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Book online «The Truth by E FromHebs (best summer books TXT) 📖». Author E FromHebs

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be back at the end of the day, and we were of. The first thing I didn't know, was that Luke could drive, second, where we were going.

"So where are you taking me?" I ask

"I'll tell you, but I'll sound very childish. I'm taking you to the park"

"I love the park"

"Really?" he asked, surprise in his voice

"Yeah, really. I used to go to the park every weekend"

"Cool, this park is the best one I have ever been to"


"You'll see"

For the rest of the way, we drove in silence, until we pulled up in a car park. Ahead of me, I could see a large green field, in it, was the park. No one was there, so it would just be me and Luke, awkward.

We walked over to the park, and almost immediately I went over to the big netted swing, and Luke followed after me.

"Would you like me to push you?"

"You can, but I'm warning you, I am heavy", he laughed at the truth

"You don't look that heavy, I can't imagine how many boyfriends you've had"


"Excuse me?"

"I've never had a boyfriend"

"Wow, what don't they see in you?"


He stopped the swing and sat down next to me

"You don't need to be popular to be beautiful"

He looked into my green eyes, and then, surprisingly, pressed his lips against mine. He kissed me, and I kissed him back, as if I had known him forever. But then he pulled away, looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, and we resumed our moment of pleasure, the birds tweeting all around us.


After what felt like hours of kissing, I pulled back

"Is something wrong?" he asked, looking worried

"No, i-it's perfect" I say

"I'm glad"

"Guess what"


"I think I love you"

"Wow, I think I love you too"


We both laughed, and then he stood up.

"Do you want me to push you on the roundabout?"

"Oh my god, we are so childish" I say, following after him towards the roundabout.

 I stood on it, and I started spinning around and around, until I was so dizzy that I actually fell off. I heard Luke running over to me to see if I was alright, he held out his hands to me, and I took them. So we walked, hand in hand, back to the car, but that's when saw it.

The little girl

She was stood over by the swing set, crying. I stopped, dead in the middle of the car park

"Lena, what's wrong?"

"That girl, she's crying"

I let go of Luke's hand and ran over to the girl, she looked about 8, she was wearing a white dress and holding a rag doll

"Excuse me, are you okay?"

She looked up at me, her eyes were blood shot and blood was coming out of her mouth

"I only want you to know the truth" she said

I backed away slightly, but she followed me

"I only want you to know the truth"

I ran, she was right behind me. I slammed into Luke, who just looked at me like I was crazy

"Get in the car!" I screamed

"Lena, what is it, there's nothing-"

"Now! Go!"

he got in the car, and started up the engine, I got in after him and slammed the door, and we drove off.

"What was that about?" he asked

"Did you not see that little girl?"

"What little girl?"

"She had a white dress, and a rag doll, but then when she looked up at me, she had bloodshot eyes, and blood around her mouth, and she was saying things..."

"What things" he said in a very firm voice

"I only want you to know the truth"

His face grew dark and serious

"What is it?" 

"It's getting braver"

"What is? Luke, please tell me"

"You know we were saying that the book can disguise itself as any book ever written?"


"Well, the darkness can do the same, but with people"

"So you're telling me that that little girl was the darkness?

"In theory, yes"

"But why did you say it it getting braver?"

"Because the sunlight hurts it, but it came out in the sunlight, it's getting stronger"

"Bad, right?"


"So we have to be extra careful?"


We sat in silence for a few minutes, I almost forgot

"About know"

Suddenly, out of no where, he pulled over beside the hill that we walked up the other night

"Come with me, I have something to tell you"

We walked up the hill, again. It was kind of De-ja-vu because it was only a couple of nights ago we came up here at the exact same time. When we got to the top, we went to sit where we sat last time, and then I turned to look at Luke

"So, what were you going to say?"

"You might think I sound like some crazed person when I say this" he explained, "but ever since I saw you, ever since I met you...I...well...I suppose"

"You what?"

"I fell in love"

A tear fell down my cheek, and he wiped it away with is thumb

"I get it if you want to start slow, or if you don't want to start at all, I just thought you might want to know"

I didn't know what to say, so instead I leaned over, and kissed him on the lips, just gently, and then pulled away

"Me too" I say, "but we should still take it slow" I gave him a friendly smile, and then we walked away from the setting sun, back to the chaos.


When we got in, we didn't bother to explain where we were, or why we were holding hands, we just slipped away into Lucas' room.

"I'm so tired" I complain

"Me too"

"Give me a moment, to put my pajamas's on" I walk into the bathroom and put on my sponge bob pajama's, and when I walked back into the room, I found Luke asleep on the bed, still in his jeans and t-shirt. I curled up next to him, my head laid on his chest. I could hear the thumping of his heart, as I fell into a dreamless sleep. 


The wait

I was lying on the grass in a meadow, I could hear the birds chirping around me. I could smell sweet apples. I looked beside me, and I saw Luke.

"Luke" I said, so happy to see him there

"I only want you to know the truth" he said, in a little girls voice


I awoke with a jolt, I could feel my head moving up and down. I sat up, Luke was still asleep, but then he woke up at the sound of my sitting up.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Just a bad dream"

"You wanna tell me about it?" he put his arm around me

"It  started of so well. You and me were lying in a meadow"

"That doesn't sound too bad" he said, kissing my neck

"But then you spoke, you said what the little girls said, in the exact same voice"

He looked me in the eye

"I'm not her"

"I know" I kissed him quickly, and then went in the bathroom to change into my denim shorts and my I LOVE LIFE t-shirt, and came back out. Luke was still there, but he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I've never really seen him like this before, I've never realized how beautiful he really is.

"Ready?" he asked

"For what?"

"To face my family, to tell them that we are officially a couple"

"So scary, how bad can they be"

"Oh you'll see"

"What are we doing today?"

"I thought I'd take you into the local town, and we could do the average boyfriend and girlfriend stuff"

"And what would that be?" a smirk emerged on my face

"Going for coffee, me being dragged around all of the girly shops"

"Lucky you"

We made our way downstairs, hand in hand, to give them a hint. The first person to realise was Saphire

"Oh my gosh! What happened overnight?"

"Um-" before I could say anything, Luke spoke

"Me and Lena have become very close friends"

"Oh wow, Lena, are you pregnant!?"

"NO!" I said, smiling at her seriousness, "We're just dating!"


Whilst Saphire was getting everyone else, I whispered in Luke's ear

"I see what you mean"

"It's about to get alot worse"

Just then, Louise walked in, and she almost dropped the stack of plates she was carrying

"I don't know what went on between you last night, but it obviously doesn't concern me" she said, "now come and eat your breakfast"

"Actually, I was going to take Lena out to that really nice cafe"

"Alright then, but don't you go blowing all of your money on breakfast"

I saw the grin on Luke's face as we headed out to the car

"It wasn't as bad as I expected" I said, relived 

"It could have been alot worse"

We were driving for 15 minutes, until we finally reached a little town, I didn't get a chance to read the signpost, but this town looked friendly. 

We entered a tiny cafe (only big enough to fit about 5 people!), on the counter I saw an array of cakes, biscuits and pastries. We sat down and I picked up a menu.

Full English


Eggs Benedict

Fried egg on toast

fried egg, hash browns and toast

any cake

There was so much to choose from, I didn't want Luke paying for all of this

"Have you decided what meal you would like today?" asked the waitor

"Um, can I please have a slice of that Victoria sponge" I asked, pointing to the massive cake

"And can I have the Full English, please?"


The waiter walked away, and Luke grinned at me

"So healthy, cake for breakfast"

"What can I say, a girl needs to eat"

"Yes she does"

The waiter came over and bought us our food. My cake tasted so good I contemplated asking for another one, but this was one of the rules of a date, never look too greedy.

"You know  you can have another slice" said Luke

"Mind Reader" I say, laughing, "I should really pay you back"


"Why not?"

"Because you still have shopping to do"

"Oh my god, you are so not taking me shopping"

"I so am"

"Oh god"

Suddenly I heard a phone ring, it was Luke's. He dug his mobile out of his pocket and answered. I faintly heard the voice on the other end

"Get out of there. NOW!"


"Come on, we have

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