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Book online «The Truth by E FromHebs (best summer books TXT) 📖». Author E FromHebs

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to go, now"

Before we managed to get to the door, the waiter came up behind us

"I only want you to know the truth" he said

Luke grabbed my hand and pulled he out of the cafe. We ran all the way back to the car, and started driving away.

"So much for our date" I say, a little disappointed

"I know, we can always do something else"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Hang on, let me call Saphire again"

"No, you're driving, let me do it"

"Okay" he handed me a small black phone. I flipped the lid up and found the contact that said Saphire, and pressed the call button


"Saphire, it's Lena"

"Oh hi Lena"

"Do you have any news?"

"Yes actually"


"You'll have to wait and see"

She pressed the hang up button

"What did she say?" asked Luke

"Not much, she said we'll have to wait"

"Alot of detail there" he said, sarcastically 

"I know"

We drove the rest of the way in silence, until we reached the house

"Are you ready for this? Because whatever they found out can't be good"

"Yeah, I'm ready"

We headed out of the car, and into the house, where everyone was stood there, looking at us like we'd just blown up a planet

"We have some bad news"



I started to wonder if I had done something wrong, because they just stared at me, no one explained, but they all stared.

"Lena" said Louise, finally, someone who spoke, "we need to talk"

"Why, have I done something wrong?" I asked, now a little bit scared

"No, but your parents did"

"What are you talking about, my parents are dead" now I was getting frustrated

"Come and sit down" Aril led me and the others into a huge living room, there were so nany sofas and a big fireplace built in on the wall, we all sat down.

"Now, this may come very shocking to you" explained Saphire, "but we think that maybe your parents are still alive"

"What!? That's crazy! My parents died in a car crash when I was twelve!"

"Well, yes, but your parents weren't the ones that died, another couple was"

"That's insane, I saw their bodies, I went to their funeral!!"

"No, you went to Mr and Mrs Tresgrande's funeral"

Tears were streaming down my face, I couldn't bare to hear this anymore. I ran out of the room, up the grand staircase, through the massive corridor, until I reached the only place I wanted to be right now, Luke's room. I slammed the door and then threw myself on the bed, crying until all of my tears had run out. Suddenly, I heard a sound, and the door opened, standing in the doorway was Luke, I turned away from him, but he made me face him.

"I know what they're saying may sound unbelievable, but you have to believe them"

"How can I believe them when I saw my parents' bodies!?" I sobbed

He pulled me into a hug, and we lay there, my crying on his shoulder, I could never stop crying.


I could hear the others downstairs arguing, and could faintly make out their words

"She should already know"

"Why didn't Emily tell her?"

"Keep quiet"

"She's only upstairs, she'll hear us"

I heard footsteps thumping up the stairs, and then the door creaked open. Saphire stood next to me, a worried look on her face.

"Come with me" she said

I carefully stood up, being extra careful not to wake Luke. Saphire led me down a completely different corridor. The walls were painted white, the floor was white. Everything was white.

"What's this?" I ask, eager

"Just a corridor" she said in a flat tone

"Well then why is it all painted white?"

Saphire stopped dead in the middle of the corridor, and turned on her heel to face me.

"This corridor is the exact same one that you walked down yesterday, and the day before, and the day before. Let's just say that the house has a mind of it's own, and it likes to redecorate on a fairly regular basis"

"Like the book?"

She took a deep breath, "Yes"

We kept walking until we got to a brown door, the only thing that wasn't white! Saphire took out a bundle of keys from her pocket, found the right one, and unlocked it.

What I saw in front of me was unlike anything I had ever seen before. I was standing in a gigantic library, I looked around me, there were books as far as the eye could see!

"This library is the largest in the world" Saphire said


"Well, for one, this library is never ending, literally. You have to be careful that you don't get lost, which is why we have this" she walked me over to some electronic device.

"In this, you can type in any book in the world, it will find it, and drop it in there" she pointed to a black basket.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask

"Because there's a book that I want you to read" she typed in a book, seconds later, it dropped into the black basket, I picked it up.

"Go back to Luke's room, read it there"

I did as she said. I opened the front cover, and nearly screamed




That's not possible, my parents died in 2002. What if...


What if my parents are still alive? What if they are out there somewhere, trying to find me? Are they thinking about me? Where are they? I had a million questions flooding through my head, I had to ask someone, had to tell someone. I didn't want to wake Luke up, I guess I'll just have to wait until morning. I went to go and lie back down, but then Luke sat up in his bed.

"Lena? What are you doing up?" he said, drowsily 

"I, I got some really great news!!!!!" I yelled


"Saphire gave me this book, and in the front cover it says" I handed him the book, and he smiled as he read it

"That's incredible, you're parents may really be alive!"

"I know!"

I glanced at the digital clock by Luke's bed, it said 8:02, wow, I didn't know it was that late. When Saphire came in my room, I swear it was three in the morning!

I heard a clatter in the kitchen, and decided to go down. Louise was running around frantically with a wooden spoon and a bowl in her hands

"Louise, would you like some help?" I ask politely 

"No I'm okay dear. Oh, I want you to know that you won't be the only guest around the house by this afternoon"


"One of our relatives, her name is Tarragon, bless her, she's as sweet as pie"

"Okay. You know, I don't mind if I go back"

"No no no, it's not safe"

"Well, okay then"

"Did Saphire tell you?" she asked, "about your parents?"

"Yeah, but how will we find them?"

"I have the answer to that"

She walked away, I followed her. We went into the living room, and she pulled out a really big map, the map had loads of pin points on it, and it was in the shape of a spiral.

"These are all of the locations of the book. Now, we believe that your parents are in the center of the spiral"

"And where is that?"

"Well, let's put it this way. We're going to Mexico"

Slipping through my fingers

Mexico? Is that where my parents are? I suddenly felt a rush of joy sweep over me. I sprinted up the stairs and back into Luke's room.


"I know!"

I ran over and flung myself into his arms. Maybe I am dreaming after all, but if this was a dream, that meant that my parents weren't alive, that I hadn't fallen in love with Luke, that I hadn't seen that little girl. What? Life was more confusing than it seemed, how was I to know the difference between real life and a dream? I pinched myself, mope, I was still standing by the bed. Maybe this is real life, well, I'll just have to get over it.

"Lena, are you okay?" asks Luke. I could barely see his face, no light came through the window.

"Somethings wrong" I say

"What?" his voice suddenly alert

"Look at the window" he looked, and his face grew firm. The window was open, it was 9:00 am, yet no light came through. He jumped out of bed in a rush, and hurried downstairs, I followed after him.

We went into the kitchen, where Jacob, Avril, Saphire and Louise were sat, smiling and laughing at each other. As they saw our serious faces, and their smiles faded.

"What is it?" asked Louise, sounding frightened

"Look outside" I said

She looked out of the window, in fact, they all did

"It's getting stronger" said Jacob

"Please don't go outside today" pleaded Louise

"But we were going to go to Mexico!" I shouted

"Well we can't, it's too dangerous"

"But what if my parents are there" I whimpered

I heard Avril whisper something into Louise's ear

"We'll go next week" she said, "I'll go book the tickets now"

She walked of, and out of sight, leaving the rest of us alone.

"So" I say awkwardly

"Who wants to hear a story!?" asked Avril enthusiastically, breaking the awkwardness

"Okay then"

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl, A.K.A me..."

Avril gave us a long and droning story about something Jacob had done to her when they were five, but me and Luke just sat there, I think we were thinking the same thing. How do we get out of here without being noticed?

"I need to go to the toilet" I say, as excuses go, it's not bad.

"Me too" said Luke. We both walked out of the room, and into Luke's bedroom.

"Nice one" he complemented

"Anything to get out of there" I laugh

"Yeah, I suppose"

He came to sit next to me on the bed. He put his hand on my cheek, and then kissed me, his lips were intense on mine, I smiled and then pulled away

"Happy?" I ask

"More than happy"

I laughed and went over to his desk where I had left the book that Saphire gave to me. I handed it

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