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Book online «And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (carter reed .txt) 📖». Author Justin Mader

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flinched because in her back stood Tamara, with a drawn Katana in attacking position.

"So, you mean ... really? I'm not necessarily a man of many words, but I would already discuss detailed with you our new working contract!" The Stinger rockets were shouldered and the sighting mechanism signaled readiness and on the displays of Gohunda Sodrun the protective shields of the discs were marked as "down"!

"When I enter into negotiations, I already try to deal with this matter on an equal footing!"

"Is okay, I did not know how your habits and customs are. And if you want, we already can talk about all. And in return, we will provide you rich with gold, jewels and other goods."

"How about technology, specifically with the protective screen technology and the Warp-cannons! By this way, you had better not to activate your cannons now!"

"Well," she sighed, "basically these things would not be negotiable, but you will have to serve them for us, so what! But maybe you could take a more comfortable negotiating position for you and especially for me?"

"So be it, it all comes out to be on a par. We reap what we sow!"

She looked at me with disbelief, "What do you know of farming, I thought you live in the desert, and what’s that about reaping?"

Laughing, I lowered my katana. "That's just a saying a slogan, in where the action and the reaction typifies the same plane!"

Somewhat skeptical whether the large lump in her throat, she finally said, "So be it, I hope we can come to an agreement!"

At the negotiating table sat next to Anata Snofu and their military adviser, also Tamara, Andrej, Gohunda Sodrun and I. The offer did not see as disadvantageous for us, at least, considering what was our final destination. On the one hand, we should represent a kind of bodyguard for Queen Neith and on the other hand we should commanding the spacecraft of her kingdom in leading position. She thought of course it would be a difficult task for us, as we are accustomed only the plains of the Egyptian deserts, but at least we would be technically such a clever people, because we had invented chemical weapons. Where she was not quite sure whence we got all this knowledge. Because the production must have been extremely complicated indeed. Which reminds and became clear to me that she had no idea of ​​technical development, otherwise she would have to recognize that our weapons were no craft unique pieces, but industrially manufactured. She said she could give us fully equipped with uniforms and weapons systems of her own kingdom.

We finally tested the light, shimmering cuirasses of electrum, the shield projectors and the Anch weapons. And Snofu was extremely surprised that we disclaimed the remaining weapons except the shield systems. We would have no chance against the other kingdoms, she said. Therefore, I offered her a demonstration.

A dummy with activated electronic shield and Electrum cuirass we were able to beat loose with our XM8. The 5.56 mm with tungsten-reinforced steel jacketed bullets penetrated this super metal with no problems. We found out that the protective shield projectors where calibrated only in defense of electromagnetic radiation in default mode. Therefore, our bullets could penetrate without hindrance. In addition, the generic protective shields glow as Christmas trees in our tracking devices that we had built into our combat eyeglasses despite the activated camouflage field.

In any case, the blonde beauty had to swallow hard whether our demonstration and was very impressed by our weapons. Further the Atlantic armor had other drawbacks but that we did not rub her in.

Furthermore, we have been trained in the handling of the facial astolabs and got mental impressed some theoretical flight hours as pilots in the discs with it.

In short, we had been trained in this quasi-training camp for about three weeks, especially we were introduced with theoretical and practical exercises in the rights and duties of a bodyguard of the Queen. As we discovered in logistics training, the soldiers of the Atlantean army were neither physically nor mentally very strong in the tackle, because they relied primarily on their technical superiority and their apparent invincibility against the "savages". Good to know where their weaknesses lay.

We were informed afterwards about the next steps. The ten kings before had again convene a meeting 'to enquired if anyone had transgressed in anything and passed judgment' and therefore in Atlantis a 'conference of the ten' would be hold. In the middle of enemy territory, we should protect an of 'the tens' and possibly also quarry her out again. Well, rejoice got up. A suicide mission without comparison. But at least so we came to the center of power easily, without attracting attention. And Queen Neith would glean us with an armada of 50 battleships and we should accompany her from here to Atlantis.

When it was finally time, we almost did not suppress our disappointment, because what was coming to us now, were not powerful spaceships, but heavy armored Assyrian biremes with steel plates, ie rowing boats with sails and naval rams. When I asked Anata Snofu thereafter, she replied that during the meeting of the ten, it was forbidden to fly with spaceships in Atlantis. This would be an iron law of Poseidon. All right, I thought therefore, so we now would move as galley rowers to Atlantis. But at least so bad it was not for us. The ships were about 50 feet long and 8 feet wide and extremely spacious inside as they were not driven by rowers on oars, but by a steam engine. At least we were picked up directly by five of these biremes from the beach. Then we steamed to the south to the rest of the fleet of the queen.

The closer we got to this fleet, the stronger was this strange whispering sound, as if someone would try to suck our thoughts out of us. In any case, we felt an all-encompassing presence of a dominant power.

"This is the queen", assured us Anata Snofu, "a dominant, however, positive power. These transmissions or call it charisma, all kings emit, but not all would seem so positive."

Now it should be right and we were in the way to accustomed slowly thereto.

After the rendezvous with the 50 ships of the Royal Navy we went westward and then northward along the coast. Before we finally had a narrow passage that extended to the north. We compared the shoreline with our maps and found that we drove toward the peninsula of Gallipoli. However, the main entrance that took my grandfather in the first world war was locked and we took a narrow fairway channel in the center of the peninsula.



"Strange," Gohunda Sodrun said, "I thought spaceships, would be prohibited so near to Atlantis? But looking to my radar-station, since so about 30 Vril discs come on to us at once."

Since there it was go on! All at once alarm sirens with an up and decongestant, squeaking noise could be heard and the deck crew, took up caps from oddly curved frames, on which a kind of cannon were attached with helically twisted runs.

"Warp guns", Snofu commented. Then there 30 Vril discs without identifier were seen, quickly descending to us and immediately opening fire.



Snofu stared aghast into the sky. "I can't stand that yet. Such a sneaky strike against the life of the Queen, in the middle of no-fly zone, it has never happened before!"

Our Warp guns were firing, but they did not to hit the marks, because on the one hand they were too cumbersome to align and the other hand the effect of our weapons were intercepted by quickly built up defense shields.

"Damn..." Snofu shouted, "that's my fault, that's the new special protective shields that I have brought with the Nostremu!" Now we were defenseless by the attacks of the discs. Three, four ships in our fleet been severely damaged, even one of our own five ships had already taken stick by a heavy hit in the bow.

"Andrej, can we nothing do something against it?"

"... Hmm ... Now, the shields of the attacker are configured on the defense of electromagnetic effect rays ...!" Gohunda said.

"Go ahead, to the Stingers! Give fire!", I ordered. The rocket sought their goal, the Vril serrated away construction-conditioned, but the Stinger again sought their goal ... and penetrated freely through the special protective shield and hit the discus with full force and let it go quickly by in a flash explosion. More Stinger rose up and found their targets. When more than 25 of the 30 discs exploded, or were overthrown by lurching movements into the sea, the remaining discs withdrew to the north with high acceleration.

Our men were cock-a-hoop and as a triple "Hurray, hurray, hurray!" echoed through the sky, we heard a sudden response from the other ships, there our hurrays were repeated, although they probably not knew there what a "Hurray" meant. But they honored us up and we were the heroes of the day.

However, we had to fulfill a sad task. There were to complain some deads, and we had to bury four victims. Five ships were destroyed and had to be left behind on the coast of the canal to the Dardanelles, called the Hellespont in this time. And we all had to move closer together a little bit.

At any rate, our image was increased to a large extent by this incident.

In addition, we also knew now where the ship had come, that Schliemann and my grandfather had explored in Çanakkale Bolayir and what about that strange tube. That was our destroyed ship and one of our stinger tubes that we had to leave, because of the attack of the disks. And that also meant that the sea level of the Mediterranean was about 20 meters higher at this time. And also, that the Gallipoli peninsula was only a small offshore island at this time, pierced by the Mediterranean Sea. And the Sea received its access from the west, or in our time from the north. The following northern basin thus was the Marmara Sea, which extended toward to the Bosporus.



After a three hour turn eventually, a waterway turned from here to the west. If we had navigated properly, however, in today this was the Bosporus. But we do not enter this way, we steamed a little bit further to the north, or rather, according to today's introduction more to the east, where today there are some reservoirs in the eastern mountains. There we took a pilot on board. And what we had to note with great surprise, was that we then drove into a gigantic locks system. Over at least five sluice stages the way led more than 170 meters into depth. Because the "Black Sea" was apparently 170 meters below the Mediterranean level. Below arrived, we realized that the 'Black Sea' at this time but everything else, as a sea was. It was a gigantic freshwater lake, like today the Lake Victoria or Lake Tanganyika. And when we reached the bottom, the pilot led us, likely as a kind of tourist attraction to the south, to today’s Bosporus. But there we could experience anything else but todays hectic bustle vessel shipping, but then we saw it...



... The sight was just gigantic and incredibly beautiful. In three huge columns, the waters of the Mediterranean plunged more than 170 meters down into the Black Sea lake. It was beautiful and more gigantic than the Victoria Falls, the Niagara Falls and the Iguaçu waterfalls together. The spray rose in steaming clouds aloft and plunged the area into an unreal light. In fact, these were the famous 'Pillars of Hercules' mentioned by Plato, or as they were called here the 'Pillars of Atlas'. That this here were the real 'Pillars of Hercules' was much more logical and clearer than the theory that these columns or pillars would have been the straits at Gibraltar. Because the "pillars of

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