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Book online «And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (carter reed .txt) 📖». Author Justin Mader

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intrigue, where they would have no time to turn their eyes to external enemies and were they were too busy with themselves. So, a time window opens for us, just before their demise in which our specialists had to be active. Thus, just a time where a troop of specialists had to take advantage and succeed to penetrate into their capital, steal the necessary technology and thus disappear with it.

Our armament the guys from the Army arranged for us. E.g. the modern chameleon camouflage, the weapons of X-generation, rocket launchers and even the beam weapons of the Quorx, that looked like as strange Indian daggers. We were able to conquer a stock of Quorx on earth before the doom. As a psychological moment, they also advised us to take the best cutting and stabbing weapons of our time. And just those were the Japanese Katana and the Wakizashi, best in cross adjusting behind the back as it was used by the ninjas.

However, how we should remember us to everything to all of these detailed things, like Plato, Schliemann and my grandfather had taught it and all that in only a short time. But again, Smith had a dazzling idea. There were the 'bone masks' or the astrolabs, like the Atlanteans called it. They had invented a machine which could be calibrated to the brain waves of human beings and with which on the one hand they could remove brain areas (a rogue who thinks bad thereby - it seemed that Smith often had used it to prevent memories to "Close Encounters of the Third Kind") and on the other hand to reprogram or to impart artificial, additional knowledge. Smith since had accumulated an extensive experience potential in the past.

Next, we had to determine who now should join this expedition. In addition to a hybrid force of the Spetsnaz with my friend Andrej and the American Leatherneck and Navyseals, there were of course a delegation of specialists that had to enter service too. E.G. a few representatives of the Artesian. (Gohunda Sodrun volunteered with two colleagues. But they would stand out too much with their long blond hairs, so we shared them the role of priests of Isis, that possessed the big blue eyelids and a bald head. Sodrun was not very amused from this outfit, but he had to accept it that way). As Smith himself just tried to step into the spotlight in this matter, we make him the actually originally not-serious suggestion that he would disguise himself as a camel. Then we mentioned yet that the digestive tract should be surgery a little and enumerated which foods a camel has to eat and what tasks such a camel would have in a caravan. He eventually abdicated voluntarily. If he had rumbled us so or actually rejected for other reasons, however, we were not able to experience at this time.

But then we gulped because he suggested that we should participate in this expedition ... with our mighty skills. All welcomed this step and we could not draw back finally.

Now, but who should lead these troops. Andrej or the Major of the GI's? As a compromise candidate, and because of our great knowledge of Atlantis and finally our mighty skills Tamara and I were selected, although I resisted myself with tooth and nail for a long time. But what you can do against the great of this world, one is exposed to them helpless. We all were ready finally when Smith drew attention to three major problems.

"First, a technical problem. If we drop you in Atlantis, you will be very disoriented in the beginning by the trip through the 'CdC', the so called ContinuumsDisturbingCanal. The physical conditions there change rapidly, so without the usual tachyon pressure. The human mind will be changed in this manner, that it can remember only simple, clear, patch thoughts. We call this condition strangeness shock, because the absence of the tachyons creates a shock of strangeness beyond compare, that human brain cannot handle. For this reason, we have to use only robot ships for transportation, will drop you on a particular area in Atlantis and then disappear quickly. Whereby with a total loss of these ships is to be expected."

"And how we get back?", was my spontaneous question. He explained it to me.
"But this is yet almost impossible to create!" I exclaimed.

"But it is your only chance!" Perhaps he had therefore waived so willingly to the occasion.

"Second, we're not quite conclusive, WHERE Atlantis is situated. In all the writings, of both by Schliemann, as well as by Plato, Atlantis so is moved to the West, that means in the Atlantic. However, in contrast to that, according to the coordinates, that Schliemann had scored from the Neith, Atlantis is in the northern part of the Black sea. Therefore, we have decided to drop you near Egypt at the deserted Sinai Peninsula. There you can still recover some time from the strangness schock, then decide it for yourself and then quickly migrate to this place where Atlantis really is!"

"Thirdly, we have absolutely no evidence WHEN Atlantis is situated. So, according to the investigations made by the chair of wood found in the metallic bireme, so it is about 15,000 years old, checked by the C14 method."

"Yes," I continued, replicating the knowledge of my studies in archeology, "but the C14 method is extremely imprecise and always has to be calibrated with other methods. Otherwise it has a difference of more than 10% of the rating. Only by the calibration curves it can give an accuracy of 1:1.03. However, in this case the different solar radiation energy and the cosmic rays or an increased volcanism are not yet considered, that can cause a contamination of the samples. And thus, can change the ratio between the radioactive C14 and the non-radioactive C12 and C13 atoms. At most you can use parallel a different method, as for example the dendrochronology. It's an existing tree ring chronology where tree rings are used to compare found wood residues. Comparing the tree rings of found scrap wood with the tree rings of the existing annual ring chronology, an assignment can be made to the certain year where the tree was cut down. This tree rings are sequences of bright and dark structures that constitute the turn from summer to winter. If now you count back, you can determine to age BP = 'Before Present' , but which has its caesura in the 50th."

"Exactly, and when applying this method, we arrive at an age of 11,632 BP (before present), so back-calculated from now in December 2012 which gives the December of the year 9,670 BC. This agrees roughly with the data of Plato and back to Solon's, who vested Egypt about BC 590 and received there the report of Atlantis by a priest of the Isis. At that time, it was said that Atlantis was destroyed over 9,000 years ago. But there are therefore 80 years’ difference. That's one small step for history, but a one giant leap for our project. But by modern research at that time, Egypt was still nonexistent and in Egypt, there were only a dense jungle.

If we can further pass revue the doomsday scenarios of Atlantis in the Black Sea, there is only the Black Sea hypothesis of Schoppe, namely a flooding of the Black Sea basin in 5,600 before Christ. Which again gives a different value, namely 7,590 BP. The occurrence of loess, however, shows that this exposure of the sediment must have been situated at the end of the last ice age. In addition, an old beach line in about 120 meters of water is obtained. A dating of the beach line, however, points to an origin before 7,000 BC toward what we would then at about 9,000 BP. And at last the first excavations of the ancient Egyptian the 0th dynasty is situated about 3,000 BC, or about 5,000 BP. More mess will not do. No exact dating is possible!"

Apparently thereby the expedition threatens to fail.

"But we need an exact time frame, so that we can expose you also exactly in time! So ... but ... but ... it comes to my mind suddenly, Mr. Obama, what tells 'Apollo 20' to you and how old was the so called 'MONA LISA' there?"

"Uh, well, I do not know anything about that things, because Apollo 17 was the last ..."

"Do not sell us all for silly Mr. President ..."

"OK, well, it is now anyway not matter. Of course, Apollo 20 landed at 19° south and 117.5° east at the moon, visited the Alien ship and brought the inmate to us on the earth. According to the radiocarbon dating method she was 1.6 billion years old, so there is no connection to Atlantis, that are completely different periods of times."

"Moment", Gohunda Sodrun interjected, "what method you have examined to the body? Your comical C14 method? Like you know, this method is very inaccurate."

"Yes, but only to a maximum of 30%, if we include all uncertainties. But like I have said, that means quite another period of time!"

"If you would examine me now as an Artusianer with C14, you would assess me to several millions of years, but I'm still alive, yea! The reason is, that we almost did not stay long on planets and always keep us in the screening of the anti-gravity shields and take only synthetic food to us. So consequently, no radioactive carbon can be entering our bodies. Thus, the ratio between the radioactive C14 and the non-radioactive C12 does not exist and therefore this method shows nothing. In addition, the method again based on only the relatively high cosmic radiation on earth. However, Mona Lisa grown up, on another planet! Another planet, another C14 value!"

"That would be a possibility," I said, "but how we can get to the actual age of 'Mona Lisa'?"

"We've got more accurate methods! Too bad she now was destroyed on Earth by the attack of the Quorx!"

"Yes, actually, ... that is, no, we've researched the alien ship again with Apollo 21, with more oxygen and better adapted material. And we brought her back into her familiar environment. We respect finally, the eternal peace of death!"

"Well," Smith said, "I do know where we will bring our next trip!"

Time Flash!

11.632 AD Atlantis One

"Thus," he said, smiling, "Of today on I am officially appointed to the leader of the fleet of the Assembly of Iapetus by the Council of the Three Kings. I am officially being determined to the fleet commander, to the 'IFER' of the rebels. You can call me from now on 'Luitz-IFER'!"

Full of love Snofu looked in his eyes, touched his hands and was happy to have found in Konfe Luitz a man who share her new ideas and desires, like no other before. And now she was lucky that he, Konfe Luitz, even had been appointed to an admiral of the rebel fleet and now he would take care even more about such important issues of her.

'Konfe Luitz is the new rebel admiral, he is the Lucifer, the light bringer!' she thought intensively and with all the power of her senses.

She was hot and cold in the same moment, when she thought about that ... it was as if her greatest wishes would be fulfilled now.

He as a great rebel leader and she at his side as a high, ...

... actually, as what ...

... something was not right...

... something went totally wrong here, ...

As if the knowledge to sit now opposite to the IFER of the rebels would have triggered anything in her... she felt that this cold-hot feeling was unleashed of something else that was not of her, but ... she loved Konfe dearly and with all conviction, ... but how she came to such a peculiar totally unnatural emotional outburst, which were normally actually unfamiliar to her. She also realized now at once that she could not move from the spot. Indeed, the hands she could move yet, but her feet were suddenly as if frozen. The face and the mouth were moving as if by magic. She smiled to Konfe with all her loveliness, saying appreciative and happiness radiating words that obviously went down to him like oil. But something was not right here, they were not really her words, that all was imprinted, that all was controlled

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