to kiss my cheek. “Enjoy your brief escape from my
I turned my back on him and the Captain followed me into
the cabin with the Romulan women following. I let them take the
veil and circlet away. I sank down on a chair and the Captain and I
spent the rest of the night discussing everything but my present
state. I finally brought it up myself after sending the women to
their places in the cabin next to mine.
“Now that we are alone, Captain,” I let the brave face drop;
“let us be honest with each other. I am caught, aren’t I?”
“I do not know much of Hazri mating custom, or the
Romulan custom of claiming hostages,” Elaine told me truthfully;
“but the fact that the Federation has stepped out of this and let him
have you speaks volumes.” She frowned. “Personally, I think that
the Federation was wrong to abandon Aden and you this way.”
“But you can not interfere,” I nodded as I went to the
windows and looked out. “All I ever wanted was to be a doctor.” I
said softly as I let my gaze be drawn off. “It angers me that my
goals mean nothing in this grand scheme.”
“I wouldn’t give up learning, Melaura,” Elaine told me.
“Don’t let them steal all your dreams away from you.” She heard
her name being called and got to her feet. “Duty calls. I’ll be in to
see you again. While you are on board this vessel, the prince will
not be allowed alone with you unless there are at least two of my
men in attendance.”
“Thank you, Captain,” I smiled at her. “You are a good
woman.” I had a thought. “Since it appears that Aden and I are
going to be spending a lot of time among the Romulans,” I said to
her; “is it possible for me to have access to everything you have on
“You’ll have the entire set of data files on them, Melaura,”
Elaine smiled; “but I suggest that you read them when you visit the
Infirmary or my quarters. It might be wise not to let the Romulans
know you are reading them for now.” She saw my guilty look. “I
would be doing exactly the same thing in your position, Melaura.”
She laid her hand on my shoulder as I accompanied her to the door.
“Don’t you give up yet, child. We haven’t.”
“Good night, Captain.”
I tried to relax, but my mind was too full of worry and fear.
I need to do something to relax; so I left the compartment with my
security in tow and we went to the holo-suites. I left the guards
outside and ran through the programs. A few moments later I was
riding across lands the reminded me of the only place I had known
as home - Jarusian. There was wind flowing through my hair; the
sun was shining on my face, and I was calm. I dismounted near a
waterfall and let my virtual horse drink as I sat on a boulder and
took off my clothing and shoes, leaving only my undergarments. I
dove into the pool and relished the feel of chill water on my skin. I
had been too long from this, I sighed. These people could keep
their starships; I wanted to go home.
“What a lovely sight.”
I had just stepped out of the water; my hair was loose
around my damp body and my feet were bare. I pulled my tunic up
over me and turned to see Aden smiling at me warmly. He came
towards me and I shifted and pushed him into the water. Then I
ran. He caught me and pushed me down on the ground, pinning me
beneath him.
“Leave me alone!” I sobbed as he ran his hand under my
tunic and clamped on my breast. “Stop this, Aden! It’s not right!”
“How is it not right, my princess?” he said as he lowered
his lips to mine. “Look in my mind and heart and see the truth!”
He saw my eyes widen and the look on my face told him I had
seen his mind. “I love you, Melaura.”
“I tried to make it stop,” Aden told me as he put his arms
around me. “But it is no use.” His hand came up to cup my cheek.
“My heart is yours, Melaura. You may keep it or discard it; but it
remains yours until the end of time.”
His lips claimed mine, and a whimper of need escaped
from my throat as I met their touch. I opened my mind to him and
shared myself emotionally with him. My memories were there for
him to share as he pushed me down on the floor. My heart was
pounding with excitement as his hands guided me along. There
were no drugs now; this joining was our own, and we were both
quite willing that it occur. My arms went up behind his head and I
pressed his lips closer, determined that I would have more.
Fireworks went off behind my eyelids and I was losing myself to
the wonder of what was happening between us. It died as he saw
the faces from my memory.
“He dared?” He got to his feet and pulled me along with
him. “You have these sketches, my lady?” I nodded and he led me
to my cabin. He ignored the guards when they told him he could
not go in and I agreed with him. We were seated on the couch
together as close as was physically possible when the Captain
arrived. “You were told to leave…” Her voice trailed off as she
saw how close we were. “I see things have changed between you.”
“That is something we will discuss later, Captain,” Aden
replied. He leaned his cheek against mine. He warned me silently
not to include the woman in our discovery and I wondered why. I
remembered my grandfather telling me to trust Aden, so I let it
slide. “You are a brilliant young woman, Melaura,” he said as he
raised my eyes to his. “Have I told you how much I adore you?”
“Want,” I smiled up at him happily; “need, love.” I paused
and shook my head. “No, my husband; you did not mention
“I apologize for the oversight,” Aden smiled and lowered
his head towards mine. When we finally came up for air, the
Captain was gone. “Now that we are alone,” his smile deepened as
he got up and pulled me into his arms; “shall we have our wedding
night as we were meant to have it?”
Much later I got up and smiled at my sleeping husband. So
this was what it was to be one with another person, I smiled
happily as he whimpered as I slid out from under his arm. There
had not been one moment from either of our lives that we had not
shared with each other as we joined physically and emotionally.
Aden was a part of me, as I was now a part of him. There would be
no parting.
“I see finally accept your union, Princess,” Tal’s pleased
voice sounded from the doorway. I pulled my robe closer and met
his dark eyes. “That is good. It will make you even easier to
control.” He nodded over at Aidan. “He will do anything I ask of
him now to keep you safe.”
“I thought you were his friend,” I whimpered as he backed
me into a corner and pressed his body against mine. “He will know
you do this,” I protested as his hand moved under the robe and
stroked my body.
“Then he will die,” Tal shrugged. “I find the thought of you
in his bed quite repellent, Princess,” he continued as his hands
continued moving. “You should have a man, not a boy, as your
husband…” He pressed closer. “Until I can end his life in a way
that will not lessen our hold on Hazri, you will be my lover,
Princess.” I shook my head and he laughed. “You have no choice,
my dear. Refuse and I end his life here and now.”
“No!” I sobbed and shoved him away. “I won’t let you do
this to us!” I collapsed to my knees and wrapped my arms around
my body. “Leave us alone!”
He vanished as I sobbed in terror. I don’t know how long I
was like that before Aden woke. He brought me back to him and I
clung to him in fear and desperation. He spent the next hour or
more calming me and making me forget the horror that had
stricken me at Tal’s words. I finally fell asleep in his arms and he
slipped into my mind and removed the memory of what had
happened to me from my mind. When he had a chance, he was
going to break his former friend’s neck for terrifying his wife as he
had. No one was ever going to hurt his wife!
Tal opened his eyes where he sat in his compartment and
smiled. He had paid a small fortune for the devices he was using to
torment me, and they were worth every credit. He could wait now
until I was awake; he had made his point. He got to his feet and,
had just hidden the devices, when the doors opened. Lieutenant
Wainwright was standing there, his eyes cold and hard. He bowed
“Captain Harrison would like to see you in her Ready
Room, Your Highness,” he said bluntly. “No,” he said before Tal
could ask. “I have no idea what it is about.”
Tal nodded and left his compartment. He arrived with his
aide and took a seat at the table. Admiral Wainwright, Counselor
Aitli, and Governor Dav were already waiting. The doors opened
and two other men walked in. One tall, black-haired and ice eyed;
the other, flame-haired and green-eyed. Tal frowned. The Emperor
and his general were here? It could not be about his attacks on me.
So this had to be about the betrothal. He steeled his gaze and met
the cold eyes around the table.
“Captain,” Emperor Leonid of the Hazri bowed his head.
“We came at your summons.” He looked around the table. “Is the
Princess indisposed?”
“Your granddaughter has been having nightmares, Your
Excellency,” Elaine told him the lie. “Your grandson is with her
now, making certain that she remains calm.”
“She is well otherwise,” General Tirzad of the Hazri asked
as he glared at Tal. “No one has been pushing her?”
“The rules appear to be followed,” Elaine replied. “We are
here to discuss another matter.” Elaine told them. “The Federation
stepped out of the matter, but we want to assure you that we will
back whatever decision you make.”
“That is quite magnanimous of an organization,” Leonid
snapped, “that nearly sacrificed my grandson and his bride to the
Romulans for the sake of their own welfare.”
“Brother,” Tirzad hissed. “We agreed…”
“I will not keep silent, Tirzad,” Leonid broke in. He turned
on Tal. “You had no right to abuse Melaura as you have. She is an
innocent child with no experience of life outside of the colony that
was her sanctuary.” He held up his hand and Tal fell silent. “I
agreed to a union between my grandson and the child; only if that
was her will.” He eyed Tal closely but saw no reaction. “The
marriage only stands if the princess herself
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