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Book online «The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII by Heather Ray (cat reading book .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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She's waiting for you."

Cloud wasn't too adept at reading people's feelings, but he did discern the hint of regret in her voice. "Um...Aeris...about you and me..."

Aeris shook her head. "You don't need to explain anything, Cloud. I'm in your head, remember? I know what you're feeling...probably better than you do."

"Still, I think I should apologize," Cloud continued, "I'm sorry things...well, they didn't work out."

"They never could have," Aeris said. Her words startled the young warrior.

"What?" he asked, perplexed.

Aeris smiled. "Cloud, this may come as a surprise to you, but you were never really in love with me."

Cloud's eyebrow rose. "Excuse me?"

"You weren't. You didn't love Aeris for who she was. You loved her for what she was...brave, innocent, selfless, and so on. But, you only knew her for a few weeks. You didn't really even know who she was. Did you?"

Cloud opened his mouth to protest, but no words came out. He realized just how little he knew about Aeris.

"I'm not saying that love is impossible for people who don't know each other on an intimate level," Aeris continued, "but the fact is, your heart had been claimed by another for years. You didn't realize it until you thought you had lost her, but you have loved Tifa Lockheart since you were children. That love didn't fade. It only grew stronger when she walked back into your life, more nurturing and loyal than ever before.

"To be frank, Tifa's patience and devotion pulled you through the trials you have suffered during your mission to stop Sephiroth. It helped you maintain focus and not give up hope when you realized how you had been abused and manipulated for so many years as a member of SOLDIER. She opened up your heart, and showed you how to love again. That ability is what you needed most in order to finally win this war. Look into your heart if you doubt my words... then you'll see the truth."

Aeris smiled again, waving her goodbye. "I'll be with you, Cloud Strife. Every time you touch the Holy Materia, you'll feel the love I feel for you, and all of creation. May your own heart be strong..."


"Cloud?" came a soothing voice, kissing his ears with its concerned tone. He then felt gentle fingers brush against his forehead.

His eyes shuttered open, looking around in utter disorientation. All his confusions melted into oblivion when his eyes locked with the warm tawny pools of color that always brought a smile to his face.

No matter where he was, when Cloud was with Tifa Lockheart...he was safe.

"You really had me worried," Tifa said, continuing to run her fingers through his unruly hair, "You've been out cold for over an hour. I...I didn't know what was wrong with you."

"I don't know either," Cloud admitted, his voice raspy. "Maybe the Omni-Slash, along with using the Holy Materia, totally spent any energy I had in my body."

"Uh...that's actually what I'm here about," Tifa said quietly, pulling her hands away from Cloud to rest them on her lap. "Why did you do it?"

Cloud blinked. "Do what?"

Tifa's eyes glanced around the room nervously. "Why did you use the Holy Materia?"

Cloud frowned. "Because you were dying," he answered, "and it was the only way to save you."

Tifa shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes. "I...I know that already. But...I thought...that maybe...there was another reason..."

Tifa bit her lower lip, stopping the river of words. She felt her face flush with embarrassment. What was she doing? She couldn't sit there and beg Cloud to declare his everlasting love to her. It was... wrong. And she was almost certain it wasn't true. Almost.

"Tifa?" Cloud asked, perceiving her discomfort.

Tifa turned to Cloud again, flashing him her most brilliant smile. "It's...nothing," she lied, rising to her feet. "Just...never mind. Um...I'll check up on you in an hour or so."

Cloud propped himself wearily on his elbows, and watched Tifa walk towards the door. "Tifa...wait..."

"I've got...things to take care of," she said, opening the door. "Uh...Yuffie's sick again."

Cloud licked his dry lips. "Please...don't go yet."

Tifa stopped, her back still turned to Cloud. The last thing she wanted to do was let him see tears in her eyes. Especially since she really couldn't bring herself to explain them.

"Is there something you need?" she asked quietly.

"Actually, there is," he said, pulling the blanket off him. Mustering all his strength, Cloud swung his legs off the edge of the bed, and planted his feet on the ground.

Tifa whirled around when she saw him trying to stand. "Where do you think you're going?" she demanded. "You're staying in bed, Cloud Strife!"

Cloud grinned. "I can't. I have something to say, and I'm going to say it to you face to face."

Tifa returned to Cloud's side, warily watching to see whether he would tip and fall from dizziness or exhaustion. Surprisingly, he maintained balance on his own two feet.

"What...did you want to say?" Tifa asked curiously.

Cloud smiled shyly, reaching out with his hand and touching her soft cheek with his fingertip. Gently, he wiped away the tears that had begun to trickle down her face.

"I should have said this a long, long time ago," he started, his eyes locking with hers, "because I've felt this way for quite a while..."

Tifa felt her heart skip a beat. Was this the moment she had dreamed about for so long? It simply couldn't be. She knew it wasn't true. Despite herself, she kept hearing his first words from when he awoke. A...Aeris...wait...

They repeated over and over, hammering her heart painfully.

She didn't want to live a lie.

"Cloud, stop," she whispered, closing her eyes. Her hand clasped his, that was gently caressing her cheek. She promptly pulled it away.

Cloud looked at Tifa for a moment, perplexed and hurt. Tifa shuddered at the expression, yet she remained adamant.

"Cloud," she said quietly, "I... I'm sorry, but, I can't do this."

"Do what?" Cloud whispered weakly, the strength in his knees draining. He was so absorbed in his own feelings, he didn't even consider the possibility that Tifa didn't love him as much as he convinced himself she did.

"Take second place in your heart," she answered, stepping away from him. The tears fell unrestrained from her eyes, despite her valiant attempt to keep them inside. "Cloud, you love Aeris. I...I never expected to change that."

To Tifa's surprise, Cloud answered her with a reassuring, lop-sided grin. "But I don't love her. At least, not the way I love you."

Tifa gazed into his sincere eyes, searching for any sign of falsehood. "But...when you woke called for Aeris."

"Aeris spoke to me in my dream," he explained, taking her hand again. He gazed at her delicate fingers, the same fingers that wrapped his wounds so many times. The same fingers that gripped his hand when the pair rose triumphantly from the Lifestream. "She helped me understand why I was able to use the Holy Materia, and how I survived being tossed into the Lifestream with you by my side. It was because of you, and because I --"

"Cloud!" came a voice, along with a loud knock on the door, "Cloud, are you awake?"

Cloud sighed deeply, dropping Tifa's hand with frustration. He fell back onto his bed tiredly. "Come in, Zack."

The young man opened the door, his eyes widening when he noticed both Cloud and Tifa in there, clearly upset at the interruption.

"I...uh..." Zack muttered, chewing on his lower lip. "Boy is this embarrassing! Um...sorry."

"It's all right," Tifa said, running her fingers through her thick chocolate mane, "What's going on?"

Zack walked further into the room, holding out the Holy Materia. "I just thought I'd give this back to you guys. At least it works for you."

"What do you mean?" Cloud asked, taking the small pearl into his hand.

"I mean, it doesn't like me very much," Zack elaborated. "Usually materia tells you what it's used for. But this piece didn't even do that. It doesn't work for me."

"I'm sorry, Zack," Tifa said, taking his hand and squeezing it gently, "but don't you give up. We'll find another way to save Aisha."

"Wait," Cloud said, his eyes narrowing as he glanced up at Zack. He rolled the Holy Materia between his fingers. "Zack, do you love Aisha?"

Zack scowled at the question. "What is with you people?! Why do you keep asking me that?!"

Tifa smiled in amusement. "That sounds like a 'yes'

to me, Cloud."

Zack muttered under his breath, but he didn't deny it.

Cloud grinned. "Then, you can use the Holy Materia. Zack, you need to really reflect on what you're trying to do, and why you're trying to do it. If it's for love, the Holy Materia may be able to help you."

That said, Cloud handed the young man the gem. "Try it. For the woman you love."

Zack gazed at the small sphere for a long moment. "Well, it's not like I had anything better to do for the time being."

Zack glanced up, grinning mischievously at the couple. "I think now's a good time for me to leave," he said, walking to the door. "Um...see you...later."

Cloud and Tifa waited until the door was closed. Then, Cloud rose to his feet, and Tifa stood just inches from him, excitement dancing in her dark eyes.

"Now, where was I?" he asked, slightly flushed due to the unexpected interruption.

A serene smile tugged at Tifa's lips. "I think you've said enough, Mr. Strife," she said, sliding her arms around his neck. Slowly, their lips inched closer together, each savoring the anticipation.

No more words were spoken.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Zack entered the conference room on the Highwind, and closed the door behind him. Taking a quick survey of the room to insure he was alone, Zack took a seat at the head of the rectangular table, and lay his hands on the surface of the polished wood. Clutching the small Holy Materia tightly, Zack closed his eyes.

For the woman I love, huh?

he reflected. What makes everyone think I'm in love with Aisha? I'm not. I...can't be! I mean, we're just friends. We've got a lot in common, and we both fight for our planet. Yeah, I'm really concerned about her condition...but that doesn't mean I love her!

"Well, maybe it does,"

echoed a gentle voice in his head. Zack's eyes sprang open, and he stared at the milky materia in shock. It was emitting a steady stream of glowing white mist, that had begun to swirl around his body.

Suddenly, Zack's eyelids grew heavy.

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